Division 30 South News | December 2016-17

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Key Club International | Cal-Nev-Ha | Region 3

The Yellow Pages e 20 Volum 7 Issue

CONTENTS PAGE 5 Letter from Your LTG

for your LTG’s opinion on the division’s progress

PAGE 4 Letter from Your DNE

for insight on how this newsletter was put together

PAGE 6 Calendar

for important dates and details


PAGE 22 Contact Info

PAGE 8 Recognition

for ways to contact the division’s executive board

for the month’s shining clubs, member, officer, secretary, & most funds raised

PAGE 10 Spotlight on Service

for this month’s service initiative, including goals, tips, and/or ideas

PAGE 14 Articles

for highlights, written by division members, on events this month


A Letter from Your DNE Hello Suns! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful for serving such an amazing division and for working with such an amazing DLT. Key Cub has shaped me into who I am today and I can’t thank all of you enough for touching my life and for being a part of my high school journey. I just hope that I have been able to touch all of your lives as much as you’ve all touched mine. Now that Thanksgiving break is over, I know that most of you are counting the days until Christmas break comes. But I hope you’re all also spending this time leading up to Christmas Day volunteering and giving back to the community. After all, it is the season of giving. In honor of the season of giving, this month’s focus for the Spotlight on Service is “Providing Basic Needs.” Spend this holiday season giving back to the community to ensure other families can have an amazing Christmas too. While we should spend time being thankful for what we have, we should also spend time ensuring others have their basic needs covered so that they may have a joyful time with their loved ones. Work with your school’s Key Club to provide basic needs for those who need it. Or you can even start your own service project! Collect toys and wrap toys so that every child can have Christmas gifts this year. Donate winter clothes so that every family will be toasty warm this winter season. Serve food at a local homeless shelter so that everyone in your community can have a warm meal for Christmas. For more ideas on projects centered around “Providing Basic Needs”, refer to page 12 of this month’s newsletter. Remember that Christmas isn’t about getting time off school; it’s about giving back to your community. I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Sun-cerely,

Vivian Luong


Rise and Shine, Suns! It’s your Lieutenant Governor, Kelly Tran! Fall Rally South was such a blast. For those of you who went, thank you so much for your support during the rally session. For those of you who weren’t able to go but went out to volunteer at the Run 4 Alzheimer’s anyway, thank you for your undying service! Whether you participated in a Key Club event or not on November 12, it’s the season of giving and thanks. We’ve accomplished a lot as a Division. From increasing attendance at DCM’s to breaking records for Pediatric Trauma Program donations, I’m so thankful and honored to be your Lieutenant Governor. I was left in tears of joy when I realized we had raised a total of more than $4,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. I’m incredibly thankful for all of you who have supported Division Fundraisers either by attending yourself or publicizing to friends. On top of these fundraisers, clubs have also worked extremely hard to raise money on their own to donate. With John F. Kennedy Key Club raising $900, this club made the biggest contribution to our Pediatric Trauma Program donations. Looking back at previous terms, it’s an extraordinary achievement for us to raise more than $4,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program, especially because this is almost double than what we raised last year and what was raised the previous years. I could never be happier knowing that the work I and the DLT put into leading Division 30 South has paid off. We have truly grown so much all thanks to our communication and team work. Thank you Division 30 South for the love you always show me and for the service you do as members. The only thing I ever wanted for my Birthday and Christmas was to see Division 30 South grow more than ever before. With (Lieutenant Governor) election season coming up, I invite any of you who are interested in running to e-mail me at d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com to receive additional information on every requirement and the elections process. Whether you’re just a general member or someone with an endless list of experience, I know that every single key clubber in Division 30 South is capable of being in a position of leadership such as this. I’ll tell you now that, despite how stressed out I may seem, every single second has been worth it. Leadership comes with its sacrifices, but they’ll always be manageable. Making the decision to run for Lieutenant Governor already shows that you’re capable of the duties. This is going to be a hard decision for many of you, but please reach out to me if you need advice. Even if you don’t want to run for Lieutenant Governor, there’s other executive positions you can run for in the club. I’ll still be here for all of you to talk to if you need advice. I love you all so much.


Kelly Tran

A Letter from Your LTG 5

DESCRIPTION 3 | December DCM Winter Extravaganza 1:00PM-4:00PM Buena Park High School This joint DCM is going to include members of both Division 30 South and Division 30 North. Key Clubbers will get the chance to bond over service projects, an ugly sweater competition, a potluck, and more! The address of Buena Park High School is 8833 Academy Dr, Buena Park, CA 90621.

10 | Candidate Training Conference Rosary Academy If you’re interested in becoming Lieutenant Governor next year or sometime in the future, come out to Candidate Training Conference at Rosary Academy to learn what it takes! The address of Rosary Academy is 1349 N. Acacia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831.

25 | Christmas Day During this season of giving, remember to not only spend time with your own family and friends but also volunteer at Key Club events and give to others so that they may have an amazing Christmas with their own families and friends as well. Take this month’s focus for the Spotlight on Service to heart and help provide basic needs to those who are less fortunate this Christmas season.

29 | Rose Float Decorating Arrive at Savanna HS by 5:00AM 8:00AM-4:00PM Pasadena For this popular volunteer event, Key Clubbers will get the chance to see the float they helped create appear on TV during the Rose Float Parade. Volunteer with fellow Key Clubbers, Circle K members, and Kiwanians to cut flowers and decorate floats. The actual volunteer shift will be from 8:00AM-4:00PM, which means 8 hours of service and fun! The bus is expected to arrive back at Savanna High School by 5:00PM.



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SHINING CLUBS october 2016




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Provide your community with basic needs during this holiday season. Clothes or food drives are perfect service projects for this month. 10



spotlight on service: december

PROVIDING BASIC NEEDS The holiday season is a time to spend quality time with friends and families. This month, our focus is to provide basic needs to those who need our help so they can have a memorable holiday season as well. Whether that need is food, shelter, warmth, clothes, or a kind letter of appreciation, we will be making a positive difference to our communities! Read more to find some service project and fundraising ideas.



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01 | Homeless Shelters As the holidays come up there are many of those who are less fortunate. Helping the homeless shelters and soup kitchens is a great way to help the community. You can also help the less fortunate by organizing canned food drives, clothes drives, and blanket making events. This is the perfect way to celebrate the season of giving and to spread joy to all.

02 | Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots partners with the Marine forces and brings toys to kids during the holiday season. You can contribute to your local Toys for Tots campaign by donating a toy at one of the area toy drop locations, host a Toys for Tots event, or volunteer at the local warehouse.

03 | Gingerbread House Making Combine holiday traditions with an opportunity for others to donate to a charity by building a gingerbread house! You can either purchase or have gingerbread house kits or supplies donated. Then in a local revenue or community center, hold your event where participants pay a price to build a gingerbread house and drink hot chocolate. I highly encourage you to invite Kiwanis Family, especially K-kids!

04 | Gift Wrapping Season During the holiday season no one has time to wrap their own presents so this is where your club can come to the rescue! Ask local companies and/or stores if you can set up a table where Key Clubbers wrap customers’ gifts for a set price depending on size, amount of gifts, and wrapping paper.

05 | Military There are thousands of men and women that serve in the army today. Give back to these awesome people by writing letters, sending care packages, knitting scarves, or donating for their current needs such as electric bills and medical care through Operation Gratitude and Operation Homefront.

06 | Salvation Army The Salvation Army is determined to “doing the most good.� This organization takes just about every kind of generous donation: from clothes, toys, appliances, and even vehicles (working or not). Donate to your nearby drop-off or schedule an appointment for the Salvation Army van to come by your house.



Region 3 Training Conference ALINA HUYNH | John F. Kennedy enjoying the company of other fellow key clubbers. Region 3 had their Regional Training Conference at Rancho After registration ended, people Alamitos High School on Saturday, split up into their designated October 9. Everyone gathered at division, the LTGs carried out the quad of the school, each with the typical DCMs where they smiles plastered on their face. talk about ongoing monthly Across the compass, there was projects and upcoming events. a mixture of color, reds, yellows, The DCM was adjourned and all teals, oranges, all the color of the the members were told to go rainbow. into the gym. Crowds of people began trickling into the, quickly As I entered the school, I felt filling up every available seat. anxious, I did not know what Despite the heat, I felt glad to be to expect. There were many surrounded such a positive and unfamiliar faces, but all very lively atmosphere. friendly. When the key clubbers arrived, they had the opportunity RTC began with the introductions to participate in a service project, of the LTGs, special guests, and either by making cards for chaperones. The LTGs then hyped veterans or making dog toys. up the members by playing As I sat to make a card for the games. I have to admit that at first veterans, I pondered on what I found it a little bit embarrassing to write; how can I convey my playing the games, but seeing sincere appreciation to them, and how everyone was doing it, I in such a way that will touch their felt that there was no shame in hearts. Everyone one sat around having fun. Not soon after, the the stage, laughing, smiling, and Key Clubbers were released to

attend the workshops. I found the workshops to be very informative because it gave me insight into college life and how Circle K was structured. The workshops also allowed members from different divisions to intermingle. Overall I would say that the workshops were helpful in helping me plan for my future in college. All the Key Clubbers had a great time at RTC. It provided the members with the opportunity to meet people from other divisions, expanding their network of connections, as well as learn valuable lifelong lessons. I hope that everyone who attended RTC walked out with a sense of pride, knowing that they are part of something bigger, part of a change that will inspire others to do good in their community, and spread the knowledge they gained from the workshops.



St. Irenaeus Trunk or Treat HELEN PHAN | Oxford Academy The St.Irenaues Trunk or Treat was a fun and intresting event for the old members and new members of Key Club. The event consisted of cars decorated for the participants to enjoy the display and recieve some candy. Some displays consisted of Monsters Inc., Ghost Buster, and etc. In addition, it warmed my heart to see little kids happy in their cute costumes. My favorite was the pair of brother and sister dressed up as Pepe the big and her brother, George.

was able to get to know two new freshmen and learn lots about them! At the end of it all, the event was a nice addition of the upcoming halloween, as it not only brought the families attending closer, but also the volunteers participating in the event. I personally enjoyed the event as it was easygoing when running the booths and it was nice to know how we are contributing to other’s enjoyable experience.

Aside from the display, the jobs given were fun as well. Most of the volunteers were in charge of the game booths, which included a ring toss, ping-pong toss, and etc. It was adoraable to see the kids excited over the games and estatic as they recieved they little toys. Equally important, when volunteers switched out, volunteers were able to socialize with each other. I


King Elementary Book Doctor ANH MAC | John F. Kennedy On a Friday afternoon, John F. Kennedy Key Club collaborates with the Cypress Boys & Girls Club to host a book doctor event with kids at King Elementary. This was the first event that I’ve ever had the chance to work with kids one-on-one and interact with them directly. Only about 10 Key Clubbers came to assist with the event since it was just a small service project.

After we walked in the room, we set up the books and waited for the kids to come in from the playground. It was honestly so cute when the kids look up to us (literally because we were so much taller than them even though I’m only 5’1”). It was expected that they would since we were all high schoolers and they viewed us as their role models. Most of the kids were really hyper and active.

Nevertheless, they still finish the book doctor job in a span of a half an hour. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and positivity. The kids were so into the service event that they kept asking if we had more for them to do after they sped through 4 full boxes of books. Afterwards, each kid was asked to fill out a short survey about their experience. We assisted them with using the classroom Chromebooks and getting on to the survey site. The service event’s main aim is to introduce elementary students to community service and to give them a new experience that they could possiblly implement in their lives later on. Not only did they learn from us high schoolers, but I also learn from their positivity to really appreciate the little things around us and utilize every chances we get to make memories with friends and families.




come make

Memories SERVE and

with us at






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ROSE FLOAT DECORATING What: For this popular annual volunteer event, Key Clubbers will get the chance to see the float they helped create appear on TV during the 2017 Rose Float Parade. Volunteer with fellow Key Clubbers, Circle K members, and Kiwanians to decorate floats and prepare a variety of seeds, bark, grasses, fruits, vegetables, and flowers. The actual volunteer shift will be from 8:00AM4:00PM, which means 8 hours of service and fun!



Dues paid Key Club members, Circle K members, and Kiwanians

Thursday, December 29 5:00AM-5:00PM

Where: 20

PASADENA; Meet at Savanna High School 301 N Gilbert St, Anaheim, CA 92801

Why: -Bond with and meet members within your own club as well as members of the different Kiwanis International programs -Experience the magic of the floats before they make their debut in the 2017 Rose Float Parade -See the behind-the-scenes action of what it takes to make the Rose Float Parade happen -Earn 8 volunteer hours while having fun! -See the float you helped create appear on TV!

Schedule 5:00AM | Arrive at Savanna High School 6:00AM | Bus leaves 8:00AM-4:00PM | Volunteer Shift (approx.) 5:00PM | Arrive Home



lieutenant governor d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com



executive assistant vpbui002@gmail.com

executive assistant exu2001@gmail.com



division secretary lizzy90620@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: www. facebook.com/ groups/division30southkeyclubs/ INSTAGRAM: @d30ssuns WEBSITE: cnhkeyclub.org

division news editor d30s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

REGION ADVISORS: MR. BARRY | fbarry642@gmail.com MRS. PONG | epong119@aol.com

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