November | December 2021
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የመጀመሪያዋ መኪና በኢትዮጵያ -- ህላዊ ሰውነት
Red Door Apartments
ስለ ከተማ - ጥያቄ
RASS Architects
መነፅር ፤
የኢትዮጵያ ኪነ-ህንፃና ከተሜነት የትስስር ገፅ - ከ ዳዊት በንቲ ጋር
November | December 2021
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On the Cover Red Door Apartments By RAAS Architects Location: Meskel Flower Photo: Solan Kifle Horo Year 2 // № 11
The world’s first safest Elevator
Authorized dealer in Ethiopia
TOWER ENGINEERING & CONSULTANCY 251 115 579 142 251 929 133 553/37 Burj Khalifa Empire State
Eiffel Tower Oriental Pear Tower
.. Ethio China road, Bamacon Building 2nd Floor
Zemen Bank Hibret Bank
The African Building Platform
2nd Year 5th Issue +251 900 57 19 12 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Editorial Advisory Addis Mebratu Maheder Gebremedhin Zeleke Belay Co-Founder Leulseged Tibebu
Managing Editor Helawi Sewnet Editor-in-Chief Wondyerad Mamo Art Direction Leulseged Tibebu Writers Amanuel Samuel Betelhem Amanuel Eyob Biruk Contributors Rahel Shawl Medhanit Tadesse Semawit Ayele Photographs Solan Kifle Bemnet Teklemariam Marketing Eden Yohannes
+251 900 57 19 12
Special Thanks Ermias Teshome Michael Getachew Assefa Yohanes Biruk Haile Jesal Mehta Melaku
Happy 2022! In this issue, our featured project is about a recently completed piece of contemporary Architecture that successfully fused elements of such style with place, simplicity, elegance and lightness. The bold colors of the façade complemented by the calm grey counterpart gave it a striking appearance in the densely populated neighborhood. Our Ketema Archives contributor, Helawi Sewnet on his latest column argues how Emperor Menelik II could be considered the technology evangelist of Ethiopia’s modernization history for his endeavor to bring several products of civilization including the automobile to the country and his patience to create cultural acceptance over these foreign technologies.
The 34th session of Architect’s ወርሃዊ hosted Dawit Benti (Architect) to talk about Architecture on the social media. For the past two years, Dawit has been running Ethiopian Architecture and Urbanism, a social media platform for discussions on the historical and contemporary built environment inside Ethiopia. And with that, I leave you here to enjoy our carefully curated content and look forward to your contributions on our upcoming issues.
Stay Safe, Leulseged Tibebu
Rahel Shawl Zelleke Founder, Principal RAAS Architects Plcs LinkedIn: @RahelShawl Helawi Sewnet Beshah Architect, Lecturer at EiABC-AAU Twitter handle: @HelawiSewnet Medhanit Tadesse Ayele Researcher Co-Founder at Menetsir socialmedia handle: @menetsir Semawit Ayele Ashenafi Architect at Aspire Consulting A&E Copyright © 2021 Ketema Journal While every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions in this publication. All advertisements are taken in good faith, and the opinions and views contained herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage, and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in review.
Layout designed and proofed for print at Ketema Journal Printed by Central Printing Press
እጅግ የከበረ ሰላምታችን ይድረሳችሁ ፡ጓደኞች እና የስራ ባልደረቦች ፣ 34ተኛዉን የኪነ-ህንፃ ባለሙያዎች ወርሃዊ ስብሰባ/architects ወርሃዊ/ ሀሙስ መስከረም 27፣2014 ዓ.ም በከቤት እስከከተማ ማእከል ተካሂዷል፡፡ በዚህ ወር የኪነ-ህንፃ ማህበሩ፤“ኪነ-ህንፃ በማህበራዊ የትስስር ገዕ ላይ” በሚል አርዕስት አቶ ዳዊት በንቲን ጋብዞ ቆይታ አድርጎ ነበር።
የኪነ-ህንፃ ባለሙያ የሆኑት አቶ ዳዊት በንቲ ላለፉት 30 አመታት በአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርስቲ የኪነ-ህንፃና ከተማ የትምህርት ክፍል በመምህርነት እንዲሁም የተለያዩ ጥናታዊ ዕሁፎችን በመፃፍና ባለፉት ሁለት አመታት ደግሞ በኢትዮጵያ እንዲሁም በአፍሪካ ዉስጥ ተገንብተዉ ስላሉ ታሪካዊ ቅርሶች፡ ህንፃዎችና የከተማ ልማቶች፤ የኢትዮጵያ ኪነ-ህንፃና ከተሜነት/Ethiopian Architecture and Urbanizm/ በሚል የማህበራዊ የትስስር ገዕ ባለሙያዉን ብሎም ማህበረሰቡን ሲያስገነዝቡ ቆይተዋል። አቶ ዳዊት ፕሮግራሙን የጀመሩት በተለምዶ ከሚደረገዉ በተለየ መልኩ፤ ንግግራቸዉና የምልከታ ሰሌዳዎቹ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ እንደሚሆን በማሳወቅ ነበር፣ይህንንም ማድረጋቸዉ በሀገራችን በአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ መግባባት ለኪነ-ህንፃ ሙያዉ እድገት የሚሰጠዉን አስተዋፅኦ በመንገር ነበር “በአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ ኪነ-ህንፃን በምናዎራበት ጊዜ የቋንቋ ክፍተቱን እንሰብረዋለን፣ሙያዉንም ወደማህበረሰቡ እናቀርበዋለን”። የኢትዮጵያ ኪነ-ህንፃና ከተሜነት የትስስር ገፅ፣ ከ7,800 በላይ ተከታዮች ያሉት ሲሆን እነዚህ ተከታዮች ከ90 በላይ ከተለያዩ የአለም ሀገራት የተጠራቀሙ ናቸዉ። በዚህ ገጽ ላይ፣የተለያዩ ቦታዎች ላይ የሚገኙ የኪነ-ህንጻ፣የመሬት አቀማመጥ እንዲሁም የከተማ ልማት ስራዎችን ፎቶግራፎች፣የንድፍ ስዕሎች እንዲሁም የኪነ-ህንፃ ባለሙያዎችን በመለየት የመረጃ ልዉዉጥ ይካሄዳል። ይህ የመረብ ቋት አሁን ቀላል ቢመስልም በጥቂት ቃላት ፍለጋ ስለማንኛዉም የኪነ-ህንጻ ስራ የተጠናቀረና የተመሳከረ መረጃ የሚሰጥ የእዉቀት ቦታ/ ቋት መሆኑ ለዘመናዊ ማህበረሰብ ዘመናዊ መፍትሄዎች የሚያቀርብ ፈጣን የእድገት መንገድ ነዉ።
ከ ዳዊት በንቲ ጋር
ቅጽ ጥንቅር፡ ሴማዊት አየለ
በድህረ-ገፁ አለም ላይ ደግሞ አንድ ጊዜ የተጋራ ነገር ለዘላለም መቆየቱ አሳታፊነትና ግልጽነትን ያረጋግጣል፤በአንድ ጉዳይ ላይ ለውጥ ለመፍጠር ከመንግስት ሃላፊዎች ይልቅ አንቂዎችና የሙያ ታጋዮች በማህበራዊ የትስስር መረቦች ቅሬታቸውን ወይም ድጋፋቸዉን በነፃነት ያንፀባርቃሉ፣ይህ ደግሞ ዜጎች በሀገራቸዉ ላይ ንቁ ተሳታፊ እንዲሆኑና ከታች ወደላይ አስተዳደር / bottom-up governance/ እንዲተገብሩ ያደርጋቸዋል።
ይህ ግሩፕ ከተከታታይ አላስፈላጊ መልዕት ሰሪዎችና ልጥፎች የፀዳ እንዲሆን ጥብቅ የአባላት ቁጥጥር ያለዉ፣ በአባላቱ የተመሳከረ ጥሩ ይዘት ከፅሁፍ ጋር የተዋዛ ልጥፍ እንዲሁም ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችንና ተያያዥ የድህረ-ገፅ አገናኞችን/Linked website/የያዘ ነው። በነዚህና ብዙ ምክንያቶች ተመሳሳይ ይዘት ካላቸዉ ግሩፖች በጥራት የተሻለ ያደርገዋል። በአሁን ሰዓት ከኢትዮጵያ ተነስቶ፣ ወደአፍሪካ ኪነህንፃና ከተሜነት ግሩፕ ከዛም ደግሞ የማህበራዊ ገፁን ቀይሮ ወደቴሌግራም በመሄድ የኪነ-ህንፃ መረጃን በአማርኛ በማቅረብ እድገት አሳይቷል። ወቅታዊ በሆኑ የከተማ ልማትና የስነ-ህንጻ ጉዳዮች ላይ የማህበረሰቡንና የባለሙያዉን ሀሳብ፡ድጋፍም ይሁን ተቃዉሞ የሚንፀባረቅበት ቦታ ሆኗል። ለአቢይነት ያህል በአዲስ አበባ በአንዳንድ ጥንታዊ ህፃዎች ላይ የሚታየዉ የሰማያዊ ቀለም ዕድሳት በዚሁ ግሩፕ ላይ እጅግ አነጋጋሪ ሆኖ ሰንብቷል። ይህ ክስተት ከኛም አልፎ በጣልያን ሃገር የታወቀ በአፍሪካ ጉዳዮች ላይ የሚፅፍ የግሩፑ አባል፡ በራሱ የድህረ-ገፅ መፅሄቱ ላይ ጉዳዩን አስነብቧል። ይህ ግሩፕ ከተመሰረተ አንስቶ ኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥ ስላሉ ኮከብ ሴትና ወንድ ህንፃ ነዳፊዎቻችንና ከተማ ገንቢዎቻችንን ማወቅ ተችሏል፤ ብዙ የሀገር በቀል የቤት አሰራር ንድፍ ስዕሎች ተካተዋል፣ታሪካዊ ፋይዳ ያላቸዉ ህፃዎችና የከተማ ቦታዎች ተሰንደዋል፤ምርምሮች ተደግፈዋል፣ስልጠናዎችና ትምህርታዊ የመስክ ጉዞዎች ተደርገዋል፤ለኢትዮጵያ ኪነ-ህንፃ ታሪክ ማህበር/ ኢኪታማ/ መፈጠርም አስተዋፅኦ አድርጓል። እነዚህ ሁሉ ጥቅሞች እንዳሉት ሁሉ የጊዜ የይዘት የቁጥጥር ተግዳሮቶች እንዳሉት አቶ ዳዊት ገልጸዋል፡ የገጽ አስተዳደር ሰዎች አለመኖር መርዛማ የሆኑ አስተያየቶችንና ልጥፎችን ለመቆጣጠር አዳጋች አርጐታል፣በድህረ-ገፁ አለም ላይ እየተለመዱ ያሉ አስነዋሪ ልማዶችን ለማስቀረት የማያቋርጥ ክትትል እንደሚያስፈልግም ተናግረዋል።
The Urban Center is a Creative space born out of the radio show KEBET ESKE KETEMA / ከቤት እስከ ከተማ started on December 25, 2007, focusing on Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and urban life. Menelik II Ave, Addis Ababa Ethiopian Women Federation Building, Ground Floor.
251 115 58 16 33
አቶ ዳዊት በዚህ መንገዳቸዉ ሁሉ በመገኘትና በመደገፍ አብረዉ የነበሩትን የኢትዮጵያ ኪነ-ህንፃ ማህበር ፕሬዝዳንት አቶ አማኑኤል ተሾመን አመስግነዋል።በቦታዉ ከነበሩ ታዳሚዎችም የድጋፍ የአድናቆትና የማበረታቻ መልዕቶች ተደምጠዋል፣እኛም የ Architects ወርሃዊ ዝግጅት ክፍልና የከቤት እስከከተማ ማእከልን ለዝግጅቱ መሳካት ከልብ እናመሰግናለን። updates
Modular LED Spotlights
Recessed LED Spotlights
Recessed LED Linear Lights
251 115 620 212 251 911 523 493
#700MW of Power Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will begin Generating 700 MW Electricity this year. The commencement of longawaited mega-dam producing 700 MW electricity after one month is expected to boost the country’s installed power generating capacity by 14%.
#ET Real Estate & Home Expo
Nearing completion on the Abay river, the $4 billion GERD is self-financed by Ethiopians with crowd funding through raising in the form of selling bond and employees contributions a portion of their incomes, will generate 5150 MW hydropower at full capacity to relieve country’s severe energy shortage.
251 Communications, with a decade of experience organizing major events for global corporations, has completed all preparations for the upcoming 4th ET Real Estate & Home Expo at the Hilton Hotel Addis Ababa.
Currently, Ethiopia has a total installed power generating capacity of about 4,967 MW. And, only about 45% of the country population has access to electricity and the figure drops to 32% in rural areas of the country.
In addition to the growing demand and niche that is fueling the real estate sector, Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopians around the world are expected to respond to the national call under the Great Ethiopian Homecoming initiative, which sees 1 million Ethiopian diaspora returning in early January 2022 home before the Ethiopian Christmas celebrations.
Once completed GERD will be the largest dam in Africa with a total volume of 10.4 million cubic meters for renewable energy.
The 4th ET Real Estate and Home Exhibition, which will officially open its doors to the public on January 1, 2021 at the Hilton Hotel Addis Ababa in the presence of officials, invited guests and media representatives, is expected to contribute to the progress that is being registered in the real estate development sector.
Source: 14
The event is expected to be a one-stop destination for meeting home, furnishing and installation needs, bringing together the country’s largest real estate and home accessories companies under one roof and providing potential home hunters with a wide range of product services and properties presents.
#best green project
#alpha post tension Alpha Post Tension PLC is a grade one specialized contractor registered in Ethiopia with extensive knowledge and experience from the Middle East equipped with a capacity to handle both bonded and unbounded post-tensioned structural designs, supplied, installed, and supervised by seasoned local professionals. They provide efficient structural solutions to building and infrastructure projects. Equipped and organized to undertake any type of posttensioning work such as post-tension slabs, beams, mat foundation, transfer slab, industrial floors, and bridges. A team of passionate structural designers and active management staff strive to provide unparalleled structural solutions to various building challenges. Post-tensioning system offers substantial savings over conventionally reinforced concrete structures in the form of architectural freedom, material reduction, simplified formwork, and reduced construction time. The system ensures structures enjoy increased column spans and reduced slab thickness decreasing the overall dead weight of buildings. Source:
Engineering News Record (ENR) admired Addis Ababa River Side Green Development Project in its Environmental friendly construction management at ENR’s Global 2021 Award of Excellence for national construction. This river improvement and public greenspace project in the capital had to forgo typical stone blasting in favor of specialized large-scale earth blasting and excavation to remove 210,000 cu m of stone to develop key areas of the park due to its sensitive location near the Prime Minister’s office, ENR said. Collaboration between Chinese and Ethiopian teams enhanced other endeavors, including a joint effort by engineers to safely transplant—using nutrient solutions, rooting and protective agents—trees and plants from a mountainous area 500 km away that were needed to create the park’s natural landscapes. The project team dug an artificial lake that is now the largest in the country. An aeolian sand antiseepage blanket secures the lake bottom.
more at: 15
ከከተማ ማህደር ከከተማ ጋር የሚያያዙ ክስተቶች ፤ ቦታዎችና ግለሰቦች የሚዳሰሱበት አምድ።
የመጀመሪያዋ መኪና በኢትዮጵያ አለም አሁን በምትገኝበት የመረጃ ወይም የዲጂታል ዘመን ከቴክኖሎጂ አንፃር የግንባር ቀደም ሚና ከሚይዙት ተዋንያን መካከል “የቴክኖሎጂ ወንጌላዊ” ወይም “technology evangelist” በመባል የሚታወቁት ግለሰቦች ናቸው። ይህ ግለሰብ ለአንድ ቴክኖሎጂ ቅቡልነት የሚያስፈልገውን ወሳኝ የሰው ሀብት ድጋፍ፣ እራሱ ተጠቅሞ በማሳየትና አርዐያ በመሆን የሚያሰባሰብና የሚገንባ ነው። እነዚህም ሰዎች በአብዛኛው በየድርጅታቸው የመሪነት ቦታንም ሲይዙ ይታያሉ። በአለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ስማቸው ከሚጠቀሱ የቴክኖሎጂ ወንጌላውያን መካከል የአፕል ኮምፒውተር መስራች ስቲቭ ጆብስ እና የኢንተርኔት አባቶች በመባል ዕውቅና ከተሰጣቸው ጀማሪዎች መካከል አንዱ የሆነው ቪንቶን ሰርፍ ይገኙበታል። በኢትዮጵያም ታሪክ ለቴክኖሎጂ መስፋፋትና ማህበረሰባዊ ቅቡልነት በመፍጠር ልክ እንደዚህ ዘመን የቴክኖሎጂ ወንጌላዊያን ከፍተኛ ሚናን ከተጫወቱ የቀድሞ መሪዎች መካከል ዋነኛና ግንባር ቀደሙ ንጉስ አፄ ምንሊክ ናቸው። ምንሊክ ቴክኖሎጂ ከአዲስ አበባ ተነስቶ ወደ መላው የኢትዮጵያ ክፍሎች የሚገኙ ዜጎችን የስራና የማህበራዊ ኑሮ በእጅጉ እንዲያቀላጥፍ በማድረግ፣ በተቃራኒው ደግሞ በወቅቱ ከህብረተሰቡ የተነሱ ጥርጣሬዎችን በቶሎ ያለመቀበል ተፅዕኖ በብልሀትና በዘዴ ተቋቁመው ቴክኖሎጂን ያስፋፉ መሪ ነበሩ። ባለፉት አምዶች ላይ ከስልክ፣ ባቡር፣ አውሮፕላን እና ቴሌቪዥን ወደ ኢትዮጵያ አመጣጥ ጋር የተያያዙ ግለሰቦችና ኩነቶችን እንዲሁም አካባቢና ኪነህንጻዎችን ስንዳስስ ቆይተናል። በተመሳሳይ በዚህ አምድ የመኪናን ወደ ኢትዮጵያ አመጣጥ እንመለከታለን። አፄ ምንሊክ ኢትዮጵያን ከ1881 ዓ.ም. እስከ 1905 ዓ.ም. በመሩባቸው በ24 ዓመታት በሰፊው ከሚታወቁበት ቅኝ ገዢ ሀይልን ያሸነፉበት የመጀመሪያው የአፍሪካ የአድዋ
ህላዊ ሰውነት በሻ ህ
( አርኪቴ ክት)
ቀደምት ከሆኑት የአዲስ አበባ መኪናዎች ውስጥ አንዷ // ከፋሲል ጊዮርጊስ: አዲስ አበባ
Ethio China friendship road
Bamacon Building 6th Floor 251 978 05 05 05 | 251 935 40 09 45 | | article
ድል በተጨማሪ የጣሉት አሻራ ኢትዮጵያን ማዘመናቸው ነው። የአድዋ ድልን ተከትሎ ከአውሮፓውያን ጋር የነበራቸው የውጭ ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ግንኙነት በመጠናከሩ በርካታ ምዕራባውያን ወደኢትዮጵያ ንግድ፣ የማዕድን ሀብትና፣ ግብርና በመፈለግ መምጣት ጀመሩ። በዚህም ወቅት ነበር የመጀመሪያዎቹ መኪኖች የአውሮፓ ጎዳናዎች ላይ እየታዩ መጡ። አጼ ምኒሊክም የአውሮፓውያን የኢንዱስትሪ ውጤቶችና ቴክኖሎጂ በኢትዮጵያ መስፋፋት እንዳለባቸው ቁርጠኛ ስለነበሩ ስልክ፣ ባቡር፣ ባንክ፣ ሰአቶች፣ መሳርያዎች፣ ፖስታ፣ ቴሌግራፍ፣ እና የመሳሰሉ በርካታ፡ የቴክኖሎጂ ፈጠራዎች በጥብቅ ክትትልና የበላይ ጠባቂነት በቤተመንግስቱና፡ በአራት ኪሎ አካባቢ በመጀመር አስተዋውቀው ማህበረሰቡ እንዲገለገልባቸው አድርገዋል። ነገር ግን እነዚህ ቴክኖሎጂዎች ወደአዲስ አበባ በገቡበት ወቅትም ከማህበረሰቡ ከፍተኛ ተቃውሞ ይገጥማቸው ስለነበር የንጉሱ ጥረት እጅግ ተፈትኖ ነበር። ምክንያቱም አንዳንዶቹ እንደ ተፈጥሮኣዊ ያልሆኑ ግዑዝ ነገር ሲቆጥሯቸው፣ ሌሎቹ ደግሞ የሰይጣን ስራ በማለት ያጣጥሏቸው ስለነበር ነው። ጊዜው 1900 ዓ.ም. ነበር። ንጉሱ መኪና ከውጭ አገር ማስመጣት እንደሚፈልጉ ለቅርብ ወዳጆቻቸውና አማካሪዎቻቸው አሳወቁ። አውሮፓውያኑም ይህንን ሰምተው ፍላጎታቸውን ቀድመው ለማሟላት አንድ በአንድ ተረባረቡ። ቢዲ ቤንትሊ የተባለ እንግሊዛዊ አጋጣሚውን መጠቀም ቻለ። አርምስትሮንግ ሲድሊ ከተባለ ኩባንያ ጋር በመስማማት፣ አስራ ስምንት የፈረስ ጉልበት ያለው መኪና በጅቡቲ በኩል በመርከብ አስገብቶ ተራራና በረሀውን እያቆራረጠ አዲስ አበባ፡ድረስ ነድቶ አስመጣ። ቤንትሊ እና ሰራተኞቹ ከኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት ከተመደበላቸው አጃቢዎች ጋር ሰባት ወራት የፈጀ ጉዞ አድርገው በመጨረሻም አራት 18
ኪሎ ቤተመንግስት ደርሰው ለአፄ ምንሊክ መኪናዋን በስጦታ አበረከቱ። ንጉሱም ከሀር የተሰራውን ጥቁር ካባቸውን ለብሰው እና ትልቁን ባርኔጣ አጥልቀው መኪናዋን ዞረው እየቃኙ ፈተሹና በመዲናዋ በተሰሩት አዲስ መንገዶች ላይ ለመንዳት እንደተዘጋጁ ተናገሩ። በመጀመሪያ ቤንትሊ ለንጉሱና በቦታው ለማየት ለተሰበሰቡት ሰዎች ሰለመኪናዋ አሰራርና ሁኔታ አጭር ገለፃ ሰጠ። አፄ ምንሊክም በጥሞና አዳመጡትና በአስተርጓሚያቸው ሆህለር አማካኝነት እንዲህ አሉት፣
“አዎ አዎ፣ ይህ ሰው [ቤንትሊን ማለታቸው ነው] እዚህ ድረስ ሊገለኝ ብሎ የመጣ አናርኪስት ግን አይመስልም። ማሽኑም እንደተነገረኝ አደገኛ አይመስልም።” ቀጠሉና “ባለፉት ወራት በየእለቱ በሚባል ሁኔታ ሰዎች መኪናዋ፡ውስጥ እንደተቀመጥኩኝ እንደምፈነዳ እየነገሩ ሊያስጠነቅቁኝ ሲሞክሩ ነበር። እኔም አረ ሞኝነት እንደሆነ ምክንያቱም መኪናዋ ውስጥ የሚነዱትም ፈረንጆች አብርውኝ እንደሚፈነዱ ስነግራቸው፣ መልሰው ‘አይ እነርሱ መጨረሻ ሰአት ላይ ከመኪናዋ ላይ ዘለው መውጣት ስለተለማመዱ እርስዎን ከማፈንዳት ይልቅ ወደ ገደል አፋፍ ነድተው ይገለብጦታል’ አሉኝ” በማለት አጼ ምንሊክ መኪናዋን ላመጡት አውሮፓውያን ስለቴክኖሎጂ ያላቸውን በራስ መተማመን በልበ ሙሉነት አስረዷቸው። በመኪናዋ ጉዞ ተጀመረ። ለመጀመሪያው ጉዞ ከቤተመንግስት ሁለት ሰዎች አብረው ከምንሊክ ጋር እንዲነዱ ተመረጡና ከግቢ እስከ አራዳ ገበያ ደርሶ መልስ ጉዞ ተጀመረ። ሁለቱ ሰዎች በድንጋጤ ሙሉ ጉዞውን በፍርሀት ተኮማትረው ደረሱ። አፄው ግን በተቃራኒው ጋቢና ላይ ከሹፌሩ ሬጂናልድ ዌልስ አጠገብ ተቀምጠው በፈገግታ ተጓዙ። የፈረስና፡ የእግረኛ አጃቢዎቻቸው እንደተለመደው ቢከተሏቸውም ወዲያው መኪናዋ ጥላቸው ፈረጠጠች። የመኪናዋ ፍጥነት ሲጨምር ንጉሱ እንደወጣትነታቸው በሳቅ እየተፍለቀለቁ ሹፌሩን የበለጠ እንዲፈጥን ነገሩት። ዌልስም እንደታዘዘው አደረገ። ንጉሱም እጅግ ተደሰቱ። አጼ ምንሊክ በ1900 ዓ.ም. በመኪና የተሳፈሩና በኋላም መንጃ ፈቃድ ኖሯቸው የነዱ የመጀመሪያው ኢትዮጵያዊ ሆኑ። ተጨማሪ መኪናዎች መምጣትና የመንገድ መሰረተ ልማት ግንባታው ጎን ለጎን መሄድ ስለነበረበት፣ አጼ ምንሊክ ከሶስት አመት ቀደም ብሎ በ1897 ዓ.ም. የመጀመሪያ የመንገድ መዳመጫ ማሽን “steam roller” ሳርኪስ ተርዚያን በተባለ ባለሙያ በኩል አስመጥተው ነበር። በዚህም ማሽን አማካኝነት
#africa CDC በሳርኪስ ተርዚያን አማካኝንት የመጣው የመጀመሪያው የመንገድ መዳመጫ ማሽን (ባቡር)
የመጀመሪያዎቹ የከተማዋ መንገዶች ተጠረጉ። በ20ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን መጀመሪያም በመዲናዋ ሶስት ዋና ዋና መንገዶች ነበሩ ሲል በወቅቱ የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪ የነበረ መራብ የተባለ አውሮፓዊ ጽፏል። የመጀመሪያው የምንሊክ ጎዳና በመባል የሚታወቀው ከዋናው ቤተመንግስት ግቢ አድርጎ በእቴጌ ጣይቱ ሆቴል በኩል ወደ አራዳ የሚሄደው መንገድ ነበር። ሁለተኛው ደግሞ መኮንን ጎዳና የሚባለው ከእንጦጦ ጎዳና (ስድስት ኪሎ አደባባይ) በመነሳት በአምስት ኪሎ አርጎ ራስ መኮንን ድልድይን አልፎ ወደ አራዳ ገበያ የሚሄደው ሲሆን፣ ሶስተኛው ጎዳና ከአራዳ ተነስቶ ወደ ደቡብ የምንሊክ ጎዳናን አቋርጦ ፍልውሀ ጋር የሚያልቀው ነበር። በተጨማሪም ሌሎች ከአራዳ ገበያ ተነስተው ወደየአቅጣጫው የሚሄዱ መጋቢ መንገዶች የነበሩ ሲሆን ለመንገዶች ስራ፡ማዘጋጃ ቤቱ የተለያዩ ስራ ተቋራጮችን በጨረታ ያወዳድር ነበር። ከጋሪ፣ በቅሎና የእግር ጉዞ ጎን ለጎን አዲስ የከተማዋን ትራንስፖርት ምህዳር የተቀላቀሉት መኪናዎችም የመንገድ መሰረተ ልማት አቅርቦት ፍላጎትን እንዲጨምር አደረጉት። ለማጠቃለል አንድ ማህበረሰብ የቴክኖሎጂ እድገትን በየትኛውም ደረጃ ለማምጣት በመጀመሪያ የባህል ዝግጅት እንደሚያስፈልገው የዘርፉ ታሪክ ተመራማሪዎች ይናገራሉ። ስለሆነም ማንኛውም ቴክኖሎጂ፣ ፈጠራና እዳዲስ አሰራር በማህበራዊና፡የስነልቦና ዝግጅት መደገፍ ይኖርበታል። የአገራት ስልጣኔም ምን ያህል ባህላቸው ከቴክኖሎጂ ለመጠቀምና ለማትረፍ ካለው ዝግጁነት ጋር ቀጥተኛ ግንኙነት እንዳለው ምሁራኑ ይገልጻሉ። አጼ ምንሊክ በጊዜአቸው በኢትዮጵያ ለአዳዲስ ቴክኖሎጂ ያለው ባህላዊ ቅቡልነት እንዲያድግ ከፍተኛ ሚና ተጫውተዋል። በተለይም ቴክኖሎጂዎቹን በአገራችን ለማስፋፋት ጥረት ሲያደርጉ ‘ከሰይጣን ጋር ተዛመዱ’ በመባል የተኮነኑበትን ሁኔታና የማህበረሰቡን አሉታዊ ተጽዕኖ ተቋቁመው ለስልክ፣ ለመኪና፣ ለቲያትር ቤትና ለመሳሰሉት ባህላዊ ቅቡልነት እንዲፈጠር ያደረጉበት ጥበብና ጽናት በኢትዮጵያ ዘመናዊነት ታሪክ ታላቅ የቴክኖሎጂ ወንጌላዊ ያደርጋቸዋል። ቸር እንሰንብት!
Africa CDC headquarters construction first phase completed. The first phase which marked 45 percent of the total construction was reached within an impressive record of 348 days. Within a construction period of less than a year, 45 percent the project is completed consuming USD 20 million out of the total budget of USD 100 million. Construction of the headquarters began in December 2020 with the project completion scheduled in 24 months. The headquarters rest in an area of 40,000 square meters. After completion the facility will house laboratories, emergency operation center and offices among others. The implementation agreement on the Africa CDC HQs building project was signed in July 2020 between the AU Commission and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. The headquarters in Addis Ababa will be finalized by early 2023. Africa CDC has a plan of building additional five Regional Collaborating Centers in Egypt, Gabon, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia in the near future.
#stolen artifacts
After a century and a half hidden in private collections, 13 stolen Ethiopian artefacts have finally returned home following months of negotiations. The items, which include an intricately latticed processional cross, a richly coloured triptych depicting Jesus’s crucifixion, and an ornate red and brass imperial shield, are part of the largest act of restitution in Ethiopia’s history, officials said. These artefacts were taken in 1868 after the battle of Maqdala between the British and Ethiopian empires. Some of the objects had been offered in an auction in Britain in June by a private seller descended from a British soldier who fought in Maqdala. Several of the objects were acquired by The Scheherazade Foundation, a cultural nonprofit organisation, and handed to the Ethiopian embassy in September. They were returned to Addis Ababa this past November 2021 and will go on display in Ethiopian museums. There are many artefacts that were looted from Maqdala, this is the first time in the country’s history to bring back looted artefacts in this quantity. Source: 20
#great Ethiopian
home coming
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called to Ethiopian Diaspora to visit home for Ethiopian Christmas (Gena) by initiating what is called 'the Great Ethiopian Home Coming Challenge' aimed at mobilizing about one million Ethiopian Diasporas to visit their country during the 2014 Christmas holiday.
THe PM wrote on twitter on 1st of December "As the Ethiopian Christmas Holiday is upon us, Ethioians in the Diaspora take the challenge to come home for Christmas. 1 Million DIaspora by 7 January 2022."
The Ethiopian airlines is also expected to offer its passengers a holiday discount of upto 30% for Christmas season travlers to Ethiopia.
It is estimated that over 3 million Ethiopians live outside of their country, particularly in North America, Europe and the Middle East.
#digital economy forum
#lake wonchi At the 24th General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, held in Madrid, Spain, Lake Wonchi was chosen as the best tourist site of 2021. Lake Wonchi, southwest of Shoa in the Oromia region, has been selected as the first of 170 tourist sites. It’s situated at the base of an extinct volcano, is the beautiful legacy of a once-powerful volcano erupting in the Tertiary period of the Cenozoic Era. Prime Minister Abiy pronounced in relation to the scheme, Wenchi Crater Lake is a piece of paradise on earth owing to its breathtaking landscape and beautiful scenic areas. The place that had the most powerful volcanoes once has blessed it now with a lot of natural endowments, hot springs, and waterfalls among others. The site, because it is located in the closest destination to the capital and the construction of Ambo-Woliso gravel road, Wenchi Lake is becoming a favorable weekend destination for residents of nearby cities including Addis Ababa. Source:
Ministry of Innovation and Technology announced that Ethiopia will host the 17th African Digital Economy Forum in 2022. State Minister for Innovation and Technology, Mrs. Huria Ali has discussed with UN UnderSecretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, Liu Zhenmin in Poland on preparations for the forum to take place in Ethiopia next year. On the occasion, the UnderSecretary-General noted the taking place of the forum in Ethiopia will have a paramount importance in addressing bottlenecks in expansion of internet infrastructure and service in Africa. State Minister Huria Ali, for her part, said that it is possible to enhance the digital technology sector in Africa if all the necessary support are provided for the countries of the continent commending the importance of the forum in doing so. The 16th African Digital Economic Forum took place in Poland.
Source: 21
Red Door Apartments RAAS Architects
Article > Rahel Shawl RASS Team
The dense and socially active neighborhoods of Addis Ababa are melting pots for multitudes of buildings which are reflecting the culture, art and social trends of the society. One can see different types of architecture in the neighborhoods or “sefers” constructed in different types, styles and building materials reflecting also the position of the residents’ social status in society. This makes the city’s “sefers” very distinctly diverse from place to place but also brings a heterogeneous and eclectic mix to the city’s urban fabric.
The Red Door is one such addition to the fabric of the city, a project located in Kirkos Kifle Ketema where previously single story but high density residential building typologies are found. The new building code and development strategy with the goal to have density and mixed use residences in the inner city required that the project had to be a minimum of 6 floors with a certain floor area ratio allowed. This meant that as the first mid-rise building in this area it also had in a way a responsibility for paving the way for new such investors in this location; hopefully a quality building that would then serve as inspiration to the future developments. Situated on a 750m2 plot of land, the RED DOOR building was to be constructed on a plot of land a few hundred meters inwards from the recently unveiled road stretching from Washington roundabout to Bulgaria junction. featured
The Red Door Apartment and Gallery was primarily a heartfelt project launched by the Client Ato Salahadin Khalifa on land that was his family home, a special place that his family thrived and his kids grew up on. Even though Ato Salahadin is heard describing it jokingly as an
Ground Floor Plan Courtesy of RASS Architects
effect of “empty nest syndrome” it allowed him to create a project where he injected his energy and time to collect resources and work closely with the selected design and building team. With this goal of placing a “special” project on the family land, the client set out to look for the right partners to realize his goals and dreams. The journey and collaboration thus began; the client respecting his memories of place; the design team crafting this space of memory where families will continue to thrive and the contractors to build a bespoke project that spoke of quality in construction. A professional team was selected: RAAS Architects as lead design in collaboration with their engineering consultants and eventually Mafer as the construction partner. The architects took into consideration the location of the building and with the wishes and desires of the Client, set out to help define the terms of reference. It took the client featured
First & Third Floor Plans Courtesy of RASS Architects
and the architects team considerable time to study and develop the design brief, making sure that the Client had time to understand what his needs and desires were. Meetings after meetings were held before any concept was developed as the team understood early on the necessity of this “coming to a mutual understanding” phase of the design process until ideas were well refined. The concept design was then developed by the architects in close consultation with the Client. The idea of the interlocking stack of blocks was developed to best connect the indoor spaces with the outdoors taking advantage of the site being located at a road corner junction. Even though the narrow streets seemed a constraint at first, in the end this became the basis of the design thought for the architects. The juxtaposition of the exteriors allowed plenty of light and ventilation to come through the continuous balconies from these street fronts to most of the 28
Second & Fourth Floor Plans Courtesy of RASS Architects
building interiors. In addition to the functional idea, the use of interlocking boxes of intruding-extruding forms define the individuality of the spaces within creating excitement to all areas, while also enjoying a playful façade in the exterior. The Red Door Building is a B+G+7 story development comprising 13 units of apartments with different One, Two and Three Bedroom Typologies, including a generous Penthouse. It has allowed for a spacious lobby space on the ground floor with a small spa facility for the residents in the back and some space for parking. The basement floor is presently used for the Red Door Gallery including some storage spaces. The rooftop terrace serves as a communal area where the residents of the building gather for a peaceful contemplation space and get-togethers. Enveloped in green areas and vertical gardens, this floor is suspended over the neighborhood and gives a beautiful vista over the city and the mountains beyond. featured
As the architects’ driving philosophy portrays… We design excellence because We Care!
The interior spaces are carefully designed in a way that no apartments face each other for the purpose of privacy while getting maximum amount of daylight resulting in an interesting floor layout. The extensions of the living rooms to the narrow verandas on each side allow the spaces for greenery to connect with nature and the beautiful vistas, while canopies are used for protection of the interiors from harsh sunlight. Together with the open plan concept of the interior living spaces, the apartments give a light feeling with contemporary simplicity. The interior is rendered with white, pastels and cement colored pigments, which gives it a unique touch of simplicity and softness combined. Light furnishing and decorative materials together with carefully selected artwork and greenery complete the beauty of the internal spaces. The placement and proportion of the windows renders a beautiful 30
effect on both the exterior and the interior of the building. Residents can experience the views from their homes in different scales; windows with smaller fenestrations and openings allow for a “framed vista” while larger and distinctive openings allow for an open and vast outlook towards the surrounding. Since the apartments are combinations of “with balcony” and “without balcony” options, the rooftop is dedicated as a communal space for the residents. The generous layout of the terrace features panoramic 180-degree views of skylines and the cityscape around them. Covering approximately the whole roof area, this terrace delivers not only views but also a great space to accommodate a vibrant social lifestyle. The terrace features a wall of vertical garden populated by succulents, featured
cactus and flowering species which significantly softens the strong wall of the elevator shaft adding a distinct character to a space that encourages social interactions. The finishing materials were carefully chosen by the professional team together with the Client and sourced from within the country while most finishing products were imported from abroad. Quality of material was important to set the standard in all respects of architecture, MEP, interior design and furnishing. The architectural design is experienced by mixing the use of local materials including exposed concrete finishes for internal wall areas, floor finishes as well as window sills and decorative wall renders. The use of concrete mixed with other elements gives spaces a most pleasing fresh perspective and materiality while showing the potential and power of raw concrete as a finishing material. All window frames are made from imported aluminum profiles while flooring is mostly made from imported tiles of porcelain and laminated wood. Waterproofing solutions from local sources were used for roof and balcony exposed areas while a water repellent solution was applied to the external rendered facade to prevent penetration of water to the interiors.
As a building recently completed in the city, the Red Door has successfully combined elements of contemporary architecture with place; simplicity, beauty and lightness. With its bold colors mixed with nature and greens, it has integrated contemporary living with Ethiopian palettes to be a striking landmark in its neighborhood. A Clients’ dream with a design and construction team dedicated to creating excellence can be taken as a testimony of how architecture can have the power to lead change. The whole process took around 5 years to complete, but hard work, dedication and the resilience to stay focused on creativity and excellence can be considered as the primary success of the project.
Section Courtesy of RASS Architects
Architectural Design Team: Rahel Shawl Melat Asrat Elnathan Bizuneh Wubet Teklewold 34
Client: Architect: Structural Design: featured
Ato Salahadin Khalifa RAAS Architects AEE/GTCE
Sanitary Mechanical: Electrical Design: Contractor:
SanMech Consult Fastek Consult Mafer Plc 35
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ያ’ዲስ አበባ ሴቶች የት እየሸኑ ነው? ያዲስ አበባ ሴቶች የት እየሸኑ ነው? መቼስ የተፈጥሮ ህግ ነውና በቀን ውሏችን ቢያንስ አንዴ የመፀዳጃ ቤት ሳንጎበኝ አንውልም። እንዲህ ከሆነ ታዲያ ለሴቶችም ሆነ ለወንዶች በቂ የመፀዳጃ ስፍራ በከተማችን አዲስ አበባ ማስፈለጉ አያጠራጥርም። ነገር ግን በቂ የመፀዳጃ ስፍራ የሌላት ከተማችን በብዛት የወንዶችን ሽንት በየመንገዱ ስታስተናግድ፣ ሴቶች የት እየሸኑ እንደሆነ ግር ቢላት አይደንቅም። ታዲያ “የአዲሳ’ባ ሴቶች ሆይ የት እየሸናችሁ ነው፤ እስኪ ወንዶቹንም ምሩልን”። ነገር ግን ይህን ጠይቀን ሳናበቃ በከተማዋ በብዙ ህንፃዎች ውስጥ የተዘጉት የሴቶች መፀዳጃ ክፍሎች ይወቅሱናል። ሴቶች ታዲያ በቂ የመፀዳጃ ስፍራ ኖሯቸው ሳይሆን እንዲያው የተፈጥሮ ነገር ቢከለክላቸው ከከተማዋ ሁኔታ ጋር እራሳቸውን አጣጥመው ስለኖሩ እንጂ ስለተመቻቸው እንዳልሆነ ግልፅ ነው። ስለዚህም ለወንዶች መንገድ ላይ መሽናት መስፋፋት በቂ የመፀዳጃ ስፍራ ማነስ ሳይሆን በማህበረሰባችን ውስጥ ሰርጎ የገባው ቸልተኝነት በዋናነት ተጠያቂ ሳይሆን አይቀርም።
መ ነ ፅ ር፤
ታዲያ የወንዶችን በየመንገዱ ላይ መሽናት እንዴት ተቀበልነው? እንዴት የሚሸናው ሰው ሳያፍር መንገደኛው እያፈረ ዘወር ይል ጀመረ?
የከተማዋን ጎዳናዎች በሽንት ያረጥቧታል። “አጥር ላይ የሸና ይሸነሸናል መንገድ ላይ መሽናት ያስቀጣል”
አንድ አዲስ አበባ የመጡ ባለ’ሀገር ከተማውን ሲዞሩ ውለው፣ ግብዣቸውን አጣጥመው ካመሹ በኋላ መፀዳጃ ቤት ይፈልጋሉ። ፈልገው ቢያጡ “አዲስ አበባማ ካበላ ያሳራ ፀደቀ!” አሉ ይባላል።
ወንዶች ሽንታቸው ምን ይህል ሲያስቸግራቸው መንገድ ላይ ለመሽናት እንደሚመርጡ መለካት ቢቻል እንዴት መልካም ነበር።
አንድ ሰካራም በአንድ ምሽት አቡነ ጴጥሮስ ሃውልት ላይ ‘አንት ድንጋይ’ እያለ ሲሸና ከእውቁ ገጣሚ ፀጋዬ ገብረ መድህን ጋር ይገጣጠማል። ድርጊቱም ‘ጴጥሮስ ያችን ሰዓት’ የተሰኘ ግጥሙን ሎሬቱ እንዲተይብ መንስኤ ሆነው። ሰካራሙ ሽንቱን ሳይሸናበት ሀውልቱን እየተሳደበ ቢሆን ኖሮ ገጣሚው ቁጭቱ ይህን ያህል ይቀሰቀስ ነበር? ወይስ በዝምታ ሽንቱን ቢሸና ገጣሚው ያልፈው ነበር? ሀውልቱ ላይ ሽንት መሽናት ያን ያህል ብስጭት ከቀሰቀሰ በቀን በቀን በምንመላለስበት መንገዶቻችን ላይ መሽናት እንዴት ሳያበሳጨን ቀረ? ጊዜ ተቀይሮ፣ የኑሮ አዚሟ ከብዶ ማስተዋል አቅቶን ነውን? ቸል አልን፣ በቸልታችንም ተመርኩዞ ሰካራሙም ሽንቱ የወጠረውም ጎረምሳ
ብዙሃኑ መንገድ ላይ ሽንታቸውን የሚሸኑ ወንዶች ሽንታቸውን መቆጣጠር ሲከብዳቸው ይሆን መንገድ ላይ ለመሽናት የሚገደዱት? ወይንስ መንገድ ላይ መሽናትን እንደ አንድ ሁነኛ አማራጭ መቁጠራቸው ነው ያን ያህል ሽንታቸው ሳያስቸግራቸው ለድርጊቱ የሚገፋፉት? ‘መሽናት ያስቀጣል’ ብሎ ከመፃፍ ይልቅ የተለያዩ ድርጊቱን የሚኮንኑ ምስሎችንአጥር ላይ ማድረግ ‘መንገድ ላይ መሽናትን‘ ይከላከል ይሆን? መሽናትን ከሚከለክሉ ጥቅሶች ይልቅ ሃሳብ የሚጭሩ ምስሎች ለከተማችን መልስይዘው ይመጡ ይሆን? የምስል ጥበብ ጉልበቱ በዚህ የከተማ ላይ ተሞክሮ የሚፈተሽ ይሆናል።
በጥበብ በአደባባይ የጎዳና ጥበብ ዝግጅት ላይ በመሳተፍ አዲስ የጎዳና ላይ ጥበብ ቡድን በአራት የተመረጡ የከተማችን ጎዳናዎች ላይ መሽናትን የሚከለክሉ ጥቅሶችን በማደስ በምስል በመደገፍ ሰዎች ከእነዚህ ምስሎች ጋር ካላቸው ስሜታዊ ትስስር የተነሳ ከድርጊታቸው ይቆጠቡ ይሆን በማለት የጎዳና ጥበብን በአዲስ መልኩ ይፈትሻል። መልሱ ግን እርሶ አንባቢው ምስሎቹ ባሉበት ጎዳናዎች ላይ የሚመለከቱት እውነታ ይሆናል። በአንድ ምሽት አጋጣሚ ሆኖ ስልክ ለማናገር ከክፍሌ መስኮት ወጣ ብዬ እያለሁ ሁለት ጎረምሶች የሰፈር መንገድ ላይ መኪናቸውን አቁመው ወርደው ይንጎራደዳሉ። አቅራቢያው ወዳለው መጠጥ ቤት ያመራሉ ብዬ ስጠብቅ አንደኛው አላየኝም ነበርና አጥራችን ላይ ወዳሉ አትክልቶች ማጎብደድ ጀመረ። ወዲያውኑ ነገሩ ስላልገባኝ በዝምታ ስመለከት ቆይቼ ሊሸና እንደሆነ ስረዳ ግን ስልኬን ማቋረጥ ግድ ሆነብኝ። “ኸረ ወንድም መኖሪያ ቤት ነው፤ ተመለስ!” ስለው መለስ ብሎ ብዙም ሳይርቅ ተሰርቶ ወዳላለቀ የጎረቤት ቤት አጥር አመራ። እራቅም አይል እያልኩ
ሳስብ ጓደኛው ከጅምሩ ትንሽ ራቅ ብሎ እየሸና “እዚም አይቻልም እንዳትይ ብቻ፤ እ..እ” ይላል። “እሱ ይሄን ያህል ደፍሮ ከቤቴ ፊት ለፊት ሲሸና እኔ እንዴት የመከልከል ጉልበት ያንሰኛል?” ብዬ እያሰብኩ በአግራሞት ብቻ ወደ ቤቴ ውስጥ ተመለስኩ። አንድ ቀን በቅርቡ ማለትም ህዳር 2013 ውስጥ መሆኑ ነው ግዮን መናፈሻ ከስራ ሰዓቴ በኋላ ትንሽ አረፍ ለማለት ገብቼ እንዲያው ስዘዋወር የአንድ ጥበቃ ድርጊት ቀልቤን ሳበው። መኪኖች ከሚያቆሙበት አስፋልት ወደ ጀርባ ሄዶ ሽንቱን ሲሸና ተመለከትኩት። ከአንድ መልካም ጉደኛዬ ጋር ነበርኩና ሁኔታው ሳቄን አመጣው። ለምን ሳኩ? እንዴት ‘ሳር አይርገጡ’ እየተባለ በተለጠፈበት የመናፈሻ ቦታ ጥበቃው ደቂቃዎችን ተራምዶ ሽንቱን መፀዳጃ ቤት መሽናት ያቅተዋል? እንዴት?
አዲስ የጎዳና ላይ ጥበብ ቡድን በ2013 ለሚካሄደው የጥበብ በአደባባይ የጥበብ ዝግጅት በአዲስ አበባ ላይ የሚታየውን የ’መንገድ ላይ መሽናት’ ልምድ ፈጠራ በተሞላ መልኩ በመቃኘት ድርጊቱን እንድንጠይቅ ያደርገናል። የጎዳና ጥበብ መንገደኞችን የሚስብ እና የሚማርክ አንድ አንዴም እራሳቸውን እንዲጠይቁ የሚያደርግ የጥበብ ዘርፍ ሲሆን መንገደኞችን ያለምንም ቅድመ ክፍያ እንዲሁም የጊዜ ገደብ የጥበቡ ትታዳሚ እንዲሆኑ ያደርጋል። ታዲያ ከተማችን በተለያዩ የጎዳና ላይ ምስሎች እያሸበረቀች ባለችበት ጊዜ፣ በየአጥሩ የተፃፉ ‘መንገድ ላይ መሽናትን’ የሚከለክሉ ጥቅሶችን እንደ አንድ የጎዳና ላይ ገፅታዎች ቆጥረን፤ የከተማዋ የኑሮ ውጤት የፈጠራቸው እውነታዎች እንደሆኑ ተረድተን ብናጠናቸው ምን ይነግሩናል በማለት ከጎዳና ጥበብ መድቧቸው ቡድኑ እነዚህን ፅሁፎች ሲያጠና ሰነባብቷል። ይህንንም ተከትሎ ከ መነፅር ጋር በመተባበር ስለ_ከተማ፡ ጥያቄ በማለት የከተማዎን ጎዳናዎች እውነታ የሆነውን መንገድ ላይ የመፀዳዳትን ልማድ ይፈትሻል። ‘መልሱን ባጣው ጥቃቄውን እስክፈታው’ እንዲሉ፤ ስለ_ከተማ’ችን እንጠይቃለን።
05 Masonry
04 Formwork
03 Rebar
02 Cement
01 Earthwork
Earthwork and Related
Anchor Foundation Specialist Meseret Foundation Midroc Foundation My Wish Enterprise Ries Engineering Wave Businesses
+251 978 05 05 05 +251 911 22 04 36 +251 114 42 18 76 +251 930 47 04 36 +251 114 42 11 33 +251 911 52 50 72
Capital Cement Dangote Cement Derba Cement Ethio Cement Habesha Cement Messebo Cement Mugher Cement National Cement
+251 922 07 96 25 +251 116 63 42 01 +251 115 54 98 88 +251 111 55 92 52 +251 114 16 32 73 +251 115 58 17 58 +251 114 42 14 80 +251 114 40 14 95
Abyssinia Integrated Steel C&E Brothers Steel Factory Kality Metal Products Factory East Steel EKOS Steel Mill Steely RMI Sentinel Steel Walya Steel Industries
+251 930 29 40 25 +251 947 63 63 63 +251 114 34 01 10 +251 118 35 07 50 +251 910 82 26 84 +251 911 23 77 54 +251 930 11 02 44 +251 911 54 74 58
Great Abyssinia HIYA GC Scaffolding Kasma Engineering Keasada General Trading Leed Building Technology Kality Metal Products Factory Leed Building Technology Tesfaye & Family Wood work
+251 115 51 22 74 +251 911 61 63 21 +251 911 20 05 21 +251 111 75 43 46 +251 911 51 76 98 +251 114 34 01 10 +251 911 51 76 98 +251 910 52 53 57
Addis Block Production S.C Bole Bulbula Construction Stone Capital Block Factory KAT Gypsum Block FKT Hydraform Mutayran Building Blocks Factory
+251 114 43 14 56 +251 116 52 04 50 +251 933 14 35 23 +251 966 68 67 09 +251 930 070945 +251 912 60 81 70
ASAL B & C Aluminum German Aluminum Huajia Aluminum Industry Sador Aluminum Sets General Trading Tracon Trading
+251 113 71 87 51 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 114 66 79 94 +251 115 51 79 99 +251 911 21 07 07 +251 911 22 50 82
Fortune Enterprise Leed Building Technology S.M. Bamnif Impex Wanza Waryt Kidus Markos
Al Op
06 Steel Profiles
07 Aluminum
+251 114 39 58 10 +251 911 22 26 71 +251 +251 938 29 99 99 +251 911 20 25 13 +251 911 20 73 30 +251 911 51 48 11
08 Openings
AARTI DH Geda Steel Factory Ethiopian Steel GEC Steel Manufacturing HAST Enterprize KOSPI Woda Metal Industry Yegna Trading
+251 930 47 04 36 +251 911 21 98 21 +251 911 20 05 35 +251 911 20 97 82
Ab-ham Enterprizes Eastern Insulation Company Hertalan Sika Abyssinia Danko Waterproofing
+251 912 60 00 05 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 116 62 53 25 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 922 566022 +251 923 98 29 73 +251 930 50 50 50
AR Stone Trading Ethio-Ceramics Elegant Leed Building Technology MBI Sapphire Dimensional Stone Stone King WOW Home Store
09 Moisture
Moisture protection and Thermal insulation
10 Finishing
supplier lis
+251 116 67 35 62 +251 116 63 81 58 +251 938 17 17 17 +251 948 29 83 42 +251 91 1 20 83 77 +251 113 20 6435 +251 118 22 95 75 +251 943 00 00 03
11 Paint 12 Sanitary 13 Electrical 14 Mechnanical 15 Security 44
Pa Sn El Mc Ss
Abay Esdee Adulis Bright Paint Factry Dani Granite Dill DH Geda Zemilli Paint Factory Kadisco Nifas Silk Wasse Granite Tsehay Granite
+251 114 67 28 67 +251 920 34 35 02 +251 930 03 38 94 +251 966 26 26 26 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 116 63 81 58 +251 114 39 10 37 +251 115 51 04 82 +251 944 96 96 96 +251 906 31 31 31
Ab plast Jaquar Group Kast Lesso Modern Pipe Manufacturing Roto Rifeng TAD Trading WOW Home Store
+251 116 29 34 94 +251 948 47 47 47 +251 911 21 45 78 +251 966 20 51 51 +251 935 40 90 50 +251 912 21 16 21 +251 116 66 09 71 +251 116 63 30 29 +251 930 40 40 40
BMET Chint - Omicron Engineering Dama Trade Electric World Euro Cable Equatorial Business Group Mujib Commercial Center Romel General Trading WOW Home Store
+251 116 62 09 32 +251 114 39 00 43 +251 911 48 86 30 +251 111 57 15 27 +251 114 42 49 55 +251 911 51 48 11 +251 911 52 34 93 +251 930 40 40 40
Air conditioning and related products Ab-ham Enterprizes Cleantech Energy Electromechanical Dama Trade General Power Harvey Roofing Solution
+251 930 47 04 36 +251 118 61 21 84 +251 936 01 23 26 +251 911 51 45 12 +251 115 50 39 43
Security System and Related Products Africa Fire FIghting Edna Mall HTS Efsec Fisscom Engineering Hassen Business Group iSense Technologies Trust Protection
+251 115 15 83 18 +251 912 50 77 77 +251 911 20 80 41 +251 911 12 09 89 +251 91 1 22 05 76 +251 911 50 82 28 +251 911 14 41 81
Alpha Furniture Deluxe Furniture Design Republic Home Depo Kidus Markos Furniture Leed Building Technology Wanza Furnishings Industries Waryt Furniture WOW Home Store
+251 113 72 96 48 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 116 62 53 25 +251 911 24 78 84 +251 911 06 94 59 +251 113 72 05 55 +251 116 62 48 01
Wood & Carpentery Products Addis Home Depot Ethio-Ceramics Elegant Home Base Wood Works Kitchen World MBI Orlando Maroli Family
16 Conveying 17 Facade/Glass 18 Furniture
+251 979 42 66 42 +251 113 72 86 67 +251 115 53 86 23 +251 113 72 96 48 +251 911 22 50 82 +251 91 1 51 76 98 +251 911 48 86 30 +251 911 21 07 07 +251 930 20 20 20
19 Carpentry
+251 114 39 58 10 ASAL +251 938 84 94 94 Andenet Glass Technology +251 930 03 33 73 Danpal +251 911 25 02 92 Eros Gass +251 911 40 79 94 Hansom International +251 911 51 46 26 Melmos Glass +251 911 60 90 35 Saint-Gobain +251 115 55 77 55 Tafeseha General Glass +251 112 59 32 96 Tefera Seyoum Glass
20 Speciality
supplier lis
+251 911 51 56 70 Axel Elevator +251 911 48 86 30 Africa Elevator +251 114 39 00 43 Dan Technocraft +251 911 50 30 00 Hyundai +251 929 133 553 Otis +251 113 72 0172 Schindler +251 111 26 23 76 F&M Trading
Chemicals and Admixtures
+251 114 67 39 15 +251 930 10 98 93 +251 113 67 97 48 +251 984 60 60 60
Afro Chemicals MC Bauchemie SIKA Abyssinia Vittorio Chemical Industries
+251 941 92 92 92 +251 938 38 38 38 +251 91 1 51 90 42 +251 939 20 00 00
Accurate Ready-mix Concrete Bamacon Ready-mix concrete Dugda Ready-mix concrete On Time Ready-mix concrete
Ready-Mix Concrete
12/pcs 15.50/pcs 17/pcs
1300/pc 1100/pcs 110/pcs 200/pcs
40x20x18cm 40x20x24cm
15.50/pcs 17.50/pcs
24x12x6cm 24x12x6cm
Brick Normal Brick-SOLID
11/pcs 13/pcs
350/pcs 400/pcs 150/kg 150/kg
20x10x1.5mm 30x10x1.5mm 30x20x2mm 40x20x2mm 50x30x2mm 60x40x2mm 70x50x2mm 80x40x2mm 100x60x2mm 120x80x3mm
85/m 140/m 220/m 246/m 320/m 366/m 583/m 466/m 760/m 850/m
706/bar 820/bar 884/bar 2182/bar 248/bar 1661/bar 1808/bar 994/bar 1999/bar 518/bar
20x20x1.5mm 30x30x2mm 30x30x3mm 40x40x2mm 50x50x2mm 50x50x3mm 60x60x2mm 60x60x3mm 80x80x3mm 100x100x3mm
108/m 250/m 333/m 292/m 400/m 535/m 466/m 700/m 745/m 983/m
940/bar 818/bar 316/bar 318/bar 1460/bar 1269/bar 1237/bar 440/bar 293/bar 985/bar
Ø18x1mm Ø20x1mm Ø20x1.5mm Ø22x1.5mm Ø28x1.5mm Ø30x1.5mm Ø38x2mm Ø38x3mm Ø50x1.5mm Ø100x2mm
90/m 100/m 120/m 122/m 230/m 240/m 267/m 325/m 247/m 520/m
500/m2 460/m2 700/m2 500/m2 900/m2 640m2 1200/m2 720m2 1300/m2 2950/m2
Yellow Plywood 18mm Normal Plywood 18mm Euclyptus Ø60mm/4m Euclyptus Ø100mm+/8m CIS - Corrugated Iron Sheet G-35 - Akaki G-35 - KOSPI Nail 60mm - 12mm Concrete Nail L - Profile T - Profile Z - Profile Corner 90 Ferma 155-Midrail 155-Kickplate T-Compensation Structural - T Inverter
Deformed Bar
40x20x10cm 40x20x15cm 40x20x20cm
Imported Ø6mm Imported Ø8mm Imported Ø10mm Imported Ø12mm Imported Ø14mm Imported Ø16mm Imported Ø20mm Imported Ø24mm Imported Ø30mm Imported Ø32mm
90/kg 82/kg 82/kg 81/kg 82/kg 82/kg 81/kg 82/kg 83/kg 83/kg
Slide Frame Slide Shatter Slide Cup 40*20*1mm - RHS End - Mullion Center Mullion Transome Pressure Plate Cup H
3mm 3mm 4mm 4mm 5mm 5mm 6mm 6mm 3+3mm 10mm
Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Laminated Tempered
Cement Masonry Steel Profiles 46
Dangote OPC 700/Qnt PPC 510/Qnt Derba OPC 630/Qnt PPC 530/Qnt Ethio OPC - - - /Qnt PPC 470/Qnt Habesha OPC - - - /Qnt PPC 480/Qnt Muger OPC 720/Qnt PPC 510/Qnt
materials materials
#ሑለት እርምጃ
#ሑለት እርምጃ
Super Emulsion Perfex Acrylic Emulsion Weather Guard - Clear Tuff Floor Emulsion Textured Paints (Quartz)
1330/25kg Textura Sparol 2385/4kg Epoxy Primer 800/kg Epoxy Primer Hardener 3500/4kg Epoxy Top Coat 1650/2kg Epoxy Top Coat Hardener 3300/3kg Epoxy Clear Top Coat 1650/kg Epoxy Clear Top Coat Hardner 2400/3kg Epoxy Wall Paint 800/kg Epoxy Wall Paint Hardner 600/kg Epoxy Solid Color Paste
Super Fine 0 - 0.5mm Travertine 0 - 0.2mm
Quartz Super White
Wires 1*1.5 1*2.5 1*4 Cables 2*1.5 2*2.5 3*4 TV Data Switches One-way Two-way
1050/25kg 1050/25kg 1200/25kg 1200/25kg 1250/25kg 873/100m 1448/100m 2144/100m 2576/100m 4042/100m 8434/100m 1100/100m 1508/100m 75/pcs 300/pcs
Sockets Ø65 6x10 TV Ø65 6x10 Data Ø65 6x10 Distribution x 4 SDB x 6breaker SDB x 8breaker SDB x 12breaker SDB
90/pcs 250/pcs 106/pcs 382/pcs 333/pcs 470/pcs 120/pcs 150/pcs 230/pcs 280/pcs
Breakers (1Ph) 6Amp 10Amp 16Amp 25Amp Breakers (3Ph) 6Amp 10Amp 16Amp 25Amp Conduits FØ16mm RØ16mm RØ19mm
230/pcs 196/pcs 196/pcs 196/pcs 552/pcs 518/pcs 518/pcs 518/pcs 10/pcs 25/pcs 25/pcs
150/pcs 200/pcs 250/pcs 270/pcs 102/pcs 370/pcs 600/pcs 1150/pcs 1800/pcs 100/pcs
4m Pipe
6m Pipe
Graffiti 1.8-2.5mm Fine 0 - 1mm
340/gln 660/gln 850/gln 5200/25kg
300/ml 300/ml 300/ml 300/ml 275/ml 35/ml 300/ml 300/pcs 300/pcs 300/pcs
Granite Counter Top Riser Thread Sill Skirting Ceramic PVC Wood Dry Board Gypsum Magnesium Cement
198/m HDPEØ20 Roll 205/m HDPEØ25 210/m HDPEØ32 75/pcs HDPEØ20 Elbow 120/pcs HDPEØ25 Elbow 150/pcs HDPEØ32 Elbow 500/pcs GalvanizedØ15 700/pcs GalvanizedØ20 1150/pcs GalvanizedØ25 2200/pcs GalvanizedØ50 (4m) (Australia) Timber 300/pcs 5x4cm 640/pcs 5x7cm 700/pcs 5x10cm 2100/pcs 5x30cm (122x244) MDF 600/pcs 6mm 650/pcs 8mm 700/pcs 10mm 830/pcs 12mm 950/pcs 18mm
Finishing Paint - Abay Esdee
Porcelain Tile 30x30 450/m2 30x60 750/m2 60x60 750/m2 Parquet Bamboo 1400/m2 HDF 700/m2 PVC Tile 30x30 350/m2 Roll Marble White 300/ml Harar 300/ml Sill 300/ml
Jelaram Esdee Manufacturing PLC
Gofa, Infront of Gaky Honda Showroom, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
251 922 45 25 63 / 65 / 66 | 251 910 47 97 81 | 251 912 19 90 93
materials |
Founded by professionals who were convinced that the profession and industry deserved better; Ketema aspires to create one of the most compelling architectural publications in Ethiopia and the continent. The construction industry suffers from a clutter of information which merely focuses on stories and projects with little or no significant impact on the practice of the professionals & livelihood of citizens filled with political rhetoric disguised as a means to manipulate the public’s opinion. From a professional point of view, we believe we are in desperate need for a genuine content which has the power to inspire about change, presented with quality and due reverence for the profession. Our magazine reveals ever present yet undiscovered ideas and projects to the industry / professional with exclusive news, product and supplier information bi-monthly.
Happy New Year! • 2022 •
B & C ALUMINUM PLC Bole Medhanialem, B&C Aluminum Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
251 116 62 79 00 / 251 116 63 80 46 / 251 116 63 80 47 | |