June 4, 2014 Volume XII Issue 11
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Annual Motorheads Pullout p. 13-18
Range Days Coming to Havre p. 19-20
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June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11.............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 2
The Glass Shop in Malta 118 S. 1st St. W. has vinyl replacement windows. Many styles and custom built to your exact size. Call 406-654-1720 or 654-2784 evenings. 6-I For Sale: 1986 Mercury Sable. Needs battery but no other mechanical issues. Driven by elderly woman. Needs to go. Make an offer. 406-3792661 or 661-261-9023. 6-I
For Sale: Summers Ultimate NT, 100 ft. boom, 1500 gal tank, 450 Raven rate controller, sidekick/direct chem injection. Call 406-674-5233. 6-I For Sale: 1998 John Deere 7410 With 740 Loader. Cab. Air. 3pt PTO. 6143 Hours. $75,000. Call Big Equipment (406) 265-9554 bigequip@ bigequipment.com 6-I For Sale: Butcher hogs available year-round. Call 406895-2226 or 895-7019. 2-I:7-II For Sale: PowerStar AE125 electric on demand water heater. New in the box. Opted to not move our existing unit so this one is no longer needed. $799.99 new. Asking $700 obo. 406-379-2661 6-I
Hey! Looking for a good building mover?? Call Dale Freitag 654-1123 or Dan Liese 379-2320. Prompt, experienced, competitive pricing. 6-I
For Sale: Augers--Batco 70' belt auger/Vanguard motor, Hydro moves; 7" Brandt Auger, Honda 18hp motor, 450. Call 406-674-5233. 6-I
For Sale: Farm equipment--300 gal. slip tank w/ pump; 430 gas Case tractor, bucket, rock forks, PTO; 2000 Honey Bee Header, 36 ft., TR mount; 2006 John Deere 7920 w/ 746 loader, 3100 hrs. Call 406-674-5233. 6-I For Sale: 2013 GMC 2500 crew cab long box 6� lift 6.0 liter, black, 3/4 ton, $35,000 OBO. Call 406-945-1923. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11.............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 3
CONTENTS: Classifieds, Classifieds!
Advertising Info............... 22 Auction Calendar............ 21 Bill’s Food Corner.Next iss. Comic............................. 10 Conservative Cow Dr........ 7 Dave Says......... Next issue “Laugh Lines”.................. 13 Lady & the Ranch........... 29 “Money Talks” Financial Column.......................... 9 Realty Section.................. 8 Rodeo Roundup..............11 Subscriptions.................. 22 “Things to Know”.............. 4
Now Open: Robin's Roost in Malta. Located between the Lucky Bullet and Moore's Printing. Fashions for the curvy girl! We carry sizes Small to 3XL. 6-I
For Sale: Northwind popup pickup camper fits long box $2500. Also, 25hp Mercury boat motor $625. Call 406-650-7697. 6-I
See pg 22 for deadlines, rates & to place an ad! For Sale: Krause parts and other parts at Power Motors Implement. Hardi, Mayrath, older Spra Coupe, Westgo, Gysler, Edwards, Adja and a group of Minneapolis Moline and Ford parts. Fort Benton. Call George at 406-799-7459 or email gfultz@gmail.com. 6-I
Fort Benton Realty
Commercial Property Approx 2500 sp ft building featuring a retail area, cold storage, plus partially fenced rear yard for security. Great Location in Central Business District. 1418 Main Fort Benton $50,000 Price Reduced!!Fort Benton Commercial Opportunity. Nice automotive/tire repair building on prime corner location in central business district. Off street parking and storage located on property. Call for more details. $125,000 Great spot for your new home!! Double car garage and 6 lots make this a great location to build or to position a new modular home! Located on the corner at 2120 Washington---one-half of the block! $85,000 Call Mark @ 788-9280 www.fbrealty.com 1426 Front Street, Fort Benton, MT (800)406-0946
For Sale: Large and small doghouses. Various sizes of small animal houses and pet hutches. Call Jolene at Cow Creek Feeds. 357-2626 6-I For Sale: 2001 Yamaha YZF 426 Motorcycle, excellent shape. 406-374-2422. 6-I For Sale: '08 Winnebago Adventurer. 38'9", 8.1 V8 Allison Trans. Elec O/D. Only 2,086 mi.! Loaded, Like New! Workhorse Chassis, Leveling Jacks-Hyd/Automatic, Radial Tires, Trailer Hitch - 5,000 lb. Draw Bar. AwningPatio, Metal Wrap-Ladder. 5,500 Watt Onan Gas gen., Slideout-Refrig/Dining/ Resteasy, Slideout Lounge/ TV/Wardrobe/Bed, FireplaceElec. Call 406-535-3455. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11..............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 4
THINGS TO KNOW: Jun. 8, Sat.: NorthStar High School Pit, 6:00 pm, $5 per person or $20 per family. The illusionist, Harris III will give an awesome performance! Sponsored by Calvary Evangelical Church. Call 390-6011 for more information. LIMITED SEATING SO PLEASE CALL AHEAD! Jun. 14, Sat.: ART IN THE PARK AND JOPLIN CAR SHOW, Joplin Mem. Park, 10am-4pm, Multiple Food Booths, Beer Garden, Live Entertainment, Art & Craft Vendors, Horseshoe Tourney. Interested vendors call (Kathy) 292-3855. Car Show Reg. 9am-11am. $5 pre-reg./$10 day of event at Wood Enterprises Building. Awards for Best Chevy Car & Pick-up, Best Ford Car & Pick-up, Best Mopar Car & Pick-up, Best Motorcycle, Participant’s Choice, People’s Choice, Judge’s Choice. Many Door Prizes Car Show Preregistration (Rick) 292-3581, (Tom) 292-3339 or mail to Joplin Car Show, Box 8, Joplin, MT 59531. Jun. 18, Wed.: ANNUAL RABIES CLINIC, sponsored by the Big Flat 4-H Club, Turner, MT at the Old Fire Hall, 11:00am - 3:00pm. Thurs. nights.: CRIBBAGE! 7pm. Come and play OR learn to play. Sweet Grass Lodge, Chester, Montana.
Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read! Call 379-2377 or email kimmelkreations@yahoo.com.
For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, 10 mi. south of Chinook, on Zurich school district bus route. 2 car attached garage, large living room and kitchen, good water, large fenced yard. Call 406-262-3839 to submit an application or for more info. 5-I
Crop is in the Ground, Garden is planted, Cows are out to pasture, time to make plans for the Milk River Gospel Jamboree. Eight Groups from Canada, Missouri, S. Dakota, Montana. June 27,28,&29 Malta High School www. m i l k r i v e rg o s p e l j a m b o r e e . org. 6-I For Sale: Residential lot for sale in Chinook, Montana. Water, sewer, electric. 406-262-3185. 6-I Need Farm & Ranch Listings: List with an experienced, discreet, ethical land broker. Montana Land & RE Investments, Inc. 406-755-0711. Email: mtinvest@centurytel.net 6-I
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For Sale: Sealed bid Hopper Bottom bins. Call Milk River Coop, Malta or stop in and pick up a bid sheet. 406-654-2022. 5-I:6-I Blades hair & Nail: Located at 4 S. 1st St. W. in Malta. Open Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat 10am-4pm. Chelsea Sjostrom is new to our Blades crew and walk-ins are welcome! Stop in or call 654-5585. 6-I BIG FLAT 4-H Annual Rabies and Vaccination Clinic June 18th, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Old Fire Hall on Main St in Turner. 6-I Topsoil & Compost for Sale: Get your garden off to a great start! Screened Compost & Compost-Topsoil mix for sale. In-town delivery in Havre no charge!! Call Northern Industries (406) 399-4238 or 265-6015. 6-I For Sale: Handmade Quality Products: indiantimeart.com or nativehandart.com. "Made by American Indians(TM)". 6-I For Sale: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free- 866-683-7299 or 406-453-7299 Big Sky Pipe And Design, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. Visit Us Online http://bigskypipeandsupply. com/html/ 5-I:9-II
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June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11.............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 7
Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor by Krayton Kerns, DVM, State Rep. HD 58
I Like Your Shoes If I were a politician I would never address a subject as sensitive as a lady’s shoes. I am not, so I can. Members of the fairer sex will find this column ridiculously obvious, so they should it. Members of the not-so-fair sex will find my points as astonishing as I did when I discovered them; you best commit them to memory. If all the lady readers have turned the page, I will begin. Over our Easter travels to visit family in Florida, the trophy wife and I spent our three hour layover in Denver enjoying a leisurely breakfast in a small airport café. The hostess spoke with a heavy accent suggesting English was not her native tongue. Even though I am adept at discerning breeds of cattle, dogs, cats and horses, guessing the ancestry of humans stumps me, so I did not even try. After a couple communication stumbles, we successfully ordered coffee and Denver omelets; something which seemed appropriate since we were in the Mile High City. With time to spare, we slowly ate our breakfasts and downed several cups of coffee. The third time the hostess visited our table with the coffee carafe she motioned under the table at my wife’s feet and in perfect English stated, “I like your shoes.” The trophy wife
beamed. When I could take the suspense no longer, I leaned to my left and lifted the table cloth so I could study the trophy shoes so remarkable they transcended our international language barrier. They appeared orange. Without a word, I straightened up, curiously cocked my head and stared at my trophy wife as if begging her to explain what just happened. She just sat and smiled. I paid our bill and we walked to our gate. Two weeks after Easter, we were out for a run in the pre-dawn darkness. I was separated from Druann and the rest of our running group when I spotted a couple strange runners headed my way. These two young ladies were dressed in dangerously dark clothing with no reflective striping or headlamps. With the pair 200 yards away, I fixated my gaze on the loud, neon pink running shoes of the girl closest to the centerline. As we passed in the twilight I said, “I like your shoes,” referring to their hi-visibility in low light conditions. Both girls grinned and just then the sun broke over the east horizon and it was if I could hear a heavenly chorus belting out Hallelujah. It was the mother of all epiphanies: Women hold a stranger’s opinion of their shoes in the highest possible
esteem. This must be a recessive, double X, sex-linked characteristic because we XY-ers attach no emotion to our footwear. Although there is a new normal in the NFL, it hasn’t quite broken into the redneck world of corrals, calving barns and feedlots. I can only imagine the embarrassing silence hanging chute side the first time John takes his hands off the head catch and turns to Steve and says, “I sure like your Muck boots.” If it were possible for the earth to stop spinning and fall off its axis that should do it and this brings me to my point. The next time your trophy wife tries on a dress and asks, “Does this color make me look fat?” your response should be, “I sure like your shoes.” She will instantly smile and all the unanswerable questions concerning fat colors will vaporize. (This little trick is a great answer to any question you wish to avoid, but to be a hero she must actually be wearing shoes.) No need to thank me. Offering these tidbits for better living is my civic duty as an elected official and my term does not expire until the end of 2014.
RadioShack in Malta is your local Dish Network Authorized Retailer serving Phillips, Blaine and Valley Counties. RadioShack can provide new hookups, equipment upgrades and general service work. Call 406-654-3639 for fast and reliable service, open M-F 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-4pm. 6-I C&J Spraying: From Dawn to Done Right! Call Chet at 390-3582 or Jess at 390-6833. DND Quacker Box at 227 S. 2nd Ave E. in Malta. Carrying something for everyone, new and used items, and some antiques. We buy out estates and yard sales. Donations and consignments are accepted. Call 654-4752 or 654-7100. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11.............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 8
WE DO WEDDINGS!!! FRESH FLOWERS AND UNIQUE ARRANGEMENTS! We proudly serve Joplin, Chester, Inverness, Rudyard, Hingham and Gildford! HILINE FLORAL, Joplin Montana, 406-292-3225 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11.............................................................................. Tricia’s Trader 9
Money Talks
Complements of Greg Dugdale Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Havre, Montana
There’s no denying the benefits of a college education: the ability to compete in today’s competitive job market, increased earning power, and expanded horizons. But these advantages come at a price--college is expensive. And yet, year after year, thousands of students graduate from college. So, how do they do it? Many families finance a college education with help from student loans and other types of financial aid such as grants and work-study, private loans, current income, gifts from grandparents, and other creative cost-cutting measures. But savings are the cornerstone of any successful college financing plan. College costs keep climbing It’s important to start a college fund as soon as possible, because next to buying a home, a college education might be the biggest purchase you ever make. According to the College Board, for the 2013/2014 school year, the average cost of one year at a four-year public college is $22,826 (in-state students), while the average cost for one year at a four-year private college is $44,750. Though no one can predict exactly what college might cost in 5, 10, or 15 years, annual price increases in the range of 4 to 7% would certainly be in keeping with historical trends. The following chart can give you an idea of what future costs might be, based on the most recent cost data from the College Board and an assumed annual college inflation rate of 5%. Year 4-yr public 4-yr private 2013/14 $22,826 $44,750 2014/15 $23,967 $46,988 2015/16 $25,166 $49,337 2016/17 $26,424 $51,804 2017/18 $27,745 $54,394 2018/19 $29,132 $57,114 2019/20 $30,589 $59,969 2020/21 $32,118 $62,968 2021/22 $33,724 $66,116 2022/23 $35,411 $69,422 2023/24 $37,181 $72,893 Tip: Even though college costs are high, don’t worry about saving 100% of the total costs. Many families save only a portion of the projected costs--a good rule of thumb is 50%--and then use this as a “down payment” on the college tab, similar to the down payment on a home. Focus on your savings The more you save now, the better off you’ll likely be later. A good plan is to start with whatever amount you can afford, and add to it over the years with raises, bonuses, tax refunds, unexpected windfalls, and the like. If you invest regularly over time, you may be surprised at how much you can accumulate in your child’s college fund. Monthly Investment 5 years 10 years 15 years $100 $6,977 $16,388 $29,082 $300 $20,931 $49,164 $87,246 $500 $34,885 $81,940 $145,409 Note: Table assumes an average after-tax return of 6%. This is a hypothetical example and is not intended to reflect the actual performance of any investment. All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal, and there can be no guarantee that any investing strategy will be successful. College savings options You’re ready to start saving, but where should you put your money? There are several college savings options, and it’s smart to consider tax-advantaged strategies whenever possible. Here are some options.
529 plans 529 plans are one of the most popular tax-advantaged college savings options. They include both college savings plans and prepaid tuition plans. With either type of plan, your contributions grow tax deferred and earnings are tax free at the federal level if the money is used for qualified college expenses. States may also offer their own tax advantages. With a college savings plan, you open an individual investment account and select one or more of the plan’s mutual fund portfolios for your contributions. With a prepaid tuition plan, you purchase tuition credits at today’s prices for use at specific colleges in the future--there’s no individual investment component. With either type of plan, participation isn’t restricted by income, and the lifetime contribution limits are high, especially for college savings plans. Note: Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses associated with 529 plans before investing. More information about specific 529 plans is available in each issuer’s official statement, which should be read carefully before investing. Also, before investing, consider whether your state offers a 529 plan that provides residents with favorable state tax benefits. Coverdell education savings accounts A Coverdell education savings account is a tax-advantaged education savings vehicle that lets you contribute up to $2,000 per year. Your contributions grow tax deferred and earnings are tax free at the federal level (and most states follow the federal tax treatment) if the money is used for the beneficiary’s qualified elementary, secondary, or college expenses. You have complete control over the investments you hold in the account, but there are income restrictions on who can participate. U.S. savings bonds The interest earned on Series EE and Series I saving bonds is exempt from federal income tax if the bond proceeds are used for qualified college expenses. These bonds earn a guaranteed, modest rate of return, and they are easily purchased at most financial institutions or online at www.treasurydirect.gov. However, to qualify for tax-free interest, you must meet income limits and other criteria. UTMA/UGMA custodial accounts An UTMA/UGMA custodial account is a way for your child to hold assets in his or her own name with you (or another individual) acting as custodian. Assets in the account can then be used to pay for college. All contributions to the account are irrevocable, and your child will gain control of the account when he or she turns 18 or 21 (depending on state rules). Earnings and capital gains generated by assets in the account are taxed to the child each year. Under the kiddie tax rules, for children under age 19, and for full-time students under age 24 who don’t earn more than one-half of their support, the first $1,000 of earned income is tax free, the next $1,000 is taxed at the child’s rate, and anything over $2,000 is taxed at your rate. A last word on financial aid Many families rely on some form of financial aid to pay for college. Loans and work-study jobs must be repaid (either through monetary or work obligations), while grants and scholarships do not. Most financial aid is based on need, which the federal government and colleges determine primarily by your income, but also by your assets and personal information reported on your aid applications. In recent years, merit aid has been making a comeback, so this can be good news if your child has a special talent or skill. The bottom line, though, is don’t rely too heavily on financial aid. Although it can certainly help cover college costs, student loans make up the largest percentage of the typical aid package. Generally, plan on financial aid covering the following percentage of expenses: loans--up to 50%, grants and scholarships--up to 15%, work-study--varies. The lesson: the more you focus on your savings now, the less you may need to worry about later.
This information, developed by an independent third party, has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. The information contained in this report does not purport to be a complete description of the securities, markets, or developments referred to in this material. This information is not intended as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security referred to herein. Investments mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. The material is general in nature. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not provide advice on tax, legal or mortgage issues. These matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer, and are not insured by FDIC, NCUA or any other government agency, are not deposits or obligations of the financial institution, are not guaranteed by the financial institution, and are subject to risks, including the possible loss of principal. Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2014.
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 10
Kirkwood Funeral Home 654-1132
Serving Northern MT from Malta
Dents? Need a paint Job? We can make your vehicle look like new. Come see us at Hi-Line Collision Repair Center, 740 2nd. Ave S., Glasgow, MT or give us a call at 406-228-2433. 5-II Malta Tire Factory: For all your automotive and tractor Your Reinke dealer on the Need a building moved? tire repairs. Malta Tire, Hwy 2 Hi Line: Gibbs Welding Call Dan at 379-2320. 6-I West, Malta. 406-654-2120. 6-I LLC, Patrick Gibbs Owner. 196 S. 10th St. W., Malta MT 59538. Call Shop 406-6542917, cell 406-654-7221. 6-I Retail offices available for lease between Hardware Hank and Radio Shack in downtown Malta. 190 sq ft to 752 sq ft. office sizes. $750 to $1400/ month including utilities. Malta Business Center. Call 406-6541523 or 505-508-6830. 6-I
39 First Street * Havre, MT 59501 bearlysquare@havremt.net
Store Hours: Mon. - Fri. 10-5:30 Sat. 10-4
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 11
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 12
Oil and Gas Lease: For 2 year lease with option approx. 1000 net acres of royalties west of the ND Bakken Oil field in Eastern Valley County. Andy 406-228-4692 or 406-230-0781. 6-I Donald J Smith, General Contractor LLC. Windows, screens, decks, doors, etc...Shop opening soon in Rudyard for glass and screen repair and small jobs. 406-945-4376 or 406-355-4420. 5-II For Sale: 2004 Yamaha PW 50 Motorcycle, excellent cond. 406-374-2422. 6-I 3 Sisters at 101 S. 1st St. E in Malta has something for everyone. Now selling doTerra oils, candy jars for any occasion, and fresh cut organic soaps. Come shop the little store on the corner with a big selection! 406-654-2529. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 13
It’s “MOTORHEADS” Season in Montana! ~3rd Annual Tricia’s Trader “Motorheads Events Pullout Guide” Quick! Think of something fast, dirty, smoky, greasy and loud...you guessed it! (Okay, SOME of you.) It’s summertime in Montana, and the locals are busy playing in the mud and the dirt. Pull this section out of your copy of “Tricia’s Trader” and keep it as a roadmap to all the car shows, derbies, bumpn-runs, and everything motorized happening in our reading area. June 7 Malta First State Bank Car Show 10am-3pm Main Street Terry Skones 406-654-2340 June 13-14 Havre Hi-Line Cruz’n Rod Run 5-9pm Fri. Great Northern Fairgrounds 11am-2pm Sat. Barb Salerno 406-265-3163 June 14 Gt Falls Fords Forever 9am-4pm Bison Ford, 10th Ave. So. Rick George 406-899-1627 June 14 Wolf Point Wolf City Rods & Rides 11am-3pm Marvin Brookman Stadium Chad Heser 406-650-8575 June 14 Joplin 14th Annual Joplin Car Show 11am-4pm Joplin Park Tom Wood 406-292-3389 or 799-5858 June 15 Glasgow Father’s Day Show and Shine 10am-3pm Dairy Queen Dick Cotton 406-263-7127
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 14
Bergren Transmission & Auto Care
Performance Automotive
140 W. 2nd St., Havre
146 W. 2nd St., Havre
Bergren Transmission & Auto Care and Performance Automotive have a large variety of High Performance and Drag Racing parts & accessories IN-STOCK
More MOTORHEADS Season...
June 15 Dodson AMX Races Dodson Speedway Scott Hould 406-390-4797
June 15-16 Lohman AMX Races Lohman Motorsports Complex Frank Kindle 406-390-3924 June 21-22 Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports - pcmotorsports.org 10am Sat. Drag Strip on Hwy 191 So. of Malta 9am Sun. Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057 June 27-28 Chinook Blaine County Cruise 5pm Fri. Matt or Fred, 406-357-2470, Heather 357-4201 7am Sat. blainecountycruise.com July 11 Lewistown Street Legal Drags 6pm Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733 July 12-13 Lewistown ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Chall., Land of Leaders 11am Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733
We Proudly Employ ASE Certified Technicians
Offering These Top Brands!
“Your Dealer Alternative” Scott & Heather DePriest | 40440 US Hwy 2 East - Chinook
(406) 357-4201 | www.americangarage.co
July 12 Chinook Blaine County Showdown Demolition Derby 5pm Blaine County Fairgrounds Scott Skoyen 945-2455,Loren Skoyen 781-8033 July 19-20 Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports - pcmotorsports.org 10am Sat. Drag Strip on Hwy 191 So. of Malta 9am Sun. Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057 July 20 Havre Havre JC Demolition Derby 7pm www.greatnorthernfair.net July 26 Lewistown Lewistown Fair Demolition Derby 7pm Lewistown Fairgrounds Joe Toller 406-380-0925
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 15
Aug. 2 Chinook Truck Pulls 2pm Blaine County Fairgrounds Nate Skoyen 406-945-4371 Aug. 3 Dodson Phillips Co. Fair Truck & Tractor Pulls 1pm Dodson Speedway Bill Mangold 406-945-3666 Aug. 3 Dodson Phillips Co. Fair AMX Races 5pm Dodson Speedway Scott Hould 406-390-4797 Aug. 5 Glasgow Northeast Montana Fair Derby 7pm NE MT Fairgrounds 406-228-9843 Aug. 8 Lewistown Street Legal Drags 6pm Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733 Aug. 9-10 Lewistown MDRA State Points, Lewistown Points 11am ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Chall., Land of Leaders Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733 Aug. 9 Lewistown Main Street Motor Classic 9am-4pm Downtown Main Street Rod Richards 406-538-7417 Aug. 17 Ft Benton Chouteau Co. Fair Demolition Derby 6pm 406-622-5505 Aug. 22 Lewistown Street Legal Drags 6pm Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733 Aug. 23-24 Lewistown National Dragster Challenge, King of the Track 11am ET Class, HS/Jr. Class Chall., Land of Leaders Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733
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June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 18
More MOTORHEADS Season... Aug. 30-31 Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports - pcmotorsports.org 10am Sat. Drag Strip on Hwy 191 So. of Malta 9am Sun. Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057 Sep 13 Gt. Falls 3rd Annual Men & Machines Car Show 10am-3pm 1117 29th St. South Jenna Stevens, 406-731-8250 Sep 21 Havre Custom Collision Car Show, BBQ & Burnout Noon-5pm Custom Collision Repair 406-265-8492 Sep 22 Havre E-1 Towing Demolition Derby 3pm Great Northern Fairgrounds 406-265-8757 Sep. 20-21 Malta Phillips Co. Motorsports - pcmotorsports.org 10am Sat. Drag Strip on Hwy 191 So. of Malta 9am Sun. Greg Kirkwood 406-654-2430 or 654-7057 Sep 26-28 Lewistown National Open, ET Class Bracket 9am, 1pm Lewistown Drag Strip, 3 mi. west of town lewistowndragracing.com, 406-350-0733 Sep 27 Chinook Sugarbeet Festival Car Show 11am-2:30pm Nate Skoyen 406-945-4371 Oct. 4-5 Dodson AMX Races Dodson Speedway Frank Kindle 406-390-3924
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June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 19
Montana Range Days Hosted by Havre in 2014
by Tricia Kimmel Statewide Sponsors -Carter Co. Conservation District -Cattleman’s Choice Loomix -Crop Production Services, Timberland Division -Dow AgroSciences -DuPont Crop Protection -Great Northern Properties -Hubbard Feeds, Inc. -Montana Association of State Grazing Districts -Montana CattleWomen -Montana Department of Environmental Quality -Montana 4-H Foundation -Montana Land Reliance -Montana Livestock Ag. Credit, Inc. -Montana Stockgrowers Association -Montana Weed Control Association -Montana Wheat & Barley Committee -Northwest Farm Credit Services -Society for Range Management -International Mountain Section -Northern Great Plains Section -Wells Fargo Bank -Western Energy Company -Western Ranch Supply -Wilbur-Ellis Company
Contacts MRD @ Havre 206 25th Ave W, Suite 1 Havre, MT 59501 (406) 265-6792 x 101 Jennifer Kenck jennifer.kenck@mt.nacdnet.net (406) 265-1418 fax www.montanarangedays.org
Major Supporters MT DNRC USDI BLM Northern Agricultural Research Center MSU Extension MT GLCI
Tours Monday P.M. T.B.A. Tuesday All Day Blaine County Wildlife Museum, Blaine County Historical Museum, and Bear Paw Battlefield Wednesday A.M. Wahkpa Chu’gn Archeological Site, Havre Beneath the Streets. Montana Cattle Women Youth Educational Program
After 37 successful years of teaching young Montanans about the actual land they live on, you’d think there wouldn’t be much left to say. Contrarily, the lineup of topics slated for the 38th Annual Montana Range Days, to be held June 23-25 at Camp Kiwanis in Beaver Creek Park, proves there’s always something to learn. A group effort by the MT DNRC, the USDI BLM, Northern Ag Research Center, MSU38th Extension andAnnual MT GLCI, generations of young Montanans have carried away with them valuable bits of knowledge obtained from attending the Montana three day event over the last few decades. Range And, lest IDays mislead, Montana Range Days isn’t just for youngsters. There are plenty of agenda items for the “young at heart”, as well. In fact, there are Havre, divisions MT for those 4 years old all the way to, well, you know…. older.June 23-25, 2014 Camp Buckaroos 4-6 are free to attend seminars meant to keep Kiwanis,aged Beaver little hands and minds Creek Park busy and happy while mom and dad attend their own workshops and contests. Moving on up, 7-8 year olds will get to by games suited for them while also learning a short partake inHosted the fun and Hill County Conservation list of important range plants and play in the soil a bit. Superstarters aged District 9-11 will promote up a step, and in a small group of five or less, they’ll and learn basic plant ID and anatomy. 12-13 year old Wranglers get a bit more Natural Resources of the same, but at Service a more advanced level. Then there’s the activities for Conservation the FFA and Open high school youth, with instructions from specialists in each topic. Lastly, but certainly not least, the Rancher class is for Adults who will rotate through the workshops right along with the youth, or they may attend tours part of the time, returning for the competition and tests. As far as tours go, Blaine County will be the destination on Tuesday, taking in the Wildlife Museum, the Historical Museum and the Bear Paw Battlefield, while tour-goers will remain in Havre on Wednesday to visit the Wahkpa Chu’gn Archeological Site, Havre Beneath the Streets and enjoy an educational program presented by Montana Cattle Women Youth. Monday afternoon’s tour has not yet been determined. The competitive in spirit are invited to participate in any of the workshops, contests, individual competitions or team competitions. These events run the gamut from Range Sites/Soils, Inventory/Monitoring, Stocking Rate/Utilization, Range Planning, Range Exhibits, Range Plant Anatomy, Range Plant ID, Range Management, all the way to Illustrated Talks. Competition winners are awarded some very nice prizes, as well as entry in the Old West Regional Competition. Participation in any of these activities does require registration, running $55 for individuals and $110 for a family. Fees include all workshop materials, plus three meals Tuesday and two meals on Wednesday. Visit the official Montana Range Days website at www.montananrangedays.org
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 20
org for registration forms, complete information on workshops and contests, and information on scholarships available through MRD. Should you not find what you need there, feel free to call Jennifer Kenck at (406) 265-6792 x101 or Jennifer.kenck@mtnacdnet.net. **************************************************************** This sort of event doesn’t just happen with the snap of someone’s fingers. An entire lineup of sponsors have helped provide the resources needed to keep the Montana Range Days viable from year to year. The Statewide Sponsors for 2014 include: • Carter Co. Conservation District • Cattleman’s Choice Loomix • Crop Production Services, Timberland Division • Dow AgroSciences • DuPont Crop Protection • Great Northern Properties • Hubbard Feeds, Inc. • Montana Assoc. of State Grazing Districts • Montana CattleWomen • Montana Dept. of Environmental Quality • Montana 4-H Foundation • Montana Land Reliance • Montana Livetstock Ag Credit, Inc. • Montana Stockgrowers Association • Montana Weed Control Association • Montana Wheat & Barley Committee • Northwest Farm Credit Services • Society for Range Management: -International Mountain Section -Northern Great Plains Section • Wells Fargo Bank • Western Energy Company • Western Ranch Supply • Wilber-Ellis Company
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 21
Sat., Jun. 14 10:00 am
Slade, Inc. Farm Liquidation Glendive, MT R-K Auction, 406-485-2548, r-kauction.com
Sat., Jun. 14 10:00 am
Milt Hartman Farm/Ranch Auction Lewistown, MT Shobe Auction, 406-538-5125, shobeauction.com
Sat., Jun. 21 9:30 am
Annie Feist Auction Glendive, MT R-K Auction, 406-485-2548, r-kauction.com
Contact your Advertiser’s Advocate today to find out how to list your auction here!
Property for Sale: Diamond in the rough. Three city lots in prime Main Street location in Glasgow, MT. Consists of Office and 13 storage units. Has water and electricity. Priced to sell at $129,500. Call 406-301-1986. 4-I:6-II For Sale: '78 El Dorado. Good shape, runs well, $1,000 OBO; '68 Cadillac 4 dr Sedan DeVille, $1,000 OBO. '68 Ford F-150 4 speed 4x4, $995 OBO. '87 Lincoln 6dr. limo, some body damage, 75k mi, $3,500 OBO. Call 406-654-7794. 6-I
Hickel Water Well Drilling: Free Estimates, Wells Drilled & Cleaned, Pump Sales & Service. Call 406-383-4363 (h) or 390-6254(c). 5-II
4-Plex For Sale: 114 5th St. E., Chinook, MT. $140,000. Four (1) bdrm units close to downtown & high school. Some updating & new appliances. Good Income Potential. Call Paul Kuka @ 406-2657845, Flynn Realty. 5-II Now Open! Marias River Greenhouses! See us First for the best selection of bedding plants, potted plants, hanging baskets, vegetables/herbs, patio pots professional soil and fertilizer. 18 mi. South of Chester or 35 mi. North of Fort Benton on Hwy. 223, 406-456-3276. 5-II
The Closet: at 174 S. 1st Ave, Malta is a great place to shop for a great deal. We carry new and consignment items; new inventory added daily. Check out our scarves, jewelry, fashion leggings, Scentsy, and headbands. Tues-Fri 10am5:30pm, Sat. 10am-3pm. 6-I
The next issue wil be distributed Wed., June 18, 2014. Ad DEADLINE is Wed., June 11th at 9am.
2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542XII Issue 11............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 22 JunePUBLISHED 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume BY: Phone 800-756-1817 Tricia’s Trader SERVES THESE MONTANA TOWNS: Email: adsales@triciastrader.com Town: Prefix(es): Joplin 292 www.TriciasTrader.com Inverness 292 FAX: 888-796-8498 Rudyard 355 “TRICIA’S TRADER” IS
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Hingham Gildford Kremlin Fort Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre
397 376 372 621, 622 739 378 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 390, 394, 395, 398, 399 Chinook 357 Harlem 353 Fort Belknap 353 Turner 379 Zortman 673 Roy 464 Dodson 383 Malta 301, 654, 658, 680 Loring 674 Whitewater 674 Saco 527 Hinsdale 364, 648 Glasgow 228, 230, 263, 367, 831 Nashua 746 Fort Peck 526 Wolf Point 392, 525, 650, 653, 915 Opheim 762 Plentywood 765 Scobey 487, 783 Medicine Lake 789 Froid 766 Culbertson 514, 787, 790 Poplar 768 Brockton 786 Jordan 557, 977 Lewistown 350, 366, 380, 535, 538, 707, 708, 968 Grass Range 428, 928 Hobson 423 Stanford 566 Chester 759 Geraldine 737 Denton 567 Belt 277 Great Falls 205, 216, 217, 231, 268, 403, 452, 453, 454, 455, 564, 590, 715, 727, 731, 750, 760, 761, 770, 771, 781, 788, 791, 799, 836, 866, 868, 870, 899, 923, 952, 964, 965, 997 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES ARE (406)
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June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 23
Wanted: 7" or aluminum irrigation Call 406-456-3222.
larger pipe. 6-I
Call WOOD ENTERPRISES TODAY for competitive rates on Auto, Home, Business, Farm, Crop and RV insurance. 210 Rehal Ave., Joplin, 406292-3325 or email us at weinsur@ttc-cmc.net. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 24
For Sale: Sleep Number Bed, expanded queen size, $500. Call 406-357-3572. 5-II For Sale: Great city lot available for residential building in Malta. Lot measures 80’x 140’ and is located on the east edge of town. Paved road access to lot. Build your new home here! Asking $17,500 (103PCH6) 406-654-2273 missouririverrealty.com 6-I
Milt HartMan FarM & rancH
1994 New Holland 9680
Saturday, June 14th • 10:00 a.m.
Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT
1994 FREIGHTLINER, 3176 Cat 380 hp, 726820 orig. mi., 15 speed Eaton Fuller, twin screw, rear rubber 20-30%, front rubber 90% 1986 WESTERN STAR truck w/ self-loading hay deck, CAT 3406B, 400 hp, Eaton-Fuller 15 spd., loads 17 round bales, hoist & push-rack unload, 4400 hrs. on in-frame rebuild, new hyd. system upgraded to 30 gpm, 1990 FORD F700 mixer truck, Roto-Mix 524-15, 429 gas eng., 4/2 spd., Digistar scale external & internal read, fully hydraulic 1972 KENWORTH COE, Cummins NTC, 400 hp, 13 spd., new front rubber, near new rear recaps, sleeper 1972 IH dump truck, 5/2 spd., V8 gas, new hyd. clutch, good hyd., near new rubber 1963 GMC fuel truck, 1500 gal., 5 compartments, dual hyd. hose reels, dual hyd. pumps, storage compartments, V6 gas, 4/2 spd.
1992 TIMPTE grain trailer, convert-able floor, hoppers fold flat, new roll tarp, 46’x 102” 1980 MERRITT 46’ pot x 96”, diamond plate reinforced floor, no holes, rubber 50-60%, brakes 50-60% 1998 TRAILS WEST Baron horse trailer, 14’, gn, smooth exterior, matted floor, tandem, rubber 75%. Excellent condition!
1994 NEW HOLLAND 9680 tractor, 4x4, Cummins, 350 hp, 12 fwd/4 rev, 7617 hrs., 5 rear hyd. w/ updates, set up for air drill, Firestone rubber 50-60% 2007 CASE IH LBX432 square baler, 22k bales, 1000 pto, 3x4x9 bales NH 1033 Stackliner bale wagon, pull-type, 540 pto, capacity: 104 14x18 or 83 16x18 GEHL Mix-All 170 grinder mixer, 1000 pto
2003 FORD F-350 pickup, 4x4, w/ DEW-EZE 475 bale bed, crew cab, auto, 7.3L Powerstroke, less than 10,000 mi. on rebuilt engine, new injectors, runs great! 1990 FORD feed truck, roto mix box
MILLERMATIC 212 auto set wire feed welder, brand new, all parts & bottles, w/ Spoolmate 200 LINCOLN 350 Pipeline welder, 6 cyl. Continental engine, switch, leads DOALL Power Saw, metal band saw, hyd. control, hyd. feed, hyd. tension, hyd. vice DEWALT 7790 radial arm saw, 12”
1994 Freightliner
2009 KAWASAKI Bayou 250 4-wheeler, 2x4 2007 HONDA Rancher 4-wheeler, 2x4, elec. shift 2006 HONDA Rancher 4-wheeler, 2x4, elec. shift
1980 Western Star
SKS 7.62 x 39 mm cal. w/clip REMINGTON .35 shotgun, pump, Gamemaster model 141 H&R model 929, .22 pistol, 9 round cyl, missing cyl. pin
Pine pantry, potato bin, 5 shelves, 54”w x 78”h Rockwood by Hohnor drum set, Sabian cymbals 2- Coronado chest freezers; Kenmore upright freezer John Deere pedal tractor
2003 Ford F-350
4- Yakima Tent Co. wall tents, 3 new in box, 10 oz. canvas,210’x12’, 12’x14’, 14’x16’, 5’ side walls Little Joe camp stove, No. 28, w/ wood box Griswold No. 8 waffle iron; Griswold No. 8 cast iron skillet Fred Anderson No. 981 waffle iron
2007 Case IH LBX432
2- Sawbuck pack saddles, fully rigged, 1 wood/1 fiberglass 2- Decker/hybrid pack saddles, fully rigged 12- Pack pads, 30”x40”, brand new, most kodel w/ felt liner 5- Nylon top packs; 4- Mannies; 20- Leather gun scabbards
35- Spurs, asst’d types & makers, all new 35- Bits, asst’d makers. 40- Spur straps, new 15 pr. – Chaps, shotguns, chinks, rodeo, kids
1990 Ford F700
1992 Timpte
See complete list at
Office 406-538-5125
1980 Merritt
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 25
Need Insulation? Contact Darrell Carney for your foam insulation jobs, certified applicator. 6547017 or 390-4156 5-II For Sale: 2005 Kenworth, new eng., lift axle and wet kit. Very nice! Lots of chrome. Also, 1998 Pioneer Vac Trailer. 130 barrel w/ new Challenger Vac Pump. Call 406-357-3869. 6-I
For Sale: 1999 Friendship home, 16x80, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, with sunken kitchen in Malta, MT. Call 406-654-2163. 5-II
APARTMENT BLDG BID Wed., June 4 @ Noon – June 11 @ 6 pm MDT
• Turn-key property • Ideal 1031 exchange investment • Fully rented 6-unit building • Interior remodeled in 2007 • Newer windows, appliances & fixtures deyeadon@gmail.com | 10% BP. See website for terms.
NorthwestRealtyAuctions.com | 406-654-4662
A self-directed program puts the individual receiving the care in charge, allowing you to arrange and direct your own services and supports. You select, train and manage your caregiver. We take care of the program paperwork, so you can take care of...you! Services www.ConsumerDirectMT.com ServicesAvailable AvailableStatewide Statewide • Havre Office: 406-265-2393 • www.ConsumerDirectMT.com
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 26
BIG FLAT 4-H Annual Rabies and Vaccination Clinic June 18th, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Old Fire Hall on Main St in Turner. 6-I
Coin Collectors: Rare, Carson City Morgan Silver Dollars!! Attn.: Fishermen: Great, proven, locally-made Trout Flies! See Big Sky Images & Collectibles, Holiday Village Mall, Havre 406-399-6522. 5-II For Sale: Purebred female border collie puppy, born Mar. 15. Tuxedo marking, 1st shots, dewormed. $200. Prefer ranching environment, she's super smart and trainable. Saddle Butte Border Collies, selling proven stockdogs since 2005. Call 395-4442, lv msg. 6-I
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 27
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 28
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 29
For Sale: Krause parts and other parts at Power Motors Implement. Hardi, Mayrath, older Spra Coupe, Westgo, Gysler, Edwards, Adja and a group of Minneapolis Moline and Ford parts. Fort Benton. Call George at 406-799-7459 or email gfultz@gmail.com. 5-II
Taking It To The Wire by Shelley Chauvet VonStein, Big Sandy, Montana Featured May 21, 2014 in Ranch Animals, Ranch Work, The Boys As an over-protective Mom . . . . yes, I can comfortably admit it . . . I feel like I’m always cautioning my boys as to the dangers on the ranch . . . making them aware of the massive machinery, teaching them respect and awareness for the animals . . . reminding them that electric fences are hot . . .and just doing my best to keep them safe. Yesterday, we were all outside, and I noticed that some of the horses had come over to the electric fence and were intensely watching something down by the barn. Horses are so curious! I waited to see what they were looking at. They were focused, so I knew it must be something good . . . they spied my little guy Rhett. He was on one of his little country boy adventures and was loading hay into the back of his green “flatbed” bike with obvious plans to deliver it to the hungry horses. The horses do look hungry don’t they . . . dull hair coats and skinny physiques! I’ve told the boys lots of times that they can’t go into the pasture with all of the horses without me there . . . not to mention messing around with the electric fence. As I looked on, I wondered if my little free spirit would remember my warnings . . . sometimes my strong willed child has a bit of selective hearing. Like feeding time at a rural zoo, he pushed his cargo close to the hungry horses . . . taking it to the wire, but not ducking under. The horses gently gathered around their little friend and sampled his delivery. They were willing to forego the lush green grass just to accept a treat from their beloved little boy. Separated only by a handful of inches and a thin string, the half ton equines and the 35 pound boy shared the space . . . not crossing over, just taking it to the wire. He adjusted his load several times to make sure they each got a bite or two. When he decided that they had all had enough, he pulled his bike back under the wire . . .bidding his horse friends farewell. He climbed back on his green “flat bed” . . . and slowly pedaled away . . . chewing on his lip like he always does when he is thinking . . .preparing for another adventure in his mind. He is his own little person . . . doing things his way . . . brave beyond his years . . . rarely playing it safe . . . giving his Mom gray hairs . . . and always taking it to the wire. To read more Lady and the Ranch, visit her blog about ranch and family life at www.ladyandtheranch.com.
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................Tricia’s Trader 30
June 4, 2014........................................................................... Volume XII Issue 11............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 31
For Sale: 25 rds 30-30 ammo, 375 Whrby 270gr ammo BRASS: Norma 7.7 Jap, 41 Mag, 30/06 $2/bx, 38 Spec 2.50/bx, 264 WinMag, 284 Win, Bullets: Hornaday 220gr 30cal, 175gr 7mm, Speer 175gr 7.65 .311-313, Nosler Partition 160gr 7mm. SA/LH cowboy holster, very well made, brown, bskt, $40, Win T-22 target ammo $7/bx. 406-452-0826. 5-II Stop In! Flat-Screen TVs, 14" to 50", $25 to $400 -- DVDs -- Saddles -- Tools -- Check Cashing -- Leon's Buy & Sell, First St. W., Havre, Montana. 5-II For Sale: Steel framed Metal buildings! All sizes. Agricultural, Commercial, Carports, Sheds, Barns. Financing is available, OAC. Visit our website at www. montanasteelcorp.com or call us at 406-697-2486. Custom designs or choose from standard sizes! 5-I:10-II Traveling Hwy 87 between Havre & Great Falls? Look for the OPEN sign at the Trash and Treasure Shop in Loma with Antiques and Second Hand merchandise. Stop in! You'll find some great treasures for sale. Open afternoons only or by appointment. 406-739-4361. 5-II
Wanted: Horse pasture in Havre/Chinook/Big Sandy area. Willing to build fence. Need room for 2-6 horses. Please call 262-5060. 5-II
For Sale: Residential building lot in Post Road Estates, Havre, MT. 1.27 acres. $17,900. Havre Hi-Line Realty, 406-265-0905. 5-II
Tricia’s Trader . . . The Best-Read Trader from the Mountains to the Plains!
June 4, 2014