March 18th, 2020

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March 18, 2020 Volume XVIII Issue 6


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800-756-1817 w w w. Tr i c i a s Tr a d e r. c o m 6,000 copies in print distributed across the NorthCentral Montana Hi-Line E m a i l n e w s t o i n f o @ t r i c i a t r a d e r. c o m


See page 6 for a list of Spring Activities on the Hi-Line!

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Master Influence 9791 | Lot 43



Master Influence 9487 | Lot 32


2 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

Hi-Line Winter BrewFest Nears

The Annual Hi-Line Winter BrewFest is set for Saturday, March 28th at the Holiday Village Mall in the former North 40 location. This annual event is sure to be fun-packed and will include local and regional microbrews, wines, ciders, and other vendors as well as great entertainment to thaw out from the cold and meet, greet, and gather with friends from near and far as the spring season approaches. The Bear Paw Ski Bowl's Snowdance Ski Association will host this spectacular event. Proceeds go to support the Bear Paw Ski Bowl. Anyone interested in how to become involved in supporting this celebration or those looking for more information are encouraged to contact David Martens at 390-1238, organizer of the BrewFest or Jenna Holt at 945-0848, the Holiday Village Mall Events Coordinator.

Are you looking for that special hard-to-find book? BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES We have NEW and USED BOOKS will special order Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 3-I For Sale: Irrigated grass-alfalfa mix 1st and 2nd cutting hay. About 500 net wrapped bales. Call 301-1991. 3-I


Beekeeping Workshop: An educational workshop for both the novice and seasoned beekeeper alike! Registration through the MSU Extension Valley County Office requested: 228-6241 or . There is a $20 fee for lunch.

March 20:

The Phillips County Extension Office will host "Ag Day" at the Malta City Hall. While there is no admission to attend, there will be a "free-will offering" lunch sponsored by the Malta Volunteer Fire Department at the Fire Hall from 11 o'clock until the food runs out. Call Mark for more information at 654-2543.

March 21: There will be a first-time homebuyers class at Fort Belknap starting promptly at 9 a.m. Reach out to Alma Garcia for more information 265-6743 ex. 1125 or send her an e-mail at March 27:

Food Handler Certification Classes. Call Jasmine 406-400-2333 or e-mail her at to sign up. Registration is mandatory. This free 2-hour course will cover basics of food safety that can better prepare you for work in the food industry/food handling job sectors. Timmons Room (Courthouse) 315 4th Street in Havre on Friday, March 27th. Times are 8 to 10 am or 5-7 pm.

April 26:

8a – 5 p: Bearpaw Bowmen Spring Archery Shoot – Eagles visit or call 265-4572.

May 20:

"It Takes Two to Tango" Workshop to assist those who work with traumatized children will be lead by Daniel Champer, LCPC, at Havre's Van Orsdel United Methodist Church. Watch for details in upcoming editions of Tricia's Trader!

June 13:

Zurich All Class Reunion will be held on Saturday June 13th, 20202.

Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read!

Call 379-2377 or email

Help Wanted: Full-time, year round salaried farm position available 15 miles south of Malta. Submit your information to or e-mail Anna to get more information. 3-II

*No Subscription Required. *Mailed FREE to Every Household in Dozens of Rural Montana Zip Codes. Call us today!


CONTENTS: ARTICLES: Hi-Line Winter BrewFest Nears................2 Aaniiih Nakoda College Bachelor's of Science Program Paves the Way for a Brighter Future..........................................3 "Move It at the Library!" is Moving and Grooving Bodies for Healthy Hearts.......10

For Sale by Owner: 10 acres of Country Property, divided into 5 pastures w/ 5 bed, 2 ba. house w/ 2100 sq. ft. living area + 400 sq. ft. bsmt and 2280 sq. ft. building w/ electricity, 6" fiberglass insul. throughout, divided into 38'x40' shop area w/ 14' ceilings (16'x13' door), and 3-car garage w/ elec. doors and 8' ceiling. 16 mi. east of Havre. ONLY $280,000. Call Douglas Plouffe at 406-3572487 for showing. 2-II:8-II


Ad Placement.......................................... 8 Community Spotlight................6 Joyce Meyer Ministries............................5 Laugh Lines............................................. 8 Ranching For Profit..................................4 Realty Section........................................11 Sudoku.................................................... 8 Things to Know........................................ 2

The best of both PRINT & ONLINE... Where else does your ad work this hard? Visit us online today We’re Mobile! “Tricias Trader”

For Sale: Rock Island VR-60 $350. Ruger PC-9 Carbine $450. Smith & Wesson M&P 40 2.0TS Red Laser $350. Leuphold LTO Tracker Thermal Handheld Scope $450. Call (406)372-3172. 3-II

Wanted: Looking for two 24.5 x 32 used tractor tires. No checkering if possible. Also need a rear wheel to fit a 220 Allis Chalmers tractor. Fits the 24.5 x 32 tires. Wedge style, centerless. Call 357-2817. 3-I

3 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

FOR SALE: Used oilfield pipe, rods, cable & guard rail. New HDPE pipe. Engineered bridges for pivots, vehicles, walking & ATV. Clips & post caps. Toll free866-683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 7-I:X For Sale: 1989 Ford Versatile 876 tractor. 4 hydraulics & plumbed for air drill. 9100 hrs. Asking $22,000 USD. Call 306-2962152 or 306-296-7700. 3-II

Aaniiih Nakoda College Bachelor's of Science Program Paves the Way for a Brighter Future This week, President Carole Falcon-Chandler shared that the college at Fort Belknap will “start recruiting prospective students” for the newest program addition of the Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology degree option for students to earn a 4-year degree. This is the first Bachelor's of Science Program the college has ever offered, and a huge breakthrough for the Tribal College who serves both enrolled Native American students as well as non-Trustee (non-Indian) students living along or moving to the hi-line. According to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, “ANC [Aaniiih Nakoda College, formerly Fort Belknap College] has a proven track record of providing quality graduates that are successful in their careers after college and contribute positively to the community.” This unique program is focused around the traditional values that shape the landscape of the Milk River Valley area through the lens of understanding from the Aaniiih (Gros Ventre or White Clay) and Nakoda (Assiniboine) peoples who continue to thrive on the Fort Belknap reservation and across the globe. Whether locally or worldwide, ANC students are actively involved in environmental educational opportunities, research, and community development. This past summer, the college had their second group of students travel with faculty to Nambibia, Africa for a summer research opportunity. This spring MSU at Bozeman visited the campus to provide a condensed scientific research course at the beginning of the semester. There's always something great happening at the college, and the community is always welcome to learn more, teach more, and grow more with the campus. For more information on the Bachelor's of Science program or the other great certificates, degrees, and events, please call 353-2607 or check out the college website at .

4 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

Ranching For Profit Blog - Dave Pratt Healthy Land, Happy Families and Profitable Businesses

What Are You Worth? I often ask audiences at schools and workshops if anyone pays themselves what it would cost to replace themselves. Very few hands go up and those that do are usually attached to the arms of Ranching For Profit School grads. Many justify not paying themselves a fair wage claiming that their ranch isn’t profitable enough to pay them. If your ranch isn’t profitable enough to pay yourself and other family members a decent wage, then it isn’t profitable at all. Fair wages, paid or unpaid, must be deducted as an overhead cost to calculate profit. Most family ranches, regardless of scale, are subsidized with free or underpaid labor. There is nothing wrong with subsidizing your ranch if that’s what you want to do. But shouldn’t you at least know the extent to which you are subsidizing it? To know that, you’ve got to include the full cost of labor. That means showing what it would cost to hire someone else to do all of the work you currently do. Here’s how we figure the wage you ought to show on the books. If you are like most owner/operators you have a lot of different jobs on your ranch. At times you are the CEO and should be earning $100 per hour. Other times you are the hired hand, earning $15 per hour. These are minimum wages for these positions and assumes you are also getting a benefits package that includes housing and health insurance. At the Ranching For Profit School we suggest taking 2 mornings a week to work ON your business as CEO or business manager. The other 80% of the time you work IN your business as a hired hand. Do the math: $100/hour x 4 hours x 2 days/week x 52 weeks a year = $41,600 $15/hour x 32 hours/week x 52 weeks = $24,960 $41,600 + $20,800 = $66,560 If you’re spending two mornings a week working on your business, and the rest the time working in it, $60,000 – $70,000 is probably in the ballpark of what you ought to be paying yourself or at least recording on the books. Of course, underlying these calculations is the assumption that you are a competent CEO and are worth $100/hour when you are working on your business. There is an easy way to know if you are worth $100/hour. If you are taking two mornings a week to work on your business and the business still can’t afford to pay you, then you should probably question your competency. Maybe it’s time you thought about investing in some business training, check out our current schedule.

For Sale: Bergara .300 Win Mag. 25" barrel, muzzle break, scope plus ammo, $697.99. Ruger .41 mag. Blackhawk new model, single action, new in box, $637.99. Ruger .44 mag Blackhawk new model, single action, $692.99. CZ Scorpin 9mm pistol, 8" barrel, new in box, $1057.99. Call 406-403-1804. 2-I:3-II

FOR SALE: BARGAIN PRICING on 14 to 100 foot Bridges, 8 to 36 inch I Beams, and 12 to 24-inch pipe. Contact Ed toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 7-I:X

FOR SALE: New Mint State Silver Eagle Dollars & Morgan Silver Dollars! BIG SKY IMAGES & CvOLLECTIBLES Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 3-I

Malta Chamber ISO: Food trucks for 2-day festival July 10-11th and our food truck wars the first night!! From 5-7 p.m. @ Veterans' Park. Check out their Facebook page at Malta Summer Festival or call 406654-1776 for more information. 3-II

5 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

Enjoying Everyday Life Joyce Meyer

The Joy of Being Truly Humble Jesus says in Matthew 5:3 (AMPC), “Blessed…are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!” Humility isn’t a very popular word, yet, all throughout the Bible, the Lord instructs us about the benefits of being “humble-minded.” I love James 4:6. It says, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble” (NIV). In other words, the humble get the help! I believe humility is often misunderstood and viewed as a weakness. But it’s the exact opposite. Humility places us in a position to receive God’s grace and become everything He’s called us to be. A humble person is also a happy person. They can take joy in their life and what God has called them to do, regardless of what the world thinks about it. For instance, maybe your current circumstances and responsibilities from God are mundane by the world’s standards. A prideful person would rather do something they think the world admires…something others see as “important.” But the truth is it’s not what we do that makes us important. We are important because God created us and He loves and values us. As we receive His love and find our true worth in Him, then we can truly enjoy our purpose in life and be genuinely content. So many people are miserable, constantly comparing themselves to others who they think are smarter, prettier, or more successful. But the “poor in spirit” have the ability to be happy with who they are. My husband, Dave, is a perfect example. Years ago, the Lord instructed him to leave his job in the engineering field to help establish Joyce Meyer Ministries. At that time, God spoke to his heart and said, “If you do what I am calling you to do and support Joyce so she can do what I’ve called her to do, then you will have real peace and happiness.” Dave is an extremely vital part of this ministry. We are a team, and he oversees all of the business and financial aspects of the organization. He is a truly humble man—a man who is secure and knows that God approves of him—and he’s okay with his wife being the one “out front.” I can honestly say that Dave is one of the happiest people I know. He knows what God has asked him to do and he is doing it with joy. Here are some other character traits of a humble person: 1. The humble can always ask for help, and they don’t insist on everything done their way. 2. They are quick to forgive others, difficult to offend, and content to wait on God for vindication when they have been wronged. 3. They are patient and don’t get frustrated with the weaknesses of others. 4. The humble person is a peacemaker. In fact, we need humility to maintain peace in our lives. Romans 12:16 (AMP) says, “Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty…but associate with humble people [those with a realistic self-view]. Do not overestimate yourself.” Just imagine if we all decided to adopt just this one command from the Bible. It’s the way that leads to peace with ourselves and others. 5. A humble person knows when to be quiet. It’s certainly not wrong to talk, but a humble person is comfortable allowing others to have center stage and doesn’t feel the need to speak their mind in every situation. 6. A humble person sees their own weaknesses and can readily admit them. When we open up to others about ourselves, it can actually encourage and help them realize they’re not the only ones who deal with things. 7. A humble person happily serves other people, and they don’t do it to impress others. They do it unto God, knowing their reward will come from Him. 8. A humble person is thankful. This is one reason they’re usually so happy. When we live with an attitude of gratitude, it releases joy and power into our lives. 9. A humble person has a tender conscience and is quick to repent. 10. A leader who is truly humble treats everyone with respect. How a leader treats people is the quickest way to find out their level of humility. First Peter 5:6 (NIV) says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” And Jesus says in John 15:5, “…Apart from me you can do nothing.” I often pray things like, “Lord, I can do absolutely nothing without You today. Please help me—I need Your grace in every situation.” The older I get, the more I realize the importance of humility. I encourage you to pray and ask for God’s help. By His grace, you can live with an attitude of humility and really enjoy your life in Christ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Sit, Stand, Walk, Run. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.orgPlease note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministtries.

For Sale: 529 3RD ST HAVRE, MT Cozy little cottage near everything downtown. $69,900 Call Property West, 945-0394. 3-II

Wanted: 50' to 70' power poles from "old" transmission line from Ft. Peck to Great Falls. Please call or text to 390-0455. 3-I

6 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

Spring Events!

Junior Paleo Programs offering Paleo Lab and/or Paleo Field Experience. Dates TBD: Great Plains Dinosaur Museum at Malta, 406-654-5300 or e-mail for information. Paleo Labs are 60 minute programs for children 4 years and older; Paleo Field Experience is 3 hours for 5-10 year old children with an adult. Reservations required, 2 participant minimum. Liberty County Public Meeting March 24 - 5:30pm Liberty County Senior/Community Center to discuss plans for a new courthouse. Representatives from Slate Architecture and WWC Engineering will be present to go over plans, answer questions and concerns, and take public comments. The county commissioners would like to invite all Liberty County residents to attend and encourage everyone to participate in the conversation. Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force (MIPTF) Mar. 26 - 6-8 p.m. Community meeting. At Harlem Public Library: Let your voice be heard and be a part of positive action; call 353-2712 for more information. Light refreshments to will be provided. 2020 Winter Brewfest - Bear Paw Ski Bowl Saturday, March 28th, from 4-9pm Harlem Golf Course Annual Banquet March 28th, 6-10pm VFW in Harlem Contact Don Richman: 353-2213 or Ralph Snider: 379-2343 6th Annual Havre Hoopfest March 28th & 29th - Grades 4th - 12th For more information contact Bill Keller - 399-3135 "Ham It Up!" Fun Run/Walk & Bingo Mar. 29 At the Liberty County Senior Center and Community Center, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1 p.m. is check-in and registration. At 1:30 the fun run/ walk starts, with winners announced at 1:35, and Bingo starting at 2:30. "Ham It Up" is sponsored by Fitness Xpress, LC Tobacco Prevention, LMC, LC ReACT, & Healthy LC Coalition. MSU-Northern Spring Fling April 3rd at 5:30pm Northern Campus - Gym MAT - Ticked Off Dinner Theatre April 3-4 Chinook Eagles - 6pm For more information or to get tickets visit: Montana Country Poets and Pickers 26th Western Heritage Roundup April 3-4 At Chinook High School Sweet Auditorium: Showtime 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at Chinook Motor Inn, Cowboy Church April 5th at Chinook Motor Inn. Free Day Sessions 10a.m. - 5 p.m. Stories, Poems, Music, 50/50 Raffle, New Show Each Nite. Tickets $10/Night, Kids 12 and under FREE. Contact Dale Mailand 353-2383. Good Family Entertainment! MT Dinosaur Trail Spring Mtg. Agenda & Facility Tour Apr. 4th - noon to 5 p.m. at the Depot Museum in Rudyard - 25 4th Avenue in Rudyard 406-3554322. Malta Swishfest April 4th & 5th CANCELLED Grades 4 - 8 Yoga Classes with Fallon Handley Tuesdays April 7th – May 19th 7 p.m. Malta City Hall Dance Room. $50 for 7 weeks/ $25 for a three punch card.

7 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

MAT - Ticked Off Dinner Theatre April 10-18 Havre Eagles - 6pm For more information or to get tickets visit: 2020 MSU-N PRCA Extreme Bares & Broncs Challenge April 10th & 11th - 7pm Great Northern Fairgrounds -Bigger Better Barn 15th Annual Spring into Basketball 3 on 3 Tournament Sunday, April 19th Chinook High School (Use South Entrance) Contact: 262-3021 or 357-3458 MAT - Charlie & the Chocolate Factory April 23-May 2 Havre Montana Actors' Theatre - 7pm at the MSU-N Campus For more information or to get tickets visit: 44th Annual MSU-N Sweet Grass Society Powwow April 24-25 at the Armory Gymnasium - MSU-Northern Campus MSU-Northern Lights Football Spring Scrimmage Apri 25th, 1pm MSU-N Practice Football Field Contact: 265-3761 Bad Bear Laser Tag April 25 At the Milk River Pavillion, Malta. 3 sessions will take place. The first one will start at 9am - 1pm. The second session is from 3pm-6pm. The third session starts at 7pm-10pm. Concessions all day and a bar will be setup for the third session. Malta Chamber is seeking bids for concessionaires. Contact Anna the Malta Chamber at 654-1776for info. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As of press time, we understand that some of the events in this feature may be cancelled as the COVID-19 precautions are implemented as directed by our state and local health departments and government officials. Please follow our Facebook page for updates on cancellations or postponements as we receive them. We urge everyone to use discretion and follow good hygiene practices as this situation develops. Look out for your friends, family and neighbors, and do right by them. Montanans know how to preservere through any challenge. Be safe and smart.

8 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020


Chinook Harlem

SUDOKU! The rules to the Meeting With Future Son-in-law Japanese game of Sudoku are straightforward. Simply fill in the blanks so that each row, each A man was very eager to meet his future son in law. His daughter had gotten engaged unexpectedly and this weekend would be their first time meeting him. He told all column, and each of the nine 3x3 of his friends at work he had a whole list of questions to ask this young man. grids contain one instance of each On Saturday morning he invited his soon to be son-in-law out for a cup of coffee. of the numbers 1 through 9. As they began to talk, the father quickly found himself asking the questions that were SOLUTION:

The next issue publishes Wed., March 18, 2020. Ad DEADLINE Wed., March 11th at 9am.

weighing on his mind. "Do you have a job? I know you just finished college and all, but how do you plan to support yourself and my daughter?" The young man paused and said, "Well, God will provide." The father then asked his second question, "Where do you intend to live? Do you have a house or apartment lined up for after the wedding?" The young man paused and again, and with much conviction said, "God will provide." The father waited a few moments before launching into his third question. "Son, do you have any money? Any savings? A financial nest egg?" The young man looked him right in the eye and said again, "God will provide." The following Monday all of the father's co-worker were curious to find out how it had gone meeting his future son-in-law. The father smiled and said, "I kind of like the kid. He thinks I am God!"

HARLEM REGION: Tricia is happy to help you in:



Town: oplin nverness Rudyard Hingham Gildford Kremlin Ft Benton Loma Big Sandy Havre

SUD0KU E S $ !

2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 2000 Country Club Road *800-756-1817 Turner, MT 59542 Phone

Phone 800-756-1817 or 406-379-2377 or 406-379-2377 Email:


Email: FAX: 888-796-8498 FAX: Contact us 888-796-8498 to place an advertisement, complete the form above,

Contact us to place an advertisement, or visit us online tocomplete submit yourthe ad. form above, or visit us online to submit your ad.


Town: Prefix: Ft Belknap 353 Prefix: Ft Belknap Joplin 292 Turner353 379 292 Inverness 292 Turner Hogeland 379 379 292 Rudyard 355 Hogeland 379 673 Zortman 355 Zortman 673 397 Hingham 397 DodsonDodson 383 383 Gildford 376 Malta 301, 654, 680 376 Malta 301, 654, 658,658, 680 Kremlin 372 Loring 674 372 Loring 674 Benton 621, 622 Whitewater 621, Ft 622 Whitewater 674 674 Loma 739 Saco 739 Saco 527 527 Big Sandy 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 Havre 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 390, 394, 390, 394, 395, 398, 399395, 398, 399 Chinook 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODESARE ARE 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES Harlem 353 (406) 353 (406)

EAST BLAINE FERGUS and OUT-OF-STATE or CANADA Tricia Kimmel, Owner 800-756-1817 x804 406-379-2377 Email:

HAVRE REGION: Christa is happy to help you in: HILL COUNTY Christa Beatty, Sales Rep 406-398-5541 or 406-945-0856. Email:

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9 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

?Did you know? YOU CAN GET YOUR KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED at BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES in Havre Holiday Village Mall, Will sharpen while you shop, Very affordable 406-399-6522 3-I

For Sale: 600 Ton Alfalfa Grass Mix, Net Wrapped Round Bales, 1600 lb Bales, Good Clean - No Rain. Montana Hay Company. Trucking available & we custom haul. Call 6706551 or 672-7558. 2-I:5-I

10 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

"Move It At the Library!" is Moving and Grooving Bodies for Healthy Hearts A water bottle and a towel are all that is needed to get health in gear this season at the Blaine County Library each Wednesday and Friday from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room. Ellen Savage, Chinook area yoga specialist, leads class members to reach the collective goal of aerobic exercise to raise and maintain healthy heart rates, build strength and flexibility, and groove to tunes with neighbors and new friends. Music is determined at the beginning of each class according to participants' preferences in a given evening, and the sessions conclude with a "warm-down" series of movements to keep individuals' heart rates at a healthy range after they head out. The program will run through at least April, with the possibility of extending the group meetings into late spring and summer months. Kelsey Brown and Valerie Frank worked with Ellen Savage to create this class with the primary goal to "keep moving" even if you are a beginner, in recovery, or it's been a while since you worked out. "We want people to improve their health through strength building and increasing heart rates" that will maintain healthy circulation for the duration of the class, according to Brown. The class is open to a variety of age groups and includes steps to modify the movements according to individual goals and abilities. This class is sure to be a great way to unwind and stay active.

Putting you first made us #1. Making you our #1 priority is what’s made State Farm® #1* in auto insurance. I’m here to listen to your needs and to help life go right. CALL ME TODAY. *Based on written premium as reported by SNL Financial 2014. Tom J LaFond, Agent 145 4th ave ste #4 Havre, MT 59501 Bus: 406-265-5861 MON. - FRI. 8:00 - 5:00 After hours by appointment 24 hr customer service

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Dallas, TX 1601917

For Sale: Grass Alfalfa round bales. No rain, excellent quality, trucking available. Call 450-2436. 3-I

Specializing in Urethane Spray Foam Loose Foam Blow In

John 406-403-4402 Micha 406-403-5316

11 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

"Strong Persons" Program at Harlem's Little Rockies Senior Center is still moving forward in a healthy direction! We are looking for extra people to keep our community "strong" and all are welcome! Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Thursdays at 9 a.m. in the Harlem Senior Center. Come on in the front door and get moving with some of the hi-line's strongest folks! Call Connie Zanto for details (353-2971). 3-II

HOLY COW! Big Sky Images & Collectibles has America's largest retail displays of Ruana & USA Made Old Timer & Uncle Henry Knives. Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 http://www. 3-I

For Sale: 1231 3RD Street, Havre. Great starter home or rental property! 2 bedrooms + office/den, 1 full bath. Single level. Newer furnace installed. Currently being used as a rental property. $49,000 Call Property West, 945-0394. 3-I

March 22, 12 noon to 2 p.m.: Hogeland, Big Flat Catholic Church Spring Dinner and Bazaar. Dinner: 12 - 2, Bazaaar 11:30-2. $12/adults, $5/each for youngsters grades K-6. Come enjoy local artists' work, vendors, and a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. 3-II

Help Wanted: BearPaw Meats is seeking a Smokehouse Manager/ employee to join their team! $12$15/hour. Successful candidate must have a positive attitude, and good outlook on job responsibilities. The team member will be responsible for creating smoked sausages, smoked meats, charting, inventory, and label applications. Contact Ashley for more information: 357-3119 or visit the website at 3-I For Sale: 529 3RD ST HAVRE, MT Cozy little cottage near everything downtown. $69,900 Call Property West, 945-0394. 3-II

12 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 6............................................................................. March 18, 2020

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