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Local Gymnasts Win Gold on the Gold Coast
The Australian Gymnastics Championships has returned to the Gold Coast from 10th-25th May, 2023. This year, seven local competitors have joined the fray, representing both Queensland and the Albany Creek Gymnastics Club.
For the past three years, the Gold Coast Sports and Leisure Centre has hosted the Championships, with more than 1300 Australian and New Zealander athletes competing for titles. For the past three years, gymnasts from ACGC have earned positions amongst the competitive cohort.
In order to represent Queensland at such a prestigious level, it takes years of hard yakka and honing skill, with the required qualification being gymnasts at level 7-10 ability. Th gymnasts must train for 8-15 years and between 13-20 hours a week to accomplish such a feat. Their Head Coach reveals, ‘It is a huge achievement to get selected on the Queensland Team. A maximum of 8 guys per level are selected, so you are fighting a lot of people for those spots. For these guys, this is their premier event. This is what they have been training toward for years.’
2023 has seen the largest cohort of ACGC gymnasts being selected for representation, with 7 boys in total making the cut. This includes Oska Middleton and Nathan Levey (Level 10 Queensland Team), Nicholas Koops (Level 10 Individual), Carter Blair (Level 9 Individual), Harrison Boyd and Dylan Willis (Level 8