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Useful Contact Numbers
In addition to the raft of information in our handbook, you can find additional information on our Lower Years Hub. Here you will find a link to our virtual tour, information on getting to King’s, details of the school uniform, a short video from our Lower Years Pupils, essential tips for settling in, how to express an interest in music lessons and how to sign up to our school newsletter and social media channels.
Contacting the Lower Years Team Mr Richard Chapman Head of Lower Years
Mrs Rachael Worth
Assistant Head of Lower Years rchapman@ksw.org.uk rworth@ksw.org.uk
Please see House specific information Page 10 Health Centre
House Tutors
Mrs Emma Rossiter
Mrs Alison Odam
Mrs Jo Walters
Senior Leadership Team Mr Gareth Doodes
Dr Alison Oliver
Miss Harriet Dyke
Mr Jon Ricketts
Mrs Katie Beever
Miss Georgina Mason
Mr Adam Winter
Timings of the Day
The Annett Building is open, with a member of staff on duty and in the Lower Years Playground, during morning break. Lunch is eaten in the Dining Hall between 11.55 am and 12.30 pm. Activities and clubs then take place during Long Break, which runs between 13.40 and 14.15. During Long Break, the School Library is open for supervised use, and Lower Years staff are again on duty around the Annett Building and Lower Years Playground.
After School, at 3.40pm pupils are free to go home, unless taking part in after-school clubs and activities. They may also join homework club until 5.50 pm Monday to Thursday and 5.30 pm on Friday. After this time, we ask that they leave the school premises. All pupils must be off the site by 6.00 pm unless they are under the direct supervision of a member of staff.
If as parents or guardians you have any concerns about your child, then please do contact your daughter/son’s Form Tutor in the first instance. Early communication is essential to build an effective health@ksw.org.uk
01905 721711 headmaster@ksw.org.uk or you can make an appointment to meet with the Headmaster via his secretary, Mrs Fiona Cook, on: 01905 721740 aoliver@ksw.org.uk hdyke@ksw.org.uk jricketts@ksw.org.uk kbeever@ksw.org.uk gmason@ksw.org.uk awinter@ksw.org.uk partnership between school and home and we welcome the opportunity to work closely with you should you have any queries or concerns about life at school or your child’s well-being or progress; we aim to keep parents and guardians fully informed on all matters relating to their children.
The King’s Worcester Firefly website is a key source of information about life in school and offers a variety of information about day-today life at King’s. More information on this can be found on page 16.
You will receive a fortnightly e-newsletter from the Headmaster (called the View from College Green) and a fortnightly King’s News e-newsletter which provides a round up of school news. Once a year, you will receive a copy of the school magazine, The Vigornian.
You are also encouraged to follow us via our social media channels.