featured articles Rich & Robyn Wilkerson President & Founders Linda Freeman, M.S. Executive Director Kathleen Hardcastle, M.A. Ed Director of Education Andrea Fletcher, MSW Director of Social Work Klautrelle Long, CPA Financial Director Crystal Agnew, MBA Operations Manager David McDermott Administrator
Production Team Executive Publishers Rich & Robyn Wilkerson Editor in Chief Sam Ludington Graphic Design Pastor Terrance Wilson Kerri Keith-Spitaleri Photo Credits David Dobson Kathleen Hardcastle
4 The History of Peacemakers
Peacemakers Magazine Email: peacemakers @peacemakers.com www.peacemakers.com
6 Peacemakers Services Provided 9 Building the Future
Mailing Address: PEACEMAKERS P.O. Box 680100 North Miami, FL 33168
10 Peacemakers Affiliate Program 13 North Miami Neighborhood Resource Network
Trinity Church 17801 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169 786-888-HOPE (4673) Watch our services online at: www.trinitychurch.tv Trinity Christian Academy North Campus 17801 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169 South Campus 655 NW 125 Street N. Miami, Florida 33168 786-888-LIFE (5433) Peacemakers Family Center 17801 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL 33169 786-888-HELP (4357) www.peacemakers.com
14 AmeriCorps: Committed to Serving Community 15 Funders & Partners 16 Trinity Christian Academy and Freedom Schools©
24 Parenting Made Simple as DTBY
Follow us on Twitter @RichWilkerson @RobynWilkerson @PeacemakersCom @TrinityMiami @peaceforhaiti @PlanBe_
Peacemakers and Trinity Church staff
20 PlanBe__Working to Decrease Teenage Pregnancy in Miami-Dade County 22 Prisoner Re-entry Program
25 Serving the Brave 26 Bridging the Gap for Children of Inmates
Peacemakers Magazine is published by Peacemakers-Trinity Church Incorporated, a non-profit corporation, Miami, FL USA © 2012. Peacemakers Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
18 Finding True Love is Not a Fairy Tale
28 Freedom Schools© Harambee
30 You Can Make a Difference
Founders of Peacemakers and Senior Pastors of Trinity Church Married for over 38 years, Rich & Robyn have extensive experience with the American family and have a unique gift of communicating the Gospel to our troubled society. Rich is a visionary, author, and energetic speaker who has a passion for souls, families, and the next generation. Robyn is a life coach and an expert in real life issues like marriage, family, and relationships. Rich & Robyn minister in the heart of Miami’s inner-city and continue to be committed to the local community through cutting-edge ministry outreaches. Together they have four sons, twodaughters-in-law, and one granddaughter.
Executive Director of Peacemakers Family Center
With more than 26 years of program management experience as both an environmental engineer and a social service director, she leads this “one-of-a-kind”, faith-based community outreach ministry with excellence and energy. A member of Leadership Florida, an ordained minister, and a Fellow at the Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Linda obtained a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University and a B.S. in Chemical Enginnering from the University of Michigan. Linda has been married to David for over 26 years. They have three adult children: one son and a daughter-in-law, and a daughter.
Peacemakers is … building the future together ... by Caring, Loving, Helping, Sharing, Reaching, Transforming
Changing lives every day ... WORKING TO BUILD COMMUNITY and to BUILD FAMILIES Fight Poverty ... Stop Abuse ... Find Jobs ... Create Success ... Achieve Prosperity
For more information on Peacemakers please visit: www.peacemakers.com
Your tax-deductible donation helps us continue to grow Peacemakers. Donate at www.peacemakers.com or call: 786.888.HOPE or email: peacemakers@ peacemakers.com
F O Y R O T S I THE H Peacemakers was birthed in the heart of founders Rich and Robyn Wilkerson. In 1994, The Wilkersons felt a special calling from God to invest the rest of their lives in the urban centers of America. At that very time, Rich and Robyn founded a new ministry known as Peacemakers International! Immediately the response to this new heavenly agenda was applauded by friends and partners of Rich and Robyn Wilkerson. In the next four years, nine "Inner City" ministries were established in seven cities across the U.S. but Rich and Robyn felt something wasn't complete. Then, an invitation came from a church in the urban center of Miami, Florida to lead the church as their pastors. All along the Wilkersons had wanted to build a prototype of what they felt God wanted to be established in the major cities of America. This was the opportunity they had been looking for. In July of 1998, Rich and Robyn and their four sons moved to the great city of Miami, Florida. A wonderful group of several hundred people known as Trinity Church greeted them as their new pastors. Right away the people of the church rolled up their sleeves to work with Pastors Rich and Robyn to establish something truly life-saving and life-giving to the poor and disenfranchised of the community. The work was the most intense the Wilkerson's had ever experienced. Rich often said to Robyn that first year ... "I wish we could have come here ten years ago ... at least my strength would have been greater." Robyn would always answer ... "Yes, but your faith would have been weaker." Robyn was right, no matter what struggle or resistance the Wilkersons and the people of Trinity Church faced those first few years in Miami ... NOTHING could deter their FAITH! Not long after arriving in Miami, Robyn saw a "Request for Proposal" advertised in the Miami Herald newspaper. It was the opportunity she had thought about but never knew would come her way. The RFP was for summer daycamp to serve children whose mothers were participating in a welfare-to-work program. She wrote her first proposal and was awarded a contract for $175,000! This past summer, over 1,000 children participated in daycare, preschool, and summer camp at Trinity Church. 4
Peacemakers has partnered with over 50 local, state, and federal government agencies to provide sorely needed social services to individuals and families in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Over the last decade, Peacemakers has been awarded $23,000,000. in government competitive bid social service contracts. God's hand has been upon this effort and together they are touching the lives of needy people and giving them the resources to succeed. Peacemakers and Trinity Church has grown exponentially in the last 14 years. Currently, 6,500 attend weekly services and programs at two campuses, staffed by over 100 dedicated men and women. Their motto is: COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY. Today, Trinity Church and Peacemakers Family Center is open 7 days a week to provide opportunities for people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, economic levels, and education – for everyone to discover God's plan for their destiny. Our vision is to open Peacemakers Family Centers all over the United States. These centers will operate alongside powerful, multicultural inner city churches and non-profit organizations.
The Wilkerson Family (l–r): Taylor, DawnChere & Rich Jr., Rich & Robyn, Israel with Ashley & Jonfulton, Graham PEACEMAKERS.COM
SERVICES PROVIDED Peacemakers Family Center (PFC) was established by Trinity Church in 2000 in response to the tremendous social needs of individuals and families in the Miami-Dade County community. PFC serves as a base for social services provided to more than 1,000 people per week through its North Miami, Miami Gardens, and satellite Program locations. PFC is helping individuals: fight poverty, stop abuse, find jobs, create success, and achieve prosperity!
Department of Children & Families ACCESS Network Peacemakers is a member of the Department of
Children and Families ACCESS Network. As a member of the network, Peacemakers clients are able to apply for food stamps, Medicaid, and temporary cash assistance directly from the Peacemakers office.
Job Development Peacemakers Family Center is a
South Florida Workforce Access Point and assists job seekers with preparing their resume and cover letter, as well as assisting them with on-line job searches through Jobing.com and Employ Florida.
North Miami Neighborhood Resource Network
The purpose of the North Miami Neighborhood Resource Network (NMN) is to identify, mobilize, and coordinate resources and social service providers in the community to provide primary prevention and early intervention services to families. Now five years old, the NMN has focused on grass-roots, community-based Disaster Preparedness. This innovative focus on Disaster Preparedness highlights economically vulnerable populations—those who live in survival mode every day—to prepare basic resources both pre- and post-disaster. The NMN has developed an active Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) that works closely with Miami-Dade County’s Office of Emergency Management. NMN has also developed the ADOPT-A-SENIOR program. The ADOPT-ASENIOR program assists North Miami seniors prepare a personal disaster preparedness plan for their homes. 6
Center is one of seven founding organizations of the Service Network for Children of Inmates. Funded primarily by The Children’s Trust, the Service Network for Children of Inmates is a network of Miami-Dade area direct service providers that assist children who have a parent who is incarcerated. Peacemakers provides intensive case management, support group, videoconferencing and bonding visit services to these children and their caregivers. For in-depth information, please go to childrenofinmates.org.
Trinity Christian Academy Trinity Christian
Academy is Peacemakers’ on-site Pre-school and VPK program which is operates under license with the Florida Department of Children and Families. Trinity Christian Academy has expanded to include a private school program for children in Kindergarten thru 2nd grade.
Trinity CDF Freedom Schools Program* Our
Freedom Schools program provides children/youth, ages 5-14, with a variety of unique, year-round, multi-disciplinary enrichment activities, Monday through Saturday. Program elements include homework assistance, tutoring, FCAT preparation, sports, dance/musical theatre, visual arts, media workshop, and career/work preparation. We use The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools© program model. The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools program provides summer and after-school enrichment that helps children fall in love with reading, increase their self-esteem and generate more positive attitudes toward learning. Children are taught using a model curriculum that supports children and families around five essential components: high quality academic enrichment; parent and family involvement; civic engagement and social action; intergenerational leadership development; nutritional, physical, and mental health.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention*** PLAN BE___ Trinity Church was
selected by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health to provide a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program for youth at public schools, churches, and through other community-based more organizations in Miami-Dade County. Trinity Church is utilizing the evidence-based programs, Becoming a Responsible Teen and Reducing
continued ...
the Risk, with junior high and high school students, respectively. Through rigorous research both of these curricula have been shown to be effective to combat the problem of teen pregnancy.
Peacemakers Food Bank Peacemakers Food Bank provides food,
toiletries, and baby supplies to families and individuals in need through PFC’s partnership with Farm Share, Inc., and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), plus the generous donations of Trinity Church members. Every enrolled family and individual receives a monthly allotment of items, including food commodities from USDA’s Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Types of food included in the monthly distribution are: canned fruits, canned vegetables, fruit juice, dried egg mix, meat/poultry/fish, dried beans, pasta products, milk, rice/grits/cereal, soups. Families and individuals may enroll to receive a monthly allotment of food and other supplies at the Peacemakers Family Center, seven days a week, during office hours.
Healthy Marriage Initiative** Trinity Church provides healthy marriage
and family strengthening training to youth and their families in both MiamiDade and Broward Counties. The youth curriculum, Relationship Smarts, is a lively, 13 lesson research-based curriculum that builds the skills and knowledge necessary for healthy relationships. The adult curriculum, Within My Reach, is a research-informed program that seeks to help those in viable relationships to cultivate, protect, and stabilize their union. This program is funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Parenting Program* Peacemakers Family Center provides a parenting
and family strengthening program, “Strong Families”, Utilizing the “Dare to Be You.” (DTBY) curriculum, to families that are at risk of becoming involved or re-involved with the child welfare, juvenile justice, and/or adult corrections systems, as well as referred families from the community. DTBY is a science based risk prevention award winning family program that empowers youth, families, and communities. More than 200 high risk and high needs families have received parenting skills training, at-risk behavior prevention training (which includes drug and alcohol abuse prevention, teen pregnancy prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention), mentoring, and associated social services with promising results.
For more info please call 786-888-HELP or visit peacemakers.com
*Freedom School, Children of Inmates, and Parenting Program are partially funded by the Children’s Trust. The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County.
** The Trinity Church Healthy Marriage Initiative is supported by the United States Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant # 90FE0060. Opinions and findings of the program do not reflect those of the U.S. DHHS. *** PlanBe___ is a program developed by Peacemakers. The Trinity Church Teen Pregnancy Prevention program is supported by the United States Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health. Grant # TP1AH000007-01-00. Opinions and findings of the program do not reflect those of the U.S. DHHS.
Peacemakers Family Center is ‌
Building the Future Helping individuals:
fight poverty find jobs create success and achieve prosperity! Department of Children & Families ACCESS Network
Long lines and frequent office visits are a thing of the past. Peacemakers is part of the Department of Children and Families ACCESS Network that offers food stamps, Medicaid, and temporary cash assistance. Clients save time by coming directly to Trinity Church to meet with a Peacemakers staff member and apply for benefits. In addition to applying for benefits, return information and report changes may also be filled out through Peacemakers. We provide access to economic self-sufficiency services including access to paper application forms, internet availability to complete an online application, and phone access to automated ACCESS Information Line or customer call center.
Job Development
The Peacemakers Family Center is a South Florida Workforce Access Point and assists job seekers with preparing their resume and cover letter, as well as assisting them with on-line job searches through Jobing. com and Employ Florida. Peacemakers Family Center (PFC) provides job development services for youth and adults. PFC case management staff assists job seekers with preparing their resume' and cover letter, as well as assisting them with online job search through Jobing.com and Employ Florida. PFC is a South Florida Workforce Access Point. As an Access point we are able to triple the amount of clients we can accommodate as well as offer even better job development services to our community. The Access Point is a one stop career spot equipped with everything a client needs to prepare their resume, practice their interview skills, and find a job. If you or someone you know is looking for employment we invite you to stop by our Peacemakers Family Center and take advantage of Access Point! For a job development appointment, call Peacemakers Family Center at 786-888-HELP (4357).
For an appointment or more information, pleasecall Peacemakers Family Center at 786-888-HELP (4357).
AFFILI TE PROGRAM by Crystal Agnew
Peacemakers launched a new initiative this year to start new outreaches through local churches in communities across America. Peacemakers is partnering with non-profit organizations and churches through the Peacemakers Affiliate Program that have demonstrated a capacity and vision to administer programs and resources to their local community. Peacemakers has the experience, expertise, and successful track record of acquiring funding and delivering services with a Christian faith-based model. A core principle for the Peacemakers Family Center is that FAITH makes a HUGE difference in the lives of clients, offering lasting hope through
Bible-based principles to every individual served. Peacemakers will work to support organizational growth, staff training, acquiring funding, and program implementation. The Peacemakers Affiliate Program has already started working with the first cohort of eight churches across America. Applications and initial site visits have been conducted and representatives from the eight churches will attend the first PFC Affiliate Program Annual Meeting in Miami held in October. Having traveled to visit churches, meeting with their teams and congregations to assess the work being done in their communities, excitement surrounding the Affiliate Program has continued to build. Each church has a passion for serving the community where they are located and are already serving in different capacities. The Peacemakers Affiliate Program is unique because it does not provide a cookie-cutter model for duplication. It provides a foundation to assess the needs within each community of the Affiliates and design support and programming to meet the greatest needs. This allows for each Affiliate to customize their programming based on the vision of the church and organization as well as their
PFC Affiliate Church on the Rise Rocky Mount, North Carolina
community. The first cohort of Affiliates include churches in North Carolina, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Colorado, Texas and two in Florida. As organizational assessments are completed for each Affiliate, Peacemakers will begin to provide customized services to meet their organizational needs. These include: Capacity training to build teams, create opportunities and build the office, program development, program management, financial management, administrative support and development, and marketing support and development. Each Affiliate will participate in the Annual Meeting, as well as monthly conference calls and technical assistance.
If your church or non-profit organization is interested in becoming a Peacemakers Affiliate Site, please visit us online at www.peacemakers.com and complete the “Interest Form.” Your form will be reviewed by a Peacemakers Family Center Specialist and your assessment process to becoming a Peacemakers Family Center in training begins!
Thrive! is an interactive journal for individuals who desire their lives to fully express their God-given uniqueness. So much of life in our culture is focused on externals: how we look, what we wear, what our profession is, what we own, and who we know. Yet, the An Scripture tells us, “So we fix our eyes Interactive not on what is seen, Journal but on what is unseen, to Inspire since what is seen is Spiritual temporary, but what Growth is unseen is eternal” 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV. In the pursuit of the externals, we may neglect our inner life which is unseen. How can we begin to develop our inner life and invest in what is eternal? Thrive! is a tool for the individual seeking to uncover and nurture the most intimate core of their being. Linda Pulley Freeman created this book out of her personal struggles and victories in discovering her own inner life while juggling her roles as an engineer, wife, mom, ordained minister, mentor, community organizer, and program developer. Since 1999, Linda has served as an Associate Pastor at Trinity Church and the Executive Director of its Peacemakers Family Center. Thrive! is available from Xulon Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google eBooks and at www.thethrivejournal.org Stay connected and Thrive! Log onto: www.TheThriveJournal.org and follow @ThriveJournal on twitter. PEACEMAKERS.COM
Promoting SAFETY & SUPPORT in the Community Peacemakers Family Center has developed the North Miami Neighborhood Resource Network for Miami-Dade County. The purpose of the North Miami Neighborhood Resource Network (NMN) is to identify, mobilize, and coordinate resources and social service providers in the community to provide primary prevention and early intervention services to families. Our Vision . . . Enhance the safety and well being of the residents of North Miami. Our Mission . . . Maintain a resource partnership with the community that: 1. Addresses residents’ concerns. 2. Facilitates and supports collaborative relationship. 3. Connects residents directly to services through an information and referral network.
Now six years old, the NMN has focused on grass-roots, community-based Disaster Preparedness. This innovative focus on Disaster Preparedness highlights economically vulnerable populations—those who live in survival mode every day—to prepare basic resources both pre- and post-disaster. The NMN has developed an active Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) that works closely with Miami-Dade County’s Office of Emergency Management. NMN has also developed the ADOPT-A-SENIOR program. The ADOPT-A-SENIOR program assists North Miami seniors prepare a personal disaster preparedness plan for their homes. To date, the North Miami Neighborhood Network has mobilized 56 community partners. If you would like to join NMN and PARTNER with us, please contact Andrea Fletcher at 786-888-3329 or email afletcher@ peacemakers.com. For more information go to: www.peacemakers.com
AmeriCorps is a network of local, state, and national service programs that connects more than 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet our country’s critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. Trinity’s AmeriCorps Program places its members in Peacemakers Family Center social service programs across Miami-Dade County. In the 2012-2013 AmeriCorps year, we have 22 AmeriCorps members providing social service assistance to the community. AmeriCorps is often referred to as “the domestic Peace Corps.” Both agencies are committed to service, and both offer challenging and rewarding full-time opportunities. Peace Corps assignments are all overseas, and AmeriCorps members serve only in the United States.
Over 20 volunteers adopted a senior. With our CERT program we are assisting seniors who are homeowners and live alone. Through this program we provide them the resources they need for disaster preparedness by teaching them how to access evacuation plans, ensure their homes are ready for disasters and have the adequate supplies.
AmeriCorps partnered with Habitat for Humanity and 16 other churches as we built roofs on 10 houses with over 50 volunteers present.
impact OF AMERICORPS • AmeriCorps impacts both its volunteers and the communities they serve. • Participation has a powerful, positive effect • Results from a rigorous evaluation of AmeriCorps show that AmeriCorps has long-term impact on members years after they serve. 14
In response to the massive earthquake we established the Peace for Haiti Earthquake Relief which is the perfect collaboration of several organizations providing continuous aid to Haiti. We have been contributing to the immediate needs while finding solutions to help rebuild and sustain their communities. AmeriCorps members helped collect food, medical supplies, and shelter materials. For more information on AmeriCorps, please visit: www.americorps.gov and www.peacemakers.com
Agape Family Ministries www.agapefamilyministries.org
Alliance for Human Services www.alliance4hs.org
Angela M. Turner Consulting Assemblies of God www.ag.org
Barry University www.barry.edu
F U N D E R S & PA R T N E R S
Children’s Defense Fund www.childrensdefense.org
Christian Family Worship Center www.cfwcfl.org
Convoy of Hope
Dade Community Foundation www.dadecommunityfoundation.org
Elijah Network
Early Learning Coalition www.elcmdm.org
Family & Children Faith Coalition www.fcfcfl.org
Family Christian Center www.familychristiancenter.org
Farm Share
Feeding South Florida, Inc www.dailybread.org
Imagine Miami
Jewish Community Services of South Florida www.jcsfl.org
Justice and Security Strategies www.jssinc.org
Miami-Dade County www.miamidade.gov
Miami Rescue Mission www.miamirescuemission.com
Mission of Hope Haiti www.mohhaiti.org
OIC of Broward, Inc. www.oicofamerica.org
Port of Miami
Reflections Wellness Center www.reflectionswellnesscenter.com
Social Solutions
South Florida Workforce www.southfloridaworkforce.com
TBN and Smile of a Child
www.tbn.org / www.smileofachild.org
The Children’s Trust www.thechildrenstrust.org
Fit Kids
Trinity Church
Florida Department of Children and Families
University of Miami School of Medicine
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
U.S. Department of Labor
Florida International University
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Florida League of Christian Schools
Volunteer Florida
Holy Cross Lutheran Christian Day School
Human Services Coalition www.hscdade.org
VPK Voluntary Prekindergarten www.vpkhelp.org
World Relief www.wr.org
Please visit our website to read about each of these organizations: www.peacemakers.com
Age 1 year old through 3rd Grade
Our mission at Trinity Christian Academy is to provide a Christ centered environment of academic excellence where staff work in partnership with families to develop young students who will know and serve Jesus Christ. We view training in the home and school as a guiding light in each child’s development. We are concerned about the child’s physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs. Since each child is a gift of God with special abilities and talents, we strive to provide an environment in which the abilities and talents of all children may be developed to their fullest potential. One of our objectives is to help your child develop a positive self-concept and a love for learning. We want to help build a creative foundation for a lifetime of learning. Characteristics such as self-confidence, independence, curiosity, persistence, and initiative will be developed. Our school is also interested in promoting and developing positive social skills. Building trusting relationships with peers
and adults is very important. Our staff of warm, caring, professional childcare providers maintains a positive and stimulating atmosphere where your child is cared for and respected. Your child is very special, and it is our goal to attend to all of his/her needs – personal and developmental. We hire teachers who are fully credentialed. Our teachers are loving, disciplined educators who care about each child in their care.
Our AFTER CARE program provides children and youth, ages 5-14, with a variety of unique, year-round, multi-disciplinary enrichment activities Monday through Saturday. Program elements include homework assistance, tutoring, FCAT preparation, sports, dance/musical theatre, visual arts, media workshop, and career/work preparation. Our afterschool program uses The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools© program model. The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools© program provides summer and after-school enrichment that helps children fall
in love with reading, increases their self-esteem, and generates more positive attitudes toward learning. Children are taught using a model curriculum that supports children and families around five essential components: high quality academic enrichment; parent and family involvement; civic engagement and social action; intergenerational leadership development; nutritional, physical, and mental health. AFTERCARE is from 2pm to 6pm. We have BUS PICK UP from many area schools – please call the Freedom School office to see if your child’s school is on our list! FULL DAY CAMP OFFERED FOR: • Teacher In-Service Days • Holidays • Christmas & Spring Camp • Summer Blast Day Camp Includes: FIELD TRIPS, CRAFTS, MOVIES, SPORTS, DANCE! Don’t miss all the FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS! North Campus Located off the Golden Glades Interchange 17801 NW 2nd Avenue Miami Gardens FL 33169 South Campus Located conveniently off I-95 at 125th St 655 NW 125th Street North Miami FL 33168 Christian, Licensed, Quality Education
• Open Monday-Friday; Preschool 7am-6pm Aftercare 2pm to 6pm • Vouchers Accepted • VPK Free Education for 4 year olds! (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten)
For more information about TCA or CDF Freedom Schools© call 786.888.LIFE (5433) Space is Available NOW! email: tca@peacemakers.com www.trinitychurch.tv www.peacemakers.com
Download the Registration packet at www.trinitychurch.tv
The Children’s Trust is a dedicated source of revenue established by voter referendum to improve the lives of children and families in Miami-Dade County. Freedom Schools© is a program operating under the Children’s Defense Fund. Peacemakers’ on-site day care center is operated under license with the Florida Department of Children and Families. Child Care Facility Certificate of License C11MD1596 (north) and C11MD0636 (south)
o ur
c o mmunity
After being married for just six months, the man I thought loved me moved to New York City to start a new life and career. I stayed married to him for seven years thinking that I was honoring God and one day he would change his mind and come back to me. Looking for something to fill the void in my heart, I decided to seek God. I turned on my television and found a program on TBN called, “Peacemakers with Pastor Rich Wilkerson.” I was so excited to learn that the ministry was in Miami and just a few blocks from my home. I called the number on the screen and cried out for help to an answering machine that picked up my phone call. Soon after, I received a phone call from Pastor John Wilkerson (later learning this was Pastor Rich Wilkerson’s father). Pastor John called repeatedly and left several messages until one day I picked up the phone and he prayed for me. He invited me to come to Trinity Church and 18 PEACEMAKERS.COM
told me about a New Year’s Eve Service coming up. I had never been to church on New Year’s Eve – only parties where people drink the year away. All alone in my distress, I decided to check out the New Year’s Eve service at Trinity Church. Everyone I met seemed happy to see me and greeted me like they knew me. Pastor Rich, filled with joy and a smile for everyone, preached a great message from the Lord. Midnight came and we cheered for the greatness of God in our lives. THIS WAS A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE THAT I WILL NEVER FORGET. I had walked in all alone, and when I left that evening I felt like the angels went home with me. I was filled with so much joy and gratitude that I could not wipe the smile off my face. All my distress was gone as I gathered with other believers who loved God so much that even a New Year’s celebration would be all about him. I began going to Trinity Church every time they had a service: Saturday Sabbath Prayer Meeting; Monday Night Bible Study; Wednesday Night Service; and Sunday Services. One Saturday morning at Sabbath Prayer, Pastor Rich asked me if I needed prayer for anything special. I told him about my marriage situation and he prayed for me. He gave me his personal cell number and told me to have my husband call him directly. I could not believe that God loved me so much that the “big honcho” of the church would reach out to me in such a way. Over time, Pastor Rich and the Sabbath prayer ministers prayed for my marriage and I was relieved from my torment and distress. My husband never returned. He refused and divorced me shortly after that. But it was well with me for I had found my true love, Jesus Christ, who would never leave me nor forsake me and that was good enough for me. Pastor Rich told me to seek after God with all of my heart and to keep being busy for the Lord. He said to involve myself in church activities and that one day, my true husband would walk into the church and find me. So I did just that. I involved myself in
everything I could and I learned of Him and applied His teachings to my life. God would bring me from glory to glory year after year. Several years later, in February 2005, little did I know, “the husband” Pastor Rich had spoken of walked into Trinity Church. Shortly before that, Luis had attended a large religious gathering at the Miami Arena (which was still standing at that time). That night, Luis surrendered his life completely to God and was born again. He was given a pamphlet of local churches in the area and Luis prayed asking the Lord to lead him to a church. The Lord led him to MY church – Trinity Church. Luis loved attending Trinity and became involved in the church ministry activities. Pastor Rich introduced him to the congregation and Luis shared his story about being changed. Soon after, he became a member of Trinity Church. Luis sought after God with all of his heart and he couldn’t seem to get enough of church. As long as the doors were open, there was Luis wanting to be part of everything he could. Just before Easter, Luis helped build the stage for the Jesus of Nazareth presentation at Trinity Church. The director of the show, Pastor Marcus Gonzalez, approached him and asked if he would play the role of Jesus in the presentation. Luis was shocked and told Pastor Marcus he could not play the role of Jesus as he was not worthy of such a role – he only came to help build props and he had never acted before. Pastor Marcus encouraged him and told him he could do it. Luis accepted the role and played Jesus as humbly as he could ... loving every minute of it. He was actually learning about Jesus’ entire life while he was preparing to play the part. Luis and I met at the Bible Study class of Pastor O.A. Alderson at Trinity Church. (Pastor O has recently been called into Heaven). I attended this Bible Study for four years before Luis came to the class. He also joined the choir that I was part of – he rejoiced in singing praises to our Lord.
Soon after, we would get together with friends after church and meet at Starbucks and talk about Jesus. Luis would call me to take me to lunch after church to talk about Jesus more and more. He said he enjoyed speaking with me because I seemed to always encourage him in the Lord. He said he enjoyed my conversation because they were all about Jesus and His goodness. One day I told Luis about a vision the Lord gave me about him having his own business. Soon after, the Lord made a way for that to happen. Two years later, Luis asked me to marry him. I was in shock because we had never actually dated – he had always expressed to me that he was not looking to date anyone as the only thing he wanted to do was to seek after God with all of his heart, mind, spirit and soul. I really admired him for that. So there I stood, in shock, not knowing what to say, so I told him that I had to think about it. I was just a little confused because although he telephoned me often, he never let me know that he liked me in any other way than just being his friend. The next day he asked me again and I said ...YES! Pastor Rich married us at Trinity Church on January 20, 2007. The rest is history. Yes, fairy tales do come true when God is in it. His answer to prayer is always certain, we just have to be willing to wait on his answer. Luis and I constantly see the hand of God in our lives. In all things He is faithful and His promise is true that “He will never leave us nor forsake us.” I believe God sends special people into our lives so that he can take us to where he wants us to go. “He knows the plans He has for us.” Thank you Pastor Rich & Robyn Wilkerson for your faithfulness to the call of Jesus Christ. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone to reach out to the lost. Luis and I we were both lost but now we are found. With much gratitude to you both, we remain faithfully in Christ our Lord and Savior. – Diana & Luis Ramos PEACEMAKERS.COM
Working to Decrease Teenage Pregnancy in Miami-Dade County According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most teen moms live in poverty, never finish high school and are chronically unemployed. Many suffer from depression and have attempted suicide. Their sons are more likely to go to prison; their daughters are more likely to become teen mothers themselves. Teen parents including their babies cost American taxpayers about $9 billion a year, including more than $480 million in Florida, to cover
AIDS Florida Department of Health along with many other organizations has determined that Miami-Dade County ranks 1st in the number of HIV/ AIDS cases in Florida. The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program at Trinity Church provides youth with options and information about teen pregnancy and the risks of HIV/AIDS. Funded by a five year, $4.9 million grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office, Peacemakers Family Center, aims to educate well over 5000 middle school and high school students in Miami-Dade County about
expenses linked to public health care, child welfare, incarceration and lost tax revenue for teen mothers with little education and low incomes. Information obtained from the 2012 County Health Rankings indicated during a 6 year period, approximately 21,000 teens became pregnant out of a population of approximately 574,000 teens. The epidemic of HIV/AIDS that has been affecting Miami-Dade County still stands strong. The Bureau of HIV/
abstinence and safe sex. In fact, in the 2011-2012 school years, over 1200 students participated in the TPP program under the campaign name PlanBe_. The name, a play on the popular morning after contraceptive Plan B, is designed to encourage youth to determine what in fact they plan to be so that they make responsible decisions. PlanBe__ staff taught students at Norland Middle School, Carol City Middle School, North Miami Beach
By Joseph Ortega
Senior High School and American Senior High School to name a few, as well as a number of community organizations throughout Miami-Dade County. PlanBe__ educators instill the benefits of abstinence as well as teaching safe sex practices using evidenced based curriculum. “I thought this was going to be a boring class, but it was fun and I learned a lot” said a 7th grade student at Carol City Middle School. In the month of August 2012, 60 students were selected to be a part of a Leadership Retreat because they expressed an interest in being a leader amongst their peers. These students participated in a three day retreat which included games, team building and leadership training from the PlanBe__ educators as well as a trip to Sea World’s Aquatica water park in Orlando, FL. Statistics demonstrate that there is a need in the community in the area for teen pregnancy prevention and HIV/AIDS awareness. PlanBe__ strives to do its part by addressing those needs and developing the youth of Miami-Dade County to become the leaders their communities desperately need them to be. *PlanBe___ is a program developed by Peacemakers. The Trinity Church TPP Program is supported by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health. Grant # TPA1AH000007-01-00 **Healthy Relationship & Marriage Enrichment, and is Funded by Trinity Church and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families. Grant # 90FE0060 ***Parenting Program is partially funded by The Children's Trust.
For more information and to enroll, contact Crystal Agnew at (786) 888-4774 or email: cagnew@peacemakers.com
responsible informed
smart yourself Empowering teens to be proactive in preventing unplanned pregnancy and other sexually related consequences. Don’t rely on a back up plan. PlanBe should be your only plan.
Connect with us:
text Follow PlanBe_ to 40404
PlanBe is a program developed by Peacemakers. Learn more at peacemakers.com. The Trinity Church Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program is funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adolescent Health. PEACEMAKERS.COM
PRISONER RE-ENTRY PROGRAM by Samuel Ludington According to the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC), there were approximately 35,000 prisoners released from prisons in 2012. While it can be tempting to view this overwhelmingly large number as yet another troubling statistic about crime in Florida, the reality is that each one of these prisoners being released represents a life and a family that needs assistance. Regardless of the length of the sentence, there are a number of social, financial, and relational needs that must be addressed to ensure a successful transition once released and minimize chances of recidivism. Prisoners being released often require assistance finding employment, housing, social services, and family counseling to deal with guilt and anger stemming from incarceration. Peacemakers Family Center has become intimately aware of the needs of inmates and their families, through its involvement in the establishment of the Service Network for Children of Inmates (COI). The COI service model is predicated on direct case management to the children of inmates and their caregivers by dedicated case managers assigned to the families. Case managers provide comprehensive care including but not limited to, in home visits, regular meetings with school teachers/ counselors and caregivers, and 22
organized social activities. In addition, COI works to mend broken relationships through quarterly prison visits and bi-monthly video conferencing with incarcerated parents. Based on program surveys, over 90 percent of participating children and caregivers are receiving benefits from care coordination services, almost 90 percent of participating children are experiencing stronger bonds with their parent and caregiver, and over 70 percent of children are engaged in pro-social behaviors, with almost 50 percent reporting improved social behaviors. In its four years of operations, COI has been recognized by the FDOC’s Assistant Regional Director for Re-entry, Ann E. Casey, as being an invaluable program. FDOC has observed improved behavior of inmates of those participating in COI, and as such, has been recognized as a best practice model for prisoner re-entry. While the COI program has dramatically improved the lives of inmates and families members while incarcerated, program staff has observed that without careful attention being placed on prisoner re-entry many of the advances could be undone. When asked about the importance of prisoner re-entry programs, Pastor Linda Freeman stated, “Without addressing the needs of prisoners and families upon release, our work with the Children of Inmates program will be limited in its capacity to make substantive inroads in the lives of these families.� Previously, COI staff was unable
to focus resources to prisoner re-entry due to funding restrictions. Consequently, Peacemakers designed a program model and applied for funding from the Miami Foundation to supplement the services available through COI. The Miami Foundation selected the program design for it’s innovate approach to improving the community and Pastor Linda Freeman represented Peacemakers Family Center at a luncheon on June 11, 2012 honoring recipients. The program, COI Stepping Stones, will offer comprehensive case management to prisoners being released within
six months or have recently been released. The program will primarily focus on incarcerated parents whose children are enrolled in the COI program with the eventual goal of expanding program services to more participants. Case managers will work directly with inmates to develop resumes, apply for housing and social welfare programs, and provide family counseling. In its first year of implementation, the COI Stepping Stones Program will work to establish an efficient service model which can be expanded and replicated in other areas.
Currently accepting new students
To make an appointment
Call: 786-888-4757
or email: zfreeman@peacemakers.com Complete the registration form at
and bring with you to your appointment
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f Ramos by Pura
Parenting may be the single most important profession in one’s life, with consequences having lasting effects to the well-being of our society. Significant research has been conducted that supports the theory that a child’s environment will determine whether that child will grow to play a productive role in society or exhibit a series of problematic behaviors that affect his or her life in a negative way. Peacemakers Family Center’s Dare to Be You Parenting Program (DTBY) is an award winning, evidenced based, family program that produces positive changes for families within the community. This 12-week curriculum is taught by educators that serve as mentors and motivate individuals to become the best parent they can be! With topics promoting the enhancement of parent and child’s overall well-being, the program is designed to provide parents with specific skills and knowledge necessary to make parenting as effective and rewarding as possible. The program design encourages positive
parenting which includes family support, a positive worldview, goal setting, maintaining a positive selfconcept and communication, social skills, increasing personal responsibility and sense of personal power, enhancing decision-making and reasoning skills, and having a well defined value system. An important component of this program is the Parent and Child Interaction activity intended to encourage closeness and positive reinforcement between parents and children. Adults and children both enjoy this interactive and empowering program. This FREE course includes class materials and dinner is served each session in the Trinity Church Link Café on the North Campus. Providing dinner may allow the parent and child additional time to interact without the stress of preparing a meal before the parenting session begins. Dinner is served from 6:00-6:30pm and the sessions run from 6:40-7:30pm. If you would like to pre-register you can go to Peacemakers Family Center’s website, www.peacemakers.com, and select the ‘Programs’ link. Once the “Parenting Program” has been selected, click on “Pre-Register Here” and fill out the form. You may also pre-register by calling Pura Ramos at 786-888-4729.
Since October 2001, approximately 2 million U.S. troops have deployed as part of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), ushering in a new generation of veterans reintegrating into civilian lives. Despite widespread policy interest and a firm commitment to address the needs of returning soldiers, there exist fundamental gaps in knowledge about the needs of returning veterans, the adequacy of the care system available to meet those needs, and the experiences of veterans and service members who use these systems. Recent studies indicate that rates of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are as high as twenty percent of returning veterans. There is widespread research into proper diagnosis and treatment of PTSD, however there remains a significant need to identify and treat returning veterans with PTSD. Concurrently, there are higher rates of suicide, unemployment, substance abuse, divorce, and homelessness compared to the general population. The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America estimates that 6,000 of all generations committed suicide in 2009, with suicide rates nearly three times more prevalent amongst veterans as compared to the general population. The unemployment rate amongst U.S. veterans exceeds the national average at twelve percent unemployment, likely attributable to insufficient job readiness programs, veteran transition programs, and underutilization of veteran’s services. Issues faced by returning veterans are undoubtedly entwined, requiring multifaceted service approaches to design and implement programs to address veteran’s needs. In 2011, Peacemakers was awarded a planning grant by Volunteer Florida to explore the local needs of veterans and military families in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Monroe Counties with the eventual goal of designing a service model for local veterans. Consequently, Peacemakers has established an exploratory committee, comprised of community members, military veterans, and staff who will work to research the needs of veterans in South Florida. In his opening address at the small group facilitator training, Pastor Rich Wilkerson stated, “We will be an organization that is committed to meeting the needs of those who have served our country so bravely.” Additionally, Peacemakers organized two community rallies inviting Veterans, service providers, and community members with the goal of identifying pressing needs in the community as well as forging partnerships to address those needs. The first community rally was held at the Trinity Church South Campus and the second community rally was hosted in Key West by Glad Tidings Community Church, a PFC Affiliate. PEACEMAKERS.COM
BRIDGING THE G P for Children of Inmates Did you know? o 52% of State Inmates have minor children o 63% of Federal Inmates have minor children o 2.3 % of the U.S. residents under age 18 have at least one inmate parent Source: U.S. Department of Justice There are 1,706,600 Children of Inmates (COI) of the United States of America. That’s right. You read correctly. 1,706,600 Children in America have at least one inmate parent. In Miami-Dade County alone, there are 15,000 children with an incarcerated parent. Society has labeled this group as the “Deep End of Social Services” – considered to be in situations beyond help and without hope for survival. Statistics show that children of inmates are seven times more likely to be incarcerated than their peers by the age of 18. Sounds like a hopeless situation doesn’t it? But it’s not. The Service Network for Children of Inmates is giving hope to these little children of inmates through an intensive labor of love:
A child enjoying lunch with his mom during one of our quartlerly bus visits
o Doing whatever it takes to locate the child who has fallen through the cracks in society to make sure they are in a safe environment. o Providing ongoing care coordination and therapeutic counseling. o Reuniting families by taking children on quarterly bus trip to visit their incarcerated parent. o Providing weekly support groups and meals. The inner-cities have been torn apart by violence, drugs, gangs, and terror – the children of inmates are paying the price for their parent’s mistakes and the breakdown of our society. In Florida alone there are 100,000 inmates who have more than one child. We estimate that in Miami Dade County alone there are 17,000 children of inmates of which Peacemakers has reached 11% (1,700 kids) in the last four years. Trinity Church’s Peacemakers Family Center was a founding collaborative partner of this one-of-akind Service Network. Since its inception in 2006, COI has received 2,250 child referrals from incarcerated parents and other sources; located and contacted 1,625 of those referrals; and provided care coordination services to more than 900 children and their families. To strengthen the familial bond between the child and his/her incarcerated parent, the Network has taken over 400
children to visit their parents at eight Florida Department of Corrections facilities and the Miami-Dade County Jail since 2008. Our program is using state-of-the-art videoconferencing technology to host monthly 30 minute visitation sessions within two prisons and at our coordination centers. To date, all the families participating at Peacemakers Family Center are reporting very positive experiences. Pastor Linda Freeman recalls, “We were able to reunite one family who had not seen each other in years… for the entire 30 minutes, all they could do was stare at each other on the screen and sob. What a reunion it was!” Through the success of our prison visitations and videoconferencing, COI has gained a foothold in the state, as the Florida Department of Corrections (FLDOC) has included COI in its re-entry plans with eight correctional institutions. The Secretary of FLDOC and wardens at specific prisons have found that COI is creating cost savings for them. When children visit their incarcerated parents, not only have we found that the bond between child and parent is strengthened, but we’ve also found that the morale and attitude of the incarcerated parent has improved. Wardens noted that inmates participating in the program are less likely to have disciplinary reports (DRs). With a DR, an inmate may be placed in solitary confinement and lose good behavior credits, resulting in a longer sentence. Children of Inmates’ numerous successes have resulted in an increase in the number of child referrals and requests for visits and videoconferencing from Florida Prisons that cannot be fulfilled because of the lack of resources. And our waiting lists continue to grow. In order to accommodate more children, we need to purchase videoconferencing equipment.
We never want to turn away one child. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of sowing seeds into the future of the next generation and reuniting families? Peacemakers’ Children of Inmates Program is an intensive labor of love:
Reaching out
– doing whatever it takes to make sure the children are safe and have their needs met.
– providing ongoing care coordination, support groups, and meals for children of inmates.
Reconnecting lives
– reuniting families by taking children on quarterly bus trips and providing video conferencing.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? $2000 purchases videoconferencing equipment needed to communicate with one prison $100 sponsors one bus trip for a child to visit their parent in prison $50 sponsors a week of Freedom School for one child ($200 for the entire month) 100% of your tax-deductable donation will go towards the Children of Inmates Program
DONATE ON LI N E www.Peacemakers.com – click on DONATE NOW button DONATE BY M A I L Make checks payable to Peacemakers PO Box 680100, Miami, FL 33168 DONATE BY P H ON E 786-888-HOPE (4673) email: peacemakers@ peacemakers.com
Partner with us and make a miracle difference in the precious Children of Inmates! PEACEMAKERS.COM
Harambee by Michael R. Malone It’s their favorite part of the day, so when the first notes of the Harambee music sounded Derek, 9, and Julius, 8, leapt from their seats. They dance and twirl along with their after-school mates, jumping and singing “I am strong” and “Yes, I can” to the Hallelujah Song and others meant to teach them that all children are important and should be valued. The Harambee tradition began hundreds of years ago in Kenya where villagers learned that communities thrived when everyone “pulled together” – the meaning of the word. Marian Wright Edelman breathed new fire into the tradition in 1995 when the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) launched Freedom Schools©. Today more than 80,000 children nationally have been “Freedom Schooled.” These programs are all Children’s Trust funded. 28
As part of this highly structured program, college interns and AmeriCorps volunteers promote literacy by using books that highlight the accomplishments of African-Americans and other people of color. Community professionals visit the program; their stories and experiences instill personal and community pride. Harambee and other activities help to make learning fun, while teaching values that help children succeed in school and in life. Pastor Linda Freeman, executive director of Peacemakers Family Center at Trinity Church, oversees the summer camp and after-school program. She helped create Peacemakers, a vehicle to address the needs in the community. Peacemakers was also among the first group of providers in Miami to receive Children’s Trust funding soon after its creation in 2002. In 2009, Freeman was invited to visit Haley Farm outside of Knoxville, TN, the CDF training facility. Here she saw a presentation of the Freedom Schools© that wowed her. “The kids got great encouragement, and you could see how excited they were to learn – you can’t pay for that,” she
Jordan, 7, Samuel, 6, and Daishawn, 6, enjoy after-school fun at Trinity’s Freedom Schools© after-school program
remembers. The schools follow a set model that encourages routine and helps maintain consistency in quality. The structure sows stability and safety in children who may lack it in their daily lives. Because the program is so focused on improving literacy, a large number of books are required as part of the curriculum. In addition to literacy and academic enrichment, the Freedom Schools highlight parent and family involvement, civic engagement, nutrition/health and mental health, and intergenerational leader development. Student leader interns serve as important role models and are pivotal to the program’s success. These high energy interns engage the children by reading out loud to them, sitting beside them to do their homework, and by dancing and singing with them. The program is labor intensive. Freedom School standards require that the student-to-teacher ratio not exceed 10-1. In these small groups and through consistent interaction, teachers get to know their students and their learning styles; bonds of trust are built. Children at risk of tumbling from the education system are reengaged in the learning process. “The kids see someone who’s gone to college, who likes it and who’s succeeding. They get an important role model,” Freeman says. The connections that develop have other benefits. “We see improvements in attendance – kids don’t want to miss Freedom School sessions,” Freeman says. The program’s emphasis on
Nathaniel, 6 (red shirt), Kerbey, 6 (light blue), and Jordan, 7 (striped shirt) enjoy Harambee’s dancing, singing and high energy.
the core message that “I can make a difference” appears to be effective, too, in altering how students see themselves and their own possibilities in life. This last summer camp, Freeman explains that the 120 children enrolled in Peacemakers’ Freedom School were selected as follows: a third were from Peacemakers’ Children of Inmates program, children whose parents are incarcerated; a third or so were children who’d been labeled as poor students or learners at school; and a third were honor roll students. “They all learned and did well – you couldn’t tell the difference between groups” Freeman says. “The experience just emphasized that we’re all important, that we all have value – that’s the message of the Freedom Schools©.”
Freedom Schools© is a program operating under the Children’s Defense Fund. PEACEMAKERS.COM
YOU C N MAKE A DIFFERENCE We desperately need change in our communities, our nation, and our world … but we’ll never see change for the better until we make the choice to DO something! Each one of us has the power to MAKE A DIFFERENCE – in fact, YOU are the solution to someone’s problem! The best part is, it doesn’t matter how old you are, what your finances look like or how much time you have – there’s something you can do to effect change and make a tangible difference in someone’s life. The question is, are you willing? Here are a few things to try:
1. Sponsor a child for our Freedom School© or Summer Blast Day Camp.
Every year Peacemakers offers an enriching and creative summer camp experience for children in the Miami area. We host more than 1,000 children throughout the course of the summer ... many of whom come from difficult situations at home and families with financial disadvantages. For only $60 you can sponsor a child for one week of day camp where they’ll meet new friends, experience God, and take part in awesome activities and field trips. To sponsor a child, go to: www.peacemakers. com.
2. Sponsor a family with a box full of meals.
SPONSOR A FAMILY for only $30 a week or $120 a month with BLESSINGS BY THE BOX. One unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for about one week, or a single senior citizen for almost a month. To sponsor a family or a senior citizen, go to: www.peacemakers.com.
3. Volunteer in the Peacemakers Family Center.
As people who love the Lord, we’re called to minister to EVERY need – spiritual, physical, and emotional, and at the Peacemakers Family Center we do just that! Every day we have the opportunity to offer counseling, groceries, job development, assistance, drug and alcohol rehabilitation support, and a long list of other services to individuals and families in crisis. Help us help Miami, and experience the revitalization in your own life that can only come through service. To volunteer, go to: www.peacemakers.com. 30
4. Apply to be part of our AmeriCorps program.
AmeriCorps is a federal program that allows individuals to spend one year in fulltime service. Peacemakers is blessed to have the #1 AmeriCorps site in South Florida. Serving in AmeriCorps is a large commitment but it is an exceptionally rewarding program. Join our nationally honored team and dedicate this next year to service. To apply to become part of our AmeriCorps program, go to: www.peacemakers.com.
5. Attend a PlanBe___, Healthy Relationship, Marriage Enrichment, or Parenting Class. Our classes are taught in public high schools and colleges throughout South Florida, as well as weekly at Trinity Church. We invite you to join the thousands whose lives have changed as a result of these powerful classes. To attend a class, go to: www.peacemakers.com or call 786-888-HOPE (4673).
6. Support our Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Efforts.
In times of crisis, Peacemakers rolls up their sleeves and works alongside several organizations to provide aid and humanitatarium relief. Through our PEACE for Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort we contributed to the immediate needs of the Haitian people while finding solutions to help rebuild and sustain their communities.
7. Start your own Peacemakers Family Affiliate Center.
God has called Peacemakers to spread and fill the overwhelming needs across the country – come be a part of it! For information on how to start your own Peacemakers Family Center go to: www.peacemakers.com.
8. Partner with us.
Here at Peacemakers we have a strong vision to reach our community but we need resources to accomplish what God has placed on our hearts. We encourage you to become a Peacemakers VIP Friend today and take a step of faith as you partner with us financially. You can be a part of this life changing work. To send a financial gift you may donate using any of these four methods: Give online: Go to www.peacemakers.com (click on a DONATE NOW button).Call: 786-888-HOPE (4673). E-Mail: Send an email to: peacemakers@peacemakers.com. Mail: Make your check payable to: PEACEMAKERS P.O. Box 680100, Miami, Florida 33168. 100% of your tax deductible donation helps us to continue to grow Peacemakers.
9. Pray for Peacemakers.
The Bible says that when we AGREE together, things are going to change. We appreciate the many families and individuals that take time pray for Peacemakers daily. Believe with us today for a change in Miami – we can’t do it without you!
10. Give someone a copy of Peacemakers magazine.
Do you know someone that would benefit from the services we provide? Or, perhaps someone who would like to join with our vision? We encourage you to share a copy of Peacemakers magazine with them! We want the word to spread about Peacemakers because we believe we’re called to touch as many lives as possible with an answer to every need. If we work together and rely on God – the impact is limitless! To order more copies of the Peacemakers magazine, call 786-888-4746 or email: peacemakers@peacemakers.com. PEACEMAKERS.COM
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 680100 • Miami, FL 33168 Main Campus: 17801 NW 2nd Avenue • Miami Gardens, FL 33169 South Campus: 655 NW 125th Street • North Miami, FL 33168 Information & Prayer: 786.888.HOPE (4673) www.peacemakers.com l www.trinitychurch.tv l www.thevous.com
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