Pokemon by Jacob

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By Jacob

Table of Contents


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Chapter 1 What are Pokemon

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Chapter 2 Types

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Chapter 3 Names

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Chapter 4 Gym leaders

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Chapter 5 Spawn

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Hello it’s Jacob and i will tell you some theories and things about pokemon in this book you could learn a thing or two about pokemon what they are, types etc etc so turn the page to start the adventure :) #pikachuuselightningbolt

Chapter One - What are Pokemon

Pokemon are magical creatures from space. Pokemon are sometimes used for fighting so you can win something called badges. They are also used as pets to keep people safe. They live anywhere really. Pokemon used to live in space but now they want to come to EARTH for some unknown reason. Some people think they came to EARTH because the planet was destroyed or someone was trying to get them all. They don’t spawn they just come out of hundreds and thousands of places. Lets just say enough to make a ladder to pluto.

Chapter Two - Types

Fire can be the best choice because it can burn through everything. Water is a little good since it can ride water and break through thick steel. Ice is amazing. They can freeze things and destroy it. Ice has the greatest advantage. Grass is the most weakest thing in history. Everything about grass is weak. Lightning is the most greatest choice to make. Lightning can paralyze others and hit while there paralyzed.

Chapter Three - Names

Charmander may be small but he will evolve into something big. Squirtle can sometimes be a gangster but he’s tougher than you think he is. Abnosnow creates blizzards and freezes his enemies. Bulbasaur is pretty much the worst considering that he’s a grass type. He just evolves into a giant vegetable. He only evolves into 3 things: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. Pikachu is my favorite. He can’t really evolve if you want him to use a thunderstone. Then Raichu is out free who has a tail that looks like a lightning bolt. He can summon thunder and paralyse his enemies and make the final blow.

Chapter Four - Gym Leaders

A gym leader is someone you battle to get a badge. A badge is something you earn for defeating a gym leader. When you have all 8 of them you get to go to the elite 4 which is kind of like a fighting team with 4 different types. Some badges you can earn are the boulder badge from Brock. Brock uses rock type pokemon like Onix and Geodude. Well Onix is the hard one because he’s MEGA BIG. Another badge you can get is the cascade badge. You get the cascade badge from Misty. Misty uses water type pokemon like Staryu and Starmie. It’s an easy badge to get. All you need is a grass type pokemon and BOOM!!!!! You're done.

Chapter Five - Spawn and Evolve

Pokemon sometimes go in caves to stay out of sunlight until sundown. Pokemon also go into forests to relax. Pokemon go into the city because their trainers want to go to restaurants and eat or the pokemon wanna play with other pokemon. Pokemon go to swamps to goof off or to get wet. Water type pokemon go underwater because they have unlimited underwater breathing. When pokemon evolve, they turn into monsters. This helps them get more stronger. It causes them to have a major freak out and destroy a few things. They evolve by getting to level 16 so then they can go into their first evolution then they go into their last. But some of them have 4 or 5.


So yeah, hope you enjoyed the book and the theories. So which character did you like out of these 5: Abnosnow, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Squirtle? Flip the page if you want to see the glossary.


Pokemon​ ­ creatures from outer space that are used for battling Badges​ ­ used to enter the pokemon league. You get a badge by battling a gym leader Spawn​ ­ pop out of nowhere pokemon spawn whenever where ever they want Charmander​ ­ a pokemon with a tail on fire and he’s red all over. He is a fire type so he can do five things Evolve​ ­ its when a pokemon turns into something to something else to get stronger they fight to be stronger Thunderstone​ ­ a stone that will turn Pikachu to Raichu Gym leader​ ­ someone you beat in a pokemon battle. Gym leaders are humans Trainer​ ­a person that trains pokemon to fight better, collect badges,and evolve their pokemon Stadium​ ­ is a place where you battle 4 people at once you need 8 badges to enter

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