1 minute read
Our Local Legend Lorraine
from The Everton Echo
by Echo News
A lovely lady by the name of Lorraine Duckwitz chapped on the door of Echo News HQ a few months back with a Certificate of Appreciation for some advertising we had carried out for the annual Cent Auction to raise funds for the Queensland Medical Research Institute.
We were really humbled, but from this gesture we thought, this lady should be the one receiving an award for all the hard work in the community that she does. So, we were delighted to hear that this local legend was recently awarded the ‘Senior Volunteers Award’ by the Order of Australia Association, Queensland Branch in recognition to her community service. This presentation was one of three awarded to Senior Volunteers.
This inspiring lady’s unstinting passion to raise funds for various community causes can be traced back to her support for her children attending Geebung State School. I am sure many readers can relate to the truly mammoth efforts required for building and manning of school tuck shops and annual school fetes in order to raise funds for swimming pools and classroom equipment, etc.
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The Hills Echo, April 2023 - Page 17
Lorraine tells us these were rewarding days of achievement but also very hard work! Lorraine, like you, followed her children as they moved onto high school and outside sporting activities. Her attention was then diverted to other causes as time passed and she became involved in supporting medical research in the field of asthma and eventually cancer.
The Queensland Medical Research Institute has benefitted immensely from her efforts as she led regular “Pop-up Stalls” in shopping centres and “Cent Auctions” which she conducted several times a year. The support she has received from all levels of the community from centre and club management, businesses helping with the supply of excess goods and YOU, the elderly citizens who find they cannot actively participate, but lend support by donations of cherished craftwork, has been outstanding.
Lorraine‘s Senior Volunteers‘ Award, although awarded to her, recognises the Volunteering Spirit of many who have served our country in this way. Through her enthusiasm and dedication, she has provided a means for so many of us to contribute in our own small way. The reward for us all is the continued successes QMRI makes in Medical Miracles.
The Ridley Road Community Men‘s Shed has supported Lorraine in her fund raising efforts and congratulates her on this prestigious award. Support for Lorraine‘s Fund Raising can be made by an email to lorraineduckwitz@gmail.com Well done, Lorraine!
Everton Echo