January 15th, 2020

Page 1

January 29, 2020 Volume XVIII Issue 2


Postal Customer


Northern Lights Contracting Changes Ownership

A new year brings a change in ownership to Northern Lights Contracting, LLC. The company, which has been operated by Northern Lights Roofing & Consulting, LLC previously, has transferred ownership of its subsidiary company to Ashlee Broughten effective December 27, 2019. The folks at the roofing company extend their best wishes moving into the future. All correspondence to Northern Lights Contracting can be directed to Broughton at PO Box 585 in Havre, MT 59501. He may be reached at 406-680-2214.

800-756-1817 w w w. Tr i c i a s Tr a d e r. c o m 6,000 copies in print distributed across the NorthCentral Montana Hi-Line E m a i l n e w s t o i n f o @ t r i c i a t r a d e r. c o m

32nd Ann u Productio al n Sale

Thursday February 13, 2020

1:00 pm • Glasgow Stockyards • Glasgow, MT

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+4 +4.0 +68 +105 +26 +71 +105

Curt and Sue Wittkopp Circle, Montana • 406-974-3552 (Cell) • 406-485-3552 (Home) • www.wittkoppangus.com

2 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

For Sale: Up to 150 ton Oat & Searching for something? Alfalfa mix hay, $90/T. 125 ton Find it in the search window 2nd cutting alfalfa hay, $115/T. at www.TriciasTrader.com. x Call 357-3366 or 390-4874.. 1-II

*No Subscription Required. *Mailed FREE to Every Household in Dozens of Rural Montana Zip Codes. Call us today!




Northern Lights Contracting Changes Ownership.................................................1 Five Ways to Beat the January Blues........................................................2 Indoor Winter Gardening.........................5 10 Natural Seasonal Allergy Remedies You Can Try Today...........................................6


Ad Placement.......................................... 8 Dave Says.............................................11 Joyce Meyer Ministries.......................... 10 Laugh Lines............................................. 8 Ranching For Profit.................................9 Realty Section......................................... 7 Sudoku.................................................... 8 Things to Know........................................ 3

The best of both PRINT & ONLINE... Where else does your ad work this hard? Visit us online today

www.TriciasTrader.com We’re Mobile! “Tricias Trader”

Putting you first made us #1. Making you our #1 priority is what’s made State Farm® #1* in auto insurance. I’m here to listen to your needs and to help life go right. CALL ME TODAY. *Based on written premium as reported by SNL Financial 2014. Tom J LaFond, Agent 145 4th ave ste #4 Havre, MT 59501 Bus: 406-265-5861 tom@tomlafond.com MON. - FRI. 8:00 - 5:00 After hours by appointment 24 hr customer service

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Dallas, TX 1601917

Call Kimmel Kreations for wedding invitations, graduation announcements, office forms, biz cards, stationery, letterhead, special occasion napkins, livestock ID tag numbering, foil engraving, calendars, typing, binding and more! 379-2377. If it’s in print and you need it, we can do it. Try us for your next project. x Best Resting Inn & Extended Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x

?Did you know? YOU CAN GET YOUR KNIVES & SCISSORS SHARPENED at BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES in Havre Holiday Village Mall, Will sharpen while you shop, Very affordable 406-399-6522 1-I

FOR SALE: BARGAIN PRICING on 14 to 100 foot Bridges, 8 to 36 inch I Beams, and 12 to 24-inch pipe. Contact Ed toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 7-I:X

For Sale: Prowler 28ft travel trailer 2007. Clean and everything in working order. Recently had roof resealed, new awning topper over the slides, new tires, and new electric jack. 2 slides. $9750. 398-5541 1-II

For Rent: 201-211 7TH ST. Havre. This property is 2 duplexes and a large shed, located in the downtown area convenient distance to churches, shopping or school. $130,000 Call Property West, 945-0394. 1-I

3 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

THINGS TO KNOW: Quarterly meetings held 3rd Wed. of Jan., Apr., Jul., & Oct at 10am: VOLUNTEERS INVITED! BLAINE COUNTY LOCAL AREA COMMITTEE FOR MENTAL HEALTH meets in Youth Court Services in the basement of the courthouse. All interested parties are welcome to attend! Call 406-357-2369 for details. 3rd Thurs. Quarterly, Sept. 21, Dec. 21, Mar. 15 and June 21: BLAINE COUNTY DUI TASK FORCE meets in Bl. Co. Triple E Room at noon. This meeting is open to the public and welcomes the community. For questions call Deputy Chris Adair at 357-3260. First and Third Mon. of the Month.: HAVRE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLMeadowlark Estates, 4113 9th St. W., Havre, Sundays, 5:00-7:00pm. More info call Barbara Fell, 390-3708. Open to all denominations.

Five Ways to Beat the January Blues The joys of January: tight waistbands, echoing bank accounts, winter vomiting viruses, failed detox regimes, backto-work blues. According to the Samaritans, suicide levels peak around now. Last year psychologists even declared January 24 to be the most depressing day of the year. To stop the rot, try:

REO offers agricultural workers & their families assistance with: Funding for short-term classes or college tuition, books & other related costs. Job Search, placements & advancements. Employment security & wage increases. For more info visit reomontana.org call 406-879-9384 or email fawn@reomontana.org

Let us know what’s happening in your area. It’s free and it gets read!

Call 379-2377 or email office@triciastrader.com

1. Mood foods: Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids block chemicals called cytokines that can cause low mood. Oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna), flaxseed oil, nuts and seeds are all good sources. Some studies also link diets low in folate to low mood. Cabbage, broccoli and sprouts are good sources of folate. 2. Foiling the norovirus: The health protection agency says levels of infection of the "winter vomiting bug" are at their highest since 2002 in England and Wales, and that around 100,000 of us every week will go down with this horrid, though rarely dangerous, bug. The Royal College of GPs says we can do much to prevent the spread: improved hygiene (rigorous hand washing, cleaning surfaces, loos - anything that has been in contact with an infected person) and keeping infected people away from others for at least 48 hours after symptoms end are your best bet.

HOLY COW! Big Sky Images & Collectibles has America's largest retail displays of Ruana & USA Made Old Timer & Uncle Henry Knives. Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 http://www. bigskyimages.com. 1-I

For Sale By Owner: Buildings & 19 ac w/ 340' of Milk River frontage, west of Chinook, MT, 1/4 mi. so. of Hwy 2 at mile sign 399. 5 bed, 2 ba. house, 38x40' shop (14' ceilings), 3 car garage (18' ceilings), 1 old barn. Call Doug Plouffe 406-357-2487 for showing, and then give fair offer. 6-I:1-II

3. Eating breakfast: Attempts to reverse festive weight gain often involve meal-skipping. However, low blood sugar can affect energy and mood. Dietician Lyndel Costain says porridge - low-fat, filling, warm - provides mood-friendly B vitamins, iron and zinc, and keeps blood glucose levels steady. 4. Exercise and sleep: Studies show that exercise is an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression. Thirty minutes of activity (eg brisk walking) a day could tackle the January bulge, too. Weekend post-Christmas sleep "catchups", meanwhile, will make you even more lethargic and discombobulated. Sleep experts advise establishing a regular pattern of seven to eight hours per night: keep your bedtime and waking times consistent to reset your body clock. 5. Socialising: Countless studies have linked psychological wellbeing to social networks, but at this time of year we're all too fat and depressed to go out. Buck the trend: organise Best Resting Inn & Extended Searching for something? social dates, join a club, or become a volunteer. Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're Find it in the search window the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. at www.TriciasTrader.com. x https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2008/jan/08/features11.g2 N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x

For Sale: 1979 Steiger Cougar III Help 270hp tractor. 20.8x38 duals, no Looking for Help? chloride, 4 valves. 9300+ hrs. Has Wanted ads are FREE in Call today! x newer cab headliner & A/C Call for Tricia’s Trader. more information, 945-5591. 1-II

For Sale: 2006 Freightliner truck, 2000 Western Star truck, Have you ever sworn an oath to uphold 2013 Cross Country side dump trailer, 1998 Beall belly dump the U.S. Constitution? Check out 11-x trailer. Call 406-353-2201 to place www.OathKeepers.org . a bid. Bank of Harlem. 1-II

4 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Ask us How!

Cover Crops Silage Mixes


Take advantage of early booking discounts! Save 7% by booking now. March 31st payment deadline.

FOR SALE: New Mint State Silver Eagle Dollars & Morgan Silver Dollars! BIG SKY IMAGES & CvOLLECTIBLES Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 1-I

For Sale: 502 13TH AVE, Havre. 3 bedroom 1.5 baths. Cottage style charmer. Nice fenced yard and patio on top of the garage. Quiet neighborhood.$139,500, Call Property West, 945-0394. 1-II

Did You Know? When you place an ad in Tricia’s Trader, you also get an online presence. All our ads are searchable-- display ads AND classifieds! Get results... place your ad in Tricia’s Trader today. Visit triciastrader.com. x

For Sale: Whispering Winds: A History of the Big Flat 750 page hardcover book celebrating Turner, Montana’s centennial. Get your copy today for only $100. Visit www.turnermontana.us or call Edward Snider at 406-353-2934. x

5 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Indoor Winter Gardening

Have any of you tried indoor winter gardening? Indoor plants will not only improve your mood during the cold winter months, but if you plant and succeed at indoor vegetable gardening – wouldn’t that be nice? The two big issues with winter and gardening are COLD and SUNLIGHT. We can overcome the cold weather by gardening indoors. We cannot completely compensate for the low angle of sunlight during the winter months (and fewer hours of daylight) however we can help a little in that department…

Amazon Shoppers: Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to the Big Flat Community Grain Bin, Inc.? Visit www.smile.amazon. com. Purchases MUST be made through Amazon Smile to qualify. x

( Sunlight ) As you might expect, having good light is crucial to success for indoor gardening. Plants that don’t have enough light will grow ‘leggy’ (long and spindly). When a plant is deficient of light, the photosynthesis process won’t work so well – the plants won’t have enough energy to grow well. Look for areas in your home that receive direct sunlight through windows. Southern exposure is important because it will get the most hours of sunlight. Even with southern exposure windows, the problem is that there still may not be enough sunlight to work with (depending on what you’re trying to grow).

FOR SALE: BARGAIN PRICING on 14 to 100 foot Bridges, 8 to 36 inch I Beams, and 12 to 24-inch pipe. Contact Ed toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. ( Grow Lights ) You can supplement the requirement for sunlight with com/html/ 7-I:X grow lights. And today’s LED grow light technology vastly reduces the cost of electricity to run those lights compared with the grow lights of yesteryear. TIP: The following three products will set you up: LED Grow Light – Full Spectrum Clamp Light with Reflector 24-hour timer

Give it a try! Start from seed, or, at the end of the normal growing season you might choose a particularly hardy plant and move indoors. For example you could dig up the root-soil ball of a good looking tomato plant, bring it indoors placed in a cleaned pot (with drainage). Cut back the plant some to encourage root growth. Add soil and compost as needed to fill the pot about 3/4-full with room for watering. You might do the same with peppers too. Some veggie plants like cool temperatures anyway, like lettuces, collards, green onions, and peas. Consider vegetables like bunching (green) onions, herbs, kale, and beans – which grow fairly fast. Call Kimmel Kreations for wedding invitations, graduation announcements, office forms, biz cards, stationery, letterhead, special occasion napkins, livestock ID tag numbering, foil engraving, calendars, typing, binding and more! 379-2377. If it’s in print and you need it, we can do it. Try us for your next project. x

For Rent: 201-211 7TH ST. Havre. This property is 2 duplexes and a large shed, located in the downtown area convenient distance to churches, shopping or school. $130,000 Call Property West, 945-0394. 1-I

Plant Maintenance If the plants have insect infestations like white flies, aphids, or spider mites, you can wash-spray the leaves with a mixture of slightly soapy water. More: Homemade Recipes For Garden Pests – Organic Insecticide During the winter, it’s often quite dry inside the home, so you may want to mist the plants every day. Use a soil moisture meter to determine when the plants need watering. Attempting to successfully garden indoors during the winter will be a challenge. https://modernsurvivalblog.com/survival-garden/indoor-winter-gardening/

6 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Are you looking for that special hard-to-find book? BIG SKY IMAGES & COLLECTIBLES We have NEW and USED BOOKS will special order Havre Holiday Village Mall 406-399-6522 1-I

10 Natural Seasonal Allergy Remedies You Can Try Today Feeling like allergies are getting the best of you? You’re not alone. Luckily, allergy suffers can find substantial relief from natural remedies. 1. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar might just be the most useful condiment in your kitchen. It can help you clean showers and sinks. It’s wonderful in dressings. It adds a pop to marinades. It can remove odors from sweaty clothes, reduce heartburn, and treat dandruff. Like we said, it’s a rock star. Apple cider vinegar is also an amazing natural allergy remedy, as it can help reduce mucous production and cleanse your lymphatic system. The quick and dirty approach is to swallow a tablespoon. For a more palatable option, try adding a tablespoon to a cup of hot water with a small bit of honey. 2. Exercise Yes, the last thing you probably want to do when you feel crummy is workout. But, researchers in Thailand found moderate to intense activity for just 30 minutes can result in substantial allergy relief. The hypothesis is that this relief occurs because exercise produces an anti-inflammatory effect in your nasal passages, helping to naturally reduce allergy symptoms. If pollen counts are extremely high, an indoor workout Searching for something? will most likely be more beneficial as it will reduce reFind it in the search window exposure. at www.TriciasTrader.com. x 3. Local Honey Allergy symptoms are your body’s reaction to a substance it deems hazardous to your health. The runny nose and watery eyes are your body’s attempt to flush the foreign substance from your system. Unfortunately, you can’t simply tell your body that grass and pollen aren’t bad for it. But you can help your body learn that the local habitat isn’t deadly. You do so by giving your body small doses of the grass and pollen that are irritating it. This is where local honey comes in so handy. Bees create their honey from what’s around. Thus, their honey contains trace amounts of the very pollen that could be making you feel sick. While a tablespoon (or two) won’t immediately relieve your allergy symptoms, it can help naturally reduce your allergy symptoms over time. Start administering it immediately to begin seeing results. 4. Neti Pot + Saline Rinse Your nasal passage is an elaborate system of tiny passageways. For most of us, these passageways are filled with nooks and crannies where dirt and pollen can easily be trapped. Continued on page 10...

7 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Call Kimmel Kreations for wedding invitations, graduation announcements, office forms, biz cards, stationery, letterhead, special occasion napkins, livestock ID tag numbering, foil engraving, calendars, typing, binding and more! 379-2377. If it’s in print and you need it, we can do it. Try us for your next project. x Best Resting Inn & Extended Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x

8 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020


hinook arlem

SUDOKU! The rules to the Japanese game of Sudoku are straightforward. Simply fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9. SOLUTION:

Doctor: "I'm sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live." Patient: "What do you mean, 10? 10 what? Months? Weeks?!" Doctor: "Nine." A doctor accidentally prescribes his patient a laxative instead of a coughing syrup. Three days later the patient comes for a check-up and the doctor asks: “Well? Are you still coughing?” The patient replies: “No. I’m afraid to!”

The next issue publishes Wed., January 29, 2020. Ad DEADLINE Wed., January 15th at 9am.

One company owner asks another: “Tell me, Bill, how come your employees are always on time in the mornings?” Bill replies: “Easy. 30 employees and 20 parking spaces.”

HARLEM REGION: Tricia is happy to help you in:



own: oplin nverness udyard ingham ildford remlin t Benton oma ig Sandy avre

SUD0KU E S $ !

2000 Country Club Road * Turner, MT 59542 2000 Country Club Road *800-756-1817 Turner, MT 59542 Phone

Phone 800-756-1817 or 406-379-2377 or 406-379-2377 Email: office@triciastrader.com


Email: office@triciastrader.com www.TriciasTrader.com www.TriciasTrader.com FAX: 888-796-8498 FAX: Contact us 888-796-8498 to place an advertisement, complete the form above,

Contact us to place an advertisement, or visit us online tocomplete submit yourthe ad. form above, or visit us online to submit your ad.


Town: Prefix: Ft Belknap 353 Prefix: Ft Belknap Joplin 292 Turner353 379 292 Inverness 292 Turner Hogeland 379 379 292 Rudyard 355 Hogeland 379 673 Zortman 355 Zortman 673 397 Hingham 397 DodsonDodson 383 383 Gildford 376 Malta 301, 654, 680 376 Malta 301, 654, 658,658, 680 Kremlin 372 Loring 674 372 Loring 674 Benton 621, 622 Whitewater 621, Ft 622 Whitewater 674 674 Loma 739 Saco 739 Saco 527 527 Big Sandy 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 378 Hinsdale 364, 648 262, 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 262, Havre 265, 407, 808, 945, 969, 390, 394, 390, 394, 395, 398, 399395, 398, 399 Chinook 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODESARE ARE 357 ALL MONTANA AREA CODES Harlem 353 (406) 353 (406)

EAST BLAINE FERGUS and OUT-OF-STATE or CANADA Tricia Kimmel, Owner 800-756-1817 x804 406-379-2377 Email: kimmelkreations@yahoo.com

HAVRE REGION: Christa is happy to help you in: HILL COUNTY Christa Beatty, Sales Rep 406-398-5541 or 406-945-0856. Email: central@triciastrader.com

PUBLISHER’S COMMENTS: PUBLISHER’S COMMENTS: The publisher does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any advertising herein, and all representations or

Themade publisher not assume any forthe the contents of any advertising herein, and all representations or warranties in suchdoes advertising are those of the responsibility advertisers and not publisher. warranties made in such advertising those of the advertisers the publisher. Every effort is made by Kimmel Kreations, LLC toare never knowingly accept advertisingand that isnot deceptive or misleading. We Every effort is made Kimmel Kreations, LLC to at never knowingly accept advertising that is deceptive or misleading. We reserve the right to edit, refuse,by reject or cancel any advertisement any time. reserve right totoedit, refuse, reject orany cancel anyinadvertisement any time. The publisherthe is not liable any advertiser herein for misprints advertising not theat fault of the publisher, and in such Thethe publisher not liableliability to any advertiser herein forpublisher’s any misprints not the fault of the publisher, and in such an event, limit of theispublisher’s shall be the amount of the charge in foradvertising such advertising. an event, the limit of the publisher’s liability shall be the amount of the publisher’s All advertising for the sale, rental, financing, insurance and appraisal of residential real estate are charge subject toforthesuch advertising. for the sale, rental, financing, insurancelimitation, and appraisal of residential real estate are subject to the FederalAll Fairadvertising Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, or discrimination based on race, Federal Housingfamily Act, status, whichormakes illegal any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion,Fair sex, handicap, nationalitorigin, or to an advertise intention to make any such preference, limitation or color, religion, handicap, status,accept or national origin,which or an discrimination. Kimmelsex, Kreations, LLC willfamily not knowingly any advertising is inintention violation oftothismake law. any such preference, limitation or Kreations, LLC not knowingly accept advertising which is insole violation of this law. Alldiscrimination. advertising layoutsKimmel and designs and portions of will the same that are produced by any Kimmel Kreations, LLC are the Allofadvertising layouts designs portions of the producedis by Kimmel property Kimmel Kreations, LLCand and may not beand reproduced in any formsame unless that writtenare authorization obtained fromKreations, LLC are the sole property of Kimmel Kreations, LLC and may not be reproduced in any form unless written authorization is obtained from the publisher. the publisher. “Tricia’s Trader” is published bi-monthly by Kimmel Kreations, LLC, 2000 Country Club Road, Turner, MT 59542. Copies “Tricia’s Trader” is published bi-monthly by Kimmel Kreations, LLC, 2000 Country Club Road, Turner, MT 59542. Copies of “Tricia’s Trader” are distributed free to the reader in public locations, and by subscription service for a minimal charge to of “Tricia’s Trader” are distributed free to the reader in public locations, and by subscription service for a minimal charge to those requesting mailing service. All material copyright 2003-2015. those requesting mailing service. All material copyright 2003-2015. NOTICE: The opinions and ideas expressed in articles and advertisements in ‘Tricia’s Trader’ are those of the author NOTICE: The opinions and ideas expressed in articles and advertisements in ‘Tricia’s Trader’ are those of the author or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, Kimmel Kreations, LLC. Material in articles or or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, Kimmel Kreations, LLC. Material in articles or advertisements should be considered general reading and should not be construed as professional advice. All information advertisements should be considered general reading and should not be construed as professional advice. All information should be carefully researched by the reader, and the reader assumes all responsibilty and risks associated with any action should be carefully researched by the reader, and the reader assumes all responsibilty and risks associated with any action taken basedbased upon information in an advertisement or article. taken upon information in an advertisement or article.

9 Tricia’s Trader..................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Ranching For Profit Blog - Dave Pratt Healthy Land, Happy Families and Profitable Businesses www.ranchingforprofit.com

Pounds per Head or Pounds per Acre

For decades we’ve been encouraged to evaluate the efficiency of production by focusing on weight weaned per cow. Now some are arguing that the critical measure should really be pounds weaned per acre. But neither measure is very useful. Each is just a different side of the same failed paradigm: increasing production will increase profit. The problem is, whether it is pounds per cow or pounds per acre, increasing production does not necessarily increase profit. The most productive ranch is rarely the most profitable. A few years ago, in the development of RFP Next Steps, our program to help our graduates apply Ranching For Profit School principles to their ranches, we took a deep dive into this question: If there is only one thing you can measure to determine the efficiency of production, what should it be? We looked at every possibility. We found that, if your goal is increasing profit, the best measure of production efficiency is gross margin per unit. The unit we usually use in livestock enterprises is a standard animal unit or an acre. They measure the same thing because a standard animal unit quantifies the energy that an animal needs, and, of course, for grazing animals that energy comes from acres. The bottom line is that the weight weaned per acre or weight weaned per cow, are two sides of the same failed paradigm. Gross margin per unit is the only production measure that matters! Production measures that don’t include the value of production and the cost of achieving it are meaningless when you are ranching for profit.

Best Resting Inn & Extended Help Stay: "We're not the Fanciest, We're Looking for Help? Wanted ads are FREE in the Friendliest." 5001 River Dr. Tricia’s Trader. Call today! x N., Gt Falls, MT. 406-268-8333. x

FOR SALE: BARGAIN PRICING on 14 to 100 foot Bridges, 8 to 36 inch I Beams, and 12 to 24-inch pipe. Contact Ed toll free- 866683-7299 or 406-453-7299 BIG SKY PIPE AND SUPPLY, Great Falls. Call TODAY and Ask for our free catalog. VISIT US ONLINE ht t p:// bi g sk y pip e a nd suppl y. com/html/ 7-I:X

For Sale: 2006 Freightliner truck, 2000 Western Star truck, 2013 Cross Country side dump trailer, 1998 Beall belly dump trailer. Call 406-353-2201 to place a bid. Bank of Harlem. 1-II

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Call Kimmel Kreations for wedding invitations, graduation announcements, office forms, biz cards, stationery, letterhead, special occasion napkins, livestock ID tag numbering, foil engraving, calendars, typing, binding and more! 379-2377. If it’s in print and you need it, we can do it. Try us for your next project. x

For Sale By Owner: Buildings & 19 ac w/ 340' of Milk River frontage, west of Chinook, MT, 1/4 mi. so. of Hwy 2 at mile sign 399. 5 bed, 2 ba. house, 38x40' shop (14' ceilings), 3 car garage (18' ceilings), 1 old barn. Call Doug Plouffe 406-357-2487 for showing, and then give fair offer. 6-I:1-II

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COLUMBUS, MT • 406-322-5427 GREAT FALLS, MT • 406-453-4322

10 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

Enjoying Everyday Life Joyce Meyer

The Right Time for Your Dream to Come True When God created you, He made you a unique individual and He has a special plan for your life. You have a God-ordained destiny! As you pursue a personal relationship with Him, you can discover the wonderful life He has for you in Christ and become everything He’s created you to be. Your relationship with Christ is a daily, lifelong journey, and along the way God will give you dreams, desires, and hope for change in your life. Maybe you want to see a change in your family relationships, friendships, work situation, or finances. Or you may be hoping and praying for changes to happen in your loved ones’ lives. Whatever your hopes and dreams may be, God wants to help you fulfill His purposes in your life. But He usually won’t tell you when those things will come to pass because you have to go through a season of preparation to be ready for them. My Crazy Dream I remember when God put His dream in my heart in 1976 to teach the Bible to people all over the world. It seemed crazy because I was nobody from nowhere with a twelfth-grade education who almost failed English, and I hadn’t been to Bible college or seminary. But I knew in my heart that God wanted to use me to preach the Gospel. When God speaks something to your heart, as crazy as it may seem, you can believe it! You have a passion to do it, it’s on your mind a lot, and you will sacrifice anything to get it. From the day God revealed His call on my life, I have wanted to teach His Word more than anything else in the world. But it didn’t happen overnight. There were years of preparation I had to go through to get to the point where I could do what I’m doing today. It wasn’t easy because I wanted my ministry to grow so badly and I couldn’t understand why it was taking so long. But during these years, I learned what it means to really trust God and know that He will do the best thing for me at the right time. There are examples in the Bible of people who had to wait for God to fulfill their dreams: • Moses wanted to deliver his people from slavery in Egypt and he spent 40 years in the desert before he was ready. • Joseph spent 13 years in prison for something he didn’t do before God gave him favor with Pharaoh, who gave him a position of authority over all the land of Egypt. • David was anointed to be king 20 years before he sat on the throne. God wants to give us favor and the ability to fulfill our destinies, and He will do so as we learn to trust His timing with a good attitude. You Can’t Rush God People are often in a hurry to reach their goals, but God is not. I’ve discovered that being frustrated about how long I have to wait will never make God hurry. God knows what we need to go through to prepare us to walk in His plans. The best thing we can do during these times is learn to wait patiently, trusting God’s timing. Waiting patiently is not just waiting; it’s how we act while we’re waiting. The training, or preparation, we go through in the process of reaching our dream teaches us how to trust God and wait on His timing with a good attitude. Psalm 31:14-15 (NIV) says, “I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.” And Habakkuk 2:3 (AMP) says, “For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time…. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay.” These verses encourage us to be determined to trust God and wait on Him for His perfect timing. When it seems the dream He’s put in your heart is delayed, you can stir up your hope in Christ for change to happen because God is faithful. Your Destiny Is Beautiful in God’s Time We will be tempted to try and make things happen in our own effort sometimes, but when we give in to it, we put off God’s answer even longer. Your journey may be long, but you can enjoy it if you’ll make up your mind to trust God. Don’t be moved emotionally and try to give birth to your dream prematurely. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” And verse 11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time….” The changes and breakthroughs we are praying for will certainly come as we wait on God. And they will be beautiful in the right time, but not outside of God’s timing. Choose to live in the rest of God…peaceful in the midst of the storms of life and the seasons of waiting for change. Enjoy the freedom of not having to know everything or have everything figured out. Instead, replace frustration with trust that God is good, He knows what He’s doing, and He will do the best thing for you at the right time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Sit, Stand, Walk, Run. You can also contact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or visiting www.joycemeyer.org. Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. She has authored more than 100 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Unshakeable Trust: Find the Joy of Trusting God at All Times, in All Things (Hachette). She hosts the Enjoying Everyday Life radio and TV programs, which air on hundreds of stations worldwide. For more information, visit www.joycemeyer.orgPlease note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministtries.

Continued from page 6... Until that foreign substance is expelled, your body will most likely keep trying to flush it from your system. This can mean lots of mucous (aka a runny nose), coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes. With a neti pot, you can use saline to flush your nasal passages and help relieve your allergy symptoms. 5. Nasal Sprays Not sure you want to pour liquid in your nose? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Neti pots aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. A nasal spray is an alternative. By spritzing saline solution in your nose once a day, you can help flush those same harmful irritants from your nasal passage. 6. Bee Pollen Like honey, bee pollen contains the natural substances where the bees live. It offers an alternative way to introduce these substances into your immune system. Because sometimes we all want to add a little variety to out diets. Great sprinkled on fruit or tossed in salad, it offers a bit of a sweet crunch. 7. Probiotics In some cases allergy symptoms are a result of your body’s immune system being imbalanced. This can cause you to have a more severe reaction to foreign stimuli – like pollen, dust, and grass. Probiotics give your immune system a boost by introducing beneficial bacteria into your digestive tract. A good source of probiotics can be found in fermented foods, like kimchi. Kombucha is another great source of probiotics. Both make yummy additions to nearly any meal! 8. Dietary Changes Our diet plays a huge roll in your overall health. It contributes to your mood and ability to get a full night’s rest. It’s a major factor in energy levels, skin appearance, and weight balance. It can also play a big role in how our body handles allergies. The healthier you are, the better your body will respond. Additionally, some patients have found that Continued on page 11...

11 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

DAVE SAYS: Dave Ramsey is a personal money management expert, popular national radio personality and the author of three New York Times bestsellers – The Total Money Makeover, Financial Peace Revisited and More Than Enough. In them, Ramsey exemplifies his life’s work of teaching others how to be financially responsible, so they can acquire enough wealth to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.

How to make goals and resolutions become reality Dear Dave, My wife and I have our budget ready for next month, and we’ll be following your plan in 2020 to pay off debt and get our finances in order. Do you have any tips for setting and sticking to goals in general? - Rick Dear Rick, That’s a fantastic goal. Living on a monthly budget, and telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went, is an important step toward gaining control of your finances. Combine that with getting out of debt, and you’ll be in charge of your most powerful wealth-building tool—your income. If you’re following my plan, you already have goals in front of you where your money is concerned. For most Americans, though, a new year means nothing more than new resolutions without real plans. Don’t get me wrong. It’s good to make resolutions and set goals, but you can’t stop there. You have to formulate a plan that turns your dreams into bite-sized pieces of progress that will gradually create a big event in your life. If you want to achieve your goals, then keep these next things in mind. When setting goals, be very specific in what you want to achieve. Include steps that will help you get there, too. Being vague will only cause you to feel directionless and overwhelmed. Most people give up when these feelings arise. Make your goals measurable. If you want to lose weight, don't simply write down "lose weight" as a goal. Exactly how much weight do you want to lose? What will it take in terms of exercise and dietary changes to make it happen? Are your goals your goals? Only you can realistically set your own goals. If your spouse, co-worker, or friend sets a goal for you, chances are you’re not going to achieve it. Taking ownership will give you more opportunity to meet your goal. Also, set time limits for your goals. Putting a time frame in place will help you set realistic goals. If you want to save a certain amount of money for a particular event, break it down and determine how much cash you need to put into your savings account each month leading up to that event. And finally, put your goals and resolutions in writing. Putting them in writing will make you more likely to achieve them. Write down your goals, and review them often. This will give you motivation to make them reality. I believe this is the process for success, Rick. Successful people reassess their lives regularly, and start living intentionally, in writing, and on purpose. Happy New Year! —Dave

Continued from page 10... certain foods can trigger more intense allergy symptoms. For example, many allergy sufferers experience an allergic response to the following foods: Pineapple, Cucumbers, Sunflower seeds, Melons, Zucchini, Sugar, Peanuts, Bananas, Shellfish, Wheat, Soy 9. Nettle Leaf Nettle leaf can help naturally block your body’s ability to produce histamine, which can provide allergy relief naturally. While you may be able to find nettle leaf grown locally, we think it’s easiest to buy it. You can get it in capsules or buy the leaf whole, which is our preference. Steep it with peppermint leaves and a small amount of honey to create an herbal tea that will be as tasty as it is beneficial. 10. Water Hydrate like it’s your job. That sounds simple, right? You’d be surprised how many people are dehydrated! And, the side effects of being dehydrated are immense. It can cause you to be moody, make you hungrier, and make it harder to lose weight. Being dehydrated can make you tired and make it difficult for you to get a full night’s rest. It can cause headaches, breakouts, and bloating. And, it can heighten any allergy symptoms you’re experiencing. In short, being dehydrated is bad for your health. The more water you can drink, the better you’re going to feel. https://truhealthmedicine.com/healthy-living/13-natural-seasonal-allergyremedies

12 Tricia’s Trader................................................................... Volume XVIII Issue 2..........................................................................January 29, 2020

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