D22M | Kauai High School Key Club September Newsletter

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SEPTEMBER 2018 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 6 Kauai High School - 3577 Lala Rd. Lihuˋe, Kauai 96766

Division 22 Makai | Region 18 | CNH District

TABLE TABLE OF OF C C Pg. 4 - 5 Secretary’s Message Editor’s Note

Pg. 7 - 11 August Events

Pg. 6 What’s Buzzin’ this Month?


Pg. 12 Doughnut Wait!

CONTENTS CONTENTS Pg. 17 - 18 Key Club 101

Pg. 20 Contact Information

Pg. 19 Helpful Tips

Pg. 21 Want More?


SECRETARY’S MESSAGE Hey Key Clubbers! Now that school is back in session and our 18-19 Key Club year has just begun, let’s start off strong! Make sure y’all sign up for events early and follow through. Although we’re a service club mainly focused to benefit our community, don’t forget to have fun and make these memories in Key Club count. I remember my first 2 years joining Key Club… I had barely any clue what I was doing, slacked off, extremely shy and awkward and ended up getting kicked out both years. But after that second disappointing year I wasted, I realized it was time for a change in both my attitude towards Key Club and how I was taking the opportunities given to me for granted. Coming into my third year, I wanted change and worked at it to make it happen. Make every year count. If you’re going to do something, do it like you mean it, with a passion. Okay, so even though hour requirements exist, don’t be scared to go above and beyond them! It’s so much easier to go into events with a mindset to make people happy and in turn making you happy, rather than treating them as chores and obligations. So have fun, keep serving, and let’s make this year one to remember.



EDITOR'S NOTE Hey Key Clubbers! How are you all doing? Key Club has started again, so I have some words to say. To the new members: I’m so excited that you wanted to join this amazing club where you are able to make many new friendships between your peers, advisors, and the community! To our old members: Thank you so much for wanting to do Key Club again! I hope you make many memories with us and I can’t wait to serve with you guys once more. For all members: I can’t wait to serve this term with you all in it. Let’s have a good year! ~ Noelle Oyama Newsletter Editor 5

What’s Buzzin’ this Month? You Need To Make:





General Meeting

Service Project

Executive Meeting





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DCM 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Cop on Top 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm








9 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Wilcox Family Night 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm

10 After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

11 King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

17 After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

18 23 19 Wilcox Key Kids

King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


12 Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

25 King K Key Kids 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

26 Wilcox Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

13 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

20 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

27 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am



King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm King K & Wilcox Key Kids


16 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am


After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

23 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Project Shine 11:16 am - 11:46 am

28 King K & Wilcox Key Kids After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm


29 Kiwanis Car Wash 7:30 am - 10:00 am 9:30 am - 12:00 pm 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Division Council Meetings

Kiwanis Car Wash on Saturday, September 30th!

Saturday, September 1st 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

August Events ● Membership Packet Making ● Kauai County Fair ● Mokihana Swim Meet


MEMBERSHIP PACKET MAKING KRYSTEN CASSANDRA PADASDAO| OFFICER 67 days of summer vacation and school comes around just to end it, but the busy bees of Kauai High Key Club are getting ready for the new term! On August 1, 2018, some officers of the Kauai High Key Club gathered Kauai High School in one of our advisors classroom, bright and early at 9:00 am to help make membership packets for all returning members and interested students wanting to make a memorable volunteer experience for the 2018-2019 school year and key club term. As the serving President for this club term, it was a mystery and a surprise of how many students were interested in joining and returning to the club. (125 membership packets were made!) This event allowed the officers, as well as myself, to spend time with one another, as we are all apart of the executive board, and to sync in the moment of getting ready for this upcoming term; hoping to create the most memories possible and to continue to uphold the great reputation that the Kauai High Key Club has always given and offered to the community. I can’t wait for this term to be filled with great and positive surprises and to encourage all new and returning key clubber on our purpose of being apart of this amazing club and how community service can also include fun! Not only did the event allow us to get ready and prepare for our term, but to be excited for what is to come in this term!


KAUAI COUNTY FAIR DALSON CUA | MEMBER On a Saturday, August 18th, the members of Kauai High School Key Club participated at the carnival to assist in jobs that they needed people to work. For the first shift, we split up into groups and were going around taking full trash bags and replaced them with new ones. Afterwards, we were assigned to work at the ticket booth and either give tickets to enter the carnival, or give people wristbands when they were leaving so if they wanted to return later that day. The organizers’ hospitality couldn’t have been any better, as they were all friendly towards us, always had a smile on their face, and we even got to know them better, as they talked to us and made jokes. It felt really good to help with the carnival; it provided fun for the entire community of Kauai, and the carnival ran smoothly. It was an overall success, and I can’t thank the carnival’s organizers enough for giving us the opportunity to help out at the carnival. That Saturday, Key Clubbers were able to see so many different people from the community enjoying the fair. I hope we can continue to cooperate with them in the future so we as Key Clubbers can continue to experience these events and do our share as high school students in our community.


MOKIHANA SWIM MEET BRENT TORRES| MEMBER We were first greeted by the organizers of the event with warm, appreciative faces. Then we were split into groups and given the choice of serving food to the public, delivering drinks, or providing hospitality services to the other volunteers. My friends and I decided to help out with serving food to the public because we were drawn to all of the delicious smells within the kitchen. There were not enough volunteers to time the swimmers, so my friends and I accepted the job because we would be able to see the swimmers up close and there was a possibility that we would get wet (that’s a plus). Throughout the day, we worked together to collect times and had fun doing it. The temperature began to get very hot, yet this did not deter us from continuing with the day. We were too distracted by the fun of the day’s activities to worry about the heat. Nearing the conclusion of the races and meeting new and known faces from the swimmers, I realized how beneficial it is to be a Key Clubber. Our club was treated with respect that day, and we knew that the service from Mokihana Aquatics granted an honorable volunteer service from us to them. Being a Key Clubber means meeting new people, reaching out to the public, and bonding with our community. Throughout the whole day, we were thanked by Mokihana Aquatics so many times. The smiling faces and the generosity from the community during the event showed how important Key Club is and how I am proud of being a Key Clubber.



DOUGHNUT WAIT! We have doughnuts to sell! Hey guys! Guess what time it is? It’s

time! Here are the requirements you need to do to make this fundraiser a success! ● Make sure you sell ALL of your tickets! ● When bringing the money back, you MUST put it in the envelope your tickets were in. ● If you sold all 5 tickets and want more, you NEED to give the money from the 5 tickets first.


KEY CLUB 101 Learn everything what being a Key Clubber is all about!


MISSION: Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.

VISION: We are caring and competent servant-leaders transforming communities worldwide. 14

MOTTO: “Caring - Our way of life.”

CORE VALUES: Caring Character Building Inclusiveness Leadership 15

KIWANIS What is Kiwanis? Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world

Why is Kiwanis important? Key Club is a part of the Kiwanis Family ● ● ● ● ● ● 16

K-Kids Builder’s Club Key Club Circle K Kiwanis Aktion Club

Psssttt . . . Our Kiwanis help us out a lot so please thank them whenever you see them!

SAY THE PLEDGE! “I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.� 17

KEY CLUB COLORS Unwavering Character Purity

Service 18

KEY CLUB STRUCTURE ● It starts with YOU! ● Members make up a club ● Board elected/appointed every year ● Multiple clubs make up a division ● Multiple divisions make up a region ● The regions make up a district ● All the districts make up Key Club 19

WHAT ARE WE AS A KEY CLUB? CLUB Kauai High School Key Club

DIVISION Division 22 Makai

REGION Region 18

DISTRICT California - Nevada - Hawaii District 20

OUR 2018 - 2019 DIVISION TEAM!

Lieutenant Governor

Newsletter Editor

Charlene Tan

Keahne Aliga

MDE Coordinator Alysson Cassasola



President Krysten Cassandra Padasdao


Vice President of Public Relations

Vice Pres Serv

Javis Agreda

Jasmine D



Angelika Alegado

Romina Castillo



2018 - 2019 CLUB CERS?

sident of vice

Vice President of Membership

Dela Cruz

Alaysia Navor


ella Marcil

Secretary Leland Kai Villanueva


Newsletter Editor

Braeden Yokoyama

Noelle Oyama



Training conference, usually in the spring or summer before school starts Trains officers and members for leadership Workshops hosted by officers and other experienced leaders


(Officer Training Conference)

(Regional Training Conference)

Workshops hosted by Lt. Governors, club officers, and other division leaders An opportunity to interact with other members of the Region



An opportunity to interact with your Lt. Governor Interact with other clubs close by Workshops by Lt. Governor about Key Club



(Hawaii Convention)

Many workshops hosted by Lt. officers, club officers, and other division leaders An opportunity to interact with other members of the Region Big project where the region works together


Elect a Lieutenant Governor to serve the Division during the next Key Club year Occurs before District Convention, usually in January or February


(District Convention)

Held in March/April annually in various cities around California California-Nevada-Hawaii 3 day convention Educational seminars and Expos Motivational speaker/performance District Executive Officers elections • Recognition


TOGETHER WE ARE . . . 260,000+ Members • 5,000+ Clubs • 33 Districts • 30 Countries 26

If you have any questions about Key Club, please ask your fellow Key Clubbers, Officers, and Advisors! Don’t be afraid to speak up. If you would like to contact any officer or advisor, our contact information is on Pg. 30 27

THANKS FOR READING! This has been Key Club 101!


HELPFUL TIPS TIP #04 Trying to get your hours can be tough in the beginning of the school year. Just remember, the early bird gets the worm. Sign up for events you want to do right when the sign-in sheets come out. You can find these sheets in Mr. Kakutani’s room K203. Also, don’t sign up for anyone but yourself. Let’s get those hours up and start making a change!

Do YOU want to be featured in next month’s Newsletter? ● Any member can submit an article! After any major event (ex. Kiwanis Car Wash, LTG Day, etc.) write an article and send it to my email, 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi. us or text 1(808)631-8551. Members who have attended major events will be contacted. These articles are required for member recognition and awards.

● ●

Don’t know how many hours you have? Why did I get a probation? When is something due?

If you have questions, contact your pod leader. They can answer the questions above and more!




PRESIDENT |Krysten Padasdao krysten.padasdao@gmail.com

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR |Charlene Tan d22m.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS |Javis Agreda javis.agreda@gmail.com

DIVISION NEWS EDITOR |Keahne Aliga d22m.ne@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT OF SERVICE |Jasmine Dela Cruz 20jasmine_dela@kauaihs.k12.hi.us VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP |Alaysia Navor 20alyasia_navor@kauaihs.k12.hi.us SECRETARY |Leland Kai Villanueva 19leland_villanueva@kauaihs.k12.hi.us TREASUER |Angelika Alegado 19angelika_alegado@kauaihs.k12.hi.us HISTORIAN |Romina Castillo 19romina_castillo@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

DIVISION MDE COORDINATOR| Allison Cassasola d22m.mde@gmail.com

ADVISORS FACULTY ADVISOR |Diane Inouye diane_inoye@notes.k12.hi.us FACULTY ADVISOR |Dorene Kimoto dorene.kimoto@gmail.com


HISTORIAN | Emmanuella Marcil emmanuellamarcil@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR |Tyler Navarro tyler.navarro2010@gmail.com

SERGEANT AT ARMS |Braeden Yokoyama 19braeden_yokoyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

KIWANIS ADVISOR |Cheryl Shintani chrylshntn@gmail.com

NEWSLETTER EDITOR|Noelle Oyama 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

KIWANIS ADVISOR | Arryl Kaneshiro akaneshiro@grovefarm.com


WANT MORE? Here’s where to find us

Check out the latest Division Newsletter!




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