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ARAG Services Australia
ARAG Services Australia is a before-the-event legal expense insurance provider. ARAG o ers bespoke legal advice and representation for both pursuit and defence regardless of fault, as well as tailored policies.
02 8066 0162 contact@arag.com.au www.arag.com.au
ARAG SERVICES AUSTRALIA recently launched in Australia and is part of the ARAG Group headquartered in Germany. This family-owned company, founded by Heinrich Faßbender in 1935, has maintained its driving principle to be committed to providing equal opportunities and access to the legal environment for businesses and individuals.
After providing decades of legal expense insurance (LEI) cover globally, ARAG has brought its benefi ts to the Australian market by supporting gaps in insurance.
ARAG insurance products cover the legal costs of the defence or pursuit of insured events. LEI o ers an enhanced, alternative cover, cost-restricted insurances, and comprehensive legal protection.
ARAG’s LEI solution addresses the needs of owners of small and medium-sized businesses, sole traders, tradespeople, individuals and families, residential landlords and private boat and yacht owners so they can pursue their legal rights.
The ARAG o ering provides an addition or alternative to other insurances like management liability and general liability, or an addition to your clients’ landlord, home and contents or boat insurance to enhance their protection. It is essential to business’s risk management programs.
All of ARAG Australia’s products provide access to a number of valuable resources, including a Legal Helpline as well as a Legal Document Centre. These resources support clients in preventing issues before they need to make a claim. Available with these services are documents such as templates for employment contracts, termination notices, letters of demand, cease and desist notices, wills, and lease agreements. The cover also provides a dedicated phone Helpline, which is available for any matter, regardless of your policy type.
ARAG Australia is to legal expenses what health insurance is to medical expenses, aiming to enable everybody, not just those who can a ord it, to assert their legal rights and access legal advice.
a ord it, to assert their legal rights and access
AS CEO and director of ARAG Australia, Natasha Gale is leading the charge in communicating to the Australian market the many benefi ts of legal expense insurance (LEI). With three decades of experience in the fi nance and insurance industry, working across banking, general insurance, premium funding and underwriting agencies, she is driving change in the Australian insurance market with the arrival of this new o ering.
Gale has worked as a senior executive at organisations such as Westpac, Allianz and Wesfarmers. She brings her expertise to ARAG Australia as it grows to mirror its success in global markets. Gale is passionate about leading the business through rapid change and growth, while weaving this growth into the overall insurance market. She appreciates how LEI supports other insurance policies, and she is passionate about empowering individuals and businesses to back themselves legally in a more a ordable way.
As a people-focused leader in the insurance industry, Gale is authentic, outcome-oriented, and steers a clear direction for LEI’s distribution in Australia.
Gale emphasises that the pronunciation of ‘ARAG’ should be “AHR-agh” – it’s an acronym of the parent company’s name, which means ‘legal protection insurance’ in German.
Business • Tailored for SMEs, sole traders and the hospitality industry, providing protection against legal costs in many areas, eg contractual disputes; employment disputes; where the business is subject to a tax or audit investigation; where a business licence is threatened with a suspension; damages to business premises caused by someone else Landlord • Protection against disputes relating to a residential landlord’s investment property Private Marine • A tailored legal expense insurance policy designed for private boat and yacht owners Individual and Family • Legal expense insurance covering individuals and families against various disputes, eg employment disputes; family matters, including wills and custody orders; personal tax audits or investigations; disputes with neighbours; disputes over the purchase of goods and services Private Web • Coverage for individuals, families and groups against disputes such as online transactions and ID theft