Ketema Journal JUL_AUG_2021

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July | August 2021

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Meskel Square \ \/ / 09

Ethio China friendship road

Bamacon Building 6th Floor 251 978 05 05 05 | 251 935 40 09 45 | |

The world’s first safest Elevator

Authorized dealer in Ethiopia

TOWER ENGINEERING & CONSULTANCY 251 115 579 142 251 929 133 553/37 Burj Khalifa Empire State


Eiffel Tower Oriental Pear Tower


.. Ethio China road, Bamacon Building 2nd Floor

Zemen Bank Hibret Bank






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Editor’s Summary

ከከተማ ማህደር

architects ወርሃዊ


News Aggregate


Apple Central World Foster + Partners


Supplier List


Material List


Alternative City Housing Ahadu Abayneh

የማይነቀንቀው የሰማይ ባቡር -- ህላዊ ሰውነት

Co-Managing Meskel Square Bisrat Kifle Woldeyesus

Masho - ዘመናዊ ባላገር

Masho Creatives

The African Building Platform

2nd Year 3rd Issue +251 900 57 19 12 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Editorial Advisory Addis Mebratu Helawi Sewnet Maheder Gebremedhin Zeleke Belay Co-Founder Leulseged Tibebu

Editor-in-Chief Wondyerad Mamo Art Direction Leulseged Tibebu Writers Amanuel Samuel Betelhem Amanuel Eyob Biruk Contributors Bisrat Kifle Helawi Sewnet Masho Creatives Photographs Aron Simeneh Solan Kifle Marketing Eden Yohannes

+251 900 57 19 12



Special Thanks Assefa Yohanes Biruk Haile Ermias Teshome Jesal Mehta Michael Getachew Melaku

We’d like to start by wishing you a Happy and New Ethiopian year! As 2013 slowly grows distant, we remember it for being brimmed with some of the most hopeful and at times frustrating events in our archival history. We witnessed our city undergo drastic and pragmatic changes through the year, the ‘renovation and reconstruction’ of the city’s iconic buildings and spaces, has become a common theme, garnering attention even from international media. Our featured project is about a highly acclaimed and most frequently used public space in the history of Ethiopia, which recently went through a well deserving refurbishment after almost 50 years. Our contributor Bisrat Kifle brings you a far-sighted article on the significance of shared responsibility and co-management of such public spaces and how it can benefit from it. On his new year piece, our Ketema Archives contributor Helawi Sewnet took us through the long-awaited establishment and rise of Ethiopian Airlines as the continents' leading carrier after the daring aspirations of Ras Mekonnen to introduce Ethiopia to air transport technology and his failed attempt to bring the first plane to Ethiopia. Masho creatives, a startup product designers specializing in lighting fixtures inspired by the rich, vernacular cultures of Ethiopia - introduce themselves with an article on the importance of incorporating our enriched culture into our day-to-day utilities from household equipment to decorative ornament. The 31st session of Architect’s ወርሃዊ hosted Ahadu Abayneh, to talk on the subject of Alternative City Housing, where he used his prowess to stress the untapped potential of sustainable architecture. And with that, I leave you here to enjoy our carefully curated content and look forward to your contributions on our upcoming issues.

Stay Safe, Leulseged Tibebu, KJ

Bisrat Kifle Woldeyessus Principal, BKW Consulting Architects, Planners & Engineers PLC Researcher / Lecturer, EiABC Eyob Biruk Regassa Architect, Writer at Ketema Journal Social media handle: @jobiruk Helawi Sewnet Beshah Architect, Director General, Addis Ababa City Construction Permit and Control Authority Twitter handle: @HelawiSewnet Masho Creatives Product Designers Zenebework Alias mehandis Twitter handle: @masho_creative Copyright © 2021 Ketema Journal

While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions in this publication. All advertisements are taken in good faith, and the opinions and views contained herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage, and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.

Layout designed and proofed for print at Ketema Journal Printed by Central Printing Press



Greetings, friends and colleagues, the 31st architects ወርሃዊ session was another insightful virtual session that assessed alternatives focused on housing. The virtual session was the 7th of its kind. It is duly efficient because it is inclusive and live streamed to everyone residing here and abroad. The discussion was titled ‘Alternative city Housing - the tree house project’ and was presented with Architect Ahadu Abayneh. We would like to thank Ahadu Abayneh: Architect and designer of the Tree-House project and other nature related projects for the subtle and timely discussion on the topic. Semawit Ayele commenced the discussion by introducing Ahadu Abayneh. He mentioned that he had his first degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from Addis Ababa University EiABC. He later on added that he used to participate in wood workshops and other practical activities. Currently, he is engaged on supervision based construction works. Ahadu proceeded by thanking his fellow architects, the audience and his friends for inviting him to be a guest in the selected topic of presentation.

Alternative city Housing Ahadu Abayneh Summary:

Eyob Biruk Regassa 10

He further pursued the discussion by noting out that the idea of a tree house was first conceived early at his college years when he was taking housing course at his 5th year class. Cost of material, the country’s economy and labour inefficiency he was forced to produce a proposal for his school project to create an affordable housing at the time. Later after graduation, when his close friend was in demand of a low-cost house, that was when the first Tree-house was built. Regarding the availability and the journey, Ahadu stressed the idea that the project developed through time and practice. His first thought was to only produce the walls naturally. But later through experience and

elaborative experiment, he noticed that the whole house could be produced. Further structural and system based studies proved the project could become a reality. The journey had some ups and downs but more or less, it was a successful one mentioned by Ahadu. An interesting presentation was followed with descriptive pictures of the first tree house project with the settlers inside it. Basic structural issues were resolved technically with the collaborative efforts of the owner in ideas and finishing works. The project was made of natural wood for structural logs as beam and columns, the walls were made of mud and grass and later painted with bright colors to harmonize the feel of the interior. One major achievement mentioned was that the floor was suspended but still touching the ground level. Another insightful idea that was procured in the following tree-house project in 2014 was the structural design. It was an inverted truss holding the floors which was much better. Wooden conches were included in the design. ‘Bahir Zaf’ mentioned by Ahadu has been experimented to have strong fibres since they were first generations of the tree. Their material was used as structural columns in the project. In the later years after several experiments, Entoto park in 2020 was another successful and improved design implementation. A suspended platform of steel structures coerced with wooden decking at a restaurant creates an exquisite view to the city. Toilets and stairs are included in the space which made it more attractive. Future plans of the project were pointed out that further study and application in the tree-house will lead to cost-efficient updates

and natural housings. Cost minimization techniques include, structural and labour costs. Building of small dialogical communities, building a small village for young families in Entoto and development of communities generating knowledge at centre of social life (which was imitated by the tree) were some of the mentioned concepts and futuristic plans of the project to combat the current urban settlement. In conclusion, Ahadu response to the question of the sustainability and control of nature’s wide unpredictability was, that functionality of spaces is assured by the flexibility of detailed engineering systems. Detailed planning and active supervision by prominent professionals will aid to oversee a sustainable and affordable housing for a sustainable community. Finally, the cost implication of earlier projects with an estimate of a 30,000-birr cost at 2001G.C in 80m2 plot was pointed out to be held as a pushing initiative. In the current currency value, it comes to be 140,000 birr which was the cost of building the project. A promising experiment is still underway to ensure a sustainable community with a cost efficient housing design technique. The session was concluded by encouraging all architects to further push on designing context-specific yet sustainable projects to oversee a future that answers the current economic issues as well as socio-technical aspect of housing. We would like to acknowledge moderators Semawit Ayele for facilitating such a successful virtual session. The next architects ወርሃዊ will be held on July 1st, 2021. See you all next month and keep yourself and families safe from Covid-19 by applying the necessary precautions! 11



Modular LED Spotlights

Recessed LED Spotlights

Recessed LED Linear Lights

251 115 620 212 251 911 523 493

#cement The Ministry of Trade and Industry announced that the a government directive which regulated cement prices and was implemented by the Ministry has been revoked as of 14 of July 2021. According to Kassahun Mulat, Director of Trade and Goods Research and Control at the Ministry, the cement market will be decided based on free market prices for an indefinite period of time starting from 14 of July 2021. Kassahun said the main reason for the decision is the rainy season, which will see a reduced construction activities and the demand for cement products. He also mentioned that the government has completed preparations to import cement to reduce the shortage in the local production and agreed with local suppliers to help increase productions. Source: Ethiopian New Agency 14


victory reimagined One-of-a-kind creative startup that seeks to produce revolutionary innovators and change makers that will promote digital transformation, venture development, and job creation. At 1888EC, they help young entrepreneurs establish their businesses from the bottom up, aiming to guide young people who do not have any expertise or understanding about running a business by providing them with business support so that they can achieve their goals and aspirations. Founded by Solomon Kassa (TV Personality, tech strategist, author & public speaker), 1888EC is a unique and innovative startup studio in Ethiopia. As a place to cultivate the next generation of tech startup warriors, 1888EC refers to the date of the victorious Battle of Adwa on the Ethiopian Calendar (EC). The motto, “Victory Re-imagined!” symbolizes the victory we want to re-imagine against poverty by empowering young entrepreneurs to improve the lives of many through techbased solutions to everyday problems. Source:

Logo Image : 1888EC,studio

Cityhall The restoration of the Addis Ababa Municipality, which was launched in May 2020, is set to be completed in late September. The municipality launched the construction in May 2020 after an approval from the Cabinet, at a cost of USD 62 million. The project, which seeks to connect the Adwa Zero Kilometer Project and the Mesqel Square Municipality Rehabilitation project, by widening of roads leading from the municipality to Mesqel Square, commenced last month. According to Meresa Lekesa (Eng.), Deputy General Manager of the City Administration's Megaprojects Construction Office, the restoration of the municipality headquarters was based on different reasons, such as, the age of the building and the congested structure of the offices.

The Urban Center is a Creative space born out of the radio show KEBET ESKE KETEMA / ከቤት እስከ ከተማ started on December 25, 2007, focusing on Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and urban life. Menelik II Ave, Addis Ababa Ethiopian Women Federation Building, Ground Floor.

251 115 58 16 33


During the restoration, the project applied Concrete Stamp Technology, a technology that has been rarely applied in the finishing phases in local projects. With the central structure, the municipality has two wings. And currently what is left to restore and finalize the project is the right side of the building, which will be concluded in late September, 2021. Source: The Reporter Ethiopia


Image: Ketema Journal 15


ከከተማ ማህደር ከከተማ ጋር የሚያያዙ ክስተቶች ፤ ቦታዎችና ግለሰቦች የሚዳሰሱበት አምድ።

አጼ ምኒሊክ ባልተጠበቀ ሁኔታ በጥቅምት ወር በ1902 ዓ.ም. ከባድ የደም መርጋት በሽታ ያዛቸውና፡ የሰውነት መስለል ገጠማቸው። ኢትዮጵያንም ማስተዳደር የማይችሉበት ደረጃ ላይ በመድረሳቸው አልጋ ላይ ሁነው ለአንድ አመት ያህል እቴጌ ጣይቱ ከዛም የሚንስትሮች ምክር ቤት አገሪቷን እያስተዳደሩ ቆዩና በታህሳስ 1906 ዓ.ም. አፄው ህይወታቸው ያልፋል። አጼ ምኒሊክም በዘመናቸው በበጎ ከሚታወሱባቸው የአድዋ ድልና የኢትዮጵያን ሀገረ መንግስት ግንባታ በተጨማሪም በርካታ አዳዲስ ፈጠራ የነበሩ እንደ ስልክ፣ ቴሌግራም፣ መኪና፣ ባቡር፣ ፖስታ ቤት እና የመሳሰሉትን ዘመናዊ ቴክኖሎጂዎችን እና አገልግሎቶችን ወደአገራችን እንዲገቡ ከፍተኛ ሚና ተጫውተዋል። የአፄ ምንሊክ ህልፈተ ህይወትን ተከትሎ በመጀመሪያ የልጃቸው ልጅ እያሱ ለሶስት አመታት፣ ቀጥሎም ልጃቸው ዘውዲቱ ንግስተ ነገስት በመሆን ከአልጋ ወራሽ ተፈሪ መኮንን ጋር ኢትዮጵያን ያስተዳድራሉ። አልጋ ወራሽ ተፈሪ መኮንን በምኒሊክ ቤተመንግስት አካባቢ ያደጉና ዘመናዊ ትምህርት የተማሩ ወጣት መሪ እንደመሆናቸው ለአዳዲሶቹ ቴክኖሎጂዎች ቅርበትና አድናቆት ነበራቸው። በዚህ መሀል፣ ተፈሪ ገና የአስራ አንድ አመት ወጣት ተማሪ እያለ በ1896 ዓ.ም. (እ.አ.አ. 1903ዓ.ም.) በአሜሪካ ምድር ሁለቱ የራይት ወንድማማቾች ከበርካታ የፈጠራ ሙከራቸው በኋላ የሰሩትን አውሮፕላን ሙሉ በሙሉ በማብረር ታሪክ ይሰራሉ። አውሮፕላንም በጥቂት አመታት ውስጥ በብዛት ተመርቶ በተለያዩ የአለም አገራት በመሰራጨት ሰዎችን ከቦታ ቦታ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ በማጓጓዝ የትራንስፖርት ኢንዱስትሪን በእጅጉ የቀይረ የዘመናችን ታላቅ ቴክኖሎጂ ይሆናል። ከዚህ በፊት በነበሩት አምዶች ላይ እንደዳሰስነው አንድ ማህበረሰብ የቴክኖሎጂ እድገትና አዳዲስ ፈጠራዎችን ለማምጣት በመጀመሪያ የባህል የማህበራዊና የስነልቦና ዝግጅት ማድረግ እንደሚጠበቅበት ተመልክተናል። ይህ ካልሆነ ግን አዲስ የሆኑ ፈጠራዎች የሚገጥማቸው ማህበራዊ ተቃውሞ ከፍተኛ ይሆናል። በተመሳሳይ በኢትዮጵያም አውሮፕላንን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ለማስገባት የተደረገው ጥረት ፈተና የገጠመው ክስተት ሆኖ ነበር። ወቅቱ 1911 ዓ.ም. ነው። በንግስት ዘውዲቱ እና አልጋ ወራሽ ተፈሪ አስተዳደር ጊዜ አንድ አውሮፕላን ተፈታትቶ በትላልቅ ሳጥን ከጅቡቲ ወደብ በባቡር ተጭኖ አዲስ አበባ ገብቶ ይገኛል። አዲስ አበባ ጉምሩክ

ህላዊ ሰውነት በሻ ህ ( አርኪቴ ክት)


ግርማዊ ንጉሠ ነገሥት አውሮፕላኑን ንስረ ኃይለ ሥላሴ ብለው በሰየሙበት ወቅት።

ላይ ሳጥኑ ሲፈተሽ የአውሮፕላን ዕቃ መሆኑ ይታወቅና ጉዳዩ በደንብ ሲጣራ ዕቃውን ያመጣው ኢትዮጵያ ላይ በወርቅ፣ ብርና ሌሎች ማዕድናት ስራ ላይ የተሰማራ “ባየር” የተባለ የፈረንሳይ ኩባንያ እንደሆነ ይደረስበታል። ኩባንያውም አልጋ ወራሽ ከነበሩት ራስ ተፈሪ ፈቃድ ያገኘ ስለነበር፣ የአውሮፕላኑ አመጣጥ ጉዳይ ወደሳቸው ያነጣጥራል። የጉምሩክ ሰዎችም “በምን አይነት ፈቃድ አመጣኸው?” ብለው ሲጠይቋቸው፣ ራስ ተፈሪም የድሬዳዋ ጉምሩክ ሳያውቀው ሊመጣ አይችልም በማለት ስለአውሮፕላኑ እንደማያውቁ ነግረው ይመልሷቸዋል። የወቅቱ የሐረርጌ ክፍለሀገር ነጋድራስ የነበሩትም ሰው ስለአውሮፕላኑ አመጣጥ ተጠይቀው እንደማያውቁ በማስረዳታቸውና ከዛም ከበታቻቸው የነበረው የድሬዳዋ ጉምሩክ ሹም ተጠርቶ ሲጠየቅ እርሱም አላውቅም በማለቱ ተጠርጥሮ ይታሰራል። የአውሮፕላኑ መምጣት ወሬ በወቅቱ በአዲስ አበባ፡ ከተማ ከጫፍ እስከ ጫፍ አነጋጋሪ ሆነ። አንድ ወገን ኩባንያው ለማዕድን ስራው ሊጠቀምበት ራስ ተፈሪን አስፈቅዶ አስመጣው ሲል በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ እራሳቸው ራስ ተፈሪ ለፖስታ ማመላለሻና ለሌላ አገራዊ ስራ ፈልገውት በኩባንያው ስም አስመጡት በሚል ነዋሪው ግምቱን አስተጋባ። እንዲሁም አሉታዊ ወሬ ያናፈሱ አካሎች እና የአልጋ ወራሹ ተቀናቃኞች ራስ ተፈሪ የንግስት ዘውዲቱን ወገኖች በአውሮፕላኑ አስፈራርተውና አጥቅተው ስልጣን ለመያዝ ስለፈለጉ ነው እያሉ አሉባልታ አስወሩባቸው። ስለዚህ በወቅቱ የመጀመሪያው አውሮፕላን በጣም እንግዳ ስለነበር ኢትዮጵያውያኑ አልወደዱትም። ከሁሉም በላይ ደግሞ ጉዳዩን ያባባሰውና የጦር ሚኒስትሩንም ጭምር ያስቆጣው ከንግስቲቱ ዕውቅና፡ ውጪ ፈቃድ አግኝቶ አገር ውስጥ የመግባቱ ጉዳይ ነበር። ስለሆነም በስተመጨረሻ አውሮፕላኑ ወደመጣበት እንዲሄድ ተወስኖ ኩባንያው እስከነሳጥኑ ወደ ጅቡቲ እንዲመልሰው ተደረገ። በዚህ ምክንያት የአውሮፕላን ቴክኖሎጂን ኢትዮጵያዊ ለማድረግ የተደረገው የመጀመሪያ ሙከራ ያልተሳካ ሆነ።

ኢትዮጵያ ለማስገጣጠም ከአውሮፓ በሳጥን አስጭነው በጅቡቲ ወደብ አሳረፉ። ነገር ግን የክረምት ጎርፍ የባቡር ሀዲዱን በየረርና በጎታ ጣቢያዎች መካከል ጠራርጎ ስላፈረሰው አውሮፕላኖቹን አዲስ አበባ ለማምጣት አልተቻለም። ስለዚህ አውሮፕላኑን እንዲያበር ለነጂነት ከፈረንሳይ ተቀጥሮ የመጣው ሙሴ ማዬ አዲስ አበባ መጥቶ አካባቢውን በመቃኘት የመፍትሄ ሀሳብ አቀረበ። እሱም የገፈርሳ ሜዳ ለአውሮፕላን ማረፊያነት ምቹ ሆኖ ስላገኘው “አውሮፕላኑን ጅቡቲ ገጥሜ እያበረርኩ አመጣዋለሁ” ይላል። ሀሳቡም ተቀባይነት አግኝቶ ተልዕኮውን ሊያሳካ ወደጅቡቲ ተመለሰ። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ደግሞ በበኩሉ የአውሮፕላን ማረፊያውን የመሬት ጥርጊያ ስራ አስጀመረ። ሙሴ ነሐሴ 12, ቀን 1921 ዓ.ም. በጠዋት ከጅቡቲ ተነስቶ አዲስ አበባ አራት ሰዐት ላይ አውሮፕላኑን እያበረረ እንደሚገባ ለሚጠባበቁት ኢትዮጵያውያን በመልዕክት ላከ። በርካታ የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪዎች፣ ዲፕሎማቶች እና የመንግስት ኋላፊዎች ይህን ታሪካዊ ክስተት ለመመልከት ገፈርሳ በተዘጋጀው ፕሮግራም ላይ ታደሙ። በአየር ማረፊያውም የበረራውን መረጃ በቀጥታ ለመከታተል እንዲያመች ስልክ ተገጠመ። ሙሴ ባለው ሰዐት ከጅቡቲ ከተማ አውሮፕላኑን በማስነሳት የኢትዮ ጅቡቲ ባቡር ሃዲድ መስመርን እየተከተለ መጓዝ ጀመረ። በየቦታው ያሉትን የባቡር ጣቢያዎች ሲያልፍ እዚያ ያለ መልዕክተኛ አዲስ አበባ ስልክ በመደወል የበረራውን ደረጃ አዲስ አበባ ለሚጠባበቀው እንግዳ ማስተዋወቁን ቀጠለ። ነገር ግን በተባለው የመድረሻ ሰዐት አውሮፕላኑ አዲስ አበባ ሳይደርስ ቀረ። ቢጠበቅም ወሬው የለም። ታዳሚው ተጨነቀ። የሶስት ሰዐት መንገድ የተባለው ስድስት ሰዐት ሆነ። እንግዳው መበተን ጀመረ። ራስ ተፈሪም አውሮፕላኑ አደጋ ደርሶበት ይሆን ብለው ተጨነቁ። በዚህ መካከል መልካም መልዕክት መጣ። ሙሴ የሞጆን ጣቢያ እንዳለፈ አየሩ ጉም ሁኖበት መብረር ስላቃተው ቢሾፍቱ ቀበሌ ላይ ሜዳ አግኝቶ አሳርፎ ጉሙ እስኪለቅለት እየጠበቀ እንደሆነ ተሰማ። በመጨረሻም አውሮፕላኑ ከቀኑ ሰባት ሰዐት ላይ አዲስ አበባ ገባ። በገፈርሳ ጊዜያዊ አየር ማረፊያ እልልታና ጭብጨባ ሆነ። በስነስርዐቱ ማጠናቀቂያ ላይ ራስ ተፈሪ የሚከተለውን ተናገሩ:-

በቀጣይ ከአስር አመታት በኋላ በ1921 ዓ.ም. አውሮፕላን ወደኢትዮጵያ ለማስገባት ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ሙከራ ተደረገ። አሁን ግን አልጋ ወራሽ ራስ ተፈሪ እራሳቸው በግልጽ ሶስት አውሮፕላኖችን አስገዝተው

“… ዳግማዊ ምኒሊክ በዕውቀታቸውና በትጋታቸው በፍጥነት የሚሄድ መገናኛ ሁሉ እጅግ ታላቅ ጥቅም መሆኑን አገራቸውም እንዲጠቀም ልማትም እንዲከተለው በልማቱም ህዝብ እንዲበለጽግ ስለተረዱት በዘመናቸው ሁሉ የተሻለው መገናኛ የምድር ባቡር እንዲሰራ በማድረጋቸው ምስጋናቸውን ለሁልጊዜ አንረሳም። እንደዚሁም የምድር ባቡር በሶስት ቀን የሚሄደውን አሁን የአየሩ ባቡር በ3 ሰዓት ቆርጦ በመሄዱ ፍጥነቱ ከምድር ባቡር የሚበልጥ ስለሆነ በዛሬውም ዘመን በመላው አለም ለፍጥነት ስራና ጥቅም […] አገራችንን ከፍ ወዳለ ደረጃ እንዲራመድ ያደርገዋል ብለን አስበን […] ይህን የአየር ባቡር አስመጣን።” ሁለተኛው አውሮፕላን በተመሳሳይ ነሐሴ 30 ቀን 1921 ዓ.ም. ከድሬዳዋ ተነስቶ አዲስ አበባ ጃንሜዳ በርካታ ተመልካቾች በተገኙበት አረፈ። እንዲሁም ሁለት ተጨማሪ አውሮፕላኖች መስከረም 12. 1922 ዓ.ም. ወደኢትዮጵያ ገቡ። በቀጣይ ጊዜያትም ህዝቡ አዲሱን ቴክኖሎጂ እየተቀበለው ስለመጣ እንዲህ ብሎ አዜመለት:-

ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ አትላንቲክን አውሮፕላን በማብረር ያቃረጠው አፍሪካዊ ካፕቴን አለማየሁ አበበ (መሀል)



#special Economic Zone

Addis Ababa City Administration Bureau of Mega Projects announced that it has planned to build Special Economic Zones (SEZs), in the metropolis to spur economic growth and enhance market access. City's Mega Projects Administrator ShimelisEshetu (Engineer) said that the economic zone will be built around Gotera roundabout covering 34 hectares of land in partnership with the Chinese government. The project is expected to accelerate Addis Ababa's economic activities and it would be one of the largest in Africa. Currently, the newly inaugurated Addis Ababa mega projects are changing the livelihoods and immensely contributing in reviving economic activities, tourism and others. Recently, Meskel Square was renovated and inaugurated and it became one of the most standardized open spaces in Ethiopia. The special economic zone which is going to be built next year will provide different services while integrating various facilities to feature the national culture, center of science and technology, real estate, hotel, market center and others. The total cost of the project is under study and direction is set to complete the construction of the project within a short time, the administrator added.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald 18

የፍትህ ሚንስትር ድኤታ አቶ አምባይ ወልደማርያም የተባበሩት መንግስታት መመስረቻ ቻርተርን ኢትዮጵያን ወክለው ሲፈርሙ፣ ሰኔ 26, 1945 (እ.አ.አ.)

አውሮፕላን መጣ ሰማይ ለሰማይ የተበደለውን ደሃውን ሊያይ ነይ እንሳፈር፣ ነይ እንሳፈር በማይነቀንቀው በሰማይ ባቡር ከቶ ምን አሳየኝ የሰሩትን ያጡ ጠንቀቅ በል ጌታዬ ወደ አንተ ጋር መጡ። ከአንድ አመት በኋላ፡ንግስት ዘውዲቱ ህይወታቸው በማለፉ አልጋ ወራሽ ራስ ተፈሪ ንጉስ ኃይለስላሴ በመባል በ1923 ዓ.ም. የኢትዮጵያ መሪ ይሆኑና ኢትዮጵያ የገዛቻቸው አውሮፕላኖችም በአጠቃላይ አስራ ስድስት ይደርሳሉ። ነገር ግን ከጥቂት አመታት በኋላ ጣሊያን ኢትዮጵያን በድጋሚ በ1928 ዓ.ም. በመውረር ሁሉንም አውሮፕላኖች በቦምብ አወደሟቸው። ንጉስ ኃይለስላሴም ይሰደዱና እንግሊዝ ይገባሉ። በዚህ ሁኔታ ላይ የሁለተኛው አለም ጦርነት ይፈነዳል። ጣሊያኖችም የመጀመሪያ ሽንፈታቸውን ምስራቅ አፍሪካ ላይ ይቀምሱና ኢትዮጵያም ነጻ ትወጣለች። ኃይለስላሴም ወደአገርና ዙፋናቸው ይመለሱና ከአራት አመት በኋላ ሁለተኛው የአለም ጦርነቱ አሜሪካ፣ እንግሊዝ፣ ፈረንሳይና ሩስያ በሚመሩት ሀይል አሸናፊነት በድል ይጠናቀቃል። ሁለተኛው የአለም ጦርነት አለምን ክፉኛ ስላደቀቃት አዲስ አለም አቀፍ ድርጅት እንዲቋቋም በወቅቱ ነጻ የነበሩት የአለም አገራት ይወስናሉ። በጦርነቱ በሀያልነት ከወጡት አገራት መካከል በሩስያ፣ እንግሊዝ አሜሪካና ቻይና መሪነትና አስተባባሪነት በሳንፍራንሲስኮ ከተማ አለም አቀፍ ኮንፈረንስ ይካሄድና ሀምሳ አንድ አገራት ልዑካኖቻቸውን ልከው ሁለት ወራት ከፈጁ በርካታ ውይይቶች በኋላ በሰኔ 1945 እ.አ.አ. የተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅትን ተመሰረተ። ኢትዮጵያም በጠቅላይ ሚንስትር መኮንን እንዳልካቸው በተመራው የልዑካን ቡድኗ አማካኝነት ኮንፈረንሱ ጋር በመሳተፍ ከድርጅቱ መስራቾቹ አንዷ ትሆናለች። በኮንፈረንሱ ወቅትም የኢትዮጵያ አቪዬሽን ኢንዱስትሪ የመሰረት ድንጋይ ይጣላል። የጉባኤው ሰሞን የአጼ ኃይለስላሴ የህግና የውጭ ግንኙነት አማካሪ የነበረው አሜሪካዊው ጆን ስፔንሰር ኢትዮጵያዊ የሆነ የንግድ የአየር መንገድ ኩባንያ ማቋቋምን አስመልክቶ ድርድር እንዲያደርግ ተልዕኮ ተሰጥቶት ትራንስኮንቲኔንታል እና ዌስተርን (TWA) ከተባለው የአሜሪካ አየር መንገድ ኩባንያ ጋር ውይይት

ያደርጋል። በድርድሩም የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድን በጋራ ለማቋቋም እና ለማስተዳደር ስምምነት ላይ ይደርሱና ሰነድ ዝግጅቱ ተጀመረ። በመስከረም 8.1945 ጆን ስፔንሰርና ቲ.ደብሊው.ኤ የአቪዬሽን ኩባንያውን ለመመስረት የሚያስችል ውለታ ተፈራረሙ። አዲሱ ኩባንያ በታህሳስ 21. 1945 በ2.5 ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታልና ሙሉ በሙሉ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በተያዙ 25,000 አክሲዮኖች በመደራጀት የኢትዮጵያ፡አየር መንገድ ተብሎ ተቋቋመ። የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ የመጀመርያ በረራውን እ.አ.አ. በሚያዝያ፡ 8 1946 በአስመራ አድርጎ ወደካይሮ በዳግላስ C-47 ስካይትሬይን አውሮፕላን አደረገ። ይህ የመጀመሪያ የንግድ በረራ፡ ሙሉ በሙሉ አሜሪካዊ ዜግነት ባላቸው የበረራ ቡድን ተመራ። በዚህ ሁኔታ፡ለአስራ አምስት አመታት ቀጥሎ እ.አ.አ. በ1951 ዓ.ም. አየር መንገዱ አራት ኢትዮጵያዊ አብራሪዎችን አሰልጥኖ አበቃ። በቀጣይ የራሱን አካዳሚና ጥገና ማዕከሎች በማቋቋም ሙሉ በሙሉ እራሱን የቻለ ኩባንያ ሆነ። በሁለተኛው የሀያኛው ክፍለ ዘመን አጋማሽ የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ በርካታ ገድሎችን ማስመዝገብ ጀመረ። የአፍሪካን አህጉር ከምስራቅ እስከ ምዕራብ፣ ከሰሜን እስከ ደቡብ በማስተሳሰር የአፍሪካውያን ወንድማማችነትን አጠነከረ። ከሞዛምቢክ እስከ አንጎላ፣ ከደቡብ አፍሪካ አስከ ጋና ታጋዮችን በማጓጓዝ በተለያዩ የአፍሪካ ሀገሮች ለነበሩ የቅኝ ግዛት የነጻነት ትግሎችን ድጋፍ አደረገ። ኔልሰን ማንዴላ አዲስ አበባ መጥተው የውትድርና ስልጠና እንዲያገኙ የበኩሉን አስተዋጽዖ አበረከተ። በመጨረሻም ወደ ትርፋማነት በመሸጋገር የኢትዮጵያን ባንዲራ ይዞ በአምስት አህጉራት አገልግሎቱን ተደራሽ በማድረግ እስከአሁን ድረስ የአፍሪካ ኩራት ምንጭ ሆነ። ለማጠቃለል፣ ኢትዮጵያውያን እንደማንኛውም የአለም ማህበረሰብ ከቴክኖሎጂ ጋር የነበራቸው ታሪክ በጉጉት፣ በመውደድ እና በጥርጥሬ የተቀላቀሉ ስሜቶች ውጥረት መካከል ያለፈ ነበር። በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ የቀደሙት የአገር መሪዎቻችን በውጭ የተሰሩ አዳዲስ ቴክኖሎጂዎችን በማስመጣትና፣ የተለያዩ ማህበረሰባዊ ተቃውሞዎችን በማለፍ ለበርካታ ተጠቃሚዎች እንዲተዋወቁና እንዲስፋፉ ከፍተኛ ሚና ተጫውተዋል። ልክ እንደ አፄ ምንሊክ፣ አጼ ኃይለስላሴም አውሮፕላን በኢትዮጵያ እንዲስፋፋና የኢትዮጵያ አየር መንገድ አሁን ላለበት አለም አቀፍ ዝና እንዲደርስ መሰረቱን ያስቀመጡ መሪ ነበሩ። ይህ አሻራ አሁንም አየር መንገዱን በሚያገለግሉት እንዲሁም በተለያዩ ዘርፎች በተሰማሩ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ቀጥሎ ይገኛል። በሚቀጥለው አምድ በሌላ ከተማ ነክ ቴክኖሎጂ እስክንገናኝ ቸር እንሰንብት!

#BRT lanes The Addis Ababa City Transport Bureau revealed its plans to expand the Bus Rapid Transit Lane (BRT) corridor projects to different parts of the city, with construction of a new bus terminal set to commence in the capital this fiscal year. Aregawi Maru, Communications head of the Bureau, told The Reporter that attaining at least 50 percent completion of the B-2 BRT project corridor is among the bureau’s priorities in this fiscal year. The B-2 BRT project corridor is under construction currently, stretching from Jemo through Torhailoch to the General Winget area. The project was launched at a cost of 5.9 billion birr in June 2020, and has a length of 19.2 km.

In addition to working on the completion of the already existing project, the Bureau also plans to introduce a new one, named B-6 corridor, which stretches from Torhailoch to Bole Airport. The tender process for this project is almost finalized and the design work will start this fiscal year. Financial support for the project is expected to come from the Korean Exim Bank.

Source: The Reporter Ethiopia የመጀመሪያው በረራ በ 1946 (እ.አ.አ.) በ ዳግላስ C-47 ስካይትሬን ከአዲስ አበባ በአስመራ ካይሮ ሲደረግ



# global

street design On July 28, 2021, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia became the first African nation to endorse the Global Street Design Guide—a globallyaccessible publication that allows urban planners, designers, and transportation practitioners in cities around the world to immediately implement tested and life-saving street designs. Globally, 1.35 million people are killed in traffic deaths each year, with 93% of these fatalities occurring in low- and middle-income countries. According to WHO, more than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), the Global Street Design Guide provides real-world examples of street and intersection transformations that improve safety for all road users.

#ethiopia at dubai expo Ethiopia will showcase its rich history, culture and the vast trade and investment potential that the country offers across a wide range of economic sectors, including agriculture, tourism and manufacturing during its participation in Expo 2020 Dubai. Ethiopia revealed that its pavilion’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai would be organised under the theme “The Land of Origins and Opportunities”. Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s representative office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, recently hosted an event in collaboration with the Ethiopian Ministry of Trade and Industry and the UAE Embassy in Ethiopia, which highlighted Ethiopia’s new plans for Expo 2020 Dubai, said a statement.

Ethiopia has made remarkable strides in the last few years to address road safety issues and rethink the role of urban streets. With a focus on Addis Ababa, the country has made sustained investments towards a safe system approach.

The launch event was attended by Mohammed Salem Al Rashedi, UAE Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga Moach, State Minister of Trade and Industry of Ethiopia, Omar Khan, director of international offices, Dubai Chamber, and Moosa Al Hashemi, senior advisor, Director General Office, Expo 2020 Dubai, in addition to key stakeholders from Ethiopia’s public and private sectors.




# bankloan # meskel parking The newly inaugurated state of the art parking lot built as part of the Grand Meskel Square-Addis Ababa City Hall project has gone operational. The parking facility has started to give services for twenty-four hours a day as of Monday, announced Tilahun Tadesse, Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Exhibition Center and Marketing Development Enterprise, in an interview he gave to the state-run News agency. The underground parking lot is enough to accommodate about 1,400 vehicles at once. The CEO has also encouraged car owners to make use of the parking lot and also urged the private sector to publicize their products through the six LED screens installed at the square for promotional purposes. The Meskel Square Public Project, built at a cost of 2.5 Billion Birr, was inaugurated on June 13 in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and a number of senior officials. Apart from the parking and the LEDs, the Meskel Square project integrated facilities include more than 70 shops and space for electric bike rides. Source: Ethiopian Monitor


The National Bank of Ethiopia asked all commercial banks to temporarily suspend providing loans backed by collateral, such as land and buildings. The NBE’s directive follows findings that the money is being used on the black market, State Minister for Finance, Eyob Tekalign, said on Shefer FM radio. The security authorities and the central bank are taking action as part of measures to address the issue, he said.

It wasn’t immediately clear if the order, effective Aug. 11, affects corporate, personal or other loan categories. The banks have suspended all lending pending clarification from the NBE, according to people with knowledge of the matter who asked not to be identified because of its sensitivity. The central bank also ordered lenders to freeze the disbursement of the loans that had already been approved, according to the people. No explanation was given for the action that remains effective until further notice, they said.

Source: Bloomberg 21



meskel square

to city hall

> Bisrat K. Woldeyessus 22

Meskel Square to City Hall Project (MSCH) of Addis Ababa, inaugurated recently in June 2021, has demonstrated the need for increased involvement of citizens in order to co-manage the services delivered by the city. Less than a week into service, some of the waste bins at Churchill Avenue have been vandalized, stolen, and inappropriately used. The street chairs installed along the walkway are in some cases used by street kids to sleep and street vendors to stuck their products both against the intended purpose. The new pedestrian way has opened for a wide range of purposes,

both formal and informal, legal and illegal, essential and nonessential, all depending on the way each of these starts to take shape and subsequent actions by the city. Apart from the introduction of wide, dedicated and furnished pedestrian route, the project has blurred the boundary between public and private, by expanding the private into the public and vice versa. Contrary to the controversial front setback requirement by the city, existing buildings along Churchill Avenue are not featured

required to demolish their structure within the right of way but integrate their ground floor with the public walkway. The newly created walkway under the post office building is now a public space, while the floors above are offices. Similarly, a number of other private and public buildings have merged their ground floor with the walkway while maintaining their upper floors with in the right of way. The general idea of removing fences and connecting streets with adjacent developments has led to increased and 23

shared responsibility. As all public spaces within this project are fully accessible to public and non are fenced, the way we use them will determine the longevity and applicability of the approach. The implementation phase of MSCH involved multiple stakeholders and institutions whose direct and proactive engagement has led to improved delivery of the service. For example, the boundary of three buildings belonging to Ethio-Telecom has been shifted to expand the Churchill Av walkway and public plaza at Churchill view. In all three cases, the active involvement of EthioTelecom, as key stakeholder, has paved for easier and instant solution to right of way issues. Similarly, both Black Lion and Lycee Gebremariam schools have given up a large portion of their land to the expansion of the street, which in effect has only shifted from enclosed underutilized semi-public space into accessible and more efficient public space. As a result, hundreds of their students can walk safely all along the schools frontage leading to reduced traffic congestion due to pickup and drop-off queue. Understanding this, both schools have cooperated with the city to give up an average of nearly 14meters depth from their previous boundary. This kind of cooperation is also witnessed among private sectors. For example, shop owners near Tedros square voluntarily demolished their walls to allow expansion of the street. Although formal compensations are provided by the city administration for the properties to be demolished, their proactive action to remove the obstruction, construct 24

"Churchill avenue has suddenly opened new possibilities for walking..."


temporary bridges and passages have led to instant construction of the walkway. Clearly, they are primarily motivated as the improvement of the walkway would directly benefit them but their contribution extends far and to many. Highly secured institutions like Ministry of Defense and EBC also removed their fences to expand the street and this was possible partly due to their willingness to see their institutions become part of to the new development. When one journalist from EBC came to interview me after the completion of the project, She cherished the changes around their office and working along a clean and walkable street. She has been following the project from early days but never expected the street to be as pedestrian friendly as it is now. Being long time public transport user, mainly minibuses, she now enjoys walking easily to Piasa or Laghar to meet with friends and socialize. Churchill avenue has suddenly opened new possibilities for walking and encouraged several users, like the EBC journalist, to avoid using cars for short and medium distances. She told me that walking has become her passion and first choice to access services along the avenue. We have removed a total of about 200 car parkings from Leghar to EBC and created walkable street for thousands. However, walking is possible when the spaces are not filled with street vendors, and there is sufficient space for everyone to contemplate. It is evident that street businesses are both socially and economically required. However, if there are no guidelines on where and how the businesses shall be located, a spontaneous and uncontrolled use will result in reduced regular pedestrians. In this regard, the role of citizens to respect the safety and comfort of others is undisputable. If street businesses claim significant part of the walkway, creating hinderance to movement of people, an easy and quick solution would be to restrain from buying the services that are blocking the street. Surprisingly, some consumers expose themselves to traffic accident trying to purchase items from street vendors. It is therefore necessary to act collectively and in collaboration with the law enforcement bodies, to develop the culture of using our streets reasonably and appropriately.






"...removing fences and connecting streets with adjacent developments has led to increased and shared responsibility.



While working at Meskel Square in May this year, an old man approached us and started talking although none of us seriously paid attention as we were occupied dealing with water leakages at the ventilation shaft. He kept on talking and started to comment about the type of trees at Meskel Square. Carefully and with a reduced tone, he appreciated the 24/7 working hours and told us how grateful he is to see this. He continued his talk and put forward his wishes to visit the project as soon as it opens. When I asked him if he wishes to visit it now, he did not believe it and was highly grateful. We walked on the plaza towards entrance number 3. There are six entrances from the plaza to the basement and the first one starts from east side. As he walked in to the basement and saw the basement


parking, his eyes were filled with tears. He literarily said “I am grateful to live this long and see this in my own country”. He visited the basements and went to the steps. He quickly walked to a corner near Addis Ababa Museum and spotted an area. He told me that he used to come to that specific location with the late Sebhat G/Egziabher, a renowned writer. He sat down on the concrete curb and started to tell me how important this space is to focus and write his poems. I didn’t know what he does until this point. He narrated for me the changes at Meskel Square, which used to be called Revolution Square during the socialist regime. For him, the current refurbishment is well deserved for all the historical and political values of the square but fears how it would be kept clean and safe for him and others

to come back and use it. He left me with more questions including the historical value of Meskel Square being far more than what we thought we knew. At least, I never knew Sebhat had a favorite spot at the steps. As a concerned citizen, the old man called me back to share his opinions and ideas on how to manage the space. His visit, among many others, left us another unforgettable memory.


The initiation to co-manage the shared public spaces of MSCH project can come either from the government or end-users. The most important issue remains to be understanding that this kind of public projects can greatly benefit from shared responsibility and participation. It is necessary to see direct and increased engagement of citizens in

managing our shared public spaces. The city administration and its affiliates can greatly benefit from empowered citizens, with increased sense of ownership and belongingness in the city. Co-managing our shared spaces can start easily when citizens appropriately use services provided by the city. The success of MSCH relies not only on the realization of the project but appropriate use of the services and facilities by end users. This demands the reorganization of our social and economic characteristics. If we fail to collectively become a society that deserves and properly uses the advanced public services provided by our city, the public services could decline towards us. Co-managing MSCH can lead us to direct and enhanced involvement as citizens and progressive society.






Wegagen Bank Owner: Wegagen Bank S.C. Design/Supervision: ETG Consulting Architects Contractor: China Jiangxi

Hibret Bank Zemen Bank Owner: Hibret Bank S.C. Design/Supervision: Eskender Architects

Owner: Zemen Bank S.C. Design/Supervision: JDAW Consulting Architects

Contractor: China Jiangsu

Contractor: China WU YI Co. Ltd.

Building Height:

Antena Height: 144m

Building Height: 130m

Floor Count:

Floor Count: 4B+G+33

Floor Count: 3B+G+31

Plot Area: Cost Estimate: Year: 20?? – 2017 GC 32

Plot Area: 3,300m2 Cost Estimate: ETB2.3 Billion Year: 2014 – 2021 GC

Plot Area: 2,400m2 Cost Estimate: ETB 2.3Billion Year: 2013 – 2021

Nib Bank Owner: Nib Bank S.C. Design/Supervision: Assefa Gebeyehu Architects Contractor: China Jiangsu

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia


Corporate Office

Owner: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Sheik Mohammed Ali Al-Amoudi

Design/Supervision: KUO YI

Design/Supervision: Innovators Consulting Engineers


Contractor: CSCEC

Contractor: Midroc Construction Plc

Building Height: ~148

Building Height: ~206m

Building Height: ~74.5m

Floor Count: 3B+G+36

Floor Count: 4B+G+48

Floor Count: 2B+G+21

Plot Area: 18,316m2

Built up Area: 3,500m2

Plot Area: Cost Estimate: ETB 2 Billion Year: 2013 – 2021 GC featured

Cost Estimate: ETB 9 Billion Year: 2015 – 2022

Cost Estimate: ETB 700M Year: 1998 – 2004 GC 33

MC Concrete Solutions geared to optimizing concrete characteristics in the ready-mix, prefabrication and concrete product segments.

Product Category

BE SURE. BUILD SURE. Being MC really does mean accepting responsibility for lives and reputations. We take building seriously.

. Innovative product & solutions . Technical support & customer focus . State of the art production technology . Technical documentation & quality control . Constant dialogue with the market


MC Infrastructure Solutions for industry, transport and supply / disposal infrastructure.


MC Buildings MC BAUCHEMIE MANUFACTURING PLC 251 115 54 45 57 /58 251 930 10 98 93 251 911 51 42 57 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Solutions for structural engineering, residential construction and the repair of historic buildings.


Fiscomm Engineering All in one Fire Fighting Solutions 251 118 704 557


251 912 021 282

A few months ago, right after graduating from university, three friends came together and decided to start working on “something”. They had no idea what that “something” was at the time, only that it has to be something great! A few brainstorming sessions and several cups of coffee later, they decided to work on their common passion, which is creativity fueled by cultural values fused with contemporary lifestyle. This shared passion was built on three key pillars: their profound affection for Ethiopia, their admiration for any sort of creativity, and their thirst for continuous growth. Each of the three friends had unique perspectives regarding their shared vision, as they had varying backgrounds primarily in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Management, and Business Management. Together, they became Masho Creatives.

masho ዘመናዊ ባላገር > Masho Creatives 36

Masho Creatives is a startup based in Addis Ababa, inspired by Ethiopia’s breathtaking cultures. What would it be like if a sharp-minded, creative person from the countryside (ባላገር) moves to a metropolitan city like Addis Ababa? What fresh perspective would he bring to the way we live in a highly globalized city, seemingly beyond the point of no return? What magic touches could he apply to remind us that we are Ethiopians after all? Those were the questions that served as runway for the conception of Masho’s creative direction. These and other different factors led our path towards products and services focused generally on interior design and decor, and primarily on ceiling lights, table lamps, bedside lamps and similar items.

The very tools that our ancestors used as common households are now being reborn as artistic lighting and interior products by Masho. To mention a few, we have made a range of designs using wooden items that are traditionally used as pillows, spades (መንሻ), baskets (መሶብ/ ሰፌድ), antique tej bottles (ብርሌ) and many more. Each of our products are uniquely crafted by our design and production team. To help make our products come to life, we give them distinctive and relatable local names with background stories that could capture the attention of anyone who is interested. Here at Masho, we are firm believers in preservation of culture, while always moving forward with modern life. The current lifestyle, especially in urban areas, is being oversaturated with global content that doesn’t always resonate with our local people. How many of us can walk into our house and point towards two or three culturally relevant items? The next time you walk into your living room, bedroom or even your office, we challenge you to close your eyes and project a mental picture of something that reminds you of our country’s long and proud history, the tools that our ancestors made use of, the items that royals used, the bottles that the common people sipped their tej from, anything and everything in between... Now open your eyes. Does what you see right in front of you look as good as your mental picture? That’s what Masho constantly strives to change. spotlight


Arch Daily’s Building of the Year 2021 38

Apple Central

World Bangkok Foster + Partners

C a t e g o r y : Best Applied Products

Image: Bear and Terry competitions


Located in one of the city’s iconic urban centers, the new store establishes a quiet sculptural presence at the heart of the bustling Central World Square on the intersection of Rama I and Ratchadamri roads. It forms a new social focus for the city and an inviting backdrop for the city’s famous New Year celebrations and numerous other annual festivities. The project is the result of the close collaboration between the team at Apple and architect Foster + Partners, through its local entity F&P (Thailand) Ltd and Architects 49 Ltd. Situated at the southern end of the Central World Square, the store addresses a generous public plaza and the famous Erawan shrine located across the road. It is connected to the BTS walkway via a new bridge at the upper level, while being overlooked by multiple vehicular and pedestrian routes surrounding the site. Enveloped by this dizzying urban spectacle, is an 80-foot (24.4 meter) diameter twostory glass drum with a beautifully crafted conical support with a concave vertical surface that stands on its apex. Its form has been generated by the 360-degree revolution of a Bezier curve. Clad in warm timber, the central support is formed of 1,461 European white oak profiles. The oak timber is split into individual lamellas and bonded onto a spruce core for stability. A carefully crafted edge detail on each slat allows air to be extracted out through the central structure with an absorptive acoustic backing layer. Connecting the two main sales areas on the two levels is a beautifully crafted staircase with helical turbine blades that cantilever from the central structure. Each tread is milled from solid blocks of stainless steel and is highly polished, giving them a reflective, sculptural quality. The fully glazed drum surrounding both floors provide dramatic 360-degree views, juxtaposing the intense urbanism with the quiet greenery of the new landscape. Grounded at its center, the circular roof projects out 10 feet (3 meters) to provide shade to the glazed façade. Blurring the boundaries between the inside and the outside, the glazed façade dematerializes to reveal the calm interiors of the store. With the same quality of surface finishes on the inside and the outside, the design establishes a generous new public space for the city, surrounded by a ring of trees interspersed with external benches for people to rest and enjoy the green setting. 40



05 Masonry

04 Formwork

03 Rebar

02 Cement

01 Earthwork

Earthwork and Related



Anchor Foundation Specialist Meseret Foundation Midroc Foundation My Wish Enterprise Ries Engineering Wave Businesses

+251 978 05 05 05 +251 911 22 04 36 +251 114 42 18 76 +251 930 47 04 36 +251 114 42 11 33 +251 911 52 50 72


Capital Cement Dangote Cement Derba Cement Ethio Cement Habesha Cement Messebo Cement Mugher Cement National Cement

+251 922 07 96 25 +251 116 63 42 01 +251 115 54 98 88 +251 111 55 92 52 +251 114 16 32 73 +251 115 58 17 58 +251 114 42 14 80 +251 114 40 14 95


Abyssinia Steel C&E Brothers Steel Factory Kality Metal Products Factory East Steel EKOS Steel Mill Steely RMI Sentinel Steel Walya Steel Industries

+251 930 29 40 25 +251 947 63 63 63 +251 114 34 01 10 +251 118 35 07 50 +251 910 82 26 84 +251 911 23 77 54 +251 930 11 02 44 +251 911 54 74 58


Great Abyssinia HIYA GC Scaffolding Kasma Engineering Keasada General Trading Leed Building Technology Kality Metal Products Factory Leed Building Technology Tesfaye & Family Wood work

+251 115 51 22 74 +251 911 61 63 21 +251 911 20 05 21 +251 111 75 43 46 +251 911 51 76 98 +251 114 34 01 10 +251 911 51 76 98 +251 910 52 53 57

Addis Block Production S.C Bole Bulbula Construction Stone Capital Block Factory KAT Gypsum Block FKT Hydraform Mutayran Building Blocks Factory

+251 114 43 14 56 +251 116 52 04 50 +251 933 14 35 23 +251 966 68 67 09 +251 930 070945 +251 912 60 81 70


+251 114 39 58 10 +251 911 22 26 71 +251 +251 938 29 99 99 +251 911 20 25 13 +251 911 20 73 30 +251 911 51 48 11

ASAL B & C Aluminum German Aluminum Huajia Aluminum Industry Sador Aluminum Sets General Trading Tracon Trading

Fortune Enterprise Leed Building Technology S.M. Bamnif Impex Wanza Waryt Kidus Markos

+251 113 71 87 51 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 114 66 79 94 +251 115 51 79 99 +251 911 21 07 07 +251 911 22 50 82

St Al Op

06 Steel Profiles

AARTI DH Geda Steel Factory Ethiopian Steel GEC Steel Manufacturing HAST Enterprize KOSPI Woda Metal Industry Yegna Trading

07 Aluminum

08 Openings

+251 116 67 35 62 +251 116 63 81 58 +251 938 17 17 17 +251 948 29 83 42 +251 91 1 20 83 77 +251 113 20 6435 +251 118 22 95 75 +251 943 00 00 03

+251 930 47 04 36 +251 911 21 98 21

+251 911 20 05 35 +251 911 20 97 82

Ab-ham Enterprizes Eastern Insulation Company Hertalan Sika Abyssinia Danko Waterproofing

+251 912 60 00 05 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 116 62 53 25 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 922 566022 +251 923 98 29 73 +251 930 50 50 50

AR Stone Trading Ethio-Ceramics Elegant Leed Building Technology MBI Sapphire Dimensional Stone Stone King WOW Home Store



09 Moisture

Moisture protection and Thermal insulation


10 Finishing

supplier lis


11 Paint 12 Sanitary 13 Electrical 14 Mechnanical 15 Security 44

Pa Sn El Mc Ss

Abay Esdee Adulis Bright Paint Factry Dani Granite Dill DH Geda Zemilli Paint Factory Kadisco Nifas Silk Wasse Granite Tsehay Granite

+251 114 67 28 67 +251 920 34 35 02 +251 930 03 38 94 +251 966 26 26 26 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 116 63 81 58 +251 114 39 10 37 +251 115 51 04 82 +251 944 96 96 96 +251 906 31 31 31

Ab plast Jaquar Group Kast Lesso Modern Pipe Manufacturing Roto Rifeng TAD Trading WOW Home Store

+251 116 29 34 94 +251 948 47 47 47 +251 911 21 45 78 +251 966 20 51 51 +251 935 40 90 50 +251 912 21 16 21 +251 116 66 09 71 +251 116 63 30 29 +251 930 40 40 40

BMET Chint - Omicron Engineering Dama Trade Electric World Euro Cable Equatorial Business Group Mujib Commercial Center Romel General Trading WOW Home Store

+251 116 62 09 32 +251 114 39 00 43 +251 911 48 86 30 +251 111 57 15 27 +251 114 42 49 55 +251 911 51 48 11 +251 911 52 34 93 +251 930 40 40 40

Air conditioning and related products Ab-ham Enterprizes Cleantech Energy Electromechanical Dama Trade General Power Harvey Roofing Solution

+251 930 47 04 36 +251 118 61 21 84 +251 936 01 23 26 +251 911 51 45 12 +251 115 50 39 43

Security System and Related Products Africa Fire FIghting Edna Mall HTS Efsec Fisscom Engineering Hassen Business Group iSense Technologies Trust Protection

+251 115 15 83 18 +251 912 50 77 77 +251 911 20 80 41 +251 911 12 09 89 +251 91 1 22 05 76 +251 911 50 82 28 +251 911 14 41 81

+251 979 42 66 42 +251 113 72 86 67 +251 115 53 86 23 +251 113 72 96 48 +251 911 22 50 82 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 911 48 86 30 +251 911 21 07 07 +251 930 20 20 20

Alpha Furniture Deluxe Furniture Design Republic Home Depo Kidus Markos Furniture Leed Building Technology Wanza Furnishings Industries Waryt Furniture WOW Home Store

+251 113 72 96 48 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 116 62 53 25 +251 911 24 78 84 +251 911 06 94 59 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 116 62 48 01

Wood & Carpentery Products Addis Home Depot Ethio-Ceramics Elegant Home Base Wood Works Kitchen World MBI Orlando Maroli Family

+251 114 67 39 15 +251 930 10 98 93 +251 113 67 97 48 +251 984 60 60 60

+251 941 92 92 92 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 91 1 51 90 42 +251 939 20 00 00


16 Conveying


17 Facade/Glass

+251 114 39 58 10 ASAL +251 938 84 94 94 Andenet Glass Technology +251 930 03 33 73 Danpal +251 911 25 02 92 Eros Gass +251 911 40 79 94 Hansom International +251 911 51 46 26 Melmos Glass +251 911 60 90 35 Saint-Gobain +251 115 55 77 55 Tafeseha General Glass +251 112 59 32 96 Tefera Seyoum Glass

18 Furniture



19 Carpentry

+251 911 51 56 70 Axel Elevator +251 911 48 86 30 Africa Elevator +251 114 39 00 43 Dan Technocraft +251 911 50 30 00 Hyundai +251 929 133 553 Otis +251 113 72 0172 Schindler +251 111 26 23 76 F&M Trading


20 Speciality

supplier lis

Chemicals and Admixtures


Afro Chemicals MC Bauchemie SIKA Abyssinia Vittorio Chemical Industries Ready-Mix Concrete

Accurate Ready-mix Concrete Bamacon Ready-mix concrete Dugda Ready-mix concrete On Time Ready-mix concrete


17/pcs 15.3/pcs 12/pcs

40x20x24cm 40x20x18cm


12/pcs 15.5/pcs

1300/pc 1100/pcs 100/pcs 200/pcs

Yellow Plywood 18mm Normal Plywood 18mm Euclyptus Ø60mm/4m Euclyptus Ø100mm+/8m CIS - Corrugated Iron Sheet G-35 - Akaki G-35 - KOSPI Nail 60mm - 12mm Concrete Nail

24x12x6cm Brick Normal 9/pcs 24x12x6cm Brick-SOLID 10/pcs

350/pcs 400/pcs 150/kg 150/kg

20x10x1.5mm RHS 30x10x1.5mm RHS 30x20x2mm RHS 40x20x2mm RHS 50x30x2mm RHS 60x40x2mm RHS 70x50x2mm RHS 80x40x2mm RHS 100x60x2mm RHS 120x80x3mm RHS

500/m 450/m 420/m 400/m 500/m 500/m 710/m 800/m 700/m 850/m

706/bar L - Profile 820/bar T - Profile 884/bar Z - Profile 2182/bar Corner 248/bar 90 Ferma 1661/bar 155-Midrail 1808/bar 155-Kickplate 994/bar T-Compensation 1999/bar Structural - T 518/bar Inverter

20x20x1.5mm SHS 25x25x1.5mm SHS 30x30x2mm SHS 40x40x2mm SHS 50x50x2mm SHS 50x50x3mm SHS 60x60x2mm SHS 60x60x3mm SHS 80x80x3mm SHS 100x100x3mm SHS

600/m 700/m 900/m 1200/m 1500/m 1900/m 1400/m 1800/m 2200/m 4000/m

940/bar Slide Frame 818/bar Slide Shatter 316/bar Slide Cup 318/bar 40*20*1mm - RHS 1460/bar End - Mullion 1269/bar Center Mullion 1237/bar Transome 440/bar Pressure Plate 293/bar Cup 985/bar H

Ø18x1mm Ø20x1mm Ø20x1.5mm Ø22x1.5mm Ø28x1.5mm Ø30x1.5mm Ø38x2mm Ø38x3mm Ø50x1.5mm Ø100x2mm

500/m 530/m 550/m 700/m 800/m 850/m 1000/m 1600/m 1250/m 2300/m

330/m2 410/m2 500/m2 430/m2 550/m2 520m2 630/m2 650m2 1200/m2 2850/m2


3mm Clear 3mm Frosted 4mm Clear 4mm Frosted 5mm Clear 5mm Frosted 6mm Clear 6mm Frosted 3+3mm Laminated 10mm Tempered

Deformed Bar

HCB Class-B HCB Class-B HCB Class-B


40x20x20cm 40x20x15cm 40x20x10cm

Imported Ø6mm Imported Ø8mm Imported Ø10mm Imported Ø12mm Imported Ø14mm Imported Ø16mm Imported Ø20mm Imported Ø24mm Imported Ø30mm Imported Ø32mm


95/kg 85.5/kg 85.7/kg 86.2/kg 86.8/kg 87/kg 86.8/kg 86.4/kg 84/kg 84.5/kg


Cement Masonry Steel Profiles 46

Dangote OPC 720/Qnt PPC 690/Qnt Derba OPC 700/Qnt PPC 675/Qnt Ethio OPC - - - /Qnt PPC 650/Qnt Habesha OPC - - - /Qnt PPC 675 /Qnt Muger OPC 720/Qnt PPC - - - /Qnt

materials materials

#ሑለት እርምጃ

#ሑለት እርምጃ


1300/25kg Textura Sparol 2200/gln Epoxy Primer 716/kg Epoxy Primer Hardener 3100/gln Epoxy Top Coat 1750/kg Epoxy Top Coat Hardener 3100/gln Epoxy Clear Top Coat 1750/kg Epoxy CLear Top Coat Hardner 2100/3kg Epoxy Wall Paint 716/kg Epoxy Wall Paint Hardner 700/kg Epoxy Solid Color Paste

Wires 1*1.5 873/100m 1*2.5 1448/100m 1*4 2144/100m Cables 2*1.5 2576/100m 2*2.5 4042/100m 3*4 8434/100m TV 1100/100m Data 1508/100m Switches One-way 75/pcs Two-way 300/pcs

150/pcs 200/pcs 250/pcs 270/pcs 102/pcs 370/pcs 600/pcs 1150/pcs 1800/pcs 100/pcs

Sockets Ø65 90/pcs 6x10 250/pcs TV Ø65 106/pcs 6x10 382/pcs Data Ø65 333/pcs 6x10 470/pcs Distribution x 4 SDB 120/pcs x 6breaker SDB 150/pcs x 8breaker SDB 230/pcs x 12breaker SDB 280/pcs Breakers (1Ph) 6Amp 230/pcs 10Amp 196/pcs 16Amp 196/pcs 25Amp 196/pcs Breakers (3Ph) 6Amp 552/pcs 10Amp 518/pcs 16Amp 518/pcs 25Amp 518/pcs Conduits FØ16mm 10/pcs RØ16mm 25/pcs RØ19mm 25/pcs 48

PPRØ15 4m Pipe PPRØ20 PPRØ25 PPRØ32 PVCØ50 6m Pipe PVCØ75 PVCØ110 PVCØ160 PVCØ200 PVCØ50 Elbow-90°

198/m HDPEØ20 Roll 205/m HDPEØ25 210/m HDPEØ32 75/pcs HDPEØ20 Elbow 120/pcs HDPEØ25 Elbow 150/pcs HDPEØ32 Elbow 500/pcs GalvanizedØ15 700/pcs GalvanizedØ20 1150/pcs GalvanizedØ25 2200/pcs GalvanizedØ50 (4m) (Australia) Timber 200/pcs 5x4cm 550/pcs 5x7cm 600/pcs 5x10cm 1200/pcs 5x30cm (122x244) MDF 600/pcs 6mm 650/pcs 8mm 700/pcs 10mm 830/pcs 12mm 950/pcs 18mm


Super Emulsion 370/gln Perfex Acrylic Emulsion 760/gln Weather Guard - Clear 950/gln Tuff Floor Emulsion 6000/25kg Textured Paints (Quartz) Graffiti 1.8-2.5mm 875/25kg Fine 0 - 1mm 875/25kg Super Fine 0 - 0.5mm 950/25kg Travertine 0 - 0.2mm 950/25kg Quartz Super White 1000/25kg


Granite Counter Top 300/ml Riser 300/ml Thread 300/ml Sill 300/ml Skirting Ceramic 275/ml PVC 35/ml Wood 300/ml Dry Board Gypsum 300/pcs Magnesium 300/pcs Cement 300/pcs


Finishing Paint - Abay Esdee Electrical

Porcelain Tile 30x30 450/m2 30x60 750/m2 60x60 750/m2 Parquet Bamboo 1400/m2 HDF 700/m2 PVC Tile 30x30 350/m2 Roll Marble White 300/ml Harar 300/ml Sill 300/ml


Jelaram Esdee Manufacturing PLC

Gofa, Infront of Gaky Honda Showroom, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

251 922 45 25 63 / 65 / 66 | 251 910 47 97 81 | 251 912 19 90 93

materials |




Founded by professionals who were convinced that the profession and industry deserved better; Ketema aspires to create one of the most compelling architectural publications in Ethiopia and the continent. The construction industry suffers from a clutter of information which merely focuses on stories and projects with little or no significant impact on the practice of the professionals & livelihood of citizens filled with political rhetoric disguised as a means to manipulate the public’s opinion. From a professional point of view, we believe we are in desperate need for a genuine content which has the power to inspire about change, presented with quality and due reverence for the profession. Our magazine reveals ever present yet undiscovered ideas and projects to the industry / professional with exclusive news, product and supplier information bi-monthly.


B & C ALUMINUM PLC Bole Medhanialem, B&C Aluminum Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

251 116 62 79 00 / 251 116 63 80 46 / 251 116 63 80 47 | |

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.