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360 Underwriting Solutions
360 Underwriting Solutions is an agency led by high-profi le insurance professionals. The team are dedicated to the provision of specialist insurance solutions for brokers and their customers.
IN ITS fi ve short years in business, 360 Underwriting Solutions has gone from strength to strength. Founders Denis Morrissey and Chris Lynch are responsible for leading the general and commercial business with a passion for service, culture and growth.
Since acquiring the 360 Commercial product and team from the AUB Group in 2017, 360 has since come full circle to partner with AUB in 2020, adding the additional agencies of bus and coach, plant and equipment and Fleetsure to its expanded suite of 14 business lines in Australia.
As a part of its investment in technology, 360 had an opportunity to partner with eSentry Technologies in 2019 and launched its 360 Compass Web Portal after this. The portal delivers an online quote-and-bind platform interface for cyber, construction, mobile plant and farm products – and, more recently, quick construct and landlords. It delivers increased speed, e ciency and performance. Along with a superior intuitive user experience, 360 Compass provides a simpler system for brokers and processing team members. Further product integration is imminent across plant and equipment, commercial/fl eet motor, and accident and health products.
To have achieved so much in just fi ve years demonstrates the ability of 360’s directors to attract talented underwriters, instil confi dence in security providers, and drive growth through long-standing and valuable broker relationships.
Highly regarded for its underwriting expertise and insurance-servicing capabilities in the Australian market, 360 provides underwriters with the independence to make decisions, and coverage within each major capital city. This ensures education and training is being delivered to brokers on product benefi ts, systems, and underwriting questions. The combination of personal relationships and on-the-ground support sets 360 apart in the Australian agency market.
Morrissey and Lynch are committed to creating a set of values that anchor the business to its brokers and their clients, delivering genuine value to both.
ONE OF the more recent additions to the 360 team, Leanne Angell joined the company in late 2021, adding further depth and breadth to what is already a stellar pool of insurance talent.
The creation of the new chief technical o cer position demonstrates 360’s commitment to delivering stability for both brokers and partners. The investment increases its capability to manage the performance of each product, enabling sensible and timely decisions supported by data and analytical insights.
Angell’s 30-plus years of experience in the industry across portfolio, pricing and underwriting management, customer research and strategy make her an ideal lead for the team. She is committed to, and passionate about, protecting the reputation of the industry by supporting the development of sustainable businesses to deliver value to clients and stakeholders alike.
In line with the 360 ethos of providing ‘solutions clients want’ with ‘service they expect’ from ‘people they know’, Angell is better known in the industry as Leanne Stagnitta – a long-time executive at IAG and Allianz and a convert to the role of underwriting agencies, with experience at Finity Consulting thrown in. Angell is working hard to support 360’s ongoing provision of quality insurance products and service with e ciency and fl exibility where it counts. She thrives in fast-paced and diverse environments so will fi t right in at 360.
360 Commercial • Asset, business income, crime and liability protection 360 Mid-Market Property • ISR, unoccupied and EPS risks (soon to be released) 360 Commercial Motor • New fl eet motor o ering • Optional roadside assistance coverage 360 Accident & Health • Personal accident and sickness (group, individual and journey) • Voluntary workers • Corporate travel • Expat/inpat medical expenses • Loss of licence 360 Aviation • Fixed and rotor wing hull and liability • Infrastructure risks 360 Cyber • Free Avast security 360 Farm & Regional • Farm insurance 360 Landlords • Property, loss of rent, legal liability and tenant default 360 Construction & Engineering • Contract works and liability coverage • Residential owner-builders 360 Quick Construct • Annual, project-specifi c and ownerbuilder construction insurance Plant & Equipment • Mobile plant and machinery • Civil contractors’ insurance Australian Bus & Coach • Bus proprietors’ motor vehicle, depot and liability coverage options Fleetsure • Commercial and heavy machinery motor vehicle fl eets Anchorage Marine • Pleasurecraft and commercial hull insurance