Treasurer Talk: Summer 2015

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| SUMMER 2015

treasurer talk with your District Treasurer


••••• KIWIN’S

< Messages (40)

11:11 PM




Hello CNH KIWIN’S Treasurers! This is your District Treasurer here, and I am so excited to bring you the first ever issue of Treasurer Talk, the seasonal KIWIN’S treasurer newsletter!! In here you will find updates from the District, recent fundraising totals, and featured Treasurer Report Articles from successful & innovative fundraisers from across the district. Keep up to date with the District & your duties and get ideas for your upcoming fundraisers. Until next time, keep up the good work moneymakers!

Treasurer text

table of contents Updates

from District Board & Kathy...............................................

How to Donate

to Project Eliminate & Pediatric Trauma Program..........

What to look out for



Treasurer’s Committee, Manuals, Due Dates..................


Featured TRA’s

Oakland, Fountain Valley, Otay Ranch, Hercules, Marina, Edison, PV Peninsula, Glen A. Wilson.............................




Amendment 1 passes at ICON Amendment 1: PASSED A Key Club may be established in a high school or community based organization that does not have a chartered Key Club upon petitioning Key Club International.

Amendment 2: DEFEATED On club operations: recognized officers of Key Clubs include the president, vice-­president(s), secretary, treasurer, editor, webmaster, tech chair, and one director from each class. Officers will be elected in February and serve from February to May of the following year.

Amendment 3: PASSED On Districts: officers of each district include the Governor, 1 LtG for each division, Secretary, Treasurer, (or Secretary-­Treasurer), bulletin editor, webmaster, technology chair, and appointed positions. District officers will be active members in good standing and are elected at DCON, and associated board will be appointed or elected. Official duties begin immediately following induction and officers will serve for one year until their successors are duly elected.

Kiwanis policy on Fundraisers open to the Public It is Kiwanis policy that all proceeds from fundraisers open to the General Public (meaning any that include anyone outside your immediate KIWIN’S club) have to go to charity (a preferred charity, the Governor’s project, or a major/minor emphasis), or towards subsidizing events like District Convention or Fall Rally. They are not to be used for personal club needs that have no direct impact on our District Projects. However, money fundraised directly from your club’s members can be used at your discretion.



FROM THE DISTRICT TREASURER Fundraising Manual released The 2015-­2016 Official Fundraising Manual for CNH KIWIN’S has been released. It contains important information to consider when planning a fundraiser, specific materials and tips for numerous types of fundraisers, ways to work with your school, solicitation letter examples, and all the required forms you need when hosting any fundraiser. Please refer to it throughout the year and share it with your board.



Fundraising totals (as of June 2015) Project Eliminate: $5,911.67 / $20,000 goal Pediatric Trauma Program: $190.52 / $14,000 goal Live2Learn: $206.50 ( keep in mind Live2Learn is not an actual charity, so the money you raise for it should be used towards something like buying new books or writing materials for a school or library)

Clubs did a great job raising money for Project Eliminate during Eliminate Week in May! Keep up the good work throughout the year so we can meet our $20,000 goal. In addition, start thinking of fundraisers to raise money for PTP for pieing District Board Members & collecting pennies for Penny Wars at Fall Rally. All clubs should be setting a minimum goal of raising $100 or more for PTP by Fall Rally.

Communication I had a great time attending Diamond, Goldstone, and Jet Officer Training Conferences these past few months. My OTC presentation will be up on the KIWIN’S website for all treasurers to look back at and


refer to throughout the year. I’ve also thoroughy enjoyed my Divisional Treasurer Conference Calls with everyone. Please make sure to reply to me when I am setting up times & notify me beforehand if you cannot attend & ask your president to replace you in the call.



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Deposit money into your club

bank account, school bookkeeper, or Kiwanis bank account


Write a check! Payable to: Cal-­Nev-­Ha KIWIN’S

Memo: ___ Division, ____ High School | Club #

3 Put the check in an envelope. Seal the envelope and mail it with the correct postage. TO: ATTN: Bruce Hennings, KIWIN’S PTP Donation FROM: _____ High School|Club # Cali-­Nev-­Ha District Office _____ Division 8360 Red Oak Street #201 1234 Street Name Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 City, CA Zip Code

7 15

meet your 2015-­2016

TREASURER’S COMMITTEE Iris Shim Camarillo President

Kathy Bui District Treasurer

Justin Lieb Turquoise Divisional Treasurer

Charissa Nguyen District Convention Chair


Ashley Kim Glen A. Wilson Treasurer

The 2015-­2016 Official Dues Manual will be released in early August. It contains step by step information on how to collect and process dues as well as all important dates


and information regarding dues payments. Be sure to also look out for the Dues Webinar in September

The 2015-­2016 Official Club Rush Literature will be released mid-­August. Be sure to start planning with your board over the summer how you will be conducting your successful club rush. In here you will find tips and tricks on how to stand out from other clubs and really attract members to your table and meetings.

Treasurers remember your August TRA’s are due to your LtG’s on August 28. Divisional treasurer conference calls will be September


Mango Vanilla Cheescakes

Oakland KIWIN'S | Jade Division

On June 20, 2015, Oakland KIWIN'S sold Mango Vanilla Cheescakes in mason jars. This took place at the Jade Division June Divisional Council Meeting and Officer Training Conference. All the hardwork we faced the previous day to prep and create these wonderful delights, paid off when we sold all 12 cheesecakes! We also received wonderful feedback about the cheesecakes. Hopefully in the future, we'll be able to grant the people's wishes of wanting more by doing this fundraiser again. This fundraiser helped us realize that we need to have a better way of communicating with one another. We were supposed to have 24 cheesecakes, but something happen to the second group with the ingredients. Instead of canceling, we made it work by just making 12 cheesecakes.

May 27, 2015

J UNE 2 0 15 TRA


Eliminating MNT at ORHS

Write your story here

Top: Elizabeth M., Megan M. and Lauren D. holding a collection box for ELIMINATE Bottom: ORHS KIWINS participating in the eLEMONate challenge.

On the last week of May, Emerald held our Eliminate raise money and awareness towards eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. Each member was able to decorate their collection boxes to carry around campus. On the first day we were able to successfully raise $110.80. We were later challenged by our Divisional advisor Mr. Umbarger and Mrs Umbarger to raise $100 every day as a division. If we met their challenge they would donate $100 on the last day. ORHS’s grand total was a $349.73!! And the divisional total was $491.83. Adding up to $591.83. Although the event was held after the designated eliminate week, we were still able to have a rewarding ELIMINATE Week. Despite us being one of the smaller divisions and clubs, the week has given us great recognition from the district. This project also help our club gain attention from the student body because we usually don’t get to interact with students other than our members. We did face a few obstacles like publicizing the event but we did overcome this by asking teachers if we could take a few minutes to present to our classes and ask for donations. From this experience we learned that communication especially with our members and the student body is key because they are our main contributors. All in all this week proved to us what we are able to do in such a short amount of time and makes us look forward for what the rest of the year has to offer.



June 28, 2015

By: Sidney Siu

Operation Eliminate! Monday: Raise Awareness!

Tuesday: Donate to Eliminate!

Wednesday: Pledge to Help!

Thursday: Why do you want to eliminate?

Friday: Take a pic!

Total $$ Raised: $101.59

From May 4th-8th, Hercules High’s KIWINS spent their week fundraising and raising awareness for MNT (Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus). Each school from our division had a goal of raising at least $100 for Eliminate. How did we do? On the first day, we committed that day to just spread awareness/support the amazing cause by wearing our Eliminate t-shirts and wearing blue. We also devoted this day to telling our friends and family what MNT is, what we are doing to contribute our help to eliminate, and what our friends and family could do to also help eliminate! We were BLUETIFUL! On Day 2, we were able to fundraise for the cause during our general meeting! We asked people to donate $2 to Eliminate in exchange for a cup of Chow Mein. We wanted our members to know what their money was contributing to rather than just asking them to buy some Chow Mein. It was also a good marketing strategy that we using later in the week to get people to donate to eliminate MNT. After a great success with our Chow Mein fundraiser, we were hopeful about our second fundraiser of the week. It happened to be our club fair on Day 3, which was a perfect opportunity for us to raise awareness for MNT and earn money to donate to the cause. Our board members decided to sell macarons and homemade fruit punch! Our Hercules High Students could buy one macaron for $1.50 or 4 macarons for $5. A cup of fruit punch was $1.50. Thankfully, we sold all 60 macarons!!! There was also random, spare change donated to our Eliminate box, but we’ll take what we can get! Even the spare change made a big difference in our net total.

After all of our hard work planning and fundraising, we spent Day 4 asking our members and even nonmembers if they would like to sign our Eliminate poster and describe why they want to eliminate MNT. It was pretty successful. Although this day was not a fundraiser of any kind, we wanted to give our fellow classmates some custom made Eliminate stickers, made by our very own president, Kirsten Kho! This was a creative idea that helped spread


Project Cat Food

This past month, Marina KIWIN'S decided to hold a fundraiser, which we dubbed as Project Cat Food, for Eliminate Week.We teamed up with Marina Key Club to raise awareness and involve the entire school rather than just KIWIN's and Key Club members. For this event, KIWIN'S and Key Club worked together making posters and advertising it to everyone they knew in the school. All board members agreed to eat cat food if we reaached a certain amount of money as an incentive for our peers to donate to the cause. We also got fourteen of our teachers to participate with us! Each teacher was listed with a price and if we reached that amount of money then we would see that teacher and all the people under him/her eat cat food. The most expensive teacher was worth $1000. To collect these donations, we set up mason jars with flyers in every English classroom in our school. Students could donate money in these jars at anytime during Eliminate Week or to board members who walked around the entire week with their own jars. Throughout the week, KIWIN'S and Key Club set up posters throughout the school and we gave out blue ribbons throughout the school for students to use as bows or bracelets to raise awareness of the fundraiser and we had a frame for people to post "I pledge to...". We did raise over our goal of $1000. So at lunch the next week, the entire student body got to watch all of us eat cat food. Even though this fundraiser was a success, we did have some problems. We ran into some communication problems throughout the board members and failed to create an efficient system for collecting money in all the jars including the ones that some board members hhad as well. From this, I learned to think everything through no matter how small it may seem at the moment. This fundraiser also help bring our club together and help out in every way possible, and it also helped show our member that their board is willing to do anything for a cause. The past few months have been hard, yes, but I have learned how to communicate better with my board members to avoid issues and also not to procrastinate and rush things because it will just put stress on everyone involved.

Frostbites Fundraiser By:Lilian Wang Edison KIWIN'S May 2015 This past month, Edison KIWIN'S had a flyer fundraiser to raise money for Project Eliminate, an organization to help with maternal neonatal tetanus. This fundraiser was part of Edison's Eliminate Week. We had flyers all around school and on our facebook page for Frostbites. The fundraiser was for people to have a reason to go out for a frozen dessert with friends. This was also a reason to have the board and our members to have a time to bond together for a good cause. We were able to get a ton of people to show up, even more then we had originally expected. We had learned about ways to bond together and how to spread the word to get even more people to go to the fundraisers. This fundraiser has help me get excited and planning away for the future fundraisers.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


June 2015

BY NATHAN PEREIRA PV PENINSULA KIWIN’S PV Peninsula Empties Their Piggy Banks for the Pediatric Trauma Program The PVPHS KIWIN’s board decided to clear up their piggy banks and couches to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program. We wanted to start off our first board meeting of the year on a positive note and make use of the change sitting in our rooms! It was fun counting all the coins and bills, which gave us quite a challenge keeping count in our heads. Although we’re considered a small club among our division (Go Diamond!) we still contribute as much as we can to opportunities like this.

Counting 4 quarter s to make Counting $1.00 – E 10 0 p e n n AS Y ies to ma k e $1.00 - H AAR D

“Knowing that this money is going toward the [Pediatric Trauma Program] makes me proud of my club and confident in the KIWIN’s mission statement.”

-Aimy Lee (PVPHS KIWIN’S Co-President)

ARTICLE This fundraiser focused on ELIMINATE. Our school Key Club and KIWIN’S collaborated in the ELIMINATE WEEK. Every day of the week we did something special of some sort. Like on Monday we would wear blue, on Tuesday we would have a table out having members go around school during lunch asking people for donations and bribe them with cookies if they donated, and in the joint meeting we made cards for our mothers. This fundraiser was so much fun! All the members participated in work day and made many cool posters and got along very well. We brought that spirit to the actual ELIMINATE WEEK and was very enthusiastic and positive about asking people for donations. We made sure all the members participating knew what ELIMINATE was all about, so from their we as a club took another step to what service in KIWIN’S is for. also sold spam musubi and we made a 50$ profit out of that. Through this fundraiser I learned its better to not collaborate since their were few money confusions. It was hard to control the fundraisers since key club’s treasurer was so hard to be contacted and everything had to be done with the president or the VP. Key Club supposedly took KIWIN’S money so their were some conflict in that to. How we over came this is that we just let it slide. It was very angering but our president said we actually saved more babies and we can keep it at that satisfaction. So next time KIWIN’S will host their own ELIMINATE WEEK. I learned from this fundraiser to be patient and be the bigger person. Anger and being upfront all the time isn't always the number one choice. This is service and not a competition on who raises the most money. I once again realized our club will be hard workers for service

by Ashley Kim Glen A. Wilson

Thank you for reading the first issue of “Treasurer Talk” For further information please contact District Treasurer


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