I hope you will join me on Friday, 2nd September, at 7.30 in the evening to enjoy the delights of Timothy Noon as he plays Kingsland’s Organ and entertains us “last night of the proms style”! He is now the organist and director of music at Exeter Cathedral and we are extremely fortunate that he has made time to come back to his roots and to play for us. Do come - you will not be disappointed! For some of September there will be visiting ministers coming to take services including Will Pridie from Leominster who is a strong preacher and Nigella who will come and preside at the Family Eucharist. NIck and I are away on holiday for some of the month. If you ring the rectory and I am away, the wardens will help you access the care you may need. Nick preached at a few Lammas services in August and noted how the agricultural year revolved around the quarter days of March, June, September and December and these were the feast days of Mary (March 25th), John the Baptist (June 24th), Michael (Sept 29th) and Christmas. Well the churches of this benefice fulfil those with Eardisland (St Mary), Aymestrey (John the Baptist) and
Kingsland (St Michael’s). On these days agricultural rents were due and hiring took place. We are aware of our farmers and the exceeding dedication and hard work that happens around us 7 days a week. Our harvest festivals are soon here and this time supper will follow. Pencil in Thursday 13th October at 7pm on your calendars. At the end of September there will be a special evensong for St Michael on Thursday 29th September at 7pm. There will be others from the deanery present as we host the Deanery Synod meeting at 7.30pm in the Church so it should be a lively service. September is the time of new beginnings for families and young people so we remember and pray for those starting school for the first time and for their families and teachers and those moving on to new classes, schools, colleges, universities or out into the world for the first time. May they look to God who loves each and every one and will guide us through, should we look to him for direction. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23 Every blessing, Julie