olding back the corners of distant memories stuck to our fridge, I long for the fragrant hue of our Bahamian family and the Caribbean Sea. Out of the mouth of babes comes: “How long till we go back, Mummy?” Words, although ever so sweet, carry a sting whilst contemplating the answer. Are these vibrantly telling, yet faded photos as close as we will get anytime soon? Will our children only experience the culture that runs thick in their being through a library of memoirs? Sadness and rage, wrapped in a sense of justice and hope, ring true in my spirit tonight. The ‘eve’ of freedom for Victoria, Australia... at least for now. Having spent a cumulative 262 days (almost nine months) under stay-home orders since March 2020, our once “world’s most liveable city” now holds the record for the world’s longest lockdown - a title contrary to the heart of her people. Watching my nine-year-old son play drums with his teacher, through the lens of an iPad, I ponder where our society is headed. Seems familiar to a ’90s Schwarzenegger film. The reflection on the screen is a child, who far more
often than not is full of joy, charisma and laughter, yet today seems sombre and unenthused. A lack of social connection with young friends must take its toll on our babies no matter how much we try to fill the gap. “No jab, no job,” the news has screamed these last few months, followed by a barrage of what many see as government overreach and a proven steep decline in the mental health in our society. Barricaded children’s playgrounds, beaches, parks. No visitors to the home. 8pm curfews. Helicopters patrolling the sky. No more than five to ten people at funerals. Must scan the QR code before going to the dunny! Travel reduced to 5km from your home. Only essential shopping allowed. Only one household member at a time. International and state borders closed. Thousands of people locked out of their own state… And the list of news items goes on. With experts estimating the overall recovery rate of COVID-19 as being between 97% and 99.75%, many are questioning whether such extreme measures are just? After intentionally removing judgement, assumption, opinion and emotion (which, to be frank, took many months of internal wrestling), I too admit to questioning whether all decisions of those in current power are truly driven by a deep-rooted desire to protect, and wonder what else sits at the very core of this current landscape? Is our society heading towards a totalitarian regime? What does the future of our next generation look like? Because the decisions we make now will impact our children and our children’s children. Those of us who still have a choice need to be prudent in our decision-making.
Mindful of what opinions and attitudes float in the atmosphere around our children during this season, I have been cautious with what has been expressed outwardly, both in our home and on our social media. But with the ever-increasing undercurrent of this season, I feel compelled to share my frustration - a frustration in the way people are approaching the pandemic as a whole. Having witnessed first-hand the beauty and heart of humanity during the Black Summer Bushfire crisis, to only two months later experiencing such a contrast in human behaviour, I am saddened at the current climate. There is an undercurrent carrying the spirit of division and segregation, many completely unaware. Fogged by cloudy judgement and puffy-chested opinions, many lack the empathy and love once shared between churches, society, families, friends, brothers and sisters, the vaxed and unvaxed - who were once aligned, but no longer agree… on something. I highlight the word something, because it is only one facet of our multifaceted society. Yet how can something affect everything? Because we have given it power. Our time. Our energy. Our discussion. Which it deserves, but not all of it. Has it become somewhat of an idol for some? What would happen if we redirected our focus on love and restoring relationships? Removing all stigma, all judgement, putting all opinions aside and focusing for just a moment on the heartbeat of humanity? Surely this would be a catalyst to change the state of our society’s mental health for one. Irrespective of each other’s beliefs and opinions surrounding the pandemic and vaccination, is our first responsibility not to love? To nurture one another? To take a giant step