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So let’s talk about how to thrift. In my opinion, thrifting is an amazing way to keep a sustainable wardrobe, but it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people like thrifting, while others love it, and then you have people like me who are addicted to it.
But on the other hand, some people find it overwhelming. If you are interested in the thrifting world, here are five tips and tricks I have found helpful throughout my years. Hopefully, you can apply these to your next adventure, whether at a thrift store, a garage sale, an estate sale or a flea market.
Tip #1: Remember to Take Allergy Meds
My mom and I would always get the sniffles whenever we walked into the thrift store. My mom would bring a whole box of Kleenex out of the house and into the car before our trip, and when we arrived at the thrift store, she would take a whole wad out of the box and stuff it in her purse. A recent allergy test determined that I am allergic to dust mites and dog and cat dander.
Bottom line: if you have allergies, remember to take your meds or have tissues handy because you never know what to expect when you walk into a second-hand establishment.
Tip #2: Go In with Low Expectations
If you follow any resellers on social media or watch any antique/vintage shows on TV, they make it look so easy; they find all of these amazing pieces. But you have to remember that these individuals may have been doing this for years. So don’t get your hopes up thinking you’ll always find amazing stuff.
Please don’t get discouraged. Remember,
it takes time and patience to sift through items and find great pieces. So just know every trip to the thrift store, garage sale, estate sale, etc., isn’t going to be great, but I encourage you to keep going.
Tip #3: Get the Lay of the Land
If you’ve never walked into a thrift store before, I admit that it can definitely be overwhelming. And just as fast as you walked in, you may want to walk back out. I recommend first walking around without any intent to buy. Walk around the perimeter of the store. That way, you can scope what’s where in each department and also glance at the aisles in the middle of the store as well.
Once you’ve done your first walk around the perimeter, start walking down an aisle or a department that piqued your interest. And then, when you feel comfortable, dive in and start going through items (keeping tip #1 in mind, of course).
Everyone I’ve come across that works in these establishments is super helpful, so don’t be afraid to go up to an employee and ask questions. There is usually a deal of the day or week, so if you don’t see it posted, definitely ask. Even though it’s a thrift store, you can still save money.
Tip# 4: Shop During Off-Peak Times Thrifting is all the rage right now. My 15-year-old stepdaughter has gone thrifting with me, and she finds it cool since an influencer posted it on TikTok. Seriously!? But I definitely have noticed an influx of shoppers in thrift stores within the past few years. The weekends will always be the busiest, but then again, I think that’s shopping anywhere. If you have the opportunity to shop during the week,

I highly encourage it. Mondays and Wednesdays are my favorite days to shop. In my opinion, those are the two days that I notice the stores are mostly empty. An emptier store is a little more relaxing and easier to navigate through.

Tip# 5: Wash/ Sanitize All Items
In a perfect world, everyone washes or dry cleans their old items and neatly folds them up before boxing them up and sending them to the donation center. But… the world isn’t perfect, and let’s be honest, we have no idea where a lot of these items are coming from and what type of environment they were in before we put our hands on them. I tend to keep my items in the bag and immediately take them down to the basement to be washed. If I don’t have time that day, I will leave them in the garage until I can wash or dry clean my items.
Back in April, I went to visit my sister in Atlanta, and of course, we went thrifting. We brought the bags of clothes into the house and upstairs to wash them. My sister threw her bag on her bed, and I immediately screamed, “GET THAT BAG OFF OF YOUR BED!” The way I screamed caused both of us to laugh hysterically. Her washer/ dryer is on the second level next to her bedroom, so she intended to wash the items immediately, but her placement before washing them definitely freaked me out. To always be on the safe side, wash/sanitize all items that you bring into your household. I don’t have any horror stories, and I plan to keep it that way.
Well, those are my top five tips for thrifting. Are you ready to shop yet? In the next column, we’ll talk about finding sustainable items to reinvent your wardrobe.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, and what made you decide to open Self Serve Pet Wash.
I am part of a family business, High Line Motor Car Inc. I’ve been in the used auto sales business since 1987. I decided to try to branch out this year when I went to a car wash convention in Nashville, TN and saw these pet washes. I immediately fell in love with the idea.
Is a dog wash profitable?
I have no idea yet. This is new to me and not many of its kind around. Most pet washes are in pet stores and are not these washes, you’re also grouped together with other dogs in the same area at the pet store washes. This concept is very unique. They have a light apple scent which is very pleasant. Which I was surprised because I Don’t like fake apple smell. But these products actually smell really good.
The Wegman Family aka WCI Properties are close friends of ours and the location they put me in is just simply amazing. Next door to Jay Speranza with Cotoletta and a bakery going in across from us and the other amazing businesses here at Elmridge Center including the forever busy Refresh and Dr Julie Beach.
What is your best form of promotion and getting new customers for your business?
What types of services do you offer?
We have 4 self serve pet washes, 3 are enclosed and we have divided waiting areas with seating.The machines dispense all natural, shampoo, flea & tick wash and conditioner out of a sprayer hose. There is also a 2 speed blower to get the excess water off.
How long did it take you from having the idea of opening the pet wash to the Grand Opening?
It took a few months along with getting the space ready. So all in all not bad timing. It has been social media and word of mouth.
What equipment was a must-have when opening your business?
The proper electric and plumbing, neither of which was cheap.
What types of cleaning/grooming products do you use?
We provide all natural products, which are sold by the wash manufacturer.
What has been your biggest success so far in your business? What about your biggest challenge?
Being able to help a local rescue, Rescued Treasures Pet Adoption with washes for their rescues. I’d have to say the biggest challenge is over coming negative social media responses. Not many of them but,
I can’t stand the negative people out there. So we pray for them.
What has been your best testimonial from a customer?
I’d have to say our very first customer, had a blast here and also the response from everyone involved with the rescue.
How much miantenance does the dog wash require?
Not too much, the floor is elevated from the bottom of the wash so everything winds up under the floor in 1 of 3 strainers. So we just need to flip the floor up and scoop the fur out and rinse the bottom of the tub out from the little bit of dirt that may be there.
What do you do for fun when you are not working on your business? I love going for rides with my wife, playing with our dogs Rocco & Vito and spending quality time with my friends. I especially love the 11pm calls, hey wanna take a 6 hour ride to pick up a car tomorrow morning?