Kingsland News May 2017

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Dear Parishioners, What a whirlwind of emotion surrounded Lent and Easter. The heights of love and the depths of sorrow, failure and faithfulness. It was all there in the accounts of the Gospel writers and we journeyed with them. Thank you to all who made the season so precious – to Nick who led the Lent Group on the science, politics and theology of Global Warming, to Katie and Michael for the services they led, and to the churchwardens and members of the church for their part. We saw a first performance by the newly formed “Kingspans” – the church steel pan group, art from the school with a Mothering Sunday service that was busy with bees, Handel’s Easter Music resonated with the choir and friends performing the Easter sections of Handel’s Messiah and then the final week with the donkeys courtesy of Andrew and Sue Cross, a walk up the hill behind Leinthall Church, and at last the church full of lilies and a goodly crowd as we gathered to worship together on Easter Sunday. Alleluia Christ is Risen! There was hope and there is hope in the dark places of our world. And then we could all let our hair down and chase the bunny on the green!!!

Now is the month of May and a time to watch things grow. Prayers for the land and for the farming community are part of the service on Rogation Sunday 21st May at 10.30am and this year the service is at Oakfields Farm, Kingsland, thanks to the Vaughan Family. There will be shared refreshments after the service so please bring along a plate to share. And then there is Ascension Day on the following Thursday and the whole of the Church of England is being encouraged to pray “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” for the 10 days leading up to Pentecost on June 4th (the birthday of the church). We are holding a 24 hour pray in – or sleep over in church as I called it on Easter Sunday. Look out for posters and volunteer to take a slot on the rota. I write this on the day that the General Election has been announced and so perhaps 24 hours of prayer is rather apt. But prayer is about thanksgiving as well, and I rejoice in the love that is all around in the kindness of individuals and in the beauty of the wonderful Herefordshire land. On Saturday June 10th there will be a Fête at the Coronation Hall raising funds jointly for the Church and the School PTA. Please note the date and support the Fête, Julie


Advertising in the Kingsland News. (from 1/3/17) This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland Village (Print run 530) free of charge. Advertising is accepted (provided the material is fit for publication) on completion of the form below, and payment should preferably be by cheque to “Kingsland P.C.C. Bookstall Account”. The system used to produce the magazine is literally black & white only, greys are not distinguished and photographs do not reproduce well, though line drawings are fine. Advertisers should make copy as clear and brief as possible, since very close, small, type becomes difficult to read. The full page size is A5 (portrait) (195 x 130 mm) so the fractions of a page are A6 (landscape) (130 x 90 mm), A7 (portrait) (90 x 60 mm) and A8 (landscape) (60 x 45 mm). (Dimensions approximate)

Please return the completed form to The Editor at 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS, or place in the ‘Hen Box’ at West Mead, or email (Tel: 01568 708672)

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Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


Nature Notes 13/4/17 This is a hectic time for plants, insects and birds. The quest for food and territory is high on the list, as is the instinct to mate. The first Swallow was reported in Kings Pyon this year on April 6th, a day earlier than last. Others arrive by stages, though the current cold spell is holding their arrival back. The Magnolia was at its best on March 31st. Now, falling petals begin creating a mess that carries on most of the Summer. Reports have come from several of Mallard Ducks clearing Frog Spawn from numerous ponds. Some will survive! Many small bees, that increase in numbers each year, digging holes in a south-facing lawn. Any information on these creatures would be most welcome

collected by the parents. The young flap their wings as they feed. Weeds are plentiful, but there are some wonderful gardens around. Much lawn mowing taking place. The Cattle are enjoying being out on fresh grass and getting some sun on their backs. Listen out for the first cuckoo. They become less each year round here. George, the cock Pheasant, boldly shows off in front of his two hens. Typical Male! R.W.H.

Much noise comes from the 30+ nests in the Rookery as young call for their feed. This is in the form of regurgitated matter

Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549




Kingsland Millennium Green Trust Grand National Sweep Stake, 8th April, 2017 Thank you to everyone who helped to sell tickets and to all those who bought them. This year we had record sales amounting to £460.00! The winning places went to: 1st. the Cave-Browne-Caves, 2nd. Rosemary Edwards, 3rd. Elizabeth Karlsson and 4th. Myra Lowe who share prize money of £207.00. This leaves £118.00 for 1,440 Easter eggs and £135.00 towards the upkeep of the Green. Jackie Markham. KMGT Quarterly Draw The Quarterly draw for April, 2017 in respect of Kingsland Millennium Green was won by Mrs D Gibbs who received a cheque for £40 with second place being won by Mrs S Rowsell who received £25.00. Congratulations to both ladies. Sally Wall (KMGT Hon. Treasurer) Open meeting of the Trustees of KMGT There will be an open meeting of the Trustees of KMGT in the Coronation Hall on Saturday, 13th May, at 10am. The meeting will start with the formal Annual General Meeting and then be followed by the usual regular meeting. Please feel free to come along and if you would like coffee beforehand, that will be available from 9.30am. Andrew Parsons (Hon. Sec. Tel 708592)

Kingsland W I At our Wednesday meeting in April we had a very entertaining visit from Marion

Edwards of Gingers Millinery. She displayed a large collection of her designed hats and fascinators of every hue. Marion explained the materials and methods used in making them and instructed us in how they should be worn. Members enjoyed hearing her stories and trying on the hats. Vicki Sowerbutts gave the vote of thanks. New members are always welcome. Mary Ford


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Tuesday 9th May. To Highgrove Gardens (see the wildflower meadow). A wonderful day out! Coach from Leominster Bus Station 8.30 am. Please bring photo ID with you. (Only 8 places left) £55. Friday 19th May. To Malvern Theatre. Pascha from ‘Strictly’ in his own show. Coach from Kingsland Coronation Hall 6.00 pm. Tickets and Booking Fees included. £49 Wednesday 14th June. To Wolverhampton Theatre for ‘A Grand Music Hall.’ Coach from Kingsland Coronation Hall 10.30 am (to give chance for lunch). Show at 2.30 pm. Seats in Dress Circle £45 Friday 1st September to Sunday 3rd September Chatsworth Country Fair. Price includes all coach travel, 2 nights dinner, bed and breakfast at The Moat House, Stoke on Trent, admission to the Fair, and the services of a professional tour manager. £269 To book for any of these trips please phone Justin Lewis on 01568 613836 or email: Please post cheques to J. Lewis, 1A Westbury House, Ryelands Rd., LEOMINSTER. Herefordshire, HR6 8NZ


Kingslandlife Website News The website continues to provide lots of information for residents and visitors to the area so we hope you all find it useful. At the moment we get between 8-900 visitors a month so it’s a good resource if you want to publicise your business or an event! We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed with over 1,400 followers (@KingslandLife) As you may know, the website is run by a very small band of volunteers with professional help and back up from Eyelid Productions. Thanks to our generous Sponsors and the Parish Council who made the latter possible. (If you’d like to be a sponsor do give us a call or mail us). We aim to keep the website as up to date as possible but we could do with a pair or two of helping hands who could assist with the updating. It runs on WordPress which is very easy so if you’re happy using computers and would like to learn please do give Sally a call on 01568 708839. Meanwhile, don’t forget to send us your news and events which are all listed for free. We also list businesses, clubs and organisations in the parish for free. If you’re a contributor or are listed as a facility, business, club or organisation please don’t forget to check your entry to make sure it’s accurate and up to date. You can mail any events, posters, photographs, new entries or entry amendments to NEW! – We now have a Jobs and Volunteering page, so if you have any jobs or volunteering opportunities in the parish please do send them to us and we list them for free. And as always we have pages for – Latest News; Planning Applications; Trades and Services; Clubs, Organisations and Facilities in the parish: Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan: Village Diary; For Sale

(or Free) and Wanted: Kingsland News online; Kingsland History; What’s On Nearby - and lots more….. So come and have a look, and we always welcome suggestions for other things you’d like to see on the website.

Sally Deakin

( : email


Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340




Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour    

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Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 7, Boarsfield, Kingsland


Theology and Climate Change For the last few years, I have tried to do something positive during Lent, rather than to give up something like chocolate. This year I attended the Lent Study Group run by Nick Read at the Rectory. Although, as a science teacher, the science of climate change was familiar, the approach of studying the science, politics and theology, pushed each of us to consider the problems from different points of view. And it was approaching the same problem from different angles that made the group stimulating, interesting, challenging both personally and collectively as a church and as a parish. Each of us was faced with a dilemma. The fact that our human activities are changing our planet’s climate is indisputable. But the challenge that, because as a nation we are becoming more Godless, we are becoming more selfish, turning away from the needs of others, this is leading to us damaging the planet, I had not considered. Is climate change like an Old Testament punishment and what should our response be? As individuals, we responded with small pledges to examine the way we live, and some of these such as cutting down on food miles so choosing local produce, buying more in the village, supporting local businesses, have immediate benefits for our community. Some such as buying Fair Trade goods, making sure cars and electrical appliances we buy are as energy efficient as possible, have larger, more global benefits. And so we see that relationship in practice – care about the planet and we find ourselves caring for others, care for others and we see that we can reduce our global impact. That is the

relationship that God longs for with us. Watch this space for the members of the group putting into practise some of our responses, hopefully working together with people in our village to bring about change that benefits all of creation. Wendy Maddocks


Telephone: 01568 780 912



Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels, Kingsland

7th May, 1st Sunday of the Month, at 9.30 am is

Family Service Leader:

Mrs Wendy Maddocks. The title of this service is:

Sing! Sing! Sing! AN EVENING WITH Roy Massey MBE Organist emeritus of Hereford cathedral

St Mary’s Church, Dilwyn Saturday, 6th May, 2017 7.30 pm

Tickets to include refreshments: £10 Available from:

Jane Hawkesley 01544318007 Anthea Alexander 07747 025077 All Proceeds to St Mary’s Dilwyn


Church Services in the Benefice for May Sunday 7th May Easter 4 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland 9.30 am Family Service Kingsland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) Kingsland 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Aymestrey th Sunday 14 May Easter 5 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) Aymestrey 9.30 am Mattins Eardisland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Kingsland Sunday 21st May Easter 6 10.30 am Benefice Rogation Service Oaklands Farm Thursday 25th May Ascension Day 10.00 am Holy Communion Kingsland Sunday 28th May Sunday after Ascension 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland and each Thursday at Kingsland stated: 11.00 amat 10.00 Choralam Matins with Sunday Seekers unless otherwise Kingsland Said Holy Eucharist BCP and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches for May 2017 at 11 am unless otherwise stated. May

7th Rev J Eaton-Challinor Kingsland th 14 Rev K Stilwell Shobdon st 21 Miss H Price Kingsland Rev Den Bulloss Chapel Anniversary at Kingsland 3.00pm See separate notice for more details 28th Rev Den Bulloss Shobdon

Weobley Theatre Goers We are going on the last outing of the season to see Funny Girl on 10th May, leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 9.30 am Crazy For You (7th September) and War Horse (19th October) are sold out, but please let me know if you would like to go on a cancellation list or if you hear of any good shows that you would like to see. For further information ring me on 01544 318513, or email Kate Best

CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE


The Parish Diary 2017 May 8th RBL Social Evening & Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm th 20 Progressive Supper 2017 Various venus tba 27th ‘My Dearest Kate’ – Play Kingsland Methodist Church 7.30 pm June 3rd SMAAAK Event ‘Whalebone’ Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 5th RBL Social Evening & Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm th 10 Church & School PTA combined Fête Coronation Hall tba July 2nd Social Event in aid of Church Marquee at ‘Fairfield’ tba 3rd RBL Social Evening & Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 15th SMAAAK Event Pop-up Opera Church 7.30 pm August 5th Kingsland Flower Show Coronation Hall tba th 7 RBL Social Meeting/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm September 4th RBL AGM Corners Inn 7.30 pm 9th SMAAAK Event hArt Church (‘til 17th) 10 am to 5 pm each day 16th SMAAAK Event Remi Harris Trio Coronation Hall 7.30 pm October 2nd RBL Social Meeting/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 7th SMAAAK Event Arcadia Music Festival Church 7.30 pm November 6th RBL Social Meeting/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 12th Remembrance Sunday Service Church 10.50 am December 4th RBL Social Meeting/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm (Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)


The Angel Bar & Kitchen, Kingsland ………..Open Every Day……….. Lunch Menu Tuesday to Saturday Served 12.00 – 2.30 p.m. Monday Special Served 12 – 2.30 p.m. and 5.00 – 9.00 p.m. £5 Evening Menu Tuesday to Sunday Served 6.00 – 9.30 p.m. Sunday Lunch Served 12.00 to 3.00 pm Sunday Evening Served 6.00 – 8.00 p.m.

Tel: 01568 709195 email: HR6 9QS



HEREFORDSHIRE ARMED FORCES DAY 2017 Herefordshire has strong links with the Armed Forces and we will again be showing our support for all the men and women who make up the armed forces community in the County. This community includes currently serving troops, service families, veterans and cadets.

We will be holding three events this year. 1. Monday 19 June 2017 – Flag Raising Ceremony To celebrate the start of Armed Forces week a flag raising ceremony will be held at 11.00am at the Hereford Bull Statute in High Town, Hereford. There will be speeches by the Lord Lieutenant and Chairman of Herefordshire Council in the presence of the Royal British Legion Standard Bearers. There will also be performances by children from local Primary Schools.

2. Saturday 24 June 2017 – Armed Forces Day This event to be held in the Shire Hall and High Town Hereford from 10.00am to 3.00pm will include performances and/or displays and information stands from the armed forces, local branches of armed forces charities, local support groups and schools. Refreshments will also be available in the Shire Hall. There will be a fly past by a Spitfire from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (time to be confirmed), and the Band of The Rifles will be in attendance (to be confirmed).

3. Saturday 24 June 2017 – Armed Forces Day Concert This will be held in Shire Hall from 7.00pm to 9.00pm and will feature performances by Marches Military Wives Choir, Stretton Sugwas Primary School, Hereford Academy and The Shire Boys. Admission will be free but with donations for local armed forces charities. More information will be available closer to the date and will also be given on

Royal British Legion Branch Meetings Although rd attendance at the 3 April meeting was slightly down, the draw and quiz still raised £92. To avoid the May Bank Holiday our next meeting will be on 8th May and the quiz will be set by Terence!! Falklands War Commemoration On th 4 June Ross-on-Wye are organising a comprehensive programme of events to mark the 35th anniversary of the Falklands Campaign. This is the largest

event in the three counties and full details are on a poster on our notice board. Veterans’ Gateway As reported last month this is a combined effort by various veterans support organisations to best inform individuals of which agency to approach to get help. The system is now up and running, although the formal public launch will not be until 25th May. The Gateway can be contacted on 0808 802 1212 or on Gateway or at Gateway.


Northern Ireland Criminal proceedings Because of the nature of investigations into events in Northern Ireland, the RBL is unable to comment on individual cases. There is a letter from London HQ setting out the situation on our notice Board.

G. D. Lloyd TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

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It’s time for croquet! But first, some facts….. As one of the oldest recreational sports in England, croquet has grown to become a popular niche sport in the United States, Australia, South Africa and Canada. Though it may seem like an easy game, the mental clarity, focus and precision required to be successful might surprise you. And the social, health and fitness benefits are tremendous, too!

Now the advert! Luctonians small but perfectly formed Croquet Club start playing on Tuesday 2nd May at Luctonian’s Mortimer Park. Sessions start at equipment necessary sensible footwear!

10am. except

Interested? Phone: Jim or Dee on T: 01568 709579

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Kingsland Bowling Club March/April, 2017 –‘ we shall fight in the trenches’ … that is (apart from fighting the good fight in matches), we’re still resisting the rabbits, and one major trench has been dug and fortified, so we record our gratitude to Mr Morgan and his minimachine. Other heavy work done by a number of brave members who put in the slabbing, led (as they would probably like to know) to the Chairman describing them as ‘a magnificent team of stalwarts’. Well done, all of you! Our final Winter Social Night took place on Friday 24th March and was well attended. Our table excelled itself and we missed winning by 1 point - 10 points to Social Secretary Stuart for magnanimously awarding us a little tube of Smarties each - and even more points for all his work with social events over the winter. (I didn’t really want to win back my Jelly Bunnies, and hope Chris Richmond enjoyed the little blighters!) We’ve now had our Opening Tuesday Club Night (Tuesday 5th April) – always a cheery event as members meet up again and we look ahead to matches and competitions. This year, Competition Secretary Kevin has certainly been hot off the blocks, as the entry lists for all the major club competitions are already up on the noticeboard – and you’ve only got till 2nd May to put your names down, folks! As well as getting messages from main Committee members, we enjoyed a tasty supper thanks to Pat and Tess, and yours truly particularly relished the raw carrots (but am not intending to turn into a Bunny Girl just yet). So, our field carpark (down the lane to Kingsland Church) is now open for use by members and visitors, and our Club Nights continue on Tuesdays through the season, with roll-ups starting from Tuesday 25th April. At the time of writing, we have already carried out one well-received Recruitment Session; our thanks to Morrisons for the use of their foyer and to our Recruitment team for all their efforts. In May we look forward to a number of matches at home and away, and we hope all our members enjoy the games, whether playing, catering or spectating – thanks for your continuing support. (Unfortunately, our first friendly match against the Rankin Club had to be cancelled as they were unable to find enough players.) Just a note about communications - our Rinks Calendar on the main noticeboard is for rink bookings both for matches and for individual competitions; the Whiteboard over the kitchen hatch is available if you want to make a quick note of anything that Chris Read (our Building Controller) may need to know. There is now a Clubhouse Diary near the Visitor’s Book; this should tell you when the Clubhouse has been booked for a meeting - so, dear members, please do write your event in and/or let me know. If you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact me, Susanna Checketts

(01568 770546)


MBMJ Services Secretarial: Accounting: Administrative Services We can offer confidential and professional help in your home, office or remotely. We can also work part-time to cover staff absence through holiday or illness. Our roles could include:

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Luctonians Sports Club As the long Rugby season nears the end, it is good news that with the bonus point, obtained from a fourth try on April 8th, the 1st XV will remain in National League II North next season. Two home matches to come to complete the season. The now annual Anglo-Welsh Rugby Mini Festival took place on April 9th. Some 1100 youngsters and many camp followers descended on Kingsland, and the sun shone. The organisation was excellent and a credit to the many involved! The various Junior sides are completing their seasons with a lot of success. The Colts side plays Hereford in the final of the North Midlands Competition – an eagerly awaited occasion taking place on the Halesowen ground – a lot of talent on show. The Annual Wedding Fayre takes place at the club on May 5th and will be well worth a visit. An Easter Holiday Rugby Camp also organised and the Cycling section full of enthusiasm. The cricketers are coming out of hibernation. Ah, the sound of bat on ball and the chance for the old to reminisce! Don’t forget, 5pm at the pavilion each Saturday. See you there! R.W.H.





Topical Joke

We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross.

Gary was having a yard sale. A minister bought a lawn mower but returned it a few days later, complaining that it wouldn’t run.

Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755 Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388

“It’ll run,” said Gary. “But you have to curse at it to get it started.” The minister was shocked. “I have not uttered a curse in 30 years.” “Just keep pulling on the starter rope—the words will come back to you.”!!




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