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The Yellow Pages Key Club International l Cali-Nev-Ha l Region 3

DIVISION 30 SOUTH Volume 21 Issue 3


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Le tte r F A ro Le m tte Yo r F ur ro 05 m D N R Y 08 E ec ou og St r L ni ep TG tio pi 14 ng n Sp to o 15 tli th gh A e Pa t o Lo st n ok S er In vi 17 to ce th Be e e Fu U pd tu 18 re at C ed on ta ct 03

C on te nt s



Bonjour D30 South,

With summer at its warmest, it's lovely to see everyone's commitment, especially at Beach Boomba! Included are updates for the month of August, as well as past reflections and information on upcoming events. Hope your vacation is going swell, and all the best to a wonderful school year!

Love, Sara Jilani Division 30 South Division News Editor





To My Fellow Kiwanis Leaders, Hello Suns! I hope you all are having a relaxing vacation with lots of new memories. I also hope that you plan to volunteer! It's summer time and this is the season where suns shine the brightest! There are many volunteering opportunities over the summer so if you're bored and have nothing to do, sign up for an event and take a few hours out of your day to volunteer with friends! �� As this is the August Newsletter, you can expect to find the August calendar, upcoming events, and articles to recap June. See you next time, Suns! Yours in caring service, Vivian Bui Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor 4


Mia Kim


Officer of the Month

Teresa Hoang


Secretary of the Month

Tram Le



Shining Clubs August 2017

1st Kennedy

2nd Whitney

3rd Loara

4th Oxford

5th Western


Most Funds Rasied Whitney


 Stepping to theÂ

PAST "Hanging with old friends and saying "remember when"" - Tumblr



Anna Phan


divsion news, bonding, and

by the division’s spirit

service hours were offered at the


same time.

During the service event, members

June DCM started out with the

made paper lanterns, hands, and

Division Leadership Team’s boba & popcorn chicken sale where proceeds would go to the

cards. The cards and lanterns would be sent to war veterans through the American Legion organization, where the paper

This year’s June DCM, held at Oak

Pediatric Trauma Program and

Knoll Park, was a service and

Project Eliminate. During the

social combo event where fellow

meeting, Lieutenant Governor

key clubbers in Division 30 South

Vivian Bui went over updates in

could gather news and

shaped like shirts and paper

the club and district, future

lanterns, which was really

announcements from Lieutenant

events, recognition, and more.

entertaining and informative.

Governor Vivian Bui, bond with

During the open mind session,

others in the division, and do

members shared embarrassing

service by creating paper crafts

moments, bringing humor and

meant to be sent to several

bonding experiences to the

charities. Overall, it was a

meeting. Following the meeting

wonderful experience where

was a fun icebreaker introduced

hands would help raise money for the Save the Children’s programs. We learned how to make cards



Cecelia Dang

Western An annual gathering, OTC is both a celebratory moment and one that recognizes those elected for board positions, whether it be the president, a publicist, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you've made it on board and you're here, in the same auditorium, crowded with hundreds other acrossÂ


the county. Here, schools and

people; fun fact, most people

districts assemble workshops

would rather die than speak

in the drones, in hopes of

in front of their cohorts, it's a

being able to accrue

known fear. But regardless of

knowledge for the upcoming

the type of person you are,

term; factors like how to

there's a workshops for

handle money, how to host

everyone to attend and the

general meetings, preferred

most important part, at the

charities that deserve special

very least, you get to walk

attention, but essentially, how

away content that OTC was a

to make your club successful.

productive day well spent.

And then of course there are other workshops such as public speaking and how to be a leader 101 that really focus on your personal skills and what you lack when it comes to being in front of otherÂ

KCW INTERCLUB SOCIAL Club members from Kennedy,

blaster gun that was placed

Patrick Yang

Cypress, and Whitney started to

randomly during the fight.

come to support at Oak Knoll Park at

All in all, it was a great way to spend


2 PM. It was delightful seeing so

the afternoon. From socializing with

much spirited Key Club members all

others from both our home and

together in one place outside of

different clubs, to having and

DCMs or volunteer events. One of the

participating in fun activities with

Being that this was our first social

many activities that we did was water

them, our fellow Key Club members

since our term started, it was

balloon toss. It was a very fun

have created a stronger bond in

incredibly exciting seeing everyone

interactive game, which allowed

which will be impossible to break. All

have so much fun. From Kennedy,

partners to show off their skills

of this was thanks to our spirit

Cypress, and Whitney, came

together. Another activity that

coordinators and support from

enthusiastic faces eager to meet and

involved potentially getting wet with

everyone as a whole.

greet new people. Our fellow spirit

water balloons was the water balloon

coordinators from all three school

fight. During this water balloon fight,

planned this interclub social and

there were buckets placed around

made very successful.

the park and our job was to find them

Many different fun activities were

and use the water balloons to attack

organized throughout the day, and

other people, and to make matters

everything went very smoothly.

even more wet, there was a waterÂ



Shawn Nguyen


welcoming staff who checked us in

sure most of us were sore the

and gave us each a volunteer sticker.

next day, that is just temporary

Our first task was to set up various

but the fun and memories we

signs that would be scattered across

created will last a lifetime.

the event such as directions and sponsorship signs. After that, volunteers were divided for different tasks. One group hung up the signs set

IThe Relay for Life organization is a

up previously, another set up easy-ups

major fundraiser for the American

along with banners and tables. Others

Cancer Society and it truly run by

worked at the stage area to set up

volunteers. This group strives to

lights, flags, banners, and much more.

make an impact and bring people

Some helped the staff transport

together. The 2017 Relay for Life

supplies from their vehicles and

event took place this June and Key

organized chairs. We also helped staff

Clubbers from Loara, John F.

set up their tents.

Kennedy, and Western were there

With an event as physically demanding

to help the staff prepare for a

as this, I believe this allowed members

memorable event.

to bond in a way by fighting through

Upon arrival we were greeted by

the fatigue together. Although I’m


OC PRIDE PARADE volunteers go, we finally headed to

talents and people who performed

an event trailer where we signed in

in the main stage of the Yost Theatre

and received our volunteer shirts

to the break room and to the

and orders. My group and I were

general manager of the theatre.

separated as we had to do different

Until around 3:30 PM I had

tasks for different people who

performed this task until I had to go

needed our help. For me, I first had

home. Overall, the event was really

to help another volunteer move

enjoyable as there was so much

The OC Pride Festival and Parade in

crates of orange juice and water

vibrant and enjoyable stands spread

Downtown Santa Ana took place on

from one tent to another in order to

throughout Downtown Santa Ana

June 24, 2017 and I found this

clear space for one of the festival

and we got to see them and what

particular event to be one of the

tents. After that task, I had met up

they do. Plus, I got a lot of free stuff

most enjoyable community service

with the rest of my club we had been

from these stands! I am glad I got to

events I have done throughout my

separated from and we had to help

help and assist those coordinating

entire time in Key Club. The event

move giant versions of board games

an event that expressed pride

started at 9:30 AM but my group

to a kid's area of Downtown Santa

during June, which is Pride Month!

and I were initially lost, not knowing

Ana's Central Market. Once we had

where to go in order to sign in and

completed that, two fellow club

start volunteering. However, after

mates and I were assigned to help

asking some people about where

carry water to an actor's break room.

Kevin Dang


The last task that I was assigned with a fellow club mate was to help escort


Spotlight on Service August 2017

Children's Education http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/downloads/Projects/Spotlight%20on%20Service/SOS P_Guide_05_1617.pdf





August DCM Scavenger Hunt

August 12th La Mirada Regional Park


BEE UPDATED August 2017


WetNWild 5K


OC Fair Fun Run



August DCM

Color Vibe 5K



Apothecary Garden Work Day

Community Health Fair at the Anaheim Marketplace


Contact Vivian Bui Lieutenant Governor d30s.cnh.kc.ltg@gmail.com

Dylan Daravong Executive Assistant dylandaravong@gmail.com

Anjika Morari Executive Assistant anjika.m.ca@gmail.com

Tracy Vu Division Secretary tracyvu15@gmail.com

Sara Jilani Division News Editor saraflara@gmail.com


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