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Construct Services
Construct Services is Australia’s trusted insurance repair and restoration specialist. The national team provide repair solutions exclusively to the insurance industry and look after people, not just claims.
FOR MORE than 33 years Construct Services has built a reputation as one of the most forward-thinking insurance building repair and restoration companies in Australia. Founded in Perth in 1989, it now has a 180-strong team providing services nationally, across metropolitan, regional and rural areas.
Customer-centricity is a core value of the business. The executive leadership team bring together a unique blend of insurance building and claims management experience, with a deep understanding of stakeholder engagement and the importance of open communication to achieve the best customer experience.
The Construct Services business model is adaptable, agile and future-focused. Virtual inspection technology, already a part of the company’s operations, came into its own during the global pandemic lockdowns. Construct Services’ 24/7 make-safe team respond to emergency calls from around the country and provide tangible benefi ts for brokers, insurers and underwriting agencies who need a trusted partner to deliver immediate support to their insured customers around the clock.
The frequency of climate change-driven weather events is making catastrophe response part of ‘business as usual’. During the past 12 months the Construct Services catastrophe team have successfully managed large volumes of claims arising from Cyclone Seroja in WA, hailstorms in SA and Victoria, and, more recently, the massive fl ooding events in Queensland and NSW. The company’s scalable operating model and ability to draw on resources from around the country continues to put the business at the forefront of these events.
The specialist major and complex claims team has experienced signifi cant growth in recent years, becoming the preferred partner to many loss adjusters, brokers, insurers and underwriting agencies seeking fi rst-class service, technical knowledge expertise and consistently outstanding results. In particular, the team’s expertise and experience in project-managing di cult repairs to heritage-listed properties has achieved excellent outcomes.
• 24/7 emergency make-safe
• Home repairs • Strata repairs • Commercial repairs • Catastrophe response • Major and complex • Heritage specialists • Restoration, including fi re, flood, mould and contents
MONIQUE MCKINERY YATES is a well-respected business development manager with 15 years’ insurance industry experience. She has a thorough and practical understanding of all aspects of general insurance, having held a variety of underwriting, broking, claims management and business development roles at insurers, underwriting agencies, loss adjusters and insurance builders, including SURA, Crawford & Company, Cunningham Lindsay (now Sedgwick) and Proclaim.
McKinery Yates is legally qualifi ed, with a Bachelor of Laws with Honours as well as a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. She has completed ANZIIF and other insurancerelated studies, including Tier 1 Insurance Broking and loss-adjusting qualifi cations. McKinery Yates founded the Victorian Claims Discussion Group in 2014 (incorporated in 2015), which has grown in membership to more than 800 industry professionals.
Since joining Construct Services in 2020, McKinery Yates has helped drive the company’s growth and plays a key role in connecting brokers, underwriting agencies, loss adjusters and claims managers seeking consistency and superior outcomes for their customers. It was Construct Services’ commitment to customer-centricity that fi rst attracted McKinery Yates to the company, and she plays a pivotal role in helping deliver an outstanding claims experience for clients and insured customers, recognising the disruption property damage often brings to the lives of families and business owners.
McKinery Yates is the quintessential ‘claims troubleshooter’, and she has earned a reputation for working enthusiastically with stakeholders to get the right result in often di cult claim circumstances.