11 minute read
If you are interested in creating a life you are head over heels in love with, read on. If not, I’ll see you here in this column next month.
Great! You’re still here. Trust that you’re about to get the message that’s meant for you today.
You might want a pen and paper or your trusty journal to write some answers to Q’s as you’re reading.
Okay, think to yourself for a hot minute: on a scale of 0-10, 10’s the most, rate your believability that YOU are a powerful co-creator of your reality? Be honest with yourself.
I always consider the perspective of the author whenever I’m reading anything. So JSYK, I am a 10! In full transparency, I firmly believe that we play a major role in the way our life unfolds.
I also believe we walk with “God,” Source, The Universe, whatever higher power you choose to call the divinity that exists around us, that is also within us. We undoubtedly have the ability to create a life we love. The physical body is the vehicle for your soul. The soul IS divine. To me, the soul is expressed through our intuition. AnnnnddD I believe every single one of us has this internal compass meant to guide each of us to live the most satisfying and fulfilling life possible.
In my sacred work as an intuitive coach and mentor, the focus is on empowerment, leadership, energetics, and of course: improving intimacy…love and relationships are EVERYTHINGGG. It’s all about aligning with your personal power and your purpose while healing deeply and manifesting your desires.
Because everything is energy, and this column is all about frequency, I call this process of co-creation “playing in the quantum field.” With this as our context, you see there are infinite possibilities for yourself!
These beliefs are not mystical, spiritual, woo-woo or baseless; they are actually supported by science and quantum physics. Every thought, every emotion, every action is buzzing with a vibration that is either attracting or repelling (thus creating) the life you want.
I subscribe to a simple 4-step process that has supported me in achieving my dreams as well as guided and supported hundreds of my clients in their own successes. Stay with me here and get curious about how it applies to your life.
For starters, we’ve got to learn to Live with Intention. I advocate to connect with your Big Picture Vision (BPV) and your heart’s deepest desires, or as some call it: SUCCESS!
So, Step 1: What does success look and feel like to you?
Moving from a place of curiosity, not judgment, allow yourself to inquire within…looking to your internal compass, lead with JOY.
Lead with what brings you PLEASURE. Lead with all that EXCITES you!
Lead with anything that brings you into the present moment and causes you to forget your worries.
And last but not least, lead with your INTUITION.
Let yourself be playful and free…this is when you are the most magnetic to your desires.
When you live with intention, you’re conscious and purposeful in how you show up. There is no auto-pilot when focused on intentionality. It calls forth an awareness of the inspired action you are taking, all helping to move the needle forward and get you closer to this dream life you see for yourself.
Is it in LOVE? Is it health-related? Is it monetarily-based? Is it career-based? Living with intention brings forth your values and what matters most to you so you can achieve the most desirable outcomes.
So let’s play…just for the remainder of this column, what is an intention you’d like to set so you get the most out of this reading?
To be present? Slow your breathing and relax your eyes.
To be more open? Drop your shoulders back and soften your heart a bit.
More willing to explore an alternate point of view? Let your emotional guard down some.
To be more available so you can do the damn thing and create a life you love? Be here, now, with me.
eceptive to others (in this case: me and this article.) Give yourself space to let your mind, body and soul receive the message behind the 4-step process I am offering you today. The practice of receptivity and receiving is tied to your feminine energy. More to come on that.
Step 2: Become aware of your blocks and barriers to the success you desire. More often than not, we are unaware of different blocks we have. They’re blindspots. They consist of limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, negative habits, patterned maladaptive behaviors or reactions to others.
You could sabotage situations. You could procrastinate. You could avoid or deny the truth. You could feel unworthy or undeserving of the success you seek. You are the one standing in your own way.
Confronting, I know.
But I do also want to mention that you make perfect sense. You are who you are for a reason. Your survival has been at the forefront of all decisions you’ve made. I love helping people make sense of themselves. Nothing about you is broken though certain outlooks may benefit from a course correction in order to create a life you love.
Typically, the inner saboteur was established in childhood between the ages of 0-7 years of age. It’s said that our subconscious mind makes up 95% of our thoughts while what you are aware of: the conscious mind, makes up a mere 5% of our thoughts, patterns, beliefs, tendencies. Your beliefs, fears or doubts may not even truly be yours. They’ve likely been passed down generation to generation. And they are held on a subconscious level, which means we don’t even realize they’re running the show.
Picture an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg peaking out of the water, that’s your conscious mind. The rest of the gigantic iceberg submerged under water contains your subconscious mind. Hidden. Out of your awareness yet nevertheless calling all the shots in your life.
However, once you’re able to call them out and bring them from the unconscious to the conscious level of your awareness, the fun begins! This is great news because change IS possible. You can turn it around if your desire is strong.
Remember that your internal landscape is reflected in your external environment. This is an immutable Law of the Universe: The Law of Correspondence. Your life circumstances are a mirror of how you feel on the inside.
In creating a life you love, know that it starts with you! If you believe men are all jerks and women are all crazy, you will be delivered experiences in life that support these beliefs. If you believe people are good and kind, you will interact with people who are good and kind. If you believe the market is saturated with others offering the same services you have in business, you will struggle to separate yourself from the noise. And if you believe success is inevitable, nothing can stop you!
Sometimes in life we’re surrounded by confusion and overwhelm. Any time there is uncertainty, we look for stabilization. That’s all well and good but the truth is we’ve got to learn to better meet the instability rather than waiting for things to level things out. This is often some of the powerful work I do with coaching clients.
This leads us to Step 3: Staying Anchored in Your Personal Power. The focus is on resilience and self mastery. Here’s the thing…there are many things that will trigger you in life. How do you manage stress? How easily are you rocked off your center? How often is your energy pulled away from your confidence and self-discipline?
How do you manage this human experience?
Understanding nervous system regulation and (menstrual) cycle syncing are tremendous assets in overcoming traumas, triggers and learning to stand in your power. Without this knowledge, these assets may get the best of you time and time again.
When I used to teach group yoga classes, I taught an alignment based practice. I would cue building the pose from the ground UP. When in proper alignment in longer holds, there’s an opportunity to find stability and strength. When you find that stability and strength, you connect to your power. Once you’re in your power, you have freedom and options. With freedom and options comes CHOICE. There is nothing more impactful on your life than your choices.
You are one choice away from an entirely different life.
I also think of the concept of responsibility. The word itself is very telling. It is your

ABILITY to RESPOND. As opposed to navigating life being reactionary, flying off the handle at every trigger. Staying in your personal power positions you much more favorably for success in co-creating a life you love. You must create space for yourself to ground before responding to people or situations that bother you.
How do you connect to the stability within, moving from your personal power? I suggest writing a list of go-to practices that support you in regulating your autonomic nervous system. This is the part of you that (without conscious awareness) goes into fight, flight, fawn or freeze. I coach a ton on nervous system regulation as it is one of my saviors in life. I have a free resource on my website if you are interested. It’s an 8-page Nervous System Regulation Cheat Sheet PDF available for immediate download.
As with every yoga practice, the benefits spill off the mat and into life. One other concept I defer to often is “Root Down to Rise Up.” In yoga, the more firmly rooted you are with the ground, the easier it is to elongate out in all directions from that place of stability. The goal is strength and E X P A N S I O N. Root down in who you are, with confidence, so you can rise up to all you came here to be…honoring your soul’s purpose. This is a huge part pf working with the divinity that’s around you and within you. You/we are all a part of this magic. We all came here with special talents and unique gifts. As hard as your challenging times have been in life, they are an integral part of your expansion. Those struggles served a purpose in shaping you into the incredible woman you are today. The lessons contained in the adversity you’ve faced are extremely potent. They happened to you so you can give back to the world. When you’re able to turn your pain to your power, your wounds to your wisdom, your tribulations to your triumphs THEN you know personal power and can stand tall in it.
Last but not least, Step 4 is to Trust The Process. Trust that all is unfolding in divine order. Your highest potential and the greater good of all is constantly being considered when life seems to just happen. After you connect to your heart’s desires and your BPV, live with intention and take inspired action to move the needle forward towards your dreams (buy the book, take the course, get the certification or degree, put yourself out there to date, etc), share you energy with others who support, encourage and lift you up, become aware of potential blocks and barriers to your success, stay grounded AF in your personal power the all you have to do is sit back and RECEIVE. Express gratitude for all you currently have. Be thankful for every thing that IS going right in your eyes.
There is a topic of energetics that is important to mention. This last step requires one to harness the feminine energy within. The sensuous, open, trusting, surrendered energy that is receptive to life. Previous steps call on one’s masculine energy to take the lead and make plans, organize, create structure and strategy, hold the container of trust for yourself and both masculine and feminine must be balanced within oneself before aligning with others based on the necessary polarity for relationships and dynamics to thrive. More to come on this topic on future The Love Frequency columns.
For now, looking at the fourth step to this process of manifestation and cocreation remember the formula: ask, believe, receive.
Ask for what you want. Believe it’s already yours simply because you have the desire. It’s meant for you. The moment you declare your desires is the moment you start moving energy. And then receive. Allow yourself to call in and welcome the fruits of your labor.
I know this is an enormous notion though I truly believe that when you make it a lifestyle, building a life beyond your WiLdeSt dreams is entirely possible. Living your best life as the BEST version of yourself. I’m here for it. I guide selfmotivated, driven humans through this process every day. It’s my passion.
When you get focused and apply these four steps to your own process of creating a life you love, you will start seeing results ASAP. Be sure to celebrate all you see come to reality. Walking with your desires and a deep sense of gratitude brings more and more magic into your days. Sending you all the health, wealth, love and success your heart can hold!!
Reach out if you want to dive deeper into any (or all) of these topics. I currently have one spot open for 1:1 private coaching or mentorship. Email hello@ karakaraoguz.com for more details.