/ 2020
LETTERS FROM LANCE Last quarter we talked about Moving “Forward” to our new way of life. It’s funny how the themes of our magazine parallel what the world is going through and experiencing. This quarter we are focusing on interiors – what is changing with them and how important they become to your everyday life. As those of us with kids have all started school in some variation of a hybrid program and experienced the changes I look around me and I see the dynamic of the home and it’s interior changing with the current times. The view of our home and our surroundings have become more important than ever as our movements and patterns are changed and restricted. I can tell you from personal experience that it sure is nice to start to feel settled in our new place and have some consistency in the Real Estate World as well. Moving yourself is always a great reminder for us what our clients are going through on a daily basis! The real estate market continues to be very strong and extremely busy. Our increased knowledge and use of new technology tools are streamlining our process to meet the challenging needs of the market. We are proud to have been able to maintain safety and operate at a high level. Our team continues to impress me as they produce this quarterly to give you some valuable information, a break in your day, and a smile! Please let us know if you have any questions or there is anything we can do to help. Enjoy the upcoming fall season, I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming “contactless” events! -Lance Kenmore
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