Technology will do that to you
By Waspstormer
The smog flew high above the city. The ruins underneath smouldered showing little signs of previous life. The billboard on two of the partially standing buildings was stripped back to its bare steel skeleton. The fire was spreading all over damaging what remained of the ghost town. Whatever had caused this was unknown except for a select few. What they knew had haunted them knowing that part of this was their fault.
It started with a brilliant scientific breakthrough. They had created the technology to extract anything out of the virtual world and transfer it into the real world like bringing building into the world without needed to build it. All except one were thinking all of the positive things that it could do like solving world hunger and dehydration. This individual wasn't well known be his peers. So after the day had ended he broke back into the labs and began creating powerful and terrifying creatures. Some of the scientists tried to stop him but failed. Only one got away with the technology to create more creatures. He hid away and started to create a resistance.
As Daltech stepped out of the chamber he was intrigued and terrified at the same time. He saw a single beam of light glowing into the middle of the town. Once he got there he saw nothing but could smell a foul stench. He accessed the console as soon as he could and summoned an axe, shield and pistol when he heard a loud moaning noise. He quickly spun around and just in time get receive a hammer to the stomach. When he looked up he saw a great hulking mass of flesh. It stunk of rotting meat and was covered in gore. In one hand he held a hammer and the other a meat hook on a chain.
Suddenly, with startling speed the beast flung his flesh hook towards Daltech. He found his footing and sprung up onto a platform above the beast. Just as the orc got its flesh hook back into place, Daltech leaped down and his axe bit deep into the creature’s hand and it roared in pain. He climbed back above the frantic mass of flesh and dived off again and plunged the axe into the fleshy back. The creature’s rampage created fissures in the ground full of molten lava. Soon enough it stumbled enough to fall into the molten rock and exploded into codes which evaporated.
Just after the final codes flew into the air Daltech head a noise behind him. As he spun around he saw the Scientist himself standing behind him. The Scientist chuckled when he saw Daltechs expression. He congratulated Daltech on his success and challenged him to a battle in the colosseum. Daltech was about to decline when he suddenly felt something that he hadn’t felt before, confidence. So Daltech accepted the battle. They chose their weapons prior to the battle and the stage was set for the ultimate showdown between good and evil. As they faced off thunder could be heard in the distance. Trees sprouted though out the arena.
Suddenly after much searching he heard a rustle and the professor leaped at him. They fought for a while until the ground started to shake. The trees started to melt away until the land scape contained ravines filled with steaming circuit boards. Then the professor struck and Daltech fell into a pit. The professor then walked away thinking that he had won.
Underneath the professor Daltech was hidden inside a hollowed out part of the wall. He soon realized his overconfidence was making him fail. He climbed up and The Professor turned around and seeing Daltech he charged towards him. At the last moment Daltech fell into the ravine along with the professor. Daltech fell into the cavern that for the second time, while the professor fell onto the molten circuits. Soon Daltech was on top of the arena with the republic and overlooked at all of the world still full of chaos but still looked more peaceful. They're not sure why but technology will do that to you.