Should Christians Protest? DIONNE GRAVESANDE
Global Ecumenical Relations at Christian Aid
ith the backdrop of a pandemic, social unrest on race and climate catastrophe, I have over the last few months listened to several theological commentators and their thinking, as they relate to God’s Word and how or where the Bible speaks to such experiences. I have also reflected on particular questions coming out of African and Caribbean communities, and I want to look again at the biblical texts that affirm, challenge or reshape our thinking on public protests. It seems that in public life, Race and Racism is having its moment. George Floyd’s death rightly brings to the forefront of our
minds disregarded people across the UK shores and beyond. With COP26 (2021 UN Climate Change Conference) due to happen at the end of the year, we are reminded of the harsh reality that the triple nexus of COVID-19, climate change and racism is widening the equalities gap here in the UK and around the world. With such disturbing statistics, we have reason to protest. Levelling up has to be more than a political slogan; it needs to move us forward into a new reality. Evangelicals are no exception to the protest-oriented attitude of our day. We have set social media platforms aflame with heated debate about everything, from Black Lives Matter to asking the question
about who is impacted by climate change. In many cases, Christians have joined fellow citizens in taking to the streets with banners, signs and shouts to publicly demonstrate their opinion on Black Lives Matter campaigns. So, I hear you asking the question: ‘Should Christians engage in public protest centred on political and social issues, digitally or otherwise?’ My answer is Yes, and here’s why. Jesus came to bring ‘good news’ to the poor and ‘freedom’ for the oppressed, calling us to action. Through His life and teaching, His death and His resurrection, Jesus inspired His followers to love God, love their neighbours, and to seek justice for those who are oppressed. Jesus practised this principle throughout His earthly ministry. The power over the oppressed will not be just given up, we have to reclaim it. Collectively we must break down systems and structures that keep people from fulfilling their potential. For me, freedom is a Gospel imperative. The Calvary Global Network has given this some thought, and cites five ways we can act to demonstrate our protest:
1. PROTEST BY PRAYER The greatest method of protest we can engage in is to petition the throne of heaven in prayer. If there is a clear biblical exhortation to believers about how they can make a difference in their community, it is the call to pray for human leaders, found in 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Find us on Twitter and Facebook: @KeepTheFaithmag