NewsLeaks Spring 2021

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INAWWA Annual Conference April 12–15, 2021

New location:

French Lick Conference Center French Lick, Indiana

INSIDE: Message from the Chair-Elect • Revised Indiana Section AWWA Bylaws

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| SPRING 2021


Table of Contents

Features Thank You to Our Annual Partner Sponsors INAWWA Annual Conference Revised Indiana Section AWWA Bylaws

27 28 30

CHAIR Ed Nugent 800-662-0829 CHAIR-ELECT Jeff Cunningham 800-255-1521 VICE CHAIR John Crider 260-589-2811

DIRECTOR John Seever 317-465-1507 SECRETARY-TREASURER Wendy Wary 812-925-6213

New date, new location: April 12–15, 2021 French Lick Conference Center French Lick, Indiana


Departments Message from the Chair-Elect


District Reports


Committee Reports


Agency Updates


Upcoming Events & Activities


Advertiser Product & Service Center


Published by

2021 © All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express consent of the publisher.

2020-2021 Board of Directors

PAST-CHAIR Christopher Harrison 574-267-6232 x3401

INAWWA Annual Conference Tel: 866-985-9780 Fax: 866-985-9799

P.O. Box 127 Brownsburg, IN 46112 Office: 866-213-2796 Fax: 866-215-5966

Managing Editor: Megan Funnell Design/layout: Tracy Toutant Marketing Manager: Dave Gill Advertising Co-ordinator: Stefanie Hagidiakow

TRUSTEE – NORTHWEST DISTRICT Derek Snyder 219-844-8680 TRUSTEE – NORTHEAST DISTRICT Justin Shaffer 260-692-6909 TRUSTEE – CENTRAL DISTRICT Josh Castor 765-648-6420 TRUSTEE – SMALL SYSTEMS SOUTH Les Day 765-932-4124 TRUSTEE – SOUTHWEST DISTRICT Roger Johnson 812-421-2120 TRUSTEE – SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Julie Berry 812-296-0112



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For more information about AWWA's philanthropy, contact Michelle Hektor at | 303-734-3613 |

Message from the Chair-Elect Jeff Cunningham

Spring is Here and our Annual Conference is Scheduled


reetings! I hope that everyone is staying safe and that the onset of spring is enabling a little sigh of relief from the usual challenges that winter brings to the utility world. Of course, in addition to those annual obstacles and headaches, the COVID issues have been the real battle of the past 12 months. The Indiana Section has been forced to cancel three of its key conferences: first, the 2019 Spring Conference (formerly the IRWA Spring Conference) in Indianapolis; then the December Water Institute at French Lick; then the Annual Section Conference, that was planned for February 2021 in Downtown Indianapolis. We were looking forward to holding the Section Conference this April; however, after navigating countless hurdles, our staff and MAC volunteers worked to relocate this meeting to the week of April 12 at the French Lick Resort. The uncertainty of being able to provide the top-shelf program and conference experience that our members expect was too much to overcome in Indianapolis. Luckily, the French Lick Resort has been able to safely accommodate our program, exhibit hall and member events. We are actively working with them to make sure that a comprehensive health and safety plan is in place. We are excited to once again provide quality, in-person training for those that can attend. While the virtual and remote sessions that we have conducted have been beneficial and successful, the Section realizes that nothing is a substitute for in-person learning and the networking opportunities it provides. The April conference will include our annual Awards Presentations and Section


We are excited to once again provide quality, in-person training for those that can attend. Membership Meeting, where we will be voting to approve our newly crafted Section Bylaws. In addition to a great program and our Exhibit Hall and Equipment Expo, we will be holding our 4th Annual Sporting

Clays Shoot to benefit the Gambold Education Fund. In closing, please stay safe and we’ll see you in French Lick. Jeff Cunningham




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| SPRING 2021


District Reports

Central District Josh Castor, Trustee The Central District is developing program content for a web-based, virtual meeting. We expect to provide on-demand, virtual content by mid-2021 with four to eight hours of drinking water and wastewater topics. If you are interested in presenting content, please let us know. Stay tuned for more details in the next couple months.

Stay tuned for more details in the next couple months.

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District Reports

Northeast District Justin Shaffer, Trustee Greetings from the Northeast District. What a year! We made it through 2020 and I look forward to gathering with colleagues and friends, hosting in-person meetings and conferences and, most of all, putting last year completely behind us and moving forward. The Northeast (NE) District is looking forward to getting back to the ballpark for the Spring meeting at Parkview Field with the Tin Caps.

What a great meeting this has been – and with the perfect opportunity to mingle amongst friends and colleagues. There currently isn’t a program comprised for the Spring meeting, however, I am sure that it will be a good one. Just over the horizon is another great opportunity: the Annual Conference, scheduled in April. As you all know, the Annual Conference – that usually takes place at the downtown

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| SPRING 2021

Marriott – had to be canceled and moved back due to COVID. It will be great to return to a sense of normalcy after the long year we have just endured. As COVID-19 slowly loses its grip, let us not forget to stay safe and healthy. Water is our most important resource and we have been tasked with the responsibility to provide clean, safe drinking water for all to enjoy. Keep up the good work: it does not go un-noticed! Stay healthy, stay safe!.

Northwest District Derek Snyder, Trustee The Northwest District is working on a plan for its events for the year; meanwhile, please join us in welcoming your Northwest District slate of officers for 2021: • President: Brian Ropes, Midwest Meter • Vice President: Jeremy Beckner, Winamac Water Department • Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Vincent, AME Consulting • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer: Darlene Shireman, Indiana American Water • Trustee: Derek Snyder, NIES Engineering, Inc. Stay safe!


District Reports

Southeast District Julie Berry, Trustee Greetings from Southeastern Indiana! We hope you have all survived winter, in the time of COVID, and are continuing to do well. In January, the Southeast District officers Donna Ennis, Linda Sanders, Bill Jones, and Julie Berry met in Seymour to plan for the Spring 2021 District Meeting. We will conduct this meeting virtually and anticipate a variety of topics, including GIS Ease of Mapping; Risk and

We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will soon be able to gather in person. Resilience Assessments; a virtual tour of a new southern Indiana Water Treatment Filter Plant; and an interesting session on preventing fraud. Our Fall 2021 District Meeting is being

planned in Edinburgh, Indiana: thank you Bill Jones! If conditions allow, we may have a golf outing in connection with the Fall District Meeting. We, like each of you, are praying for a normal 2021!

Southwest District Roger Johnson, Trustee Greetings from the Southwest District! As I am writing this, we are anticipating our largest snow in many years. Forecasters are calling for accumulations of around 12 inches of snow, which is more than we are used to in balmy Southern Indiana. It will be interesting to see what the weather is like when we are reading this update. We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will soon be able to gather in person at our Annual Conference. The Southwest District is working on a few different virtual training opportunities, but nothing has been set in stone (yet) as of this writing. I mentioned last time that it was going to be my last time writing to you, as your Trustee, but the delayed Annual Conference also delayed the transfer of the Trustee position from myself to Shawn Kluesner, your 2021-2022 Southwest District Trustee. Here’s to hoping that we will see each other soon – whether at the annual conference, upcoming training sessions, golf events, or the Water For People concert.






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| SPRING 2021


Committee Reports

Awards Committee

Golf Committee

Chris Harrison, Chair

John Crist, Chair

How does the Indiana Section AWWA select our award winners? It’s a great question with a not-so-simple answer, considering all the awards given by the Indiana Section of AWWA. Each of the multiple awards have a unique standard for selecting winners within their category that would be worthy of a separate article for each. Most importantly, I want to emphasize that the selection process is by no means a matter of change or involves throwing a dart. Each award has meaning and value and reflects the vast diversification in our industry. A perfect example would be the Operator of the Year, one of our legacy awards! This year, we have a large selection of candidates in each of the categories. When I brought the candidates forward for consideration, it created a lengthy debate that revolved around how diversified we are as an organization and the fact that some on the selection team were not comfortable with making the choice because they are not operators themselves. It is a valid point! This year’s categories include years of service, community involvement, source of the nomination, leadership, utility engagement, community efficiency improvement, and INAWWA/IRWA engagement. Each category is weighted differently with the total adding up to 100%. A minimum of three reviewers will score each candidate, then come together to review others results and select a winner. Once this process is completed, the Awards Committee Chair will present recommendations to the Awards Committee for final approval. As I started to give a value to each candidate, I was amazed at the quality of people working, supporting, and engaged in our communities. The score card really helped quantify the contribution each has given to their community. Although a score card may not be needed for every award, it does provide structure for this award and could easily be modified to meet guidelines for other and future awards. This is only one of the internal practices that brings value to our awards program and complements the other structured awards such as the Fuller Award, Kenneth J. Miller Award, annual Clarity in Reporting Award, Exemplary Wellhead Protection Award, Water Industry Hall of Fame, Wendell R. LaDue Safety Award, Water Wheel Award, Prime Mover, and the list goes on. So, back to the original question of how we pick award winners: it depends and is unique to that individual award. Rest assured that the process for each award is fully evaluated, time honored, and just as transparent as the process for selecting the Operator of the Year Award. Thanks for all you do to make our organization what it is. Be safe!

Save the date for the 25th Annual Indiana Section AWWA Golf Outing, scheduled on July 28, 2021, at the Eagle Creek Golf Course in Indianapolis. Your involvement will help bring water and sanitation services to millions worldwide through the Water For People organization and help new Indiana water and wastewater utility operators obtain their licenses through the One AWWA Operator Scholarship. Event details will be sent out soon.


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EXISTING TANKS — Jordan Pyles (270) 826-9000 ext. 4601




Committee Reports

Water For People Committee Emily Nelson, Chair The Water For People Committee is grateful for the many volunteers, sponsors, supporters who contributed to another great fundraising year. We faced many challenges in 2020: several events moved forward with modified and scaleddown versions, and other events had to be canceled. But together, we supported Water For People and were able to raise

funds during a time when those funds were even more crucial. Thank you! During the 2020 fiscal year (FY) (that ended on September 30, 2020), the Indiana Section donated a total of $149,066.24 to Water For People. An additional $894.00 was raised through Water For People events and donated directly. That means a total of

$149,960.24 was raised by the Indiana Section for FY20! The world continues to face the challenges raised by COVID-19. In a time when hand washing and hygiene are even more critical, Water For People needs us even more. Let’s work together to continue to spread the word and raise funds for Water For People in 2021!

Upcoming Events: Spring Fundraiser (during the Annual Conference) This is a virtual fundraising event, which will be held in place of the Silent Auction during the Annual Conference. More details will be available soon.

April 2021

Water Buffalos – Ride with Purpose Ride to ACE21 in San Diego, CA

June 2021

Golf Outing The annual Golf Outing will be celebrating its 25th year. A portion of this year’s proceeds will benefit Water For People. We look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis.

July 28, 2021

Event details are available on our Committee webpage at or contact me at emily.nelson@


| SPRING 2021


Committee Reports

2021 Events Supporting Water For People sponsored by the Indiana Section AWWA – Water For People Committee April 2021

Spring Fundraiser Virtual Event during the Indiana Section AWWA Annual Conference Contact: Judy Gripp (

June 2021

Water Buffalos – Ride with Purpose Ride to ACE21 in San Diego, CA Contact: Jim Clevenger (; Jaimie Foreman (

July 28, 2021

Golf Outing Eagle Creek Golf Club, Indianapolis, IN Contact: John Crist (

August 28, 2021

Run for World Water 5k Downtown Canal, Indianapolis IN Contact: Mark Singer (; Pat Spence (

September 23, 2021

Concert Victory Theatre, Evansville, IN Contact: Justin Guetling (; Amanda Withers (

September 25, 2021

IN AWWA NE District Sunset Cruise in Syracuse S.S. Lillypad, Lake Wawasee, Syracuse, IN Contact: Christopher Harrison (

Fall 2021

Wine into Water St. Joe Farm, Granger, IN Contact: Dave Majewski (


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Committee Reports

Philanthropy Committee Mike Simpson, Chair Hello friends and fans! I welcome you to 14th month of 2020, more commonly known as the dumpster fire that will never end. Seriously, welcome to 2021 and an update on all things happening with your Philanthropy Committee. We have been working behind the scenes to keep all our philanthropic activities moving forward. Our key programs – the One AWWA Operator Scholarship, IRWA Gambold Education Fund, Besozzi Grant, INAWWA's Youth Water Science Education Grant – are currently in a state of readiness once we resume our specific programs tied to those events. For our Youth Water Science Education Grant, we are revamping the form and preparing to send it out – to our membership and school systems (state-wide) at the beginning of April. Our hope is to get several schools to apply for the Grant. I encourage all of you to consider sharing this paperwork with your school system, specifically science teachers. All our other programs are prepped and ready to go. Look for more information on the One AWWA Operator Scholarship, IRWA Gambold Education Fund, and Besozzi Grant as we move forward

in the year. Please note that if you won a scholarship, GEF Award, or Bezzozi, those items will be applied to the next available event. Now more than ever, we need your involvement and engagement on this Committee. Participation on this Committee will serve to enhance our Section’s endeavors to accomplish our goal: helping others throughout Indiana and the world achieve clean and safe water. The Committee desires everyone’s engagement so that we may continue to educate students, provide additional training to even more operators, and to ensure that our water remains as clean and safe as it has for over a century now.

All our other programs are prepped and ready to go. Look for more information as we move forward in the year.

Nominations Committee John Seever, Chair The Nominations Committee – consisting of Duane Gilles, Ed Nugent, Chris Harrison, Derek Snyder, Justin Shafer, Troy Elless, Josh Castor, Julie Berry, Roger Johnson, Les Day, and I – met to review potential candidates for offices in the Indiana Section AWWA. After thoughtful deliberation, we are proud to present and recommend the following at the slate of Indiana Section AWWA Officers for the 2020-2021 term: Chair – Jeff Cunningham, M.E. Simpson Co. Chair-Elect – John Crider, City of Berne Vice Chair – Mark Geskey, City of Valparaiso Secretary-Treasurer – Neal McKee, City of Anderson Assistant Secretary-Treasurer – Wendy Wary, Town of Chandler Small & Rural Systems Trustee North – Troy Elless, UMAC Small & Rural Systems Trustee South – Mark Schmitter, Washington Township Water Director (serves a three-year term) – Chris Harrison, Indiana American Water-Warsaw *Moving to Past Chair will be Ed Nugent, Utility Supply Company. We anticipate a vote on this slate of officers at our Annual Business Meeting planned to occur during our Annual Conference in April. If you are interested in becoming involved as an officer on the Section or District level, please contact me at


| SPRING 2021


Committee Reports

Membership Committee Erich Nugent, Chair 2021 Member Update During November, December, and January, the Indiana Section added 92 Individuals, 12 Additional Active Memberships, three New Named Representatives, two Students, and one New Operator for a total of 110 new members this quarter! Individual Memberships Scott Aho – American Environmental Joe Alexander – Fluid Waste Services, Inc. Steve Aker – Chlorination Company, Inc. Kelsey Alexander – Infrastructure Systems, Inc. Thomas Astbury – Astbury Water Technology, Inc. Kaitlyn Baer – Town of Bristol Ray Beaver – Drillers Service, Inc. Glen Birt – Toney Well Drilling Kimberly Blanchet – Barnes & Thornburg, LLP Kelly Bleeke – Creek Run LLC, Environmental Engineering Robert Bohs – Bohs Well Drilling, Inc. Brad Boyer – Watermark Engineered Product Sales, Inc. Benny Brewer – Brewer Drilling, Inc. Jeff Bricker – EJPresscott Scott Brown – Brown Equipment Co. Inc. Stephen Burck – Patriot Engineering Scott Burke Gregory Clark – Stifel Public Finance Mike Conwell – Blue River Technologies Barry Cook – WW Department Town of Zionsville John Counceller – First Metals & Plastics Craig Crowe – Vermeer of Indiana Lauren Dahlmann – Best Equipment Company Tara Damin – Clark Dietz, Inc. Bob Davidson – IPEP Robert Davidson – Alexander Chemical Co. Justin Dorsey – West Central Indiana Plumbing Dave Farmer – American Electric Power Stan Findlay – Findlay Well & Pump Service Ben Foley – Sherman Barber & Mullikin Lisa Frakes-Bratcher – Frakes Engineering, Inc. Kent Freed – Kents Exc. & Plumbing, LLC Owen Geswein – Schrader Well Drilling Mark Gray – Earl Gray & Sons Marvin Hacker – H&H Pump Service Don Hendrickson – HML, Inc. Michael Henderson Tyler Henke – Ziptility David Howell – Midwest Mole Tim Jackson – Jackson Well Drilling Jacqueline Keen – Horner Industrial Group


Daniel Kloss – United Rentals Trench Safety Kent Koch – McCallister Machinery Co., Inc. Doug Kreischer – G& K Well Drilling, Inc. Todd Kulich – Kulich Rentals, Inc. Adam Lane – Ft. Wayne City Utilities Becca Lang – GRW Engineers, Inc. Jorge Lanz – Jacobi, Toombs, & Lanz, Inc. Scott Lewis – Lewis Municipal Sales Alison Litteral – American Pump Repair & Service Joe Lohmeyer – Lohmeyer Plumbing, LLC Eric Lomax – Cardno/ATC Groupo Services David Lupke – Lupke Rice Insurance Aldona Martin – R.K. Martin Water Services, LLC Loyal Mast – Linn Grove Hardware Mike McCalment – Laporte Water Works Joe McIntosh – Sunbelt Rentals Pump & Power Services Sharon Meier – Hurst Technical Services, Inc. Corey Miller – Solential Energy Solutions Sherri Miller – Gordon Plumbing Jody Neice – Johnnson Controls Frank Palmisano – A.Y. Mcdonald Mfg. Co. Ken Parcells – Hand Industries Jay Paul – ECO Infrastructure Solutions Clark Patterson – Hinderliter Environmental Services Christopher Pruitt – Gertzen Water Management, Utility Services Hunter Reece – North American Pump Mike Renner – Jack Doheny Companies Bill Reynolds – National Water Services John Rigdon – Element Materials Technology Tom Rutledge – D & T Drilling, Inc. Lou Savka – Triad Associates, Inc. Tim Shubert – Tritium Inc. Jennifer Simerman – Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. Moe Smederovac – Ferguson MAG Randy Strasser – VS Engineering, Inc. Joe Sutton – Sutton Drilling, Inc. Shawnette Szekely – Brazil City Water Authority John Titus – Titus Well Drilling Kaleigh Turner Keith Uccello – Hawkins Water Treatment Group Wiley Ullom – Central Indiana Plumbing Connie Villafana – GME Testing Annmarie Vonk – Flies & Vanderbrink Engineering, Inc. Carl Ward – Carl D. Ward Plumbing Chris Wallace – Elevate Maps – A 39DN Company Buddy Waller – Waller’s Meter, Inc. Laurie Webb – U.S. Aggregates Jeff Weinzapfel – Weinzapfel Well Drilling & Pumping




Committee Reports 2021 Member Update continued Terrance Whitehead – Triple J Plumbing Bill Zausch – Utility Pipe Sales Scott Zigmond – Performance Services Additional Active Memberships Patrick Brown – Tank Industry Consultants Pattie Campbell – Ramsey Water Company Jennifer Falk – Kemira Water Solutions Ashley Getz – Columbus City Utilities Jessica Meeks – Citizens Energy Group Richard Rahe – Town of Bargersville Adam Samba – Fort Wayne City Utilities Steve Skirvin – Town of Bargersville Jordan Snider – City of La Porte Water Department Doug Staggs – Bedford City Utilities Nicholas Till – Fort Wayne City Utilities John Wampler – Columbus City Utilities


| SPRING 2021

Named Representative Memberships Pamela Bennett – Town of Wolcott Tim Combs – Town of Palmyra – Water Works David Yurko – Town of Demotte Student Memberships Victoria Hudson – Purdue – Ft. Wayne Nicholas Zak – University of Notre Dame Operator and Administrative Memberships David Strafaci – City of Bloomington/Monroe Water Treatment Plant Please join me in welcoming these newest members to the AWWA and Indiana Section! Indiana Section Membership Snapshot (as of February 9, 2021): Individual Memberships – 1,313 Service Providers – 15 Utility Memberships – 371 Total Section Membership – 1,699


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Committee Reports

Young Professionals Committee Justin Burnett, Chair The Young Professionals (YP) Committee kicked off 2021 with a virtual happy hour, in lieu of our annual INAWWA YP Meet and Greet, to offer an engaging and fun way for YPs to interact during a global pandemic. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our Committee is dedicated to find ways to keep our members engaged, healthy and safe. In December 2020, our Committee continued the tradition of sponsoring an Indianapolis family through Anna’s House for Christmas. Thank you to our generous members for pitching to make this wonderful opportunity possible. The YP Committee recently participated in a virtual YP trivia event for a cause with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) on February 18. Next, the National Fresh Ideas Poster Competition will take place virtually on April 16, 2021. Good luck to Anne Hays and Connor Keaveney, our team from Indiana. As a joint Committee with the Indiana Water Environment Association (IWEA), the YP Committee is excited to announce the initial roll out of our Young

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our Committee is dedicated to find ways to keep our members engaged, healthy and safe. Professional Mentor Program. The purpose of this Program is to pair YPs with seasoned professionals to develop a symbolic relationship that nurtures our future leaders and establishes intergenerational opportunities. The pairing will be matched based on compatibility, including career path, personality, professional goals and more. Each prospective mentor and mentee will fill out a survey to help create a successful match. The expected commitment from the pairing is one year with monthly virtual or in-person meetings and cannot work at the same organization. After the one-year commitment, the pairing can remain in the program as-is, be paired with a new mentor or mentee, or decide to purse other opportunities outside of

the program. The opportunities with this program are bountiful and we are excited to see you get involved. This is an incredible opportunity for everyone to get involved and the YP Committee is enthused to see the program prosper. At the time of this publication, content related to this program has been distributed. If you are interested in making a connection with leaders in the water or wastewater industry, please see the contact information below to get more information. Lastly, if you are interested in joining or learning more about the Young Professionals Committee and are under 35 years old or have been in the industry for 10 years or less, please reach out to Justin Burnett at jburnett@

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| SPRING 2021

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Committee Reports

Operator School Committee Chris Johnsen, Chair The Committee has been meeting monthly to develop a program for this spring. At the time of writing this article, we haven’t announced a plan or schedule. Please watch out for Section e-mail alerts and updates on the Section web page. In the meantime, there are options available that can help you prepare to sit for the Indiana exams, including virtual options available from the AWWA: elearning-courses. Additionally, the Section has been conducting Exam Cram sessions. The third session may still be available when this article arrives to you. Outside of classes, you can selfstudy. Items to study include Indiana Administrative Code 327 IAC 8, which contains the drinking water regulations for the state. It can be found online at

Additionally, you can study the following books used by the Indiana Section AWWA Operator School – available at the AWWA bookstore: • Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume 1, 7th Ed. (AWWA Catalog No. 20685-7E) • Water Treatment Plant Operation: A Field Study Training Program, Volume 2, 6th Ed. (AWWA Catalog No. 20686-6E) • Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance, 7th Ed. (AWWA Catalog No. 20684-7E) • Water Operator Certification Exam Prep (AWWA Catalog No. 20517-7E) You will need to contact IDEM Drinking Water to see when and where they are presenting exams. IvyTech is still holding exams but the availability may be impacted by COVID.

In the end, the Operator School is one of many tools that can help someone pass the Indiana exams. Success with the Indiana exams has the best chance of happening when reading, studying and practicing is done in addition to the classroom. Someone planning to take the exam must spend the time to read and study the materials that are available. It also takes the commitment of the managers, leaders and experienced, licensed operators to make sure there is training and mentorship on a daily basis. We are eager to provide this School again soon, and we appreciate your patience. If you are interested in serving on the Operator School Committee, have questions about Operator School, or suggestions on how we can better serve, please contact me at cjohnsen@

Districts Committee Tim Hill, Chair Spring is around the corner and the Districts are starting to work on their Spring District Meetings; however, we are not sure if they will take place in-person or virtually due to the everchanging COVID situation. It has been way too long since we have been able to get together to talk and network with friends and colleagues. Look for email communications or other notifications on what is happening with the District Meetings. Hope to see everyone soon and stay safe!

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Committee Reports

Source Water Protection Committee Katie Jamriska, Chair Did you know there is a requirement to communicate source water information to customers within the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)? With CCR season upon us (data due to consecutive systems no later than April 1 and distribution of the report to consumers no later than July 1, 2021) now is a good time to review the AWWA Guidance Document, Communicating Source Water Protection Efforts in Consumer Confidence Reports. The CCR is a great space to educate the community on a utility’s source water protection commitment, vision, goals, and efforts. It could also be used as a call-to-action, asking community members to get involved by offering specific tips for behavior change or pointing them to engagement opportunities. The AWWA Guidance Document, a summary of the document,

and examples of effective source water protection CCR messages will be available on the Indiana AWWA Resources website in April. Take a look and let the Committee know if you have any questions. There are already a multitude of source water protection materials on the Indiana AWWA website. Under the ‘Resources’ tab, choose training and resources, scroll down and under the heading ‘Resources,’ you will find various SWP articles, videos, and publications that can help a utility start or improve their source water protection program. If you are interested in learning more about Source Water Protection efforts in Indiana or joining the Source Water Protection Committee, please contact Katie Jamriska at

The CCR is a great space to educate the community on a utility’s source water protection commitment, vision, goals, and efforts.

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| SPRING 2021

Hurty Awards Committee Jeremy Beckner, Chair Each year, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has presented the John N. Hurty Service Award to individuals having 25 years or more of service with one or more Indiana public water utilities. These awards are presented each year at the Indiana Section AWWA Fall District meetings. The Indiana Section Executive Board feels that these service awards continue to be a valuable recognition to long-serving public water utility employees; therefore, the Indiana Section volunteered to provide administration of the John N. Hurty Service Award. Please review your records and advise us which of your staff that may qualify for the John N. Hurty Award. The conditions governing presentation of the John N. Hurty Award can guide you with those qualifications. We will need the employee’s name, date of employment, years of employment, utility (and contact information) and Indiana Section AWWA district. Please review your records yearly and submit this information to the Indiana Section AWWA or to Jeremy Beckner at, no later than June 1 of each year. Any nominations received after June 1 will be put on the list for the following year unless the nominee has 30-plus years of service.


Agency Updates

IDEM Wastewater News

Renew Jason House, Chief Compliance and Enforcement Branch

Wastewater Renewal is June 30, 2021. Renewal applications will be mailed to the operator’s address that IDEM has on file during the last week of April. Special log-in instructions will be included. • For each three-year renewal period, the following continuing education hours are required prior to certification renewal: • Class A-SO and I-SP operators need a total of 8 contact hours, with no less than 6 technical. • Class A, B, I, and II operators need a total of 15 contact hours, with no less than 11 technical. • Class C, D, III, and IV operators need a total of 30 contact hours, with no less than 21 technical.

Time to

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Agency Updates

New Construction Permitting Requirements for some Community Public Works Supplies Are you planning a project that will create a new community public water supply (CPWS) or increase the capacity of your existing CPWS? If so, recent changes to permitting requirements will apply to your project. Amendments to Indiana Code 13-18-26 went into effect in July 2019. By the time IDEM was able to work out an implementation plan for the requirements, we were entering the COVID pandemic. The pandemic response both slowed the usually busy flow of permit applications over the summer months and derailed the water industry conference and training schedule that would have facilitated outreach about the changes. If you are submitting a permit application for a new community public water supply – or that will result in the capacity of your existing community public water supply plant increasing – you must certify that you have prepared and completed a life cycle cost-benefit analysis, a capital asset management plan, and a cybersecurity plan. IDEM has an example of a certification document for you to use. The certification must be submitted to IDEM along with the PWS permit application under IC 13-18-16. The requirements of IC 13-18-26 do not apply to non-community water

systems or permit applications that do not increase the CPWS’s designed capacity. For example, it does not apply to permits for the installation of new water mains, the replacement of an existing drinking water well, for adding or changing chemical treatment that does not increase system design capacity, or any other treatment improvements, process changes or modifications that do not increase system design capacity. In addition to the certification of completion for the life cycle cost-benefit analysis, capital asset management plan, and cybersecurity plan required with the permit application, CPWSs are also required to certify they will review all three plans at least once every five years. If any of the plans or analyses are revised during the five-year review, the permittee must submit a new certification to IDEM. IDEM does not have set templates for any of the required analysis or plans. CPWSs can use a format or template that suits their needs so long as all the requirements for the analysis and plans are included. IC 13-18-26 describes what must be included in the life cycle cost-benefit analysis, capital asset management plan, and cybersecurity plan. Similar analyses

and plans are required by the Indiana Finance Authority’s State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program under a different statute. IDEM is providing the following links to SRF guidance documents with helpful information for applicable permit applicants to fulfill the requirements of IC 13-18-26. Please refer to IC 13-18-26 for the specific requirements applicable to the certification submitted to IDEM.

Asset Management Plan Checklist: AMP-Checklist-for-BorrowersJuly-2018.pdf Guidance: files/AMP-Guidance-Packetupdate-9-17-2019.pdf Cost Benefit Analysis (see Chapter 4): Cyber Security Checklist (see Appendix C): srf/files/AMP-Guidance-Packetupdate-9-17-2019.pdf If you are working on a permit application and do not know if these requirements will apply to you, contact the IDEM Drinking Water Branch’s Construction Permit Review staff at 317-234-7430 or for guidance.

CPWSs are also required to certify they will review the life cycle cost-benefit analysis, capital asset management plan, and cybersecurity plans at least once every five years. If any of the plans or analyses are revised during the five-year review, the permittee must submit a new certification to IDEM.


| SPRING 2021


Agency Updates

Lead and Copper Revisions On January 15, 2021, the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions were published in the Federal Register. They are currently under review by the Biden Administration, however, it is likely that the timing of requirements – especially for early implementation – will still be in effect. The first deadline in the rule occurs in January 2024, when you will need to submit your lead service line inventory, along with a lead service line replacement plan, or certify that you know with 100% certainty that your system contains no lead service lines. This means that you should be starting now, if you haven’t already, to identify both public- and private-side service lines within your distribution system. Here are two resources that may help you in determining which parts of the rule change may impact your water system: • U.S. EPA Website on the Final Lead and Copper Rule Revisions ( • AWWA Resources for Lead in Drinking Water (www.awwa. org/Resources-Tools/ResourceTopics/Inorganic-Contaminants/ Lead#9738369-policy--advocacy)

You will also want to watch NewsLeaks and other forums for additional information from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on the requirements of this rule.

If you have any questions about this rule revision, please contact IDEM’s Drinking Water Branch at or 317-234-7430.

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Agency Updates

Indiana Department of Natural Resources Several in-person continuing education classes were canceled in 2020 during a critical year in which licensed contractors needed to submit their education hours.

As a result of these cancelations, the DNR has deferred the requirement to submit continuing education hours by the end of 2020.

Excellence in Engineering Since 1946

This deferral will allow licensed contractors to obtain and submit their continuing education hours for 2021 license renewal by the end of 2022. Licensed contractors will still be required to obtain their continuing education hours during the 2021-2022 cycle to renew their licenses for 2023. To account for this deferral and to renew their licenses for 2023, licensed contractors will be required to demonstrate double the amount of their required continuing education hours obtained during 2019 to 2022. Licensed contractors are still required to renew their 2021 licenses.

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| SPRING 2021


Indiana Section AWWA thanks our ...

Indiana Section AWWA thanks our 2021 Annual Partner Sponsors

2021 Annual Partner Sponsors

whose generosity helps support INAWWA whose generosity helps support INAWWA in its mission of service in its mission of service to Indiana's water and wastewater utilities to Indiana's water and wastewater throughout the year. throughout theutilities year.



STORAGE STORAGE PARTNERS PARTNERS Crawford,Murphy Murphy and TillyTilly Crawford, and EJ Jones & Henry EJ EJ

Jones & Henry METER PARTNERS PARTNERS METER Baker Tilly Baker Tilly Black & Veatch Black & Veatch Culy Contracting Culy Contracting Dixon Engineering Inc. Dixon Engineering Madewell Inc. Triad Madewell Associates Triad Associates RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS




INAWWA Annual Conference New date, new location: April 12–15, 2021, French Lick Conference Center, French Lick, Indiana


| SPRING 2021



his year’s Annual Conference will be held on April 12–15, 2021, at the French Lick Conference Center. Please mark your calendars, reserve your sleeping rooms, and send in your registration! In order to maintain social distancing and adhere to current pandemic guidelines, we will offer a single-track program each day, with six hours offered on Tuesday and Wednesday and four hours offered on Thursday. This allows us to better monitor group sizes and stay compliant.

Our Exhibit Hall will also include an Equipment Expo for a more hands-on experience. Traffic in the Exhibit Hall will be monitored so as not exceed limits.

Our Conference program includes: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 – six hours total:

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – six hours total:

Thursday, April 15, 2021 – four hours total:

• Choosing Proper Meter Setting Devices – Ford Meter Box • Hidden Underground Treasures & Infrastructure Rehab – Culy Contracting • “A Bunch of Hot Air” – How CIPP Rehabilitation Can Reduce Overflows – Beam Longest & Neff (BLN) • AMI and Meter Change Out Program – How to Plan, Choose, and Implement a Successful Meter Project – Utility Supply • What You Need to Know About Your Filters – Filters Maintenance & Operation – Peerless Midwest • Agency Updates – IDEM, Commissioner Bruno Pigott, Matthew Prater & Martha Clark Mettler

• New Technologies in Line Locating and Leak Detection – Lewis Municipal Sales • Anatomy & Construction Procedures of Prestressed Concrete Wire – Wound Storage Tanks – DN Tanks • On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation: A Safe and Reliable Disinfection Alternative to Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite and Gas Chlorine – UGSI Solutions • Utility Implements Technology Innovation to Control I/I and Optimize Capital Spending ROI – A Case Study – M.E. Simpson Co. • The Static Meter Research Project at 10 Years – Johnson Controls • Phosphorous – Putting it in and Taking it Out – Water Solutions Unlimited

• Be Safe When Entering That Confined Space – Oak & Stone Excavating • IFA Regional Meeting – Indiana Finance Authority • Source Water Protection in Indiana – Indiana Section Source Water Committee / Indiana American Water • Municipal Ordinance as a Method for Preventing Aquifer Contamination – Mundell & Associates

For more details or to register, please visit our website ( then go to the ‘Events’ tab. If you have any questions, please give us a call our office at 866-213-2796 (toll free).

Join us at French Lick for some in-person education and networking! RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS






AWWA Bylaws

he following are revised Bylaws for the Indiana Section AWWA. These revisions were necessitated by changes requested at the Association level along with some minor clean-up from our last revision. A vote to approve these new Bylaws will be held at our next Annual Business Meeting. All Indiana Section AWWA members will receive a notification of the date, time, and method of this meeting once all details are known. We thank you for your continued support of your Indiana Section AWWA!

ARTICLE I. NAME 1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Indiana Section AmericanWater Works Association, (hereinafter the “Section”). American Water Works Association may hereinafter be referred to as “AWWA” or the“Association.” ARTICLE II. OBJECTIVE The objectives of the Section are to promote public health, safety, and welfare throughthe improvement of the quality and quantity of water delivered to the public and the development and furtherance of understanding of the problems related thereto as noted in the Association Articles of Incorporation, such as: a) advancing the knowledge of the design, construction, operation, water treatment, and management of water utilities. b) advancing the knowledge of the problems involved in the development of resources, production, and distribution of safe and adequate water supplies; c) educating the public on the problems of water supply and promoting a spirit of cooperation between consumers and suppliers in solving these problems; and d) conducting research to determine the causes of problems of providing a safe and adequate water supply and proposing solutions thereto in an effort to improve the quality and quantity of the water supply provided to the public. ARTICLE III. HEADQUARTERS 3.1 The headquarters of the Section shall be designated by the Section’s governing Board of Trustees. 3.2 All matters pertaining to the operation of the Section shall be in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Board Policy Manual of the Association, consistent with the Affiliation Agreement entered into between the Section and Association and with these bylaws. In the event of any conflict between these bylaws or the policies and procedures of the Section and the AWWA Documents, the AWWA Documents shall control.


| SPRING 2021

ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP 4.1 The membership of the Section shall consist of those members of the American Water Works Association in good standing residing in or having principal business activity in the Indiana Section, multi-Section members, and those assigned to the Indiana Section by the Chief Executive Officer of the American Water Works Association (hereinafter, “Members”). 4.2 The geographic boundaries of the Indiana Section are defined as the State of Indiana. ARTICLE V. VOTING BY MEMBERS 5.1 All members of the Section, in good standing, including multi-section members, are eligible to vote. Each Member shall have one vote. 5.2 Occasions where a vote of the membership is required include: the election of Section officers, Trustees, and/ or other members of the Board of Trustees as described herein; approval of a proposed amendment of these bylaws; approval of a special dues assessment of the Section membership; or in any other event for which the Section Board of Trustees, by resolution, requires a vote of the Section membership. 5.3 Except as otherwise specified in these bylaws, the required vote to approve any matter put before the Members shall be a majority of the Members in good standing on the date of the vote, provided, however, that the Board of Trustees may resolve, in its discretion, to require only the vote of a majority of the Members present, at a meeting of which written notice delivered to all such Members at least ten (10) days before the date of the meeting (a “Fully Noticed Meeting”). 5.4 Members may, to the extent permitted by law, take action without a meeting by means of a written consent to action signed by a majority of the Members in good standing on the date of the action. 5.5 All Members in good standing who are members of the local districts are eligible to vote in their district elections.


ARTICLE VI.. FINANCES 6.1 Dues shall be assessed against members as required for membership in AWWA. The Section may, in accordance with the procedures defined in the Board Policy Manual and established guidelines of AWWA, apply for permission to levy a Section dues assessment, which shall be in addition to, and not a substitute for, AWWA membership dues. The Section assessment would be levied annually at the time of membership renewal, and the revenue collected would be used to increase the funds available for Section uses consistent with the objectives in Article II. Once approved, changes in a Section assessment can be authorized bya vote of the Board of Trustees for submission to and approval by the AWWA Executive Committee. Only the Association can determine and collect dues and assessments.

ARTICLE VII. SECTION GOVERNANCE 7.1 Authority and Purpose of the Section Board 7.1.1

The Board Policy Manual of the Association indicates that Sections shall be autonomous entities and shall be entitled to govern themselves within the applicable limitations of the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, and Board Policy Manual of the Association and the Affiliation Agreement entered into between the Section and the Association. Each Section is responsible to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to it, and to maintain all necessary licenses, permits, registrations, and designations under the laws of the jurisdictions in which it operates. The Association is not responsible for the legal compliance of Sections.

6.2 The Section reserves the right to collect fees for Section activities and events, as appropriate (e.g., registration fees for annual meetings, teleconferences, and other educational programs). Such fees will be established in accordance with these bylaws, the policies, and procedures of the Section, and AWWA documents.


The property, affairs, and business of the Section shall be managed by the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Trustees shall have full power to establish and modify the policies for the conduct, management, and direction of the business and affairs of the Section, except for those matters specifically reserved or granted to the Members by statute or by the AWWA Documents.

6.3 All Section finances shall be managed in accordance with the bylaws, the Section’s policies and procedures, the bylaws, and Board Policy Manual of the Association, and all applicable financial rules and regulations of the country, and the State of Indiana. The Section shall conduct a financial audit or review no less than once every three years. A copy of the audited or reviewed financial statement shall be provided to the Association. The audit or review shall be conducted by a qualified accountant who is not employed by or affiliated with (a) any employee or independent contractor of the Section involved with the Section’s finances nor (b) any officer or non-officer trustee of the Section.


7.2 Members and Structure of the Board of Trustees 7.2.1

The Section shall be governed by its Board of Trustees, consisting of a Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, Representative on the American Water Works Association’s Board of Directors, hereinafter called the Section Director, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, and the most recent available Past Chair of the Section, each of whom must be a member in good standing of the Section. In addition, there shall be seven (7) non-officer trustees described below.


There shall only be seven (7) non-officer trustees, one (1) from each of the five (5) Districts within the Section, and two (2) representing small and rural systems.





AWWA Bylaws

7.3 Eligibility to Serve on Board of Trustees

7.6 Terms of Office for Board of Trustees


Any member of the Section, including a multi-Section member, shall be eligible to hold elective office in the Section.


The Section Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, or as otherwise required by the bylaws of the American Water Works Association.


Multi-Section members may hold office in only one Section at a time.



Two or more offices may not be held by the same individual, with the exception of the combined offices of Secretary- Treasurer and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer.

The term of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, and Past Chair shall be one (1) year. These terms shall commence following the turning over of the gavel of office during the Section annual meeting at which they are elected or succeed to office, and shall terminate at the turning over of the gavel of office of the annual meeting, or Fully Noticed Meeting, at which their term expires.


he term of office of a Trustee shall be one (1) year, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.


In order to provide continuity in the office of SecretaryTreasurer, the Secretary-Treasurer and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer will serve on a 4-year rotation. The first year they are elected to the Board of Trustees they will serve as Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and will follow the following rotation: a) Year 1 – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer b) Year 2 – Secretary Treasurer c) Year 3 – Secretary-Treasurer d) Year 4 – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer

7.4 Nominations for Members of the Board of Trustees 7.4.1

The Section shall conduct an appropriate nomination and election process for the following members of the Board of Trustees: Chair, Vice- Chair, Chair-Elect, Section Director, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant SecretaryTreasurer, and Trustees.


The Section Director shall be nominated and elected in a manner consistent with Article III of the bylaws of the Association.


For all elected positions other than the Director, a standing Nominating Committee shall consist of the following Board of Trustees members: Section Director, Chair, immediate Past-Chair, immediate Past Director and the seven (7) Trustees. The Section Director shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

7.5 Election of members of the Board of Trustees



Members of the Board of Trustees may be elected either during the annual business meeting of the Section, at a Fully Noticed Meeting or, if approved by the Board of Trustees, by any other process permitted by law. The voting process should be established and administered by the Board of Trustees in accordance with these bylaws, Indiana Section Standard Practices Manual and the bylaws and Board Policy Manual of AWWA.


The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for an elected office shall be elected to the office even if that candidate receives less than a majority of the votes cast. If more than one seat of the same office, such as a non-officer trustee, is up for election at the same meeting, then the Board of Trustees will hold separate votes for each available seat.

| SPRING 2021


The positions of Chair, Chair-Elect and/or Vice-Chair, and Past Chair, do not allow for back-to-back terms of the same position.

7.7 Vacancies on Board of Trustees 7.7.1

In the case of a vacancy in the office of the Section Director, a successor to serve for the remainder of the term shall be selected by the members of such Section as prescribed in the bylaws of the Section or, in the absence of a Fully Noticed meeting of the Members, shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees. The Section Chair or Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the Chief Executive Officer of the Association of such selection.


In the case of vacancy in the office of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, Trustee, Secretary-Treasurer or Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, the Board of Trustees shall appoint a suitable replacement to complete the term of the vacant position.


The voting members of the Board of Trustees may remove any officer or non-officer member or Committee Chair before the expiration of his or her period of office if it is found they have willfully failed to carry out the position’s duties and responsibilities if so determined by a unanimous vote of the other members of the Board of Trustees. The Members may also vote to remove, with or without cause, any officer or Trustee by a majority vote at any Fully Noticed Meeting of Members.


7.8 Duties of Board of Trustees 7.8.1






The duties of the Chair shall be to supervise and coordinate the affairs of the Section and of the Board of Trustees. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of members and of the Board of Trustees. S/He shall appoint all committees of the Section, except as may be otherwise specifically provided herein or directed by the Board of Trustees. The Chair-Elect and/or Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the performance of his/her duties and shall act in his/her stead when required. The Chair-Elect and/or Vice-Chair shall serve on such committees as he/she may be assigned. The Past Chair shall assist the Chair and Chair-Elect and/or Vice-Chair in the performance of their duties and shall act in any of the other officer positions when assigned by the Board of Trustees. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have or provide for the custody of the funds or other property of the Section and shall keep or see to the keeping of a separate book account of the same; shall collect and receive or provide for the collection and receipt of monies earned by or in any manner due to or received by the Section; and shall deposit or see to the deposit of all funds of the Section in such banks or other places of deposit as the Board of Trustees may from time to time direct and designate. In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall, whenever so required by the Board of Trustees, render an account, showing all transactions as Secretary-Treasurer, and the financial condition of the Section; and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of SecretaryTreasurer of a corporation. The Secretary-Treasurer shall see that notices are given and records and reports are kept properly and filed by the Section as required by law; and, in general, shall perform all duties incident to the office of SecretaryTreasurer of a corporation. The Section Director shall serve on the AWWA Board of Directors. As a Director of the Association, the Section Director shall represent the Section and serve as its voice on the AWWA Board. The Section Director shall be bound to adhere to the obligations of AWWA and its Board of Directors as set forth in the AWWA Documents. The Section acknowledges that, in the course of the Section Director’s duties, the Section Director may be faced with decisions that benefit AWWA and its Sections but not necessarily the Section from which the Section Director comes. Whenever the interests of the Section and the Association are in conflict in a matter being considered by the AWWA Board, the Section


Director is bound to disclose such conflict to the AWWA Board and may, in certain cases, be required to abstain from deliberations or voting on such matters by the AWWA Board of Directors. 7.8.7

The non-officer trustees shall assist the Chair and the Chair-elect and/or Vice chair in the performance of their duties and shall act in any other officer positions when delegated by the Board of Trustees. The trustees may serve on committees as liaisons or full members, as they may be assigned by the Board of Trustees.

ARTICLE VIII. MEETINGS 8.1 The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once each quarter within the calendar year to conduct the business of the Section. 8.2 A quorum of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a Chair and at least seven members. 8.3 The Section shall hold at least one general business meeting in each calendar year to elect officers and conduct other business as may be necessary. 8.4 A quorum for an Annual Business meeting or Fully Noticed Meeting of the Section shall consist of the total number of Indiana Section members in attendance. 8.5 For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Association and the Section, the Section is expected to hold an annual conference at which technical papers are presented and water industry issues are discussed. The location of such a conference is determined by the Section. 8.6 All Board of Trustees and committee meetings shall convene in accordance with Section policies and procedures. Except as may be otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees or committee, meetings should be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order”. 8.7 Subject to applicable law, in the event a District Trustee is unable to attend a given Board of Trustees meeting, an alternate may be sent as their representative. The designated alternate shall be an officer from that district represented by the Trustee, either President, Vice-President, or Secretary- Treasurer of said district. The designated alternate shall have the same responsibilities and privileges as the Trustee for whom they serve as alternate. ARTICLE IX. COMMITTEES 9.1 The Section may establish committees to conduct Association and Section programs and business. The Board of Trustees shall govern such committees, as well as have the power to dissolve them when deemed necessary. 9.2 All committees shall act in accordance with policies and procedures in the Indiana Section Standard Practices Manual.




Revised ARTICLE X. DISTRICTS 10.1 For ease of organization, the Board of Trustees shall divide the Section into Districts that are still governed by the Board of Trustees. 10.2 The counties of the State shall be portioned into five areas to be designated as Districts of the Section, namely, the Northwest, Northeast, Central, Southeast, and Southwest Districts. 10.3 The Small and Rural System Trustees shall each represent the Northern and Southern portions of the state, respectively. The historical U.S. Highway 40 (the National Road) will serve as the demarcation between north and south. The individuals must be the member representative or an individual representing a small system, as defined by AWWA. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS 11.1 Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by either an affirmative vote of seven (7) members of the Board of Trustees, or by a written petition signed by at least ten (10) eligible voting members of the Section. All such proposals shall be submitted to the Secretary- Treasurer, who will bring the proposal to the attention of the Board of Trustees. 11.2 The Executive Director shall then submit the amendment(s) to the Association for requested approval by the AWWA Executive Committee. 11.3 Following approval by the AWWA Executive Committee, these bylaws may be amended at any annual business meeting of the Section by a majority vote of eligible voting members present at the meeting, provided however, that all members shall have written notice at least thirty (30) days in advance in which to consider the proposed amendment(s) prior to voting upon it. 11.4 At the discretion of the Board of Trustees, the bylaws may also be amended by a mailed ballot, or other form of written consent, with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the ballots returned by eligible voting members. All eligible voting members shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendment(s) with the mailed/written ballot and shall be given at least 30 days to return the ballot. Said announcements may be in written and/or electronic delivery format. 11.5 Corrections deemed insubstantial (grammar, punctuation) may be made at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The Section Board of Trustees will be advised of these corrections, but no additional vote of Members shall be required for their approval.


| SPRING 2021

AWWA Bylaws 11.6 Amendment(s) shall be effective only after having been approved by the AWWA Executive Committee and by Section Members. Amendments that are adopted by the Members but are not approved by the AWWA Executive Committee shall be ineffective. ARTICLE XII. DISSOLUTION 12.1 In case of dissolution of the Section, all funds or property that may have been derived from the general funds of the Association shall be returned to the Association. 12.2 Any remaining balance of the Section funds or property shall be disposed of by transfer and distribution to the Association, another Section of the Association, or to any one or more nonprofit or charitable organizations or foundations with like purposes or goals that is organized and operated in an area included in an AWWA Section (hereinafter referred to as the “receiving organization.”) 12.3 The receiving organization(s) shall be selected by vote of the majority of the Section Members present in person or by proxy at a meeting of the Section called for this purpose. If for any reasons such disposition cannot be affected, then such funds shall be so distributed pursuant to the order, judgment or decree of a court having jurisdiction over the assets and property of the Section. 12.4 The following shall be characteristic of the receiving organization: a) That it be operated exclusively for scientific or educational purposes; b) That no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholders or individual; c) That no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; and d) That it does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

The receiving organization would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

ARTICLE XIII. INDEMNIFICATION 13.1 Indemnification of officers and non-officer trustees of the Section is provided by the Association as described in the Association Bylaws, Article VI, Section 6.01.


Peerless-Midwest, Inc. Returns to Local Ownership Peerless-Midwest, Inc., a water supply contracting company with offices throughout the Midwest, will be employee-owned as of April 1, 2021. The company was sold to SUEZ in 2016 and is now being purchased back with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) – returning it to local ownership and control. “SUEZ has elected to move in a different strategic direction and that presented the opportunity for the buy-back,” noted Jim Williams, Board Chairman for the

company. “Utilizing the ESOP approach, every person in the company is a stockholder with an ownership stake. We have a talented and highly motivated group and look forward to continuing our 48-year tradition of service to the water supply industry.” Mike Williams will serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Cathy Lance will be the Chief Operating Officer (COO) when the transaction closes on March 31, 2021. All existing employees will be retained, and the company is planning for additional personnel and facilities to accommodate growth. To learn more, visit

“Utilizing the ESOP approach, every person in the company is a stockholder with an ownership stake. We have a talented and highly motivated group and look forward to continuing our 48-year tradition of service to the water supply industry.”





Upcoming Events & Activities Please visit our website – – for details and registration information. Water and Wastewater contact hours to be approved by IDEM. Well Driller and Pump Installers to be approved by IDNR as applicable. Professional development hours (PDHs) for engineers available as applicable. Other workshops, webinars, and events are in the planning stages, so please keep checking our website or call our office at 866-213-2796. All “in-person” events will adhere to current State and local guidelines for public health and safety. If you are interested in conducting a webinar or workshop or hosting one, please let us know. Due to the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, please refer to our website – – for the latest information on in-person/ virtual event dates and locations. Additionally, we are continuing to develop new educational and training opportunities.


April, 2021

Water For People: Spring Fundraiser (virtual) during the Indiana Section Annual Conference Contact: Judy Gripp (

April 12-15, 2021

Annual Conference, taking place at the French Lick Conference Center, located in French Lick, IN

April 12, 2021

Sporting Clays Shoot to benefit the IRWA Gambold Education Fund (French Lick, IN)

June, 2021

Water For People: Water Buffalos Ride With Purpose – Ride to ACE21 in San Diego, CA Contact: Jim Clevenger ( or Jaimie Foreman (

July 28, 2021

IN-AWWA Golf Outing, taking place at the Eagle Creek Golf Club, located in Indianapolis, IN Contact: John Crist (

August 21, 2021

Water For People: Run for World Water 5K, taking place at the Downtown Canal in Indianapolis, IN Contact: Mark Singer ( or Pat Spence (

September 23, 2021

Water For People: Evansvills Concert in Evansville, IN Contact: Justin Guetling ( or Amanda Withers (

September 25, 2021

Water For People: Sunset Cruise on the S.S. Lillypad at Lake Wawasee, Syracuse, IN Contact: Chris Harrison (

Fall 2021

Water For People: Wine Into Water at the St. Joe Farm in Granger, IN Contact: Dave Majewski (

| SPRING 2021



Looking to reach Water & Wastewater Professionals throughout Indiana in 2021? ADD NEWS LEAKS TO YOUR 2021 MARKETING PLANS!


With the majority of in-person trade shows cancelled and the opportunity for face-to-face interactions extremely limited for the time being, placing your advertisement within the pages of News Leaks quarterly magazine is one of the best ways you’ll have to promote your products and services directly to the members of the Indiana Section American Water Works Association!

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To reach water quality professionals through News Leaks magazine and its targeted readership, contact Dave at your earliest convenience to discuss your company’s promotional plan. DAVE GILL, Marketing Manager Toll Free: 866-985-9791,





Advertiser Product & Service Center NewsLeaks is made possible by the companies below who convey their important messages on our pages. We thank them for their support of INAWWA and its publication and encourage you to contact them when making your purchasing decisions. To make it easier to contact these companies, we have included the page number of their advertisement, their phone number, and, where applicable, their website. You can also go to the electronic version of NewsLeaks at and access direct links to any of these companies. COMPANY




AMERICAN Ductile Iron Pipe



Beam, Longest and Neff, LLC



Commonwealth Engineers, Inc.



Curry & Associates, Inc.



Dixon Engineering, Inc.



E.J. Prescott



Ford Meter Box Company



Gripp, Inc.



GRW Engineers, Inc.






HWC Engineering



Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd.



Kokosing Industrial, Inc.



M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.



Mid Atlantic Storage Systems, Inc.



Midwestern Engineers, Inc.



Neptune Technology Group Inc.



Ortman Drilling & Water Services



Peerless-Midwest, Inc.



Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group Inc.



Preload, LLC



Strand Associates, Inc.



SUEZ Advanced Solutions (Utility Service Co., Inc.)



Waller's Meter, Inc.



Water Solutions Unlimited, Inc.



Wessler Engineering



Find us online 38

| SPRING 2021


global expertise delivered locally -

asset management steel & concrete tanks treatment plants pipes | meters

water quality in distribution systems

in-tank water mixers trihalomethane removal systems disinfectant residual control systems

smart metering services

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) smart meters | managed services performance guarantees


Marc Hansen 855-526-4413 | Utility Service Co., Inc. |

An ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assured Company

An Employee Owned Company

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