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the almanac OCTOBER 14-20, 2015

C E L E B R AT I N G 5 0 Y E A R S O F S O U T H H I L L S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S

Peters Twp. teachers eye Oct. 28 for possible strike By Suzanne Elliott Staff writer selliott@thealmanac.net

The Peters Township Federation of Teachers, which has been without a contract since the new school year began, said on Oct. 9 it will begin a work stoppage Oct. 28. The strike could affect 4,300 students who attend the five schools – three elementary schools, one middle school

and one high school – that make up the Peters Township School District. Thirteen negotiating sessions have taken place and the next session is scheduled for Oct. 27. Approximately 285 teachers are represented by the Peters Township Federation of Teachers. The last time the teachers went on strike was 2000, said Shelly Belcher, district spokesperson. “While additional negotiation sessions are planned prior to that date and we hope that PTFT will reverse their decision, we wanted to give you

as much notice as possible to make necessary arrangements for your children during the work stoppage,” said Superintendent Jeannine French in a letter sent to parents Oct. 9. “The district will continue to work diligently to reach a settlement knowing that this type of interruption to their school year is not in the best interest of our students. In the unfortunate event of a strike, we will communicate a plan with details for meeting the educational needs of our students.” French said she is prohibited by law from pub-

licly discussing details of the negotiations. William Merrell, a board member, declined comment. Union representatives said they do not want a strike either, but members voted unanimously on Sept. 16 to authorize its negotiating team to call a strike if necessary. Paul Homer, a spokesman for Peters Township Federation of Teachers Local 3431, said French is allowed to talk publicly about the negotiations. SEE STRIKE PAGE 3

Mt. Lebanon’s Adam Potter ordained as deacon in Rome By Eleanor Bailey Sports editor ebailey@thealmanac.net

When Heidi Potter left the South Hills Bible Chapel to return to her roots of Catholicism, she was told that she would lose her children. She did. She lost her son to Jesus Christ. After his own conversion, he discerned his vocation. He desired to join the priesthood. On Oct. 1, Adam Potter drew one step closer to that reality. The Mt. Lebanon native was ordained a deacon at The Papal Basilica of St. Peter in Rome. “The moment I woke up and my heart was beating out of my chest and I was overwhelmed by what was happening,” said Potter, “and I knew there were so many people praying for me. It’s extraordinary. “It was an incredible moment looking out and realizing that I have a lot of people who love me and knowing that so many people were praying for me back home. I felt it. It lifted me up. “It’s extraordinary that so many were here, too,” he added of those who traveled to Italy for the ordination. In addition to family, the audience included 56 on a pilgrimage representing his hometown church, St. Bernard, as well as Madonna del Costello and Word of God parishes in Swissvale, where he served the past three years. “It’s a pretty amazing thing to think of all of you when I laid down before the altar of the chair for you. Thank you all for your support for so many years.” Heidi as well as her husband, Scott, who himself is in Diaconate Formation, have sup-

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ported Adam the most while raising a family that includes four other siblings: Jonathan, who owns Pittsburgh Paragliding and runs Not Another Hostel in Pittsburgh; Rachel, who is a student at Catholic University and served at the ELEANOR BAILEY/STAFF Mass for Pope Francis when he visited WashAdam Potter (right) assists Father Dave Bonnar. The Mt. Lebanon resident was ordained ington, D.C., recently; Julia, a student at CCAC; at The Basilica of Saint Peter. He read the gospel, delivered his first homily and distributed Andrew and Irina, a junior and sophomore reHoly Communion at his first Mass as a deacon at St. Paul Basilica Outside the Wall in Rome. spectively at Mt. Lebanon High School. “My mom has been a prayer warrior,” Potter Adam Potter said. “Long before she was praying for my vocaimmediately tion, she was praying for my salvation.” after he was Father David Bonnar noted the critical role ordained a Potter’s family played in his decision to pursue deacon during the priesthood. Bonnar is the pastor at St. Berceremonies nard Church. He made the pilgrimage to Rome. held at The “This all begins in the home. How fitting as Basilica of we were taking off for Rome to celebrate this Saint Peter in ordination the Holy Father was in Philadelphia Rome. at the World Meeting of Families. Where would we be without the family?” Bonnar said. “Adam’s ELEANOR BAILEY/ STAFF vocation unfolded in large part as a result of his family. I would also like to think that his parish family had something to do with it as well.” In addition to members of the St. Bernard Parish Vocation Council traveling to Rome, several priests, including Father Joe Mele from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Father Joe Freedy, from the vocation’s office, and Father Tom Sparacino, who vested Potter, attended the ordination. SEE POTTER PAGE 26




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