1 minute read
Master Your Fear Of Public Speaking
Like many of us, you have probably found speaking in front of an audience terrifying.
The answer is Toastmasters. Toastmasters can be rewarding, challenging, educational, exciting and a great way to meet and make new friends. Stafford Heights Toastmasters (SHTM) is all this and more. The club promotes ‘hands on’ experience, or ‘learning by doing’. Toastmasters have found that this is the only way to improve listening, thinking and speaking skills. Toastmasters promotes better communication, a skill that can be used by every person in his or her daily life.
If public speaking is a skill you want to improve or you know someone who could benefit from this, then please contact the club on 1300 920 621 or email shtmenquiry@gmail.com. They meet at the Chermside Library meeting rooms, 375 Hamilton Rd, Chermside on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (if applicable) Tuesdays of each month 7-9pm