Local lad Stuart Gorton could soon be bowling his way to gold at the Special Olympics World Games in Germany this coming June after being selected to play for the Australia Bocce team. However, Stuart is no stranger to representing his country at this elite level. Over the past 15 years, this talented youngster has gained recognition and admiration within the Bocce community with prestigious titles already under his belt. These include representing Queensland at National Games four times, and representing Australia twice, once at the Asia Pacific Games in 2013 and again in Los Angeles at the Special Olympics World Games in 2015. Each time he has brought home gold medals. When not representing his country and state, Stuart loves to pop down to the Gaythorne Bowls Club for a game of lawn bowls. He tells us this is a great way to get in some extra training for bocce and says the support he has received from this local bowls club has been phenomenal. He would like to thank the Gaythorne Bowls Club for their generosity and assistance.
Interested in mountain biking but don’t know where to start?
The past few years has seen a huge uptake in the sport, however there has been a notable lack of beginner options. This year, the North Brisbane Mountain Bike Club are delighted to present introductory Mountain Bike rides once or twice a month. These introductory rides allow a beginner to experience the sport at an entry level in the company of like-minded riders as well as experienced riders, providing a stepping stone towards the club’s social rides.
The rides are hosted in Bunyaville and Samford Conservation Parks and are 90 minutes in duration. Whilst not a ‘coached’ ride, it is supported by experienced club members who are happy to share tips and tricks and basic skills. Head over to the club's Facebook page for more information.
• 1 large beetroot, leaves and roots removed
• 400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
• ½ teaspoon cumin powder
• 1 lemon, juiced
• 1 tablespoon tahini
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 2 cloves garlic
• ½ teaspoon vegetable stock powder
• Sweet paprika, to serve
• Vegetable sticks, to serve
MICROWAVE beetroot on high in a bowl with lid for 10-12 minutes. Slip skin off cooked beetroot. ADD beetroot, chickpeas, cumin, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil, garlic and stock powder to food processor and blend until smooth.
SERVE with a sprinkle of sweet paprika and a variety of vegetable sticks. ALTERNATIVE METHOD: 225g canned beetroot, drained of juice works just as well.
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Rates above are on a per month basis and include GST Casual Rate = One Off Advert, Regular Rate = 6months
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Advertising Rates Contact us at admin@echo-news.com.au visit www.echo-news.com.au/advertising
Copyright: The Everton Echo is produced by Echo Media Group Pty Ltd (The Publisher). All rights are reserved and the contents are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission from The Publisher. All care is taken by The Publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Publisher.
COVID-19: At the time of going to press (21st February 2023), information contained within this issue is correct. As the situation with the COVID health crisis is ever changing, we urge you to contact organisers of any events listed within our publication if you are doubtful about times and dates. For more information, visit www.echo-news.com.au or email admin@echo-news.com.au
This Easter weekend, you will find the lush rolling hills of Dayboro alive with color in more ways than one as the Annual Gemboree opens at the Dayboro Showgrounds.
Gem and mineral dealers from across the Southeast will be on hand at the Gemboree displaying and selling their products against the beautiful backdrop of the Dayboro Hills. In keeping with the family friendly theme, there will be a variety of interactive activities on offer for the whole family to enjoy, including a Thunder Egg Hunt, competitions, and a Sieving for Gemstones activity that will be sure to entertain the kids. This much-anticipated Gemboree will also feature numerous stalls that will include a variety of fine finished jewelry, rough and cut gems, lapidary equipment, minerals, fossils and collectibles, plus so much more.
If you are interested in this fascinating hobby, don’t miss this opportunity to learn more through the working gem displays. Here you can see first hand how gems, fossils and minerals are cut, polished and finished.
Queensland boasts some of the best and largest fossicking fields in the world, including Agate ,Topaz, Quartz, lots of Mineral, and the largest Opal, Petrified Wood and Sapphire fields. Details on where to go to find these goodies—including where the registered fossicking fields are, along with the regulations on how to enjoy them—will also be available at the Gemboree. Rockhounds will have information tables on offer and local clubs will be there ready to answer any questions.
The Details
Location: The Dayboro Showgrounds, 3512 Mount Mee Rd, Dayboro
Date: 7th April - 10th April
Parking: There will be plenty of parking on offer. For further information regarding camping, directions, or any other enquiries, Lloyd Hosking on 0429 040 600
Take your kids on a tour of the Solar System at the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium, 152 Mt Coot-tha Road, Mt Coot-tha. This show will be sure to entertain (and educate!) the kids as they are taken on a tour of the Solar Sysystem through the eyes of a family of aliens on vacation from another star system. The show is approximately 30 minutes, inclusive of night sky tour and suitable for children ages 3+. Tickets are $10. For more information and to book visit www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/whats-on-and-events/event/ perfect-little-planet
Do you often find yourself frustrated at having to throw a prized possession away that would have lived such a longer life if only you could afford that repair? Have you ever stumbled upon a kerbside collection item and realised it could still be of perfect use to someone else? Does the prospect of landfill overflowing at the hands of lazily discarded recyclables bother you? If so, Repair Café Stafford is the place for you!
In a nutshell, a Repair Café is a meeting place where people with broken household goods can seek out the support and solutions they need. The initiative is aimed at reducing landfill through repairing rather than replacing, as well as easing some stress on our wallets.
Recently, the first ever Repair Café Stafford opened its doors at The Community Place, 33 Teevan Street, Stafford. There were smiles—and nerves—all round as the event-organiser, Rebecca, swung open the doors to an influx of keen locals. Waiting patiently at their stations, groups of skilled fixers sat at the ready for any queries or broken goods sent their way. This time, there was a Peter ready for general DIY repairs, a Geri, Tahnee and Barbara waited with sewing machines at the ready for textile repairs, Peter S and John talked shop while waiting for IT software and hardware repairs, and Jon and Roy braved the heat under the gazebos at the bike repair station outside.
All fixers were volunteers who were willing to pass on their expertise and knowledge to others, as well as helping people find the joy in repairing. As Rebecca explained, ‘each station is surrounded by chairs so that those who come in to get something repaired can sit down, learn, and chat with their fixer. We know we can’t fix everything, but we can talk about what is wrong, what part is needed or why it can’t be fixed, and that conversation creates shared experiences, and connection as well as a new appreciation for the art of repair and recycling.’ The repairs at the Café are free and the volunteers give up their time to help the community. Where people show their appreciation by giving a donation, the money is used to cover operational costs.
Repair Cafe Stafford operates a quarterly, local Repair Cafe to promote repair as an alternative to tossing things out. Local residents can bring their broken items to fix them on the spot with the help of volunteer repairers.
There is no charge for repairs but a donation to cover operating costs is encouraged. However, you must be able to carry the item in and carry it out again whether we are able to fix it or not.
Times: 9:30am to 12:30am
Location: The Community Place, 33 Teevan Street, Stafford
For more information call 3857 1152
or visit www.thecommunityplace.com.au/repair-cafe-stafford
Repair Café Stafford will be taking place quarterly, with the next one booked in for May 20 from 9.30am until 12.30pm. This time the repairs included bikes, toys, hats, clocks, lamps, wooden chairs, clothing, folding chairs, laptops and keyboards and more. The items that will be able to be repaired in May will depend on the volunteer fixers, but information will be made available before the next event. To find out as early as possible you can follow the Repair Café Stafford Facebook page or head to The Community Place website.
Repair Café’s are only ever as good as their volunteers— experts and supporters alike. So, if you are skilled at tinkering or would like to get more engaged with your community, be sure to reach out! For email enquiries contact enquiries@ thecommunityplace.com.au
An update from the Newmarket Bocce Club by Mario De Marco, Secretary
A big hello to all Echo readers. Many clubs by now would have had their AGM. It’s the most important event in a clubs calendar. Amongst other matters, the members decide who will govern the club for the next year. Our club had its AGM on the 5th February and was attended by a record 58 members. The club provided lunch and drinks. The meeting was chaired by the clubs President Tony D and taking the minutes were Mario and Leo. All went well. There are no losers in Bocce, we are all winners. Want to know more about Bocce? Call Mario on 0403 257 325 or Tony D on 0418 731 423
Woolworths and Landcare Australia are on the lookout for primary schools and early learning centres across north Brisbane with ideas to help connect young generations with nature and inspire them to play an active role in ensuring the safe future of their environment.
The latest round of the Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants program is now open, offering primary schools and early learning centres the chance to share in $1 million to support the development of hands-on environmental learning projects. Grants of up to $1,000 are on offer for projects focused on sustainable food production, improving waste management practices, enhancing native habitats and deepening First Nations perspectives. This could include creating a natural environment for resident wildlife to have a safe space to live, like Dayboro Community Kindergarten in Queensland has done, allowing children to get hands-on with learning.
Applications for the 2023 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grants are open now and close 17 March 2023. To find out more and to apply visit www.juniorlandcare.org.au
For inspiration, you can check out some of the creative and fun ideas that have been successful in the funding program here https://juniorlandcare.org.au/top-10-junior-landcareprojects/
On the 16th February 2023, timeless lovers Jenny and Charles will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary with friends and family. Travelling from all corners of the country, the pair’s loved ones will be there to honour their lives’ passion and dedication to family, the community, education, and the environment. Both together and as individuals, the couple have inspiring stories to tell.
As a young woman, Jenny dabbled in the field of childcare, working as a Teacher’s Aide, a staff member at early childhood centres, then at Lady Gowrie’s office. However, it was during her time as an administrative worker for the NSW Railways in Sydney that she met Charles, a graduated Industrial Chemist. The pair grew fond of each other at this time and eventually relocated to Tasmania whilst Charles pursued a career at Burnie Paper Mill. It was here that the couple birthed their two children, Cathy and Michael. Charles then worked for decades at the Mackay Sugar Research Institute and as lecturer at the Mackay Sugar School (TAFE). He travelled nationally and internationally for his sugar industry work and was an international corrosion expert. Charles worked into his seventies as a Senior Industrial and Food Hygiene Workplace Health and Safety Inspector. He received many awards during his career. Jenny, on the other hand, expresses that her most prized award was the Order of Australia Association Queensland Senior Volunteer Award in 2017.
With nothing short of sheer willpower, Jenny and Charles spent the better half of their adulthood raising their beloved children, three nephews, three granddaughters, and their grandson. With parenthood came their passion for volunteering; in their young
family years, Jenny and Charles spent a lot of time volunteering with Dog Obedience, Dog Showing (Labradors mainly), Cubs, Scouts, Amateur Radio (supporting SES), the Betty Meskell School of Dance and the Mackay Community Theatre, and the Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre.
But Jenny and Charles were far from short-sighted when it came to experiencing the world around them. They have had many overseas trips including to the UK and Canada to visit family and to Europe, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, China, and Islands in the Pacific. They enjoy short holidays in South-East Queensland, particularly mountains and beaches. Most of their days are spent with family, friends and neighbours and enjoying their volunteering and recreational pursuits.
Now retired, the determined couple continue their selfpronounced duty to fulfil various volunteering roles, including working with Ferny Grove Primary School’s Ready Reader Program and as Bird Survey Conductors for the Kedron Brook Catchment Management. They are also well-known local environmentalists contributing bird and habitat information when opportunity arises to better guide development outcomes, as well as many more roles.
Jenny and Charles are two loving souls with hearts set on keeping the spirit of their neighbourhood alive. Their selfless nature and kindness toward those in need and those simply grateful for an extra helping hand are displayed in every aspect of their long lives. Echo News wishes them both a very happy 60th wedding anniversary, and we thank them for such admirable contributions to our community.
Hi, my name is Asha and I’m a Midwife.
Sounds a bit like I’m owning up to a guilty secret but in fact, being a midwife has been a lifelong calling for me. Just ask my family, instead of riding our bikes and playing like other kids, I would often make my sister and cousins play ‘babies’, right down to insisting they ‘birth’ their dolls and then ‘breastfeed’ them. Looking back at photos of me there was always at least one baby doll in my arms so it’s no wonder that I started babysitting for local families at 14. I then progressed to becoming a nanny, work which took me to all over the world.
I always knew that I wanted to be a midwife but the pathway required that I study nursing first, something I did as a means to an end. I even recall my lecturer’s comments on one nursing assignment saying ‘when are you going to study midwifery???”After four years of study I achieved my dream and officially qualified as a Registered Midwife. I found my passion working in the birth suite, supporting new babies into the world and helping turn people into parents. I found being a midwife such a privilege, sharing in people’s most life-changing moments, both the highest of highs and lowest of lows.
Fast forward 25 years, 3 kids of my own, a move from Melbourne to Brisbane, a global pandemic later, and I now find myself working at TerryWhite Chemmart Arana Hills. A completely different environment but equally rewarding. I now use my knowledge and experience to help educate families through my antenatal education classes and baby clinics.
Every Wednesday and Thursday I offer baby clinics at the pharmacy, where Mums, Dads and even grandparents can come along and have a 30 minute consultation with me free of charge. I assist with all sorts of parenting concerns, feeding, sleeping, growth & development, as well as providing a kind, supportive, non-judgemental ear if you just need to debrief. I also offer two different antenatal education classes every month, a full day labour and birth preparation class, as well as a 3 hour class which covers everything you need to know about the first 6 weeks with baby.
Join me in upcoming issues as I discuss some of the common pregnancy and parenting issues and concerns.
ph 3351 6100 | www.theclinichub.com.au
A star in the making, local music producer DHEM from Eatons Hill has begun to take the nation by storm with his catalogue of fresh, new music. Based right on our doorstep in Brisbane, DHEM [dem] has adored the art form of creating sound and music since he was a young boy. His dedication to learning the craft is seen in his achievement of becoming an entirely self-taught, successful musician. With a driving passion and growing interest in all aspects of his career, DHEM simultaneously adopted the talent of being a PR to flourish his brand.
‘Music was an outlet for expression and healing in my youth,’ DHEM revealed to Echo News in an interview about his pursuit of success in the industry. ‘As I grew older, I wanted to contribute to the art form which I had loved since I was a kid.’
DHEM’s production work takes inspiration from big American and Canadian names such as Metro Boomin’, Pharrel, and Boi Wonda, who are all internationally recognised for their pivotal influence on hip-hop, R&B, and rap. As far as performing live, DHEM looks up to Guatemalan DJ Gordo, best known for his big-room house and techno persona, and Sydney’s GrammyAward nominated rapper Peter Gunz.
Back in 2021, DHEM reached 53k streams throughout the course of the year according to Spotify Wrapped, as well as 6.5k listeners across 69 countries. At the end of 2022, he had almost quadrupled his limelight with 372K streams, as well as achieving 61K listeners across 118 countries.
DHEM is still reeling over his vast growth: ‘It feels great…My music has reached a lot of people and I’ve finally established my brand.’
The local producer believes he owes much of his success
to social media; his indepth comprehension of the algorithm’s promotional power on different platforms has provided him a world stage. Without dropping any new music in 2022, DHEM still was able to grow his brand, mainly through Instagram. By networking and developing genuine connections within the industry, DHEM was able to strengthen his brand and bring about opportunities. He got in contact with fellow producers, musicians, fashion designers, filmmakers, and artists. However, 2023 is set to be a far more busy year than the last, with DHEM planning to drop new music early this year, plus continuing his work on remixes and collaborations with new artists. He will also dabble more in the live music scene, playing at some more intimate venues and niche events locally. DHEM tells Echo News, ‘I am always looking for new people to work with and this is what helps to stay motivated and working.Preparing myself to play live in a festival circuit is a goal of mine as well as assisting artists by providing PR services.’
You can find DHEM and his sick tunes on Instagram @ dhemonline or on Spotify and Apple Music under the artist name DHEM. Keep tuned for his upcoming hot drops!
The Serenata Singers is a friendly community choir based in The Gap. We are celebrating 53 years of singing in 2023 and would welcome new members. No audition is necessary. An ability to read music is helpful, but not required. The choir sings a variety of popular and show tunes, spiritual and folk songs.
The choir is starting the new year under the directorship of Guillaume Lemay-Yates with new music and our usual enthusiasm. We will be rehearsing every Monday in 2023 starting at 7.00 pm at The Gap Uniting Church auditorium, 1050 Waterworks Road, The Gap. You are welcome to meet choir members, find out about the choir, and join in or simply observe a rehearsal.
If you can hold a tune and love to sing, the Serenata Singers may be for you!
For further information, check us out at: https://serenatasingers.org.au/
In its first meeting of 2023, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) today raised the cash rate for the ninth consecutive time. It increased from 3.1% to 3.35% as the bank continues to attempt to ease rising inflation.
While this can impact borrowing power of prospective home buyers, the positive news for anyone looking to purchase is that home prices have continued to decline throughout the country. CoreLogic’s national Home Value Index fell 1% in January, following a 1.1% drop in December.
A decline was seen in all capital cities:
• Hobart -1.7%
• Brisbane -1.4%
• Sydney -1.2%
• Melbourne -1.1%
• Canberra -1%
• Adelaide -0.8%
• Perth -0.3%
• Darwin -0.1%
For the first time since March 2021 Sydney’s median dwelling value is beneath $1 million.
Demand has also dropped. Sales in the capital cities are estimated to be 29.4% lower than the same period in 2022 and 11.5% below the five-year average. This means less competition and the potential to negotiate on price.
With house prices coming down throughout the country, it could be a good time to purchase. On top of this, rents have jumped by 17.6% for units and 14.6% for houses over the last year, according to Domain. At the same time, the number
of rental properties that are vacant is at an all-time low. This presents an opportunity for investors who may be able to find more positive yields.
What does it mean for refinancing?
If the value of your home has decreased, it will impact your equity. However, if you have continued to pay down your principal, this impact will be mitigated. On top of that, while housing values have declined over the last year, they have not yet surpassed the boom in values during the pandemic, which peaked in March last year. According to Proptrack data, prices nationally are still 28.5% above their pre-pandemic levels. This means the amount your equity will have been impacted will depend on when you purchased the property. If it was pre-pandemic, your home is likely to still be worth more today than when you bought it.
Regardless, if your interest rate has increased and you haven’t refinanced in the last year, reach out. We will evaluate your situation and let you know if you could be on a more competitive or more suitable loan.
Contact me, Scott Palazzi on 0413 747 283 for a chat.
The Enoggera District Stamp Club Inc. is the only stamp club in the Brisbane City Council area north of the Brisbane river. They meet from 7pm to 9pm in the Mitchelton S.D.A. Church Hall, 97 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton on the first and third Monday of each month (except on public holidays). New members and visitors are welcome! Contact Ron on 3148 2392 for more information.
A guide to educational facilities within north Brisbane
This year, Our Lady of Dolours School Mitchelton has welcomed a new principal, Mrs Tricia Howard, to the community. Mrs Howard’s journey to this role has been the culmination of wonderful leadership experiences. After five years as an Assistant Principal and working in Acting Principal positions, Mrs Howard is looking forward to an exciting year ahead and feels very privileged to be a part of such a positive, welcoming and engaging school environment.
“The sense of community that is present at Our Lady of Dolours is testimony to the outstanding staff, students and families that work together to achieve in excellence in learning and teaching”.
Mrs Howard’s previous two schools have all had a strong connection with families in the Australian Defence Force (RAAF Amberley and Gallipoli Barracks) and she is delighted that O.L.D. has a significant number of Defence families within the school community. The additional support of a Defence Support Mentor in Mrs Kerri Wilson is another reason why O.L.D. is such a wonderful, supportive environment for our Defence Families living in the area.
Mrs Howard believes that the students, staff and their families are at the heart of all she does as a school leader.
“I am particularly passionate about educating and nurturing all my students so they can reach their full potential under my leadership”.
“As a relational leader it is very important for me to personally know the names of each of my students and their parents and make special connections with them on a regular basis.”
Mrs Howard is also passionate about using digital technology to enhance student learning.
“Digital Technology including STEM, is such an engaging way to enhance student learning and differentiate, to enable them to demonstrate their learning in so many creative ways,” she said.
“I look forward to creating opportunities for my students to excel in all areas of learning, both curricula and extracurricular; there is just so much on offer for our students.”
“I look forward to learning, achieving, and growing with my students in 2023 as we embark on this new adventure together.”
Did you know the State Library of Queensland offers a range of loan Technology kits to aid digital literacy, learning and fun in your community. Kits contain a range of digital resources and include tips and ideas for delivering programs in your library. For more information visit https://plconnect.slq.qld.gov.au/
French conversational café lessons are back for another year in the Samford community.
The small group attending the conversational French lessons started back again for 2023 after the Christmas holidays. Classes take place weekly on Tuesday mornings at Café Lagarto in the Lifestyle Centre off Mount Glorious Road. Attendees gather together for delicious coffee, great conversation and an informative lesson.
Lise from Let’s Speak French is a native French teacher who has been running these French lessons locally for the past seven years. Lise said classes have been popular with locals for a variety of reasons. Some students look to learn French for an upcoming holiday or general travel to the region, whilst others simply want to learn French as a hobby to broaden social horizons.
Lessons at Let’s Speak French cater for different levels and ages. The friendly group is small and intimate, which provides attendees an opportunity to chat in French in
a casual environment and without any pressure. What better way to learn French over a great coffee in a relaxed environment!
For more information, contact Lise at lise@ letsspeakfrench.com.au or give her a call on 0438 757 049. She also holds classes in Kenmore and Graceville. You can also visit www.letsspeakfrench.com.au for more details.
Contact 0438 757 049
Worklinks QLD Ltd provides confidence-boosting courses for both young people and adults, aimed at enabling them to progress into employment or additional training opportunities. Worklinks has assisted numerous participants in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles and finding fulfilling employment.
Worklinks has been at the forefront of helping those in our community with their career goals since its inception in 1997. Jan Robinson, CEO of Worklinks, said “Participants may have anxiety, lack confidence, and feel that no one can help, or just need a little bit of assistance to get them over the line and into a job, this is where Worklinks can assist.
Worklinks is a community-based organisation with branches located in Mitchelton, Strathpine, Kippa-Ring and Caboolture. The organisation provides personalised assistance to small groups of participants, incorporating accredited training and comprehensive support, all under the supervision of experienced trainers and youth workers.
The first goal is to boost the confidence of the participant, providing the individual with the inner strength for the next step, whether that be further training or into a job. Worklinks staff understand there can be many obstacles, but by getting the support needed can give the help to overcome those challenges. Worklinks fully funded courses – no cost to participants – are for unemployed people not receiving assistance from the Australian
Government (or have been receiving assistance but still remain unemployed after 6 months), please contact Worklinks to check your eligibility. Worklinks is currently offering the following funded courses in the Mitchelton and Strathpine areas:
Mitchelton and Strathpine
Get Set for Work (15-19 yrs). Includes Work experience. 12-week program includes work experience. Participants will receive training in the Certificate II in Workplace Skills (with choice of industry-specific electives).
A course for everyone – The Intensive Job Coach’ project – 1 to 3 hours a week, over six weeks. Receive intensive support with resume development, careers advice, over a 6 week period
‘Working in Community Services’ project, 12 week program, includes work experience. Participants will receive training in the Certificate II in Community Services.
The ‘Work it up to Employment’ project, 12-week program which includes unpaid work experience. Participants have the opportunity to obtain the Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways. Ideal for those wanting extra support with literacy and numeracy skills development.
For more information call 1300 852 359 or visit www. worklinks.com.au
Strathpine Working in Community Services’ Project. 12 week program. Includes work experience.
Mitchelton & Strathpine Intensive Job Coach Program
Mitchelton The Work It Up to Employment Program 12 week program. Includes work experience.
Certificate II in Workplace Skills (with a choice of industry-specific electives).
Certificate II in Community Services
A 6 week one on one program (1 to 3 hours a week) to help you gain employment.
Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways. Ideal for those wanting extra support with literacy and numeracy skills development. 1300 852 359
With the dry weather and hot temperatures, our garden is looking a little depleted and unproductive. It is just too hot to plant anything so we have decided to rest the beds until the cooler months around April/May.
Mowing and weeding are a constant chore despite the dry weather, so there is always work to be done.
We are quite excited to have a couple of flowers on our dragon fruit vine so hopefully eventually we will have some fruit.
March usually sees us starting to prepare the garden beds for April/May plantings. They need to be topped up with fresh soil, fertilizer and compost and allowed to stand for
The support of Voices Interests of Education of Women (VIEW) Clubs and all its members, through fundraising, volunteering and advocacy in your communities is vital. It helps their charity, The Smith Family to continue its work with young Australians helping them to realise their full potential. With 1.2 million Australian children still living in poverty, growing The Smith Family’s reach and impact has never been more important.
Here is a bit of news from some local VIEW Club’s in the region.
Some delicious strawberries harvested from the HOG garden this year
a couple of weeks before planting. We will alternate plantings making sure we do not grow the same vegetables in the same beds as last year. Our members are very proud of their community garden and strive to keep it looking neat, tidy and an inviting place to work. They love welcoming visitors who often come down to have a look at the garden.
The HOG community is a friendly group who offer
people in the Hills District the opportunity to grow vegetables using organic principles. Age is no barrier so feel free to come along one Sunday afternoon to have a chat and a look around our beautiful garden.
Members meet on a Sunday afternoon during the summer months from 3pm to 5pm. They also tend to the garden throughout the week to water and carry out general maintenance.
You will find us at 416 Bunya Road, Bunya next to the Off Leash Dog Park. Membership fees per year are $20 for adults, $30 for family and $10 for juniors. Please visit www.hog.org.au, search ‘The Hills Organic Garden’ on Facebook or phone 0407 582 980 for more information. We look forward to meeting you!
The next meeting of the Ferny Grove Garden Club will be on Friday, 31st March at 1pm in St Matthew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Mitchelton. A past president of the club, and a member of the Floral Art Society of Qld, will give a floral art demonstration. All are welcome from experienced gardeners willing to share their knowledge; new gardeners just venturing into gardening and wanting some advice and direction; non-gardeners who are interested in horticulture; anyone who loves beautiful plants. For more information call Elizabeth on 07 3851 0568
An update from the Arana VIEW Club
The Arana VIEW Club is turning the ripe old age of 26 and to celebrate the group will be holding a luncheon on Wednesday April 5th.
This celebration will take place at the Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra from 10.30am to 11am. The luncheon comprises of a two course meal including tea and coffee, plus there will also be a raffle and entertainment from the talented Ian Maurice. Cost is $30 per person. To book, call Carol on 3355 5349 by 4pm on Monday 27th February. Arana VIEW welcomes new members and visitors to their meetings and social activities that are organised each month. All funds raised are donated to The Smith Family and the club’s Learning for Life programs which provide education, scholarships and personal support for these students.
If you wish to know more about the Newmarket VIEW Club, email newmarketview@gmail.com.
In an economy swarmed with industry giants, multi-millionaire companies, and internationallyconquering ‘big brands’, small businesses tend to fall into the backdrop, overlooked and underappreciated.
But did you know that it is these smaller companies that represent 90% of all companies, making them the largest feeders of jobs and produce worldwide? You see, they have what it takes to facilitate innovation, growth, sustainability, and prosperity in our local and global economies. They just need their share of the spotlight.
This month’s spotlighted business is Aesthetic Blinds & Design. Echo News reached out to owner, Natalee Sands, to chat about her business and personal career. Read below to learn more from our Q & A! What inspired you to enter this industry?
Honestly, it was an accident. I got a sales role in the industry in my mid-twenties, and I enjoyed it from the very beginning.
At what point in your life did you take your passion to the next step and establish this business?
I had always wanted to have my own business and after I had my children I decided 'why not'! So, when they were toddlers, I set up Aesthetic Blinds & Design, working just two days a week and building it up from there.
Having had over ten years’ experience working in the industry for two companies over that time, I gained a lot of insight as to what clients want with relation
to products and service. I had also learned that I did have a natural ability to assist clients in choosing what it is they want for their home and visualising the finished look. It is not just about the product and what it does, but how it works in with the rest of
the home and the ambience that is created. Aesthetic Blinds makes choosing new window coverings easy and aesthetically pleasing.
What growth did you achieve in 2022 and how will you continue this into the new year?
Aesthetic Blinds has now been in business for twelve years! That’s an achievement in itself. I have been working consistently over the years and am now looking to grow so I can assist more and more homeowners on Brisbane's northside. I'm also looking to collaborate with builders and designers who would like their clients to receive the same professional service they give, and have their projects completed to a quality finish with beautiful window coverings.
Get in touch with Natalee and Aesthetic Blinds & Designs through the details below.
Artists from the Aspley Art Group (AAG) are excited to present some of their latest works of art to the community later this month.
The group will be showing an interesting selection of their paintings at the Albany Creek Village Shopping Centre from Monday 13 March until and including, Sunday 19 March. The exhibit will be open from 9am – 5pm Monday through Saturday, and 9am- 4pm on the Sunday.
All paintings are for sale, and artists are happy to consider commission requests. New memeber and membership enquiries are always welcome, so please speak to one of the friendly artists if you are interested.
The Aspley Art Group was founded almost 50 years ago (1973) and has a membership of talented local artists working in a range of styles and mediums which include oils, acrylics, watercolours, pastels as well as pen & ink and a variety of sketching mediums. The group regularly enjoy showcasing their art at local shopping centres, as well as other venues
when available, such as an annual exhibition at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. The AAG donates regularly to the RBWH Research Foundation and the annual show adds additional funds from a percentage of all paintings sold. New members are always welcome, and more information about membership and the group’s activities and artists is available on the AAG website (www.aspleyartgroup.org). We derive great pleasure in producing our art and hope we can provide enjoyment for others. That is our greatest reward.
Tired of the gym, and noisy night clubs? Then head along to The Hills District Community Centre for a bit of community folk dancing.
Members revel in an assortment of Anglo/Celtic/Bush dances with a historical twist. Embrace your culture (even if you didn’t think you had one) and join the crew for a fun-filled evening of dancing. It’s social and absolutely non-
competitive, but you can still be part of a team as you dance to the brilliant music of their band, Phillip’s Dog.
Community dance is important now more than ever, as people look for ways to connect. It encourages people to be more active, to socialise and develop creative and physical skills. Just a few of the physical benefits dancing can give are reduced stress levels, improved relaxation, stronger bones and muscles, weight control and a healthier brain. The dance group are also proud to be part of Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Healthy & Active program. This makes classes very affordable at only $4 per session.
Join the group at the Farmers Hall in Samford on Friday evenings from
7:30pm -9:30pm on the following dates: 10th March, 14th April, 12th May, 9th and 23rd June, 14th July, 11th August, 8th September, 13th October, 10th November and 8th December.
The group will also be commencing a new series of dances at the Hills District Community Hall, 291 Dawson Parade, Arana Hills on Friday evenings from 7.30pm - 9.30pm on the following dates; 24th March, 28th April, 28th July, 25th August, 22nd September, 27th October and 24th November. Contact Heather on 3289 4707 , or email heather@historicaldance. au. Further details can be found on their website www. historicaldance.au
Picabeen Youth Team are working on a Peer Mentoring Program, dedicated to helping students from families involved in the Australian Defence Force.
If you are a student with a lived experience of Defence Force life in years 10-12, the Picabeen Youth team would love you to be part of their Peer Mentoring program.
The initial phase of the program will begin in week five of term one. In term two they will welcome years 5-8 to participate and be mentored.
For more information, please call Picabeen Community Centre on 3354 2555 or refer to their website https://picabeen.org. au/ . The program will run out of our Community Centre at 22 Hoben Street Mitchelton.
Shade Sails are an effective way to help keep our children safe whilst out playing in the park.
However a recent study conducted by the NPPS (National Program for Playground Safety) evaluated sun protection on playgrounds in Australia. Only three percent of the playgrounds that were assessed had full protection from the hottest times of the day from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thirty percent of the sites had minimal shade, and 67 percent of the public playgrounds that were assessed were fully exposed during the sun’s hottest hours.
Based on these results, here at Echo News, we were delighted to hear that Brisbane City Council are producing a ‘Sun Safe Suburban Playgrounds’ program aimed at making local parks sun-safe for our children by installing shade sails at playgrounds across Brisbane.
The program will see over 50 shade sails installed, and trees planted at parks across the Brisbane City Council region within the next 12 months. The new initiative and investment will help keep playground equipment cool while making local parks safer for kids to play, learn and grow. The accelerated program will also see an increase in trees planted to create a cleaner, greener Brisbane while providing a great source of shade. Some local playgrounds to receive sunshade over the next 12 months under program include; Beckett Road Park (Mcdowall) Bliss Street Park (Gaythorne), Broula Park (Stafford Heights), Ferny Grove Picnic Ground Park (Ferny Grove), Harry Kirby Park (Aspley), Kings Park (Keperra).
A full list of parks can be found on our website, https://echonews.com.au/sun-safe-parks-coming-to-brisbane-city/
On the 23rd January the Mitchelton Senior Citizens Club welcomed back members with a delicious lunch to celebrate Australia Day.
Members tucked into ‘Pie and Peas’ for their main course and a delightful apple pie with custard to finish the meal off. All had an enjoyable time catching up with one another after the festive break. From the 1st February, memberships are due at the club. These remain at the low cost of $7 for the year. All members are welcome on a Monday for morning tea, a concert and lunch with the admission price set at $8. The committee are busily organising the bus trips for the year and further details will be announced over the next month. For further information about this friendly club, contact 3355 0358
The Picabeen Change Room
As we start to transition into Autumn, The Changeroom would like to thank all the community members who have donated wonderful warmer clothing to the Op Shop.
The team will be transitioning their stock to suit the cooler weather soon, so please drop in and check out the pre-loved clothing and accessories that are in store.
You can find the Picabeen Change Room at 8 Dallas Parade, Keperra. The shop is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm and Saturday 9am-1pm.
Get ready for a night of laughs and good deeds!
Pine Community Schools in Arana Hills are holding a fantastic fundraiser you won’t want to miss. They’ve partnering with Comedy for a Cause, who will bring top-notch comedians from Sydney and Melbourne International Comedy Festivals and have the audience in stitches while raising funds for their school. All proceeds from the event will go towards making a positive impact their wonderful school community.
Details: Date: 10th March @8pm (doors open 7pm) Arana Hills Community Centre Get your tickets here: comedyforacause.net/PCS
An update from the Brisbane North Cake Decorators Club
The Brisbane North Cake Decorators next meeting will be on Saturday 18th March. The group meet at the Arana Hills Community Hall on Dawson Parade commencing at 1pm. There will be a demonstration on making small Australian wildflowers by member Lorna after a short business meeting.
The Hills Players community theatre are excited to present their latest collection of adult themed short plays for May 2023.
Aptly named the ‘Dys’FUN’ctional’series, these plays comprise of an array of humorous Dysfunctional situations that are guaranteed to keep their audience entertained. Dates for performances include the 19th,20th 26th
& 27th May 2023, so please mark these dates in your diary! More information and booking details will
At the February meeting, the group held a Sugar (or candy) Easter Egg making workshop which was open for members of the community to attend. Members commented on how great it was to meet those interested in learning this skill and they hope they may come along to other events planned during the year.
Plans are underway for a Demonstration Day to be held at the Strathpine Community Hall on the 29th of April. This is a day that will be open to everyone there will be opportunities to view different and new ideas in the Cake Decorating world.
Of course, these days wouldn’t be complete without lots of talking, enjoying morning/afternoon tea and lunch, along with catching up with friends. If you are interested in popping along, keep a look out for more information on the club’s Facebook page, Brisbane North Cake Decorators or contact them via email at brisbanenorthcakedecorators@gmail.com
Moreton Bay’s biggest kids’ festival is set to return with five worlds of fun and JJ from Cocomelon performing live.
On Sunday March 12, Pine Rivers Park at Strathpine will be transformed into a magical and exciting destination of family-friendly entertainment as the annual Moreton Kids Festival returns.
From 8am until 3pm, families will be treated to unlimited rides, live stage shows, activities, workshops, roving performers, food trucks, market stalls and more!
This year’s headline act will feature JJ from the popular kids show Cocomelon live on the Ausbuild main stage. Kids will be able to dance and sing along with JJ when he performs at 10am and 12pm.
With the Moreton Kids Festival becoming one of the most popular familyfriendly events in SEQ , families are encouraged to secure their tickets early for what is likely to be a sell-out event.
Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery said Moreton Kids Festival takes the fuss out of planning a family day out and delivers a jam-packed program guaranteed to entertain the little ones.
‘There will be fun for everyone with entertainment and activities across five
worlds of fun and multiple stages,’ Mr Flannery said.
‘As a parent it can be hard to plan a day out with young children – which is what makes Moreton Kids Festival perfect, it has all the entertainment, close parking and facilities young families need. ’
Entry tickets include access to unlimited entertainment and fun, including live stage shows, amusement rides, creative workshops, face painting, outdoor activities, educational spaces, technology workshops, science, animals, and so much more.
The event will also feature a market alley and food trucks so that your family can make it a full day outing.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www. moretonkidsfestvial.com.au
The Enoggera District Stamp Club Inc. meet from 7pm to 9pm in the Mitchelton S.D.A. Church Hall, 97 Blackwood Street, Mitchelton on the first and third Monday of each month (except on public holidays). New members and visitors are welcome! Contact Ron on 3148 2392 for more information.
An update from Cr Andrew Wines of the Enoggera Ward
Pack your hunny pots and red balloons for a great night out in Grinstead Park Saturday 18 March! Come along from 5:30pm to enjoy food and drink stalls and join the community to watch this great Winnie-the-Pooh film.
Scan the QR code on the flyer to the left to keep up to date on the event.
12 months on from the floods, many residents are still working to recover and build back better in our community. There are some major milestones expected this month as Council continue working to repair and improve facilities in our area. Council completed works to reconnect the Kedron Brook Bikeway on 17 February 2023. To find out more about these works, visit brisbane.qld.gov.au and search ‘Kedron Brook restoration’.
Other emergency response highlights include:
• Council cleared 3357 streets and collected 75,535 tonnes of waste
• Approximately 285 km of road impacted with 78 roads requiring significant resurfacing repairs
• 17,077 potholes repaired across 176 suburbs by 25 March 2022
• 170 km of Council-maintained bikeways were safe and clean by 1 April 2022 ahead of school holidays
• 29,000 flood waste loads and more than 26 tonnes of hazardous waste were dropped off by residents following the floods (more than the entire 2020-21 year)
• An estimated 75,535 tonnes of flood waste was collected as part of Operation Collect kerbside collection program
• 480 food waste bins were distributed to 113 sites across three days during the severe weather event
• 10 Council street sweepers operated over 2 shifts, 6 days per week for a 2 week period to clean up flood-impacted roadways, totalling 2,400 hours
• Flood Resilience Action Plan launched 30 July 2022, includes 51 further actions to make Brisbane more flood resilient on top of adopting all 37 recommendations from the 2022 Brisbane Flood Review (available on Council’s website)
To find out more about the Resilient Homes Fund, visit www. qld.gov.au/resilienthomes.
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 5th March – Starting at Teralba Park 4pm-5:30pm
I am again calling for volunteers to come and participate in this great effort to keep our local community and environment clean. I hope to see many of you down at Teralba Park in the afternoon of the 5th to help keep this wonderful part of our community free of rubbish! You can register for the event here: https://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/fundraisers/timmandercomau/ teralba-park--everton-park--osbourne-road-side
Neighbour Day
I am so pleased to announce our Neighbour Day and Easter Egg Hunt with Hicks Real Estate is back on again on Sunday 2nd April at Teralba Park, Pullen Road, Everton Park from 9am-11:30am. There will be food stalls and a coffee van to keep adults happy while children hunt for Easter Eggs. Plenty of activities and games will keep the young ones occupied as well as information and activity stalls provided by our local community groups.
Australia Day – Citizenship Awards
This is one of my favourite events on our calendar, welcoming new Australian citizens and I am proud to be included in these important ceremonies.
I am pleased to report the Palaszczuk Government is closing a loophole which allows the release of vehicle registration information to private parking operators and their legal representatives.
A number of constituents have alerted me to this corporate scam and my office has been following this up for a number of months now. The Palaszczuk Government previously closed a similar loophole used by the tow truck industry and I am pleased to say that we are standing up for people’s rights again.
From Monday, 20 February, these companies will no longer be able to rip people off through the misuse of registration information, including names and addresses, in order to issue people with their ‘fake fines’.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads will be conducting a thorough review of the registration regulation, including consultation with the intention of progressing amendments later in 2023 to restrict information releases through legislation.
People who have done nothing wrong have been bullied into paying fines of $88 just for going to a restaurant or doing a bit of shopping. From 20 February, this will stop.
I look forward to seeing the regulations being updated later this year.
I will be holding my next coffee catch up at Pepper n Salt Café at Keperra Great Western on Saturday 18 March from 8am. Please drop in and have a cuppa and a chat about the things which matter to you. The coffee is on me!
Brookside Shopping Centre 20th - 26th March 2023
All items are for sale and there will be a raffle box!
Kedron Arts Group (KAG) consists of local artists and crafts people, and provides the opportunity for members to showcase and sell their work to the public. KAG donates a % of all sales to nominated local charities, such as Karuna Hospice, Drought Angels, A Brave Life and Qld Rural Fire Brigade. For more details email kedronartsgroup@gmail.com
DON‘T MISS THE DEADLINE! The deadline for The Everton Echo April edition is the 23rd March
One of the best parts of my job is being able to recognise the often unsung contributions to our community by some of our local champions. Robert Huis has been selflessly helping his neighbours for decades. He had no idea one of his neighbours had contacted my office and asked me to recognise his years of service. Unsurprisingly, Robert was keen to tell me that he didn’t think the recognition was warranted and that there were others who he felt had done much more.
People like Robert are the real reason we live in a great society. Thank you, Robert!