July 2012 Newsletter

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Kayleen’s LTG Newsletter for the month of July 

Volume 1, Issue 2

July 2012

What is an LTG?

Who am I?

So an LTG or Lieutenant Governor is someone who according to the official Key Club website is “a student leader who carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs.” I help out my home club and the rest of the clubs in Division 11 which is comprised of basically all the Key Clubs in the Rio Grande Valley. Some of my responsibilities include making a newsletter, filling out a monthly report (yeah, what’s up Secs) and attending board meetings. I also make visits to clubs so if receive emails from me please respond to them so I can know when is the best time to schedule anything with you! Staying in contact is key (Ha, get it?) to the progress of our Division as a whole. If we all put in the effort, the Valley can be recognized as one of the best Divisions in the whole District! Remember: "The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual."Vince Lombardi

I’m seventeen and a senior at Harlingen High School. (Cardinal Spirit Never Dies!) I love to help people which is one of the primary reasons why I joined Key Club. I love my family and friends. I’m a Mormon.  I attend church regularly, and I love it. Many people have misconceptions about my religion, but it’s quite awesome. Once you get to know me, you’ll be surprised to know all the good things that surround my life. I also love to hang out/chill/relax with my amigos and amigas. I like to bake, and I’m a terrible cook. I hardly watch TV, and I’m currently working an internship at a medical library, and it has turned out to be one of the greatest experiences ever.

This is me, In case you were curious. 

My Home Club in Harlingen

Just like all Key Clubs around the world, my home club at Harlingen High School has to have meetings on a weekly basis, participate in service events/ projects, and just fulfill all the responsibilities that are outlined in the Key Club Guidebook which can be found online at www.keyclub.org. 

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From Left to Right: Donaldo Almazan, Amanda Flores, Lindsey Longoria, and Sandra Perez.

July 2012

KEY CLUB PLEDGE Key Club isn’t just a place where you can have fun and be with your friends. It helps to build the leader within each and every one of us. We become caring and compassionate human beings. We learn to help others and help ourselves. We have fun and joke around. We help our community and our schools. We make memories and friends that last a lifetime. We make a difference in our hometowns and across the world. It’s not just something you put on your resume when you apply to college. It’s something that sticks with you beyond school and for the rest of our lives. What starts in Key Club changes our lives and the lives of others for the better. It’s in our blood, it’s what we do, and it’s what we’re meant to be. We all possess the potential to change things in a more positive direction. Be the light, be a Key Clubber. 

Don't know the Key Club pledge? No worries. Just follow along below: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

KEY CLUB MISSION Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

SNAPSHOT Insert club photo here

The Texas Oklahoma District Website The Texas- Oklahoma District Website is the ultimate resource for Key Club Officers. One of the things I love is that it’s so easy to navigate. At the home page of the website (pictured below) there are a bunch of tabs that have drop down boxes that contain all the resources such as examples of minutes, reports, and whatnot for those of you that are new to the officer position. It also helps to stay up –to-date with all T-O District events. 

^ This right here is a screen shot of the first thing you will see on the District Website. It also has links to the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the TexasOklahoma District.

Come one; come all to the T-O District’s website! It is so useful for all officer positions and just the average Key Clubber. If you have any questions regarding the duties of your office, district events, or contact information, I highly recommend that you go to the website first. It saves you time, and it saves us time. All the District Board members are on there and this website also features their contact info. It is such a great resource that you should be taking advantage of every single day. Just kidding, but is honestly one of the first things I go to whenever I have a question or inquiry. The picture to the right is a part of the same home screen you will see if you just scroll down a tad bit more from what you see on the left. Like I said, it’s one of the biggest helps to Key Clubbers.

One of the Greatest Service Opportunites!

So there’s this little big thing called Kiwanis One Day Service Event that happens on April 21st of every year, if I’m not mistaken. This year my club volunteered to help our janitors pick up trash, leaves, and just garbage that was on our high school campus. It really shows that you care about others when you decide to take time off from your Saturday to contribute to beautifying your school. It’s just the coolest thing ever.

Members of HHS Key Club that volunteered to clean in April of this past school year. First names from left to right: Elora, Kaylan, Daniel, Angie, Aaron and Jackie.

Remember that Kiwanis One Day only comes around once a year so make it count! Get your home club hyped up about helping out within the community and make sure they know the impact they’ll make from contributing their time and effort. Also keep in touch with officers so that everyone is on the same page for the event. Pass motions that have a date, time, and location so that way all members are informed as well. This is a great opportunity to have with your high school classmates, and I guarantee you will not be disappointed for deciding to spend your Saturday helping out. These are just some of the photos taken from the event that was hosted at my high school. It’s a great experience so don’t miss out!

Ideas for Kiwanis One Day Humane Societies, food banks, your high school campus, Ronald McDonald houses, Hospitals, and any place that doesn’t pose a risk to the well-being of the Key Clubbers in your club is a great place for Kiwanis One Day. Those were just off the top of my head so I’m sure there are plenty others. 

Who’s who in the T-O District? Kevin Duong is our District Secretary. Yes, that’s him right down there. He is in charge of grading things like the monthly reports, activity sheets, distributing report cards and basically all the paper work associated with the position of Secretary. ATTENTION ALL KEY CLUB SECRETARIES! You will send Kevin all your monthly reports to his address (below) on the 5th of every month.

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Contact Information: Address: 14906 Bridle Bend Drive, Houston, Texas 77084 Email: kevin.duongkc@yahoo.com

Who’s District Governor? This is a list of the other District Board members: Treasurer- Maci Slater (macislate@hotmail.com) Editor- Lindyn Davis (Davis.lindyn2013@gmail.com) Convention Liaison- Roshni Chandwani (roshni.chandwani.kc@gmail.com) Trustee- Rebecca Riley (rriley@alabamakeyclub.org) Aside from me, there are approximately 40 more Lieutenant Governors across the Texas Oklahoma District. All of these Board members are just normal Key Clubbers like you, so don’t be afraid to contact one of them if you need help. I’m always here of course to answer your questions so I’d always love to hear from you first. Please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’m ready to answer any and all questions you might have!!!!! 

This teenager, ladies and gentleman, we shall call Brian O’Hara. Actually that is his real name, but I decided to be weird and ok, well, yeah. Anyway, he is the one who runs the District Board and has probably the most responsibility out of all of us. He’s one of the nicest guys so don’t be afraid to contact him either.

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Contact Information: Email: governorbrianohara@gmail.com

Other useful people  The man to the right of this body paragraph is named Richard Brotzman, and he is our Regional Advisor. He is basically in charge of me ( a supervisor, rather.) and the other Lieutenant Governors. He’s a Kiwanian, and you can reach him at this email: brotzman@ix.netcom.co m or his phone numbers (956) 423-2894 and (956) 245-6065.

Goodbye! Body copy co

Lieutenant Governor Contact Information: Email: kckayleencantu@gmail.com Phone: (956) 536-4218 Facebook me! 

This brings my newsletter to an end. I’m glad that you all are reading this, and I look forward to working with you this summer and the upcoming school year! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please, please, please, I beg you, (not really, just kidding) contact me using the information provided in the teeny tiny box down there.

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