he Trump Organization comprises of golf courses
• Biographers have
and resorts, hotels, vineyards, residential properties,
attributed much of
entertainment endeavors, apparel, accessories,
Trump's wealth to gifts
eyewear, fragrances, yachts, and aircrafts. Some say he was
and inheritance left to
born into to living this luxe and lavish life and some say he has
him by his father, Fred
misled his way to the top… but we can all say that Donald J.
Trump, who established
Trump is a great diplomat, and a proven success regardless of
a real estate empire in
anyone’s opinion.
New York City.
President Donald J. Trump, the controversial real estate mogul who was elected as the 45th president of the United States, has boasted widely about having a net worth of more than US $10 billion. Forbes lists President Trump's 2018 net worth at $3.1 billion. That makes him the 259th-richest person in the country. While Trump dropped eleven spots on Forbes' ranking as compared to the previous year and slid 138 spots since he announced his presidential bid in 2015, he is nevertheless one of the wealthiest US Presidents.
• As a businessman, Donald Trump has a record of bankruptcies and business failures, but also several wins in branding himself and the Trump name across several platforms such as The Apprentice. • As president, his ongoing business interests have raised concern for some that politics and profits may violate the emoluments clause of the constitution.
• Donald J. Trump was a real estate magnate and reality TV
Trump's father, Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump, made a sizable
star before becoming president of the United States.
The TRUMP RALLY Publication
fortune by building and selling housing for American soldiers g