D22M | Kauai High School Key Club November Newsletter

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VOLUME 5 ISSUE 8 Kauai High School - 3577 Lala Rd. Lihuˋe, Kauai 96766

Division 22 Makai | Region 18 | CNH District

TABLE TABLE OF OF C C Pg. 4 - 5 L’s Message Editor’s Note

Pg. 7 - 15 October Events

Pg. 6 What’s Buzzin’ this Month?


CONTENTS CONTENTS Pg. 16 World Kindness Day

Pg. 18 Contact Information

Pg. 17 Helpful Tips

Pg. 19 Want More?


LIEUTENANT GOVENOR'S MESSAGE Hey Opihi! I want to start off this message by expressing my greatest THANK YOU for sticking with the Key Club organization. It may be your third month or your third year, but I hope you’ve devoted the time that you spent to figure out the impact you want to make in this club. As this is my fourth and final year, I can definitely recall the multitude of memories of bell ringing, trash picking, and “Carol” growing that I hope you have experienced or get to experience. If you attended member training, I want to commend you for being open to expanding your knowledge about Key Club. I also can’t wait to get to know many of you at LTG Day this month! It is an honor to say I am the first Lieutenant Governor from Kauai in seven years. Although the feeling of anticipation for meeting the Lieutenant Governor will be much less than it typically is, I will take the time to make my “visit” worthwhile and connect with as many of you as I can. Don’t be afraid to talk to me and I will see you soon!



EDITOR'S NOTE Hey Key Clubbers! It’s officially Christmas Season! (It’s Thanksgiving but some of us are already singing to Christmas tunes) November, the month before Christmas, is all about giving thanks. So us officers thank all of you for your hard work during spooky season! (We had two members of the month for October!) Give some thanks back to the community back going to events such as the Block Party, salvation Army Luncheon Set Up and even Bell Ringing at the end of the month. Christmas is a month away, but let’s give some gifts to our community! ~ Noelle Oyama Newsletter Editor 5

What’s Buzzin’ this Month? You Need To Make:





General Meeting

Service Project

Executive Meeting

Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

LTG Day 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


18 Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm EM


No School!


19 Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm


Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

20 Salvation Army Luncheon Set Up 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


REMINDERS LTG Day Saturday & Sunday, November 11th - 12th Block Party Saturday, November 17th Salvation Army Luncheon Set Up Tuesday, November 20th


Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm


After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm EM

8 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm



After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm EM

Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm

After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm EM


Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm




After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm GM



After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

LTG Day 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


17 Block Party 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm GM





Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Kiwanis After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm




Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

No School!

Regency at Puakea 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

25 Trees of Remembrance 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


After School Tutoring 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm


Wilcox Hospital 10:00 am - 11:00 am







24 Trees of Remembrance 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

No School!

No School!

29 Kauai Food Bank 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

After School Tutoring 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Wilcox & King K Key Kids 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Project Shine 12:06 pm - 12:36 pm

30 Salvation Bell Ringing 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

GENERAL MEETINGS Friday, November 2nd Friday, November 16th

October Events

● Membership Training

● Make a Difference Day ● Krispy Kreme Pick-up ● Kauai United Way Walk-a-thon


MEMBERSHIP TRAINING JUSTIN RUIZ | MEMBER At the Key Club Membership Training, both Kauai High and Kapa’a High School Key Clubs participated. We first had breakfast all together before the workshops started. Afterwards, in separate groups, we were sent to different workshops where we learned about different things about Key Club, such as the history of Key Club and the different aspects within the organization. For example, we learned about the membership recognition program and conventions like HCON. While doing this, we bonded with other members through ice breakers and various workshop activities. The members were also able to bond during lunch and the exciting goose chase that followed. For the goose chase, we had to search for items or do different tasks and take a picture or video of it to get points. From the Membership Training, I learned about the importance of Key Club and what it takes to be a good member, along with the fun memories I was able to make not only with the Kauai High Key Club, but the Kapa’a Key Club and our Kiwanis Advisors as well.



Make a Difference Day ZOE CARVALHO | MEMBER Make a Difference Day was a really fun event. We first started out with an energizer where I was able to meet upperclassmen Key Clubbers. After the energizer, we were separated into groups of five and choose a tree. My group was smart and picked the tree in the shade. We had to pull out the coconut tree, but it wasn’t down too deep so it wasn’t difficult to reach the roots. We successfully pulled the tree out and got our new tree. Together we effortlessly buried the new tree. Afterwards, Janique and I covered it up with sand and dirt. But we had to dig a deeper hole if we wanted to put the new tree in. Suddenly I heard a “chink!” Brent hit something with his shovel. I thought we found treasure, except it was a humongous boulder and we knew we had to remove that rock in order to take out the tree. Slowly nipping at the ground, we were able to see of the rock and stuck the shovels underneath to try and lift it up. Our idea was shot down when we heard a loud crack in the shovel. But that didn’t stop us, it made us even more determined to get this stubborn rock out of the ground. Some time after, it took three of them to lift that boulder out of the sand and off to the side. Our group took so long taking that tree out that they cleaned the whole beach of driftwood before we were even done. But we went and planted our tree. We even named that tree Karl. Make a Difference Day taught us how to work together as a team to reach the same goal. Furthermore being able to connect with extraordinary Key Clubbers was fun while I served my community. I am so glad that I made the decision to join Key Club and was able to meet and experience new things.



Krispy Kreme Pick-Up KALEN KONISHI | MEMBER I woke up really early to go and pick up doughnuts from the Aloha Air Cargo on Saturday morning. We carried many boxes of doughnuts which weighed around 50 pounds each. Afterwards we went to our local Walmart to set up our stall. When we got their, it started to rain, but luckily, the tents were set up. We quickly unloaded the doughnuts from the car trucks and started to sell the Doughnuts. We made signs and wore our Krispy Kreme Hats.There were many people who came to pick up their doughnuts since we sold tickets, but we also sold a lot of doughnuts since there were a lot of extra ones. Since I was “box man,” I was incharge of breaking down and putting away the many boxes the doughnuts were in. I think I broke down over 10 boxes. That’s a lot of doughnuts we sold. The event went by really fast and I was able to see peoples faces smile when they came up to pick up their doughnuts. I’m glad that people were able to enjoy their doughnuts as much as I enjoyed eating mine.



Kauai United Way Walk-a-thon KAILEE OYAMA | MEMBER For the Kauai United Way Walk-a-thon, the Kauai High School Key Club met at the Kukui Grove Center on a early Saturday morning. Right before the walk-a-thon started, some of the other Key Clubbers and I participated in zumba. It was a great pre-exercise for getting in the mood to start walking. The beat was good, the dancing was good, and I was feeling good. When the walk-a-thon started, my friends and I were very excited since we were walking to raise money for the Kauai United Way. We walked around the shopping center down to the Kmart parking lot and back up to where we started. When the walk-a-thon was done, I was very happy because not only had I raised money for the Kauai United Way, which greatly gives back to our community, but I also became an official member of Key Club when I turned my donations in.



On November 13th let’s all celebrate . . .

World Kindness Day! Let’s be kind to each other! Here are some things you can do on World Kindness Day!



Take care of yourself! World Kindness Day applies to everyone including yourself. Do things that are relaxing or help boost your self esteem. To be kind to others, you should be kind to yourself.


Send a positive text! Is great to give compliments as much as receiving them, so send a little kindness by sending out a nice text message. Find people in your contact list to send a thankful or praising text message.


Pick up trash!! Along with being kind to others, be kind to the environment around you. Pick up trash whenever you see it. Not only will it make the place cleaner, it'll make you feel good too.


Thank someone! People who take care of you are always making sure that your are the best person that you can be. These people can be your parents, relatives,friends, teachers, etc. Make sure to thank them for all their care and hard work!


Serve your community! Since we’re Key Clubbers, we should always help the community with our service. On this day, go to a weekly event! The community could always use your kindness!

HELPFUL TIPS TIP #06 Since it’s the Holiday Season, we have a lot of events! Make sure that you sign up for events. (Especially the weekly events!) It’s really great if you want to make more hours than what’s required. Go above and beyond with your service! Doing so will help you become a bronze, silver, gold, and platinum member. Key CLubbers are all about serving the community, so let’s serve, serve, serve!

Do YOU want to be featured in next month’s Newsletter? ● Any member can submit an article! After any major event (ex. Kiwanis Car Wash, LTG Day, etc.) write an article and send it to my email, 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi. us or text 1(808)631-8551. Members who have attended major events will be contacted. These articles are required for member recognition and awards.

● ●

Don’t know how many hours you have? Why did I get a probation? When is something due?

If you have questions, contact your pod leader. They can answer the questions above and more!




PRESIDENT |Krysten Padasdao krysten.padasdao@gmail.com

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR |Charlene Tan d22m.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS |Javis Agreda javis.agreda@gmail.com

DIVISION NEWS EDITOR |Keahne Aliga d22m.ne@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT OF SERVICE |Jasmine Dela Cruz 20jasmine_dela@kauaihs.k12.hi.us VICE PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP |Alaysia Navor 20alyasia_navor@kauaihs.k12.hi.us SECRETARY |Leland Kai Villanueva 19leland_villanueva@kauaihs.k12.hi.us TREASUER |Angelika Alegado 19angelika_alegado@kauaihs.k12.hi.us HISTORIAN |Romina Castillo 19romina_castillo@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

DIVISION MDE COORDINATOR| Allison Cassasola d22m.mde@gmail.com

ADVISORS FACULTY ADVISOR |Diane Inouye diane_inoye@notes.k12.hi.us FACULTY ADVISOR |Dorene Kimoto dorene.kimoto@gmail.com


HISTORIAN | Emmanuella Marcil emmanuellamarcil@gmail.com

KIWANIS ADVISOR |Tyler Navarro tyler.navarro2010@gmail.com

SERGEANT AT ARMS |Braeden Yokoyama 19braeden_yokoyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us

KIWANIS ADVISOR |Cheryl Shintani chrylshntn@gmail.com

NEWSLETTER EDITOR|Noelle Oyama 19noelle_oyama@kauaihs.k12.hi.us



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