August 2012 Newsletter

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Kayleen’s LTG Newsletter for the month of August 

Volume 1, Issue 3 Overview:

August: Back to School! Start getting back into your pre-summer routine! Don’t forget to recruit more freshmen during your high school’s registration or any other event where you can advertise for Key Club.


I will be hosting my first FTC (Fall Training Conference) this month so all club officers are invited. There will be forums, food, fun, and refreshments. K-Family Day will also be in this month. More info to come.


UNICEF will be hosting its annual Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF so that means we all get to walk around with little orange boxes and collect change and money for those who are less fortunate than we are. It’s all about making a difference!

Although my official title is a Lieutenant Governor, I’m still just like any other high school student. I’m here to help my clubs in the Rio Grande Valley, and that makes a huge difference in the lives of not only the Key Clubbers but the people that you impact while still in Key Club. Remember, Key Club is a service organization and our mission is to help out and service others in our schools, in our community, and on an international level as well. You might think that little old me can’t make a difference in this world, but you can! And you will, through your participation as an active Key Club member! The best is yet to come, so stay active my fellow Key Clubbers! 

Back to School

One of your priorities for your club this year should be increasing membership. It’s always good to have at least 25 members, but I know that can be a hard number to achieve. It’s still possible however so just put in the effort to recruit more members!

Posters like these are simple ways to get your club noticed on campus!

August 2012

KEY CLUB PLEDGE Recruiting members can be accomplished in a number of ways. The first is registration before school starts or fish camp. You can set up your own booth or table and have representatives from Key Club talk about what we stand for and how much fun it is to be in the club. Also have a visual aid present like the poster to the left or a well-decorated trifold. Those will really attract the new freshmen to your table. The second is get your friends involved. Tell them about your experiences with Key Club. It’s not just for service but for fun too. If you make it interesting enough, they will more than likely join! The perks of being a member include adding it on their college resume, and knowing that they made a difference in someone’s life at some point. Who wouldn’t want that?

Don't know the Key Club pledge? No worries. Just follow along below: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

KEY CLUB MISSION Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Fall Rally Want to enjoy a day at Six Flags and meet other Key Clubbers from around the great Texas-Oklahoma District? Then Fall Rally is just what you’re looking for! This event is a great way to bond with other clubs and have fun. Who wouldn’t want to spend a whole day at an amusement

park with friends and other K- Family? Buy your tickets on the T-O District Website at great price!

Fall Rally is a fun filled day of festivity, and there’s also 1,000 monthly report points that can be won! Visit the District Website for tickets!

Our K-Family Day or Fall Rally is a day for members of all the branches of the Kiwanis Family to come together to bond as a family and have a grand old time. Key Club members are encouraged to come to this event with their clubs to meet other Key Clubbers, talk to district officers, and strengthen club friendships. In addition to the rides and food, our event will be held during Six Flag’s annual Fright Fest. Tickets are only $30 a person, which is over a $25 savings! During K-Family Day, all Kiwanis Family attendees will meet at 11 AM at the Southern Palace for our Rally. Our revamped program for the Rally is a surprise that you won’t want to miss! After the Rally, your club is free to enjoy all of the park’s attractions! Experience the first weekend of Fright Fest with your fellow T-O Key Clubbers!

Trick or Treat for UNICEF What is Trick or Treat for UNICEF? Well first of all, UNICEF is one of Key Club’s partner service organizations. They are the only organization of the United Nations dedicated exclusively to children. This year all proceeds will benefit the Eliminate Project which is Key Club’s project to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This is an easy way to make a difference in the lives of a mother and her children! Every bit of money collected counts so don’t be discouraged!

This is what the collection boxes will look like for this year. Coins and cash are all accepted. Just $1.80 will protect a mother and her future children from maternal and neonatal tetanus!

Announcement In 1950, children across America were inspired to collect coins for UNICEF to aid children abroad enduring the after-effects of World War II. It was not just a charity effort—it was a call to end the needless suffering of their more vulnerable peers around the globe. Since then, for generations of Americans, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has been a powerful way to make a difference in the lives of the world’s children. Established as one of the longest-running youth initiatives in America, with more than $165 million raised to date, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF remains an inspiration for the young (and the young at heart) to further the cause of children everywhere. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF- do it!

Collection boxes should be mailed to your club in the fall. You can pre-order them by following this link. rickortreat/ Have fun trick or treating with these adorable boxes, and be happy knowing you’re saving lives! 

This little girl is an example of how the outreach efforts by UNICEF help save lives. Every child has the right to a happy and healthy life! Make a donation online or better yet carry those little boxes around.

The First Addition Announcing for the very first time a new addition to my newsletters: Club of the Month! Starting in the month of September, my newsletter will reward one club out of the entire division a spot specifically for their accomplishments, and just how great of a job they’re doing. It will include a photo and a brief description on what that club has done to earn a spotlight on this here amazing newsletter of mine. So make sure to do your best if you want to be recognized!

The Second Addition

I’m so excited for these two new additions! This is a great way to highlight the progress, improvement, and participation, hard work, and time that you guys put into Key Club! Not only will the entire division know who you are, but you get the personal satisfaction of earning a spot in my newsletter. Every club has a chance to make it on here so really put in the effort to earn your recognition! I’m so stoked for these new categories, and I hope y’all are too!

“Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. “Abraham Lincoln

Another great announcement ladies and gentlemen is that a new addition to my newsletter is Officer of the Month! It is basically like Club of the Month, but an individual officer of a club will be recognized instead of a group. This includes a picture of you by yourself and what you did to earn it.

Regional Contact Info: Here ladies and gentlemen is our Regional Advisor. You can also contact him, and he’ll be glad to be of service to you. I’d love to hear from you first of course! In case you feel it necessary to contact him, here’s his email and phone numbers. He’s a Kiwanian, and you can reach him at this email: m or his phone numbers (956) 423-2894 and (956) 245-6065.

Lieutenant Governor Contact Information: Email: Phone: (956) 536-4218 Facebook me! 

Farewell! If you have questions, comments, concerns, positive feedback, negative feedback, or just suggestions contact me with the information located below (where the arrow is pointing). I am always willing to help you all with anything that is Key Club related. Until the next newsletter, farewell!

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