Division 30 South News | September 2017-18

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The Yellow Pages Key Club International l Cali-Nev-Ha l Region 3

DIVISION 30 SOUTH Volume 21 Issue 4



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Bonjour D30 South,

Hey Suns! Hope your the beginning of your school year is going well. As you know, included in this issue are updates on special events, memories, and recognition. I look forward to seeing you all in the DCM!

Love, Sara Jilani Division 30 South Division News Editor





To My Fellow Kiwanis Leaders,

Hello Suns! I hope the start of your school year is going by very well! I also hope that you plan to volunteer! Even though school started, don't forget that must continue to volunteer to benefit our community and those around us. Now, with school starting, there are many volunteer options to take into account. �� As this is the September Newsletter, you can expect to find the September calendar, upcoming events, and articles to recap July and August. See you next time, Suns!

Yours in caring service, Vivian Bui Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor 4

September RECOGNITION GO SUNS!!! Member of the Month

Joanne Lee


Officer of the Month

Brandon Tran


Secretary of the Month

Bryan Tran



Shining Clubs September 2017

1st Whitney

2nd Oxford

3rd Kennedy

4th Loara

5th Cypress


Most Funds Rasied Whitney


 Stepping to theÂ

PAST "Hanging with old friends and saying "remember when"" - Tumblr



Cecilia Dang

Western Rise and shine as Western teams with Oxford for a summer social consisting of a beach clean up, icebreakers, and a good American potluck of hot dogs. It wasn’t that great honestly, cause Jerry burned half the hot dogs. Nice. But what was nice was standing in the water and

basking in the sun in 90 degree

beach and yet another

weather. The outcome? Not so

potluck of the leftover

great, because after nearly a

Doritos and hot dogs with

month my tan is still in place

no buns. I did not stay,

and I will never forget what it’s

cause it’s time to dip y’all.

like to be so sunburnt that one

But regardless, from what I

touch could sting the heck out

heard, the social was a

of you. It’s time ought to listen

success and that’s all that

to these environmentalists and

matters. End of story…

the destruction of the ozone layers and whatnot, I’d go on, but I’m straying off topic here and I’d digress. Following the summer social, which ended a little prematurely, the majority stayed behind to enjoy the



Shawn Nguyen

same number came together and

people; fun fact, most people would

exchanged some facts about

rather die than speak in front of their

themselves. Once that was done we

cohorts, it's a known fear. But

finally got to eat! We were served


cheeseburgers, chips, hotdogs, salads, and more. Eating with new people was an opportunity to get to know some people, but to be

regardless of the type of person you are, there's a workshops for everyone to attend and the most important part, at the very least, you get to walk away content that OTC was a productive day well spent.our

This past July the Kiwanis Family

completely honest I didn’t take the

of Division 30 held their

opportunity. Next we moved onto a

Barbeque. Members from Division

workshop about motivation

nostalgia through cheers and

30 North/South, and Circle K

presented by Darius Nguyen from

workshops, and now I’m even more

International gathered together

CKI. It was a great presentation that

excited for more cross-division

at the Fullerton Kiwanis Youth

gave me DCON nostalgia! We


Park to socialize, learn, and of

ended the day with a service

course eat!

project similar to one we have done

We started the event off with a

in a previous DCM, we made dog

get-to-know icebreaker activity

toys with old T-Shirts!

where attendees are given a

I really loved this event because it

number and people with the

was fun getting to hang out with


DLT, Division 30 North, and CKI. I experienced DCON and Fall Rally


Emily Sunaryo

give back to the people that

every time I volunteer, I do

lived there. I was in charge of

make a difference because so


the food stand, which I had

many people get to enjoy

helped set up and grill the meat

events that I help plan and

which people brought in case

create and work at. This made

they got hungry during the

me feel more inclined to be

concert. I was really surprised

active in volunteering and to

about how many people

find different ways to give back

attended this event, because I

to Cypress.

This month I had participated in the Concert on the Green Volunteering event which was led by the Cypress Kiwanis Club at the Cypress Recreational Center. This event really stood out to me, because I was really able to see the community come together and work hard to

honestly never really thought that community events were that popular among Cypress residents. Seeing the involvement in this concert had really had me thinking that


Spotlight on Service September 2017

Pediatric Trauma Program http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/downloads/Projects/Spotlight%20on%20Service/SOS P_Guide_05_1617.pdf





September DCM With D4W September 23rd


Updates Coming Soon!

BEE UPDATED September 2017

9th Empower our Invisible Populations at Grandma's House of Hope


September DCM


Contact Vivian Bui Lieutenant Governor d30s.cnh.kc.ltg@gmail.com

Dylan Daravong Executive Assistant dylandaravong@gmail.com

Anjika Morari Executive Assistant anjika.m.ca@gmail.com

Tracy Vu Division Secretary tracyvu15@gmail.com

Sara Jilani Division News Editor saraflara@gmail.com


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