Now is that time of year where your club is hosting club fairs and focusing on member recruitment. This is an essential part of building your club, but recruitment alone is not enough. After you recruit members you have to focus on retaining them too! One of the best ways to retain members is to promote the social aspect of your clubs. Service is cool, but making friends while you do service is even cooler. In this issue we will focus on getting new member involved and mingling, as well as tips on fundraising. If you have any successful tips your club uses feel free to share them too. I hope this helps you!
Have a question, comment, or concern? Maybe you just want to say “hi.� Whatever the case, I am always available to you for anything you might need, so feel free to get in touch with me. *Note: I do not have a smart phone, so email responses may take longer* Telephone: 917-612-3940 E-mail:
Fordham Circle K recruiting members at the Fall Club Fair
Page 2:
Break the Ice!
Page 4:
Service at Home
Page 5:
Eat and Fundraise
Page 6:
Club Spotlight and Upcoming Events
I know there are a lot of mixed feelings about ice breakers, but it plays a crucial part in getting new members to know each other. When ice breakers are done well, they can be oodles of fun and really promote interaction. One of the best ways to PLACE is PHOTO HERE, retain members to make them feel OTHERWISE DELETE BOX welcome as an individual. Ice breakers are the first step in getting introduced to your members. Plus, it makes the first meeting a little less awkward and formal. Here are some ideas to try at your home club. Write the first few lines of a well know song on a card and cut the song into lines. Scramble the lines and have each group work together to unscramble the song and name it.
Members take out their school IDs and partner up with someone. Each person takes a turn saying their name, hometown, and one fun fact. Partners then switch IDs and find a new partner. With the new partner they introduce themselves as the person on the ID they are holding. After a few rounds, have everyone go around in the circle and introduce themselves as their new ID, if their facts are wrong the real person will correct them. An ice breaker classic, the first member introduces themselves with their name and an object that matches their name (fruit is traditional, but can be substituted and the item really does not need to match the person’s name it is just the classic rule). The next person introduces everyone before them and then introduces themselves. Have people pair up and chat for 1 minute (you can provide prompts). After a minute have members switch partners and do the same thing. At the end have each person share what they learned about one person.
Prepare adhesive labels for each person in the room with the name of a well known famous person on it. Stick the post-it on each person’s back or forehead and have them go around the room asking yes or no questions to figure out their identity.
Divide members into groups of four and have them right their name across a piece of paper. The groups then have to write down as many words a possible using only those letters. After three minutes, the group with the most points wins. (3-4 letters = 1pt, 5 letters= 2pts, 6 or more letters= 3pts).
Have scrambled names of movie stars posted around the room. Divide the members into groups and have each group go around the room unscrambling the names. Whichever group gets the most right wins.
Stand in a circle with a spool of string or ball and throw it to someone. That person chooses a number 1-20 and answers it. Continue this until each person has had a turn.
Sit in a circle and place 20 “If” cards face down in the middle. The first person picks up the card, answers the question, and puts it at the bottom. Continue this until everyone goes. Sample Questions: - If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? - If you could have any pet what would it be? -
If you could buy a car right now what would it be?
If you had a million dollars what is the first thing you would buy?
Sample Questions - What is your favorite cartoon? - Best thing that happened this week? - Weirdest food you ate? - Best gift you ever received?
(cards, gum, books, word finds, etc.)
NYU promotes reading by making bookmarks to donate to local children.
It can be really hard to find a local organization to host your club or get members to leave campus. Try some in-house service projects that can be done during regular meetings to keep members active and interested. Here are some suggested projects to try at your home club.
(break up into groups and see who can raise the most money) (cut fleece strips 8 to 10 in. wide and 3 to 5ft long, cut fringes at the ends and knot them, you can add beads too)
(similar to the scarves, but you use 2 5ft by 6ft pieces of fleece, fringe the ends and knot it together)
The two main types of fundraiser this chain does is Flapjack Fundraising or Dining to Donate. Unfortunately, you need to contact your local Applebee’s to see what is offered. Similar to TGIF, Give Back Night donates 10% of your bill to your organization when you present the event flyer. One way to make your fundraisers a fun, social activity is to host a restaurant fundraiser. Here are some suggested restaurants to use (links are provided in green). Enjoy! Besides having delicious chicken and home-style food, this restaurant donates 15% of profits when you host a Restaurant Night Out. If you‘re not afraid to get your hands a little dirty try Eat Wings, Raise Funds. TGIF’s donates 20% of your group’s bill to the organization of your choice.
This chain offers different fundraisers for all sorts of nonprofits so contact one near you for more details. Host a Uno Dough Raiser and earn up to 20% of sales for your cause. Grab a slice with your club and raise money for organization. Contact a local Cici’s for more details. Have a Fundraising Fiesta at Chevy’s 15% of your groups bill will go to the nonprofit of your choice.
Hunter College
Hunter College is the newest addition to our division. Having just been chartered last year it already boasts a total of 40 members. This club has had the highest hours in the division over the summer months with 689 hours. I am in awe at the activity of this club, keep up the great work guys!
District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP) Step Out: Walk to End Diabetes Walk to End Alzheimer’s Liberty Divisional #2 Liberty Division Social