CCHPR Booklet

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What we do.

Why health research is important. The Center for Community Health Partnership & Research (CCHPR) at Washington University in St. Louis aims to reduce disparities and improve health and wellness in this region by cultivating communication and supporting medical research endeavors. Researching different medical conditions leads to important findings that result in better treatment for you, your family, and your community.

Diversity in research is important. Diversity is critical in research. Some groups of people suffer from certain diseases more than other groups. Treatments may not be equally effective for all groups. So it’s important to have all groups represented in a study.

What types of studies are there?

Paper Survey

There are many different types of studies you can be involved in. Some are less invasive than others, so you can choose whichever ones you are comfortable with. Saliva Sample





Hospital Stay


Online Survey

Phone Survey

Focus Group

Hair Sample

Blood Draw

Lumbar Puncture

Blood Pressure

Monitoring Device

MRI Scan

Physical Therapy

Special Diet

Exercise Program

Research terms. Control Group Group that doesn’t get treatment, but is compared to those who do Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) The group that reviews and approves all research Investigator Researcher who oversees patient care during the study Intervention A treatment, medicine, or test that is being studied Protected Health Information (PHI) A person’s health information Protocol The research plan Randomization Giving patients an equal chance of being placed in a study

Your rights while you’re participating. While participating in a health research study, you have the right to be respected and treated politely. You may quit the study at any time. You will have your questions answered and have your complaints heard. You have the right to be informed about the study’s purpose, your involvement in it, possible side effects, expected benefits, other options for treatment, and what has been learned from the study along the way that might make you want to stop. You will get a copy of your signed consent form.

Become a community ambassador. Now that you know what to expect, tell your family, friends, neighbors, and peers about your experience and encourage them to get involved! Let them know that they are protected and in control when participating in a health research study.

We want to foster partnerships for health. We hold networking events in communities to connect people and organizations with shared social and health interests. We refer investigators and organizations to community and university resources to support their work. We provide educational programs to increase diversity in research. We foster communication between St. Louis communities and researchers.


How you can help. You can sign up to be a research study participant at: There you’ll be matched with studies you are qualified for. Please contact us to learn more and get involved: 314-273-1010

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