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Honoring Jim Schmidt AACA Museum Automotive Heritage Award Recipient All proceeds benefit the AACA Museum, Inc. AACA Museum, Inc. President’s Message 3 Automotive Heritage Award .............................................................................................. 5 About Jim Schmidt . ............................................................................................................. 7 Program 9 Tonight’s Menu .................................................................................................................. 13 William H. Smith Museum Fellows Award ...................................................................... 15 Museum Fellows Award Class of 2021 ........................................................................... 17 Auction Items 23 Silent Auction Bidding Process ........................................................................................ 35 Artist Dan Reed .................................................................................................................. 37 Entertainment 39 Upcoming Exhibits ........................................................................................................... 43 Upcoming Events .............................................................................................................. 45 Board of Directors, Event Committee, and Staff 57 Sponsors and Advertisers ................................................................................................ 58 October 6, 2021
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. The truth of that old saying has been proven by the visitation to the Museum after we reopened, and the participation in Museum events this year. Both have hit record levels, even when measured against pre-COVID numbers. We are encouraged and delighted by the enthusiasm shown by our members, our supporters, and the public for the Mu seum and its activities.
RichardSincerely,P. Sills President, Board of Directors AACA Museum, Inc.
The credit for this success is widespread. We have received many outstanding donations of cars, trucks, and buses, and we exhibit them both within the Museum and at outside events. For exam ple, the Museum sponsored a major display tent at the recent Macungie car show, which featured Cadillac as this year’s honored marque. Our volunteers continue to provide outstanding service, con tributing hours that would equal nine full-time employees. They are our ambassadors to greet the tens of thousands of visitors we get each year. Our outstanding staff downsized since the COVID closures work tirelessly to maintain the quality of everything we do. Finally, we could not fulfill our mission without you, our loyal supporters. Special thanks go out to the sponsors of tonight’s dinner, who are listed in the program, as well as the other advertisers supporting the event. It is appropriate that tonight we are honoring Jim Schmidt, a lifelong antique car enthusiast and the founder of National Parts Depot (“NPD”). Jim’s award is based on his contributions to the hobby, but his generosity to our Museum is also deeply appreciated. Our main storage building, “Jim’s Place”, is now heated and air-conditioned to improve the quality of storage and to promote visitation by special request. Space does not permit me to thank personally everyone who has enabled us to remain one of Amer ica’s greatest auto museums. But please know that your support is appreciated. We look forward to a great future in preserving and making the public aware of the rich history of the automobile.
A Message from Our Museum’s President elcome to the 2021 Night at the Museum! After having to cancel last year’s event, we are especially pleased to welcome you here tonight.
•4• PLATINUM SPONSOR UPMC is proud to sponsor the AACA Museum’s annual gala, A Night at the Museum. We honor the people who inspire us every day.
2021 Honoree: Jim Schmidt
Automotive Heritage Award
The AACA Museum, Inc. Automotive Heritage Award is designed to honor and provide public recognition for individuals who have made an exceptional contribution to the hobby by preserving antique automobiles and motorsports vehicles, exhibiting their vehicles, promoting the hobby, engaging in sustained, noteworthy activities that have positively impacted the hobby, and using his/her position in the hobby for philanthropy and service to others. The field of prospective honorees includes antique car and motorsports owners, writers, and employees of auto-related companies, such as car designers and people who provide governmental and social leadership to protect and promote antique auto and motorsports vehicle ownership and use.
Meet Our Automotive Heritage Award Honoree
Throughout Jim’s journey, he and NPD have always believed in giving back to the hobby in both support and philanthropy. In 2007 Jim donated a much-needed vehicle storage building located behind the Museum. The Schmidt Building has affectionately become known as “Jim’s Place.”
All are invited to join us at “Jim’s Place” on Friday, November 8th, 8-10 am, for Caffeine Behind the Scenes. This annual event, sponsored by NPD, gives visitors a chance to check out approximately 75 additional vehicles from our collection while visiting with other hobbyists over coffee and donuts.
This year the AACA Museum Automotive Heritage Award honoree is Jim Schmidt. Jim is a lifelong antique auto enthusiast and has accumulated an extensive and eclectic collection of mostly American-made vehicles. The noteworthy collection contains a large number of low-mile unrestored original examples. Jim’s restoration activities started at age 14, when he paid $50 to rescue a 1928 Ford Model A Sport Coupe from a junkyard. He restored the car and still owns it. Turning his interests to the Ford Thunderbird, Jim performed a body-off restoration on a 1957 model, became an early and active member of the Classic Thunderbird Club International (CTCI), and founded National Parts Depot (NPD) in 1976. NPD has evolved into a leading restoration parts supplier for classic American cars and trucks.
hroughout this evening, we’re combining two American classics, “Cars and Country Music.” Please relax, enjoy good food and good friends, and celebrate the Museum’s mission, accomplishments, and honoree dedicated to preserving and presenting motoring history. As you make your way through the lobby, stop at the Silent Auction display and place your bids on the impressive items donated to benefit the Museum. Keep a keen eye on your bids, and keep bidding to be the winner. The silent auction closes at 9:00 pm. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the evening.
Fellow Award designees Rose Ann Maloy, Dennis Schwenk, and Judith Scotland will meet and greet VIP guests and appreciate your kudos and kind word honoring the memory of Fellows Edward Maloy and Howard Scotland. Fellow awards are given in recognition of individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the AACA Museum.
Tasty Morsels and Tippling Savor butlered classic country flavors, an array of stationed fresh veggies, and artisan meats and cheeses as you select wines and cocktails at the open bar. VIP guests may browse through the VIP reception, peruse the street-level Main Gallery, the Historic Hershey exhibit in the Members 1st Gallery, and the Silent Auction display in the Lobby.
6:00 – 7:00 PM | Regular Reception in the Main Gallery Enter through the Don Williams & Richie Clyne Showroom Gallery where you will find the Iconic Chevrolets display presented by Vintage Chevrolet Club of America. Then, step into the Main Gallery to view the marvelous display of vehicles in historic settings. You will find a delicious mix of hors d’oeuvres and tasty morsels to nibble. Then take your choice of a selection of wines and cocktails to sip as you meet old friends and make new ones.
6:00 – 7:00 PM | VIP Reception in the Motorcycle Gallery Automotive Heritage Award honoree Jim Schmidt will be present to accept your good wishes. The Automotive Heritage Award celebrates individuals who have made long-lasting significant contributions to the automotive hobby.
• Announcement
Don’t miss the automotive art display by our featured artist Dan Reed. Dan generously contributed a piece of art for tonight’s silent auction. All guests may visit the Main Gallery throughout the evening to meet the artist and discuss his artistry. Dan will have works for sale and also accept private commissions.
“In memory of William H. “Bill” Smith, a Museum Founder Recognition of the William H. Smith Fellows Class of 2021: Edward and Rose Ann Maloy, Dennis “Denny” Schwenk, and Howard and Judith Scotland. Bluegrass and country music mini-concert featuring Troy Engel & Southern Skies (See page 39 for details about Troy and the band). of Silent Auction winning bids.
10:00 PM | Closing Remarks
Welcome remarks by Richard Sills, AACA Museum, Inc. President. Presentation of the AACA Museum, Inc. Automotive Heritage Award to Jim Schmidt an icon in the automotive hobby and founder of NPD, the largest restoration parts supplier in the industry.
| Program
Good Night! Thank you for attending and for your continued support. Program (continued)
6:00 – 9:00 PM | Silent Auction item bidding in Museum Lobby, then Richard O. Ullman Family Foundation Gallery 6:00 – 10:00 PM | Art Display in the Main Gallery
7:15 PM | in the Richard O. Ullman Family Foundation Gallery 8:00 – 10:00 PM Presentations Silent Auction Bliemeister, AACA Museum, Inc. Executive Director, the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, greets dinner guests.
• Jeffrey
Jeffrey Bliemeister, AACA Museum, Inc. Executive Director
Domestic Cheeses and Meats Fresh Vegetable and Dip Fresh Bruschetta Mini MixtureMixedHickoryGrilledBeefMeatballsBrisketPulledPorkChickenBreastPitBakedBeansWatermelonPotatoSaladColeslawGreenGardenSaladofBrowniesandBars Coffee, Decaf, and TeasCocktailHourBuffetDinnerDessert
Bill served as the Antique Automobile Club of America’s National President in 1979 and 1980 and followed that up with 17 years as the organization’s Executive Director. He also served as the President and Director for the AACA Library and Research Center. These experiences no doubt guided him as he helped lay the groundwork and led the charge to create the AACA Museum where he served as a Board President, Board Member and Director Emeritus. Along the way, he earned many awards, including the 2005 Meguiar’s Person of the Year.
Museum Fellows receive a framed certificate of membership and inclusion on the Fellows plaque prominently displayed in the Museum. William H. Smith Museum Fellows Award
We are pleased to recognize and welcome Edward (posthumously) and Rose Ann Maloy, Dennis “Denny” Schwenk, and Howard (posthumously) and Judith Scotland As the 2021 Class of William H. Smith Museum Fellows
In the spirit of Bill Smith’s untiring devotion and dedication to the AACA Museum, Inc., we are pleased and proud to announce the 2021 Class of William H. Smith Museum Fellows. Museum Fellow status is conferred upon up to three recipients per year for outstanding contributions or service toward the advancement of the Museum. A committee of the Museum’s Board of Directors makes annual recommendations for the awards based upon nominations collected during the year. Nomination forms may be obtained by contacting the Museum’s administrative office.
William H. “Bill” Smith 1935-2021
The AACA Museum, Inc. was created as a grass roots project that involved many different people and organizations. That formula built a world-class museum and continues to serve us well as we move forward into the future. That said, if there is one person who can rightfully claim to be the “Father of the Museum,” it is Bill Smith.
Ed served as President of the Rotary Club, and the family became members of the Hershey Region of AACA in 1984. He was the Fall Meet Chairman in 2003 and Region President in 2004. He served on the Museum’s Board of Directors when the facility was constructed and was active in fundraising, exhibit design and the recruitment of our professional staff. Their mutual interest in model railroading culminat ed in “From Roads to Rails,” a permanent interactive exhibit presented in our train room. This space, located in the Richard O. Ullman Family Foundation Gallery, is popular with visitors of all ages. We lost Ed in 2012, but his legacy of generosity and Rose’s commitment to the Museum continues. A poster of Ed in a conductor’s uniform and the title: “Ed Maloy, Founder AACA Museum Roads to Rails Train Exhibit” greets visitors outside the room.
Most recently, she organized a group of talented artists who volunteered their services to paint a mural scene across the walls of this ever-changing exhibit.
Edward and Rose Ann Maloy have a long histo ry with the Hershey community and all things automotive. They raised their four children in Hershey and were active in numerous community activities.
Rose is the daughter of a Kaiser-Frazer dealer with a biology degree from Elizabethtown College. She has been an automotive artist since 1989. Ed held B.S. and M.S. degrees in industrial engineer ing from West Virginia University. He was elected to the WVU Academy of Industrial Engineers and recognized as a fellow in his profession’s national organization. Ed spent four years in the U.S. Air Force before beginning a thirty-year career with Hershey Chocolate USA, which culminated in the position of V.P. of Human Resources.
Museum Fellows Award Class of 2021
Rose has taken over as the exhibit’s volunteer lead er, leading a crew that assembles each Monday for exhibit repairs and renovations. Through personal donations and fundraising efforts, she also secured the support needed to overhaul and modernize the exhibit’s lighting. She tirelessly reaches out to the public to bring in new volunteers and donations of trains, buildings, and scenery to support this project.
Edward and Rose Ann Maloy
Dennis “Denny” Schwenk’s commitment to the Muse um goes far beyond the criteria for “Volunteer of the Year.” He is the Museum’s leader in volunteer service amassing over of 8,700 volunteer hours. And, the number grows weekly as he continues his service.
Denny has reached this extraordinary number of volunteer hours through his commitment to the detail crew and time as a Gallery Guide. In this capacity he has served as a welcoming Museum ambassador, sharing his enthusiasm and automotive knowledge with thousands of guests. Just for good measure, he has also volunteered for our annual summer car show and staffed our booth at events such as the Pennsylvania Automotive Show and Spring and Fall Carlisle.
Dennis “Denny” Schwenk
Museum Fellows Award Class of 2021
Denny has made the AACA Museum a “second career” in his retirement. The Museum is honored to recognize him as the first-ever volunteer to become a William H. Smith Museum Fellow.
We depend on our volunteers for every as pect of Museum operations. Hundreds of people have contributed countless hours to our advancement. Their efforts began in the 1990s when the Museum was incorporated as a 501 (C) 3 organization and took on a full public presence open ing our doors in June 2003. We value and depend on this group and each year one individual is selected as our “Volunteer of the Year.” This award is given to the “individual who has had the largest positive impact on the Museum during the previous 12 months.
A retired AMP product engineer and long-term own er of multiple vintage MGs, Denny has volunteered in many different capacities since our opening day. He is currently a steadfast member of our Tuesday Vehicle Detail Crew. While his roles and days of the week he volunteers have changed over the years, his reliability never wavers. In addition to moving and preparing vehicles for exhibit, he has also served as an informal staff photographer, documenting new donations and supplying auction photos for those that are deaccessioned.
•20• INCORPORATED (888) 227-0914 • www.classicautomall.com CONSIGNMENTS INVITED | Single Car or Entire Collections Worldwide Marketing Coverage • Proven Results Your Significant Collectible is Meticulously Maintained in our One of a Kind, Climate Controlled, Secure, Indoor Showroom. 6180 Morgantown Road, Morgantown, Pennsylvania 19543 Please Contact One of Our Car Specialists Below Classic Auto Mall | The Ultimate Destination for Classic & Specialty Cars Over 8 Acres Under Roof - One Hour West of Phila. - Exit 298 on the PA Turnpike PRIDE & JOYPRIDE & JOY YOUR IS OUR PRIDE AND JOY DM 1930 Rolls-Royce Phantom II Dual Cowl Phaeton Dave Davis Car Specialist StewartPresidentHowdenErnie Meade Car Specialist Adam Hollinger Car Specialist John Sloane Car Specialist
Howard and Judith Scotland
Museum Fellows Award Class of 2021
Howard and Judith Scotland have supported the Museum starting with the initial discussions about its creation. To kick-off their support, Howard sponsored the building’s boardroom and continued to extend his time, money, and commu nication skills to ensure that the Museum thrived.
In 2019, Judy donated the detailed “New York to Par is” bronze sculpture by Henry Wanlass. Today it is on permanent display in the Museum’s Rotunda where everyone can share in its beauty and representation of the Thomas Flyer and the Great Race of 1907.
In 2020, Judy decided that if giving one 1941 Cadil lac to the Museum was a good idea, then giving two would be fantastic and as such, the Museum has twins. Known by most antique car aficionados as the Scotland Twins, they are two 1941 Series 62 Cadillacs. Sharing the Valcour Maroon color, one is a sedan and the other is an ultra-rare convertible sedan.
Anyone that knew Howard and knows Judy appre ciates their love for the antique car hobby and their lifelong commitment to the preservation of all things related. The Museum is honored to be a part of that commitment and appreciates all that Howard and Judy have done and continue to do to support Ameri ca’s Transportation Experience.
To honor the memory of Howard, an AACA Board Member and two-term President, and to perpetuate their tremendous support, the Museum has been the beneficiary of some marvelous gifts from Judy.
•22• Congratulations from your friends at honoree Jim Schmidt, founder of on receiving the AACA MUSEUM AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE AWARD CongratsNPD.indd 1 8/26/21 1:24 PM
Enjoy your own private Model T Driving Experience with your choice of three classmates. You will spend approximately four hours with one of our trained Muse um Volunteers who will teach you the basics of driving a Model T before you get behind the wheel. Following your class, you’ll be treated to lunch in our “Behind the Scenes” collection storage building. All drivers must be at least 25 years of age or older at the time of purchase. Sorry, children are not permitted.
Fair Market Value: $1,000
LOT #101 – Your Catered Dinner Party for Ten at Your Home Entertain in your beautiful home with cocktails and dinner prepared by a C&J Catering and Events chef.
Fair Market Value: Priceless LOT #103 – Private Model T Driving Experience for Four with Lunch
Continued on page 25
Fair Market Value: $1,200
Your car will be a featured exhibit in the AACA Museum Lobby for three months where it will be seen imme diately upon arrival by every visitor to the Museum. An informative plaque with your name will be placed beside it. Dates subject to Lobby space availability.
The dinner, complete with red and white wine, hors d’oeuvres and a three-course meal featuring locally procured ingredients will delight your guests. You and C&J Catering will set a mutually agreed date and time.
LOT #102 – Make Your Car a Star in the Museum Lobby
Silent Auction Items
Dinner must occur within a 35-mile radius of the caterer’s Middletown, PA location. Donated by C&J Catering and Events.
•24• NMLS ID: 99665 MICHAEL BRIGHTBILL Loan Officer, NMLS ID: #1581410 Office: (717) 472-4975 Cell: (717) 215-7906 3819 Market Street Camp Hill, PA www.michaelsmortgage.com17011 McLean Mortgage Corporation | NMLS ID #99665 (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org) Stop dreaming about the perfect garage! Make it a reality by financing with McLean Mortgage!
Fair Market Value: $500 LOT #105 – Penn State Versus Rutgers Football Game Tickets for Two Will Penn State beat Rutgers on November 20, 2021? Be there to witness the action in seats outside the 50-yard line. Tickets donated by Penn State University.
Fair Market Value: $250 LOT #106 – Your Car Detailed by the Museum Detail Crew Who does the best automotive detailing job? The AACA Museum crew, of course. The winning bidder’s car will be detailed by Museum volunteers under the supervision of Curator, Stan Sipko, just as vehicles exhibited in the Museum are detailed. The crew will produce a showquality cleaning, polishing, and finishing of your car, including the engine bay. The service is performed in the Museum’s detail shop (The engine bay will be sprayed with a degreaser, rinsed, and dried to protect parts from harm). The date and time to pick up and deliver the car is determined by our curator and the winning bidder.
Fair Market Value: $350 on 27
Two tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles versus the Dallas Cowboys game on January 9, 2022. Enjoy seats 20 and 21 in Section 201, Row 4 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philly. You’ll also receive a basket of cheer for your tailgate party. Tickets donated by Jeff Jones. Basket of cheer donated by Rob and Chevonne Robison.
Silent Auction Bidding Process … See page 35
Silent Auction Items
LOT #104 – Philadelphia Eagles Football Game for Two & a Basket of Cheer
•26• TOTRACKFAST FUTUREYOURFUTUREYOURTOTRACKFAST READY. SET. SUCCESS. Dive into the Automotive Restoration Certificate program and learn what it takes to restore hotrods and antique cars to their former glory. In just two semesters plus a summer internship, you’ll get hands-on structural, mechanical, electrical, and refinishing experience. And when graduation rolls around you’ll be ready to land a career you love. Get all the details at pct.edu/restore.
LOT #107 – Griot’s Garage Detail Kit with Orbital Polisher
Fair Market Value: $500 LOT# 109 – Hip, Hip, Hooray … Have a Cuppa Tea … Coffee … a Spot of Sherry
What a basket — from the mid-1950s, this vintage woven wood basket with double rope handles has a removable top. It includes eight Crown gold-rimmed bone china mugs made in Staffordshire, England, with colorful images of antique autos plus seven Towle bone china gold-rimmed dessert dishes. An Aynsley bone china footed cake plate will hold your sweets, including Dolcetto gourmet cookies and French butter lemon cookies. A variety of teas and a French vanilla café mix will please your guests. A tipple of Savory & James Sherry from Jerez, Spain, will turn pastime into pleasure time. And a loose tea strainer and a wine bottle stopper are included. Donated by Toni Rothman.
Add a cool, colorful vibe to your garage with this “Seaside Motor Oil 100% Pennsylvania” neon sign. Your vehicles will glow in the light of this spectacular 32” x 36” sign.
This high-end detailing kit includes all you need to pro fessionally detail your car. The kit includes a random orbital polisher with applicator pads, synthetic clay bars, a variety of polishes and waxes, interior detailing cleaner and a complete set of detailing microfiber towels. Everything fits in the included canvas carrying case. Donated by Griot’s Garage.
Fair Market Value: $350 LOT # 108 – Neon Wall Art for Your Garage
Or, if you’re a gearhead with a man cave, this period automotive wall art will brighten the room. Donated by Dale Yingst.
Fair Market Value: $265 Silent Auction Items
Continued on page 29
•28• Full Service Catering Desserts & Cakes Design & More Receptions & Galas Corporate Meetings & Mixers Retirement BirthdayBarFundraisersParties&Dinners&BatMitzvahs&Anniversary Parties Weddings & Rehearsal Dinners Customizable Menu Selections Professional Service Staff Bar Packages & Bartenders In-House Bake Shop Floral Design Team Linen Rentals & Selections China & Flatware OptionsMiddletown, PA • (717) 576-1610 • www.CandJCatering.com Ready to customize your next event.
Fair Market Value $175
• Savor up to four meals with the four $25 gift cards for dining or take out at the Warwick Hotel and Restaurant in Hummelstown, PA. Donated by Jody Dempsey & Richard Reisinger.
LOT #112 – Neora Skin Care Products
Refresh your skin with Neora’s transformative Age IQ Eye Serum for long term benefits. Revitalize the look of fatigued eyes with Eye-V Hydrogel Patches which deliver intensive age-fighting ingredients. Donated by Sue McGuire. Fair Market Value: $135 Silent Auction Items
• Enjoy indoor or outdoor dining at the newly remodeled Rising Sun in Campbelltown with a $50 gift card. Donated by Alex Eby.
LOT #111 – Experience the Local Flavor … Gift Cards to Three Restaurants
• Treat yourself to lunch or dinner indoor or on the outdoor patio, at the Chocolate Avenue Grill in Hershey with a $50 gift card. Donated by Jess & Tim Demopolis.
TOTAL Fair Market Value: $200
Continued on page 31
LOT # 110 – Leather Care Products by Colorplus Beautify the tired-looking leather in your pride ‘n joy with these products for DIY application to both leather and vinyl surfaces. Includes one quart of Super Cleaner, the most important part of the process; one quart of Softener Leather Conditioner to replace the moisture lost due to age and wear; and Surflex Flexible Surface Colorant, a water-based dye. Your car’s upholstery and dashboard will look new again. Donated by Vicki Yingst.
Fair Market Value: $750
LOT #114
This basket FOR HER includes a large vegan leather expandable tote bag, a large matching clutch bag, a small matching clutch bag with matching shoulder straps. Also included is a long scarf, a beaded ‘car’ change purse, an AACA Museum mask, an AACA Museum cap, and Christmas tree earrings. Donated by Toni Rothman.
Unwind, relax and entertain family or friends with a round of golf for four at the Hershey Golf Club by October 31, 2022. The 7,061-yard, par-71 East Course, designed by George Fazio in 1969, is a premier golf course where you and your guests will make memories. Carts not included. Donated by Jon Gehman.
– Round of Golf for Four at the Hershey Country Club
LOT #115 – Fresh Up with 7up
Fair Market Value: $560
Fair Market Value: $120 Silent Auction Items Continue on page 33
This factory original embossed tin sign, painted with enamel, displays one of the most popular slogans for the Un-Cola. Fresh Up with 7up was first used in 1957 and this 18” X 22” sign, manufactured in the 1960s, has historic value. It is in very good condition, although it shows minor wear on top and bottom edges. Donated by Hank Hallowell.
LOT #113 – For a Lady Who Loves Cars or Enjoys the Hobby with Someone Who Loves Car
LOT #118 – “The Car of Tomorrow Today:” Tucker ‘48 From the Tucker Automobile Club of America archives … “Commemorating 50 Years of The Tucker 1947 - 1997” by Clayton Lewis shows multiple images of the Tucker automobile. This limited edition art print is number 17 of 100 printed and bears the original signature of the artist.
LOT #116 – Famed Auto & Airplane Artwork by Dan Reed Look at this graphite pencil drawing of the 1949 Cadil lac and the P-38 Lightning airplane! The plane inspired Harley Earl to incorporate tail fins into the design of the 1948-49 Cadillac. Dan captured the fine details of both in this 17” x 21” artwork which is framed and ready to hang in your special hobby space.
Fair Market Value: $350 LOT #117 – The “Tin Goose:” Tucker 1000 From the Tucker Automobile Club of America archives … This original painting of the 1947 Tin Goose, the prototype Tucker, reveals the innovative styling that evolved to become the basis for the 50 Tucker ‘48 production cars. Painted by J. Rak in the car’s original maroon color with beige upholstery.
Fair Market Value: $450
Fair Market Value: $325 Continue on page 35
•33• Silent Auction Items
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The Silent Auction begins at 6:00 pm and closes at 9:00 pm.
Thank YouLOT
The purchaser must pick up all items by the conclusion of the event. Any item left unclaimed will be sold and proceeds will benefit the AACA Museum, Inc.
• Acceptable payment methods include cash or check as well as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Thank you to everyone who donated our auction items. Your support is truly appreciated.
All lots are sold “as is, where is.”
Please note: Additional items may be up for bid tonight. Be sure to review the items on display for more details. #119 – “The Clarks” Show & Brews at the Historic Englewood Barn
A night of fun awaits you at The Englewood, the historic bank barn restored into an entertainment venue. Use the two tickets to see The Clarks, an American rock band from the Pittsburgh area, on Saturday night, October 9, 2021. The $100 gift card will buy you a delicious dinner and a cou ple of craft brews. Use the t-shirt, key chain, and sticker that night. Donated by Ang Moramarco.
• All payments must be made in full the night of the event in U.S. dollars.
• If the winning bid exceeds the estimated value of the item, the excess portion may be tax deductible. A letter will be sent to the winning bidder.
• Minimum bids are posted for all items on their respective bid sheets.
• Winning bidders will pay for their items at the Admission Desk in the Lobby.
• Bid increments: The minimum amount to increase a bid is stated on the bid sheet. No bid can be advanced at a lesser bid than the previous bid.
• Guests will use their mobile phone numbers for bidder numbers.
• All lots will be released on a cash and carry basis only.
• Each item has a “buy it now” price written on the bid sheet. When a bidder offers that price, the auction for that item ends.
• Items may be picked up in the Admissions Desk area in the Lobby. Presentation of a paid receipt is required.
• All lots in the silent auction have a corresponding bid sheet. Bidders are required to write their name, mobile phone number and bid time beside the bid amount on the bid sheet.
• Changed or lined-out bids must be initialed by the bidder.
Silent Auction Bidding Process
Fair Market Value: $190 Auction Items
Featured Artist
Dan Reed has been working for 30 years as an automotive artist and has developed quite a following in automotive circles. His paintings have been featured in numer ous magazines, such as Hemmings Classic Car, on Concours d’ Elegance and Grand National posters, and on billboards. His work can best be described as photorealism with influences in art deco and mid-century modern. Dan is a long-time member of the AACA as well as the Ca dillac & LaSalle Club and currently drives a 1964 Cadillac sedan, which is often parked alongside his artist’s tent at weekend car shows.
Dan’s graphite pencil drawing of the 1949 Cadillac and the P-38 Lightning airplane is included in our silent auc tion. Please check out LOT 116 for details on this framed 17” x 21” artwork.
Dan Reed
•38• ARCHITECT OF THE MUSEUM ArchitectsMaule+Associates717-574-1585
Recently, Troy released his first solo Bluegrass album with the same name. And by solo, we do mean SOLO! Troy sang and wrote all 12 songs on the project, played mandolin, banjo, fiddle, dobro, guitar, upright bass, strings, and drums!
Troy Engle & Southern Skies
He has gathered an amazing set of musicians to bring these tunes to life on stage. The band specializes in original, traditional bluegrass and country music, with a modern flair. If you took Alison Krauss, Ricky Skaggs, Larry Sparks, and threw in a little Randy Travis for good measure, “Troy Engle and Southern Skies” is what that band might sound like! They bring honest, heartfelt music to fans of all ages!
And if that wasn’t enough, Troy recorded, mixed, and mastered the album as well.
Troy Engle’s resume reads like a who’s who of bluegrass and country music. He has played everywhere from the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville to bluegrass festivals all across North America, with artists like: Patty Loveless, Larry Sparks, The Isaacs, and Buddy Jewell. He’s written award-winning bluegrass hits with Dixie and Tom T. Hall and composed music for TV Shows like The Voice, American Pickers, Duck Dynasty, and Pawn Stars. Now he and his band “Southern Skies” step into the spotlight at the Museum, to shine the light on Troy’s original music.
•40• Proud to support the AACA Museum, Inc. in celebrating its 18th Anniversary. 717-533-7573JIGriggs@aol.com(Home)717-533-7786(FAX)717-580-6750(Cell)
Jenny Pickel plays fiddle and sings lead and harmony vocals. She has performed with Pennsylvania favorite “3 Dollar Suit,” and when not fiddling, she passes her time teaching 3rd graders in elementary school!
Adam Kruzic plays mandolin and sings harmony vocals. He has played in many great bands including “Blue Daze,” “Mercury Rizing,” and “Blue Roots.” He is a fixture in the Mid Atlantic Bluegrass scene, and an avid super jam hunter. If you want to find where the hot picking is going on, just follow Adam, AKA “Lefty”!
Steve Streett is a multi-instrumentalist, who provides solid banjo playing for the band. He also plays fiddle, bass, pedal steel, mandolin, guitar, and more. Hopefully we can get him to drag out some other instruments too! Steve has been a mainstay sideman in the MD/PA area for several years. He also plays with local favorite, “Hot Rod Mule.”
Mandy Engle provides upright bass and vocals. She also plays piano, violin, and tuba! Mandy has co-written several songs with Troy, and has performed at the songwriter showcase at the IBMA World of Bluegrass.
Meet the Band: Southern Skies
•42• We are proud supporters of the AACA Museum, Inc. Call us at 717-583-2222 or toll-free at 877-720-1291 www.marriott.com/harsh Hershey Near the Park
Night at the Museum is among the last opportunities to take in the current featured exhibits. Our Keep on Truckin’: Light Duty Trucks exhibit, the Iconic Chevrolets display, and the Hershey’s History: Before & After Chocolate presentation will close October 22nd. The MiniBike Mania exhibit, which was extended from the Spring, will also close. The exhibits’ popularity has helped the Museum overcome the challenges of the pandemic and thrive.
The Williams-Clyne Showroom Gallery is the home of Keystone Packards’ Historic Packard display. The company was considered the preeminent luxury car before World War II. Owning a Packard was prestigious, being a favorite with European royalty, celebrities, and American corporate tycoons. The License Plate Collectors Association display presents a retrospective of vintage plates. Over the years, license plates have evolved to expand color capabilities, include images, and accom modate personalization.
What’s Next?
Our new exhibits debut in November. Survivors: Unrestored Classic Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles is our featured exhibition. Most agree that survivors must have the original paint job, original interior, and parts. It’s an added bonus to have documentation confirming the location and date of the vehicle’s original purchase. Our collection of survivors is curated by Museum Curator Stan Sipko.
What’s On?
•45• Coming Events 610.398.9700 RBCARCOLLECTION.COM CL A SS IC , VI NTAG E & E XOTIC C AR S ALE S • S E RVICE & R E STOR ATION 107 Hamilton Str eet, Allentown , PA Join us on Friday, November 5th for the return of Autos & Ales, one of the area’s oldest and most enduring craft beer festivals. Enjoy live music, food, and more than 40 breweries all within the galleries of our award-winning Smithsonian Affiliate transportation experience. Tickets: AACAmuseum.org/autos-ales Survivors: Unrestored Classic Cars, Trucks and Motor cycles anchors our Fall Exhibition Opening Preview. The informal preview night for Museum members and vehicle owners is Friday, November 19th. Invitations are coming soon and RSVP is required. COVID-19 protocols are in place.
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Antonia W. “Toni”
Robison Dale Yingst Andrew Saft Museum Staff
Rothman – Chair, Night at the Museum Committee
Board of Directors Night at the Museum Committee Richard P. Sills, Esquire – President Dale Yingst – Vice President Alan L. Brechbill – Treasurer William S. “Bill” Rothermel – Secretary Edmund “Ed” Cammack John HenryWilliamDockendorf“Bill”EdmundsW.“Hank”Hallowell, III John “Jim” Hess Joel C. Hopkins Jon DonJohnMarkKirssinLiebermanOakman“Rick”Risser Antonia W. “Toni” Rothman Andrew “Andy” Saft John R. Tucker, Jr. Chad CammackWintersPosition Alternate, William “Bill” Cammack Museum of Bus Transportation Alternate, David Schmidt Directors Emeritus: Donald R. Barlup Robert H. Dare Jonathan I. Griggs Don WilliamSchellH.“Bill” Smith J. Stanley Stratton, DVM Richard H. Taylor Night at the Museum is an event with a purpose that goes beyond the fun of the evening to the bigger mission of keeping the legacy of motor vehicle history alive for fu ture generations. Deepest thanks to each and every one of you who worked so tirelessly planning and preparing this annual fund-raising night. Enjoy this wonderful event and the results of your efforts!
Albert Stacy Benson Andrea Beshara
Bliemeister –Chair, Sponsorships & Advertisements Sub-Committee Vicki Yingst –Chair, Auction Items Sub-Committee Dareck Caroway
Bliemeister Dareck Caroway Rob Kain
W. “Hank” Hallowell Chad Winters
Benecard-NVA .......... 8 J.C. Taylor .......... Inside Back Cover Dr. Jerome Marcus ........ 10 UPMC ......................... 4 Winters Automotive & Trailers .......... 6 Sponsors and Advertisers • Annville Auto Center, LLC 55 Tom & Rick Risser • BakerTilly 47 • C&J Catering ..................................................................... 28 • CFMC ................................................................................. 51 • Carlisle Events 53 • Classic Auto Mall .............................................................. 20 • Color Plus Leather Restoration 49 • Dash Design ..................................................................... 46 • The Englewood ................................................. Back Cover • Exhibits Graphics Interiors 54 • Framed! In St. Thomas .................................................... 49 • Got Gas? by Jimmy Rosen 55 • Great Road Settlement Services, LLC ............................ 53 • Griggs and Associates ..................................................... 40 • Griot’s Garage .................................................................. 52 • Hemmings ........................................................................ 22 • Harrisburg Property Management Group 51 • Higher Information Group ............................................. 34 • Interstate All Battery Center 48 • Librandi’s Plating ............................................................. 32 • Maguire’s Ford 48 • Majority Strategies .......................................................... 54 • Maule+Assocaites Architects.......................................... 38 • McLean Mortgage Corporation 24 • McClure Company ........................................................... 44 • Mortgage America 55 • National Parts Depot ....................................................... 36 • Mr Deli .............................................................................. 54 • Nostalgic Motoring 30 • PA Deals LLC ..................................................................... 52 • Paul Sevag Motors, Inc. 55 • Pennsylvania College of Technology ............................. 26 • Reneé James .................................................................... 47 • RB Collection .................................................................... 45 • Roof Advisory Group ....................................................... 44 • SpringHill Suites Hershey Near the Park 42 • Turner Chevrolet ............................................................. 50 Thank you to all of our esteemed sponsors and advertisers. Your support has made this fund-raising event possible. We wish you continued success in your endeavors, and we greatly appreciate your support of the AACA Museum, Inc. Thank You GoldAdvertisersSponsors Premier Sponsor: Members 1st Federal Credit Union .......... Inside front Cover Presenting Sponsor: PNC Bank ......................................................................... 2 Platinum Sponsors Please support the businesses who have helped to support this event! • The Collection at Hershey ...............................14 • McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC ........................12 • Prueitt & Sons Automotive Restoration ........16 • Toni Rothman ...................................................18