Kingsland News March 2017

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News March 2017 Dear Parishioners, What a range of weather we have had in February! The days seem to have alternated between bright clear days and a moderate freeze, dark cloudy days and rain, and almost warm days which are quite unseasonal, and then there was a flurry of snowflakes. This year Nick has been looking at the whole science and theology of Climate Change and what this means for us, for our children, the world, and whether it is all out of our hands, or whether we can do anything about it. And so one of the Lent Courses this year is Nick on Climate Change. (Wednesday nights from 7.30 – 9pm at the Rectory starting on the 8th March.) On Monday mornings from 11 – 12 at the Methodist Church is a Lent Group focussed on the events of the Passion and the Rich Inheritance that gives. It is an ecumenical group and an opportunity to meet up outside the confines of our separate church buildings and gatherings to be one. Or if you would rather study one of the gospels there is a group meeting on Tuesday mornings doing just that – there is a book to buy and read, and then meet together weekly to discuss.

If you would like to know more please ask me. On Thursday evenings we are learning to sing the latter parts of Handel’s Messiah. The words straight from the Bible, draw together the story of Jesus’ passion with powerful music. Participating in that is something special for Lent and if you sing you can come now, but it is a commitment for Lent and will need all the Thursdays if you are to join in the performance on April 9th at 6.30pm. Lent is a period to set some time aside outside the normal routines of life and to consider God, either through study, or prayer or almsgiving (action), a time to put down something in order to make time to take up something new. It lasts for 40 days. This year Lent is late and starts exactly on 1st March. There will be an Ash Wednesday Service on 1st March in Kingsland Church at 7.30pm as a mark of entering this special time and I hope you will come and join me. February has been a difficult month with the funerals of Anne-Marie, Nan Rowland Jones and Sandy Gibbs – three special people who are going to leave big holes in the life of this


community, and the school, and for whom we offer our love to their families.

Bed and Breakfast

I would like to thank all who came to the coffee morning at the Rectory and brought or bought cakes - £400 was raised for church funds and there was much laughter on the way. Thank you.

With heated indoor pool



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1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

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Luctonians Sports Club The Club House, additional Buildings and ground are very much in use with lots of activities going on. 1st team home matches provide the excuse for popular pre-match luncheons – each one a sell-out. The welltrained kitchen staff ensure the meals enjoy a special reputation. Sundays see a lot of young people around, hopefully some will make the 1st team one day. Currently this team is struggling in a very competitive league. Long distances to away matches, injuries, and some not available for selection, partly explain this. Morale, however, remains good and the will to avoid relegation is strong. For those watching it is a pleasure to watch a good standard of play with close matches lost by a few points. The England team seems to scrape home – sadly, winning or losing is what it is all about! R.W.H. Royal British Legion Branch Meetings The 2017 programme begins on Monday 6th March with our usual social gathering with a quiz and draw. starting at 7.45pm. The programme for the rest of 2017 is on various notice boards and will appear in the Kingsland News. Falklands War Commemoration Ross-onWye Branch is organising an event on Sunday 4th June. Details of timings, places, etc. will be published when known. Gordon Browne (Chairman) Easter Lilies During Lent it is time to start thinking about Easter and the annual sponsoring of a lily, which makes the Church look so beautiful on Easter Day. If you would like to sponsor a lily in memory of a loved one

or to celebrate a special occasion, forms will be available from the back of the Church or at the Post Office. Please complete the form by April 7th at the latest (to give time for ordering the lilies) and return it to me (01568 708479) or post it through the rectory letter box. Pam Smith Bingo in aid of the W.I. Change of date! The Bingo that Betty Lister is organising will now take place in the Coronation Hall on Saturday 8th April. Doors will be open from 6.30 with eyes down at 7.30 pm. Betty would still be grateful for prizes for this event, either taken directly to her, or left with June Price or Jenny Davies at Holgate Farm. The change is due to a clash of dates with another Bingo event. David Noon (Editor)


Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)



House Clearance Service St Michael’s Hospice provides a sympathetic house clearance service. Items collected are sold or recycled by our Retail Team. This helps us continue providing vital care free of charge to patients, their families and carers. If you can, please Gift Aid your donation The Gift Aid scheme enables us to claim an extra 25p for each £1 donated at no extra cost to the donor. So, if Gift Aided, a sofa sold for £100 would mean a total of £125 raised for your Hospice. We accept most items, including Suites & lounge furniture; dining tables & chairs; beds & bedroom furniture; TVs; DVDs & stereos; white goods; clothing; shoes; jewellery; bric-a- brac and ornaments. Packing service To help with the clearance of a property, we can arrange for all contents to be packed and sorted ready for removal. Get in touch and find out how we can help Before providing the service, we will arrange a visit and in some instances, it may be necessary to charge for the house clearance. If so a no- obligation quote will be provided. Once collected, all items become the property of St Michael’s and are sold to fund Hospice care. For more information, call the Retail Team on 01432 851 000 Weobley Theatre Goers Our next trip is on 9th March, when we shall be going to Birmingham to see Billy Elliot. The coach is leaving Weobley at 9.30 for the 2.00pm performance, so please be at Bell Square by 9.15am. Tickets are flying for War Horse, but there may be one or two left by the time the magazine goes to press – or you can go on the cancellation list. We shall be going on Thursday 19th October to see the 2.30 performance, leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 10.00am, which should give you nearly 2 hours to have lunch or walk around the area. Cost will be £63 including the coach to be paid before 18th May. Now is the time to book for Crazy For You, starring Tom Chambers at Cardiff Millennium Theatre on Thursday 7th September leaving Bell Square, Weobley at

10.00am for the matinée at 2.30pm. “High energy, high kicking and gloriously glamorous, Crazy For You is the ultimate feel-good musical with a fabulous score from the Gershwin brothers’ songbook. Mistaken identities, plot twists, heartbreak, happiness and a wealth of memorable tunes, including I Got Rhythm, They Can’t Take That Away From Me, Nice Work If You Can Get It and Embraceable You. Top Hat star Chambers plays the stage-mad son of a wealthy banker family who is given the task of closing a theatre in Nevada.” All seats are in the first rows of the Circle and are £51 to include the coach, to be paid before 30th June. For further information ring me on 01544 318513 or email Kate Best


Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour    

Bathing Clipping Nail Cutting Canine Massage

Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 7, Boarsfield, Kingsland



The Easter Rabbit The Easter Rabbit will be making its usual appearance on the Millennium Green just after the Church Service on Easter Sunday, April 17th. It will be scattering chocolate eggs and it is sure that there will be plenty of children chasing after it and collecting the eggs. The only way the Easter Rabbit can afford to buy its eggs is to raise money with a Sweepstake Draw for the Grand National which is on Saturday April 8th. If you would like to purchase a ticket or two, or even help to sell tickets please contact me on 01568 708281. The Rabbit would be most grateful! Jackie Markham Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends At the recent Annual General Meeting of the committee it was noted that the total raised since the group began (set up by Bridget Eastaugh in 1992 and joined by Eardisland in 2001) is ÂŁ88,450! At this meeting final arrangements were made for the Soup & Pancake Lunch to be held the Luctonians Rugby Club on Shrove Tuesday, 28th February. The event begins at 12.00 noon, last pancakes will be served at 1.30 pm, and the event ends at 2.00 pm. Lorna Noon



Kingsland Flower Show

Friends of Herefordshire Samaritans

This is advance notice that Kingsland Flower Show will be held in the Coronation Hall on Saturday 5th August 2017. The Show Schedules will be available May/June but in the meantime please make a note of the date.

On Friday 17th March, the Friends of Herefordshire Samaritans will be holding a charity lunch at which Linda Bennett, the founder of L.K. Bennett, the ladies fashion stores, will be talking to Alexandra James from Broadfield Court. The event will be held at The Haywain, Lyde, Arundel, by kind permission of Robert and Karen Watkins.

We would also like to thank all those who kindly participated in the “Light up Kingsland this Christmas” . From the many favourable comments, it would seem that the event was well received and we therefore hope to repeat again next Christmas. Kingsland Flower Show Committee. February 2017

The talk and Q&A starts at 11.30 am with coffee and biscuits, followed by a sit-down lunch at 1pm, followed by coffee. Cost £30 per person. The lunch will be prepared and served by the Friends of Hereford Samaritans and all proceeds will go to the Samaritans, Herefordshire.





Mortimer Firewood Seasoned Hardwood Seasoned Softwood Kiln-dried Hardwood Lots of Load-sizes available Please phone Mike to discuss your requirements.

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Kingsland W I

G. D. Lloyd

At our February meeting we all enjoyed a get-together with a very good quiz, some guesswork over baby photos and some delicious nibbles to follow. On March 8th we will welcome Mrs Ann Hill for 'Singalong'. All welcome.

TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

Pat Hughes

CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist

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Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing Decorating

Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE

For a free quotation ring Gary on: 07966 766963

Nature Notes 15/2/17 Snowdrop time – masses of them everywhere coming into flower! Are their numbers increasing each season? Birds are starting to claim their territories, selecting nest sites and finding a mate. Robins are especially territorial. Blue Tits are numerous. They are nice-natured creatures and very evident on bird tables where fat is available. There is lots to learn about the noisy Rooks. Do they mate for life as


Swans do? Mallards have paired up with some already laying their eggs. The No 1 resident Cock Pheasant displays his charms, feathers puffed out round a visiting hen, but she shows little interest and carries on feeding. A witness had seen a Barn Owl catching a moth, oblivious to a human bystander. A group of Waxwings was seen north of the village, presumably attracted by the plentiful supply of Mistletoe berries. A slightly lame Egret seen over the river. A survey conducted over six farms in the Pembridge area recorded 43 different species of birds. There have been more first-hand reports of the amazing survival power of Foxes. A local hunt’s Hounds marked one up a tree. The Fox escaped at speed, later to swim the river. Three cubs were witnessed in the parish in late January. This is very early, perhaps due to global warming. It is the general opinion of those affected by Bovine T. B., given the reduction in ground-nesting birds and Hedgehog numbers, that Badgers are responsible. A very noisy minority is against a cull, however. R.W.H.

O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches … Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland


Steven Rees Traditional Upholsterer  Antique Furniture  Modern Furniture  Over 30 years’ experience  Free Estimates and Advice Hawthorne Cottage Shirlheath, Kingsland Herefordshire HR6 9RJ Tel: 01568 709435 Mob: 07927845655 Email:




Church Services in the Benefice for March Wednesday 1st March 7.30 pm Ash Wednesday Service Sunday 5th March 1st Sunday of Lent 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Sunday 12pm March 2nd Sunday of Lent 9.30 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Morning Prayer 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Sunday 19th March 3rd Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Said Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 am Family Communion (CW) 3.30 pm Evening Prayer th 6.00 Benefice EveningMothering Prayer Sunday 26pm March Sunday 9.30 am Services with ‘Open the Book’ and School 11.00 am Participation in both churches.

Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland

and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, all at 11 am. March

5th 12th 19th 26th

Mr L Taylor Mr A Williams Rev Kim Stilwell Rev Den Bulloss

Kingsland Shobdon Kingsland Kingsland

Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels, Kingsland

5th March, 1st Sunday of the Month at 9.30 am is

Family Service With the Cubs in charge, this 40 minute service will be led by

Mrs, Karen Jones The Theme is the story of David


The Parish Diary 2017 February 28th Soup & Pancake Lunch in aid of St Michael’s Hospice Luctonians from 12 noon March 3rd Women’s World Day of Prayer Service Methodist Chapel 2.00 pm 6th RBL Social Evening Corners Inn 7.45 pm th 11 Bridge Day (in aid of Kingsland Church) Coronation Hall 10.00 am 12th SMAAAK Event “A Touch of Mrs Robinson” Coronation Hall 7.30 pm th th 18 & 19 Litter Pick* from Coronation Hall from 10.00 am 24th Music in Quiet Places Concert (See Ad. back page) Church 7.00 pm April 8th Bingo in aid of W. I. * Coronation Hall from 6.30 pm th 9 Easter Music from ‘Messiah’ Church 6.30 pm 29th Bowls Club Open Day Bowls Club in Morning time tba May 20th Progressive Supper 2017 Various Venus tba July 15th SMAAAK Event Pop-up Opera Church 7.30 pm August 5th Kingsland Flower Show Coronation Hall tba September 9th SMAAAK Event hArt Church (‘til 17th) tba 16th SMAAAK Event Remi Harris Trio Coronation Hall 7.30 pm October 7th SMAAAK Event Arcadia Music Festival Church 7.30 pm * Please note changed dates in each case (Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15 th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)

Luctonians 1st XV Home Fixtures to end of Season Kick-offs 3.00 pm Mar: 11th Otley Apr: 1st Apr: 22nd Scunthorpe 29th

Tynedale Sheffield Tigers

Wanted! Small House with small garden to suit someone wishing to downsize. 2 bedrooms + garage preferred Contact: Dave Davies 01568 709071 or Email:




Traffic Speeds through Kingsland in November, 2017 The data below was obtained by the SID (Speed indicating device) set up at each end of the road through the village in November last year and was supplied by the Parish Council. It is pleasing to see how high the proportion of vehicles being law-abiding and nearly lawabiding is. Nevertheless, the number of serious speeders is significant and worrying. If you have any views on this data please do not hesitate to write to me.

David Noon (Editor)




Kingsland Bowling Club Things are speeding up! – this is the time when officials start to mull over rotas and responsibilities, when we remember that Pershore isn’t so far away for the stamping of bowls - and when we see daffodils just showing yellow and are reminded of that little yellow jack that sat so tantalisingly on the green last year. Our Fixture List is at the printer’s; our new Committee will be photographed for posterity (or at least for the 2017 website) in the near future. In short, KBC is humming as usual. Thank you again to all who put in so much time and effort on our many tasks and decisions – Chairman Rob Parker Morgan, you are doing a grand job! Our February Race Night was a resounding success; over 50 members and guests thronged the Clubhouse to shout at horses with funny names on the screen and eat bread and cheese – our hearty congratulations to Clerk of the Course Malcolm and his lovely partner Pat; also the bookies, I mean gentlemen, who assisted with the evening, as well as our Technical Director Stuart Cooke. The atmosphere was electric and the going was excellent. Yours truly was not pleased with Choosy Susie, a reckless front-runner who then faded at the finish – but I blame the trainer, you can’t get good trainers these days (and you can’t wear them on the green either). Meanwhile, our next social happening is our Spring Lunch on Sunday 5th March; tickets are a snip at £10, and can be obtained from Joe Scamp - as usual numbers are limited, so don’t miss out. Our kind host is once again our very own munificent multitasking


Telephone: 01568 780 912 mowerman (aka Green Superintendent) Malcolm Morgan, this time wearing a chef’s hat rather than racing green, with assorted able helpers. After this, we have two more fun Quiz Nights on 10th and 24th March before we switch to Tuesday Club Nights in April. Looking ahead, a note about three very important dates - our Opening Club Night will be on Tuesday 11th April; Tuesday Club Nights will then continue through the summer. Our first (internal) match is our Club Opening Day annual event on Saturday 22nd April, when the President’s Parliamentarians take on the Captain’s Cavaliers – just joking, but it will be a great match, so put it into your diaries ! Then we have an OPEN EVENT currently scheduled for the morning of 29th April and we welcome anyone interested in trying out our lovely game of bowls and finding out about our club – bowls and help are available, come and have a go - all you need are flatsoled shoes. - if you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact: Secretary Susanna Checketts 770546



R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 2-4 New St., Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise



The Women’s World Day of Prayer The Women’s World day of prayer is part of an International movement across the world where women join together to celebrate and pray in a short and uplifting service. It is open to everyone; adults, children, women and men. The service this year celebrates ‘The Philippines’. Everyone is welcome, It is a short service with music, and songs. We pray for the women and children and learn about life on these islands. There will be afternoon tea, coffee and delicious cakes to enjoy after the service. We look forward to welcoming you at 2.00 pm on Friday 3rd March in the Methodist Church, Kingsland. Helen Webb


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Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734


Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549



Kingsland Plan News



Current news on the Neighbourhood Plan is that it will be examined by the independent examiner in March 2017. We have no timetable after that at the moment but will update the Neighbourhood Plan News page on the KingslandLife website as and when we hear more. Meanwhile, the Evidence Base which is available near the top of the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Documents page of the website (under Parish Council), has been updated with a new version of Document 1 on planning permissions in the parish from 2011February 1st 2017. Kingsland Neighbourhood Steering Group




Litter Pick For reasons beyond our control it has been necessary to change the dates for the litter pick to March 18th & 19th. All other details remain the same as advertised last month. We hope you will be able to help, Jackie Markham Hymn Singing The next hymn-singing event will take place at ‘North Acre’, home of Dr. Nick and Mrs. Barbara Ovenden beginning at 2.30 pm on Thursday March 16th You would be most welcome if you would like to come along to choose a hymn and join in singing it Julie

Buzzaround Clearing and One-off Cleaning Services

House Clearance Re-cycling Unwanted Goods Local Lady with Van PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE Moving house, Holiday LETS, End of TENANCY Cleans. Attics, CELLARS, SHEDS, BARNS, OUTBUILDINGS, GARAGES, GARDENS, COMMERCIAL, SHOPS, SCHOOLS.

WE AIM TO RE-CYCLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Odd Jobs Undertaken – no vat 01544 340377 07508461523


Professional Cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, Upholstery Using a new innovative system, we offer a fast, efficient, high quality carpet cleaning service, with no mess or fuss     

Cleans, disinfects and applies anti-static coating Guarantees not to stretch, shrink or split seams Leaves carpet pH neutral, no resoiling sticky residues Extremely quiet operation Environmentally Friendly too, using natural products Dry in 30 Minutes





Call today: Rainbow International, Unit 21, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster, HR6 0LX Telephone: 01568 617710

For Your Free, No Obligation Quote


KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA

01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.

We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755 Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388



Price increases forAdvertising in the Kingsland News

It is with regret that we are forced, after ten years of unchanged prices, to increase the charges for advertising businesses which aim to make a profit. We hope we shall be able to continue advertising charities, events to support them, and events of public interest without charge. These increases will adequately cover the cost of producing the magazine, which has risen due to price increases for paper and increased printing costs. It will remain possible to deliver a free copy of the magazine to every household in Kingsland, and to provide copies for supporters who live outside the village. The new charges appear in the table below and will take effect from the April, 2017 edition

Those who have prepaid for advertising will be asked to pay the increase only when their contact runs out. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible and note that photographs do not reproduce well since the printing process recognises only black and white, but no greys. Colour printing remains way outside our budget! Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month

New Charges for Advertising Size no. of insertions

Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page ⅛ Page




£15 £8 £5 £3

£80 £40 £25 £14

£120 £60 £40 £25


Anglican Jokes There are of course numerous riddles about how many Anglicans it takes to change a lightbulb. I thought the best answer was "Twelve. One to change the bulb, and eleven to say "We preferred it the way it was before." But then I was told it is actually impossible for Anglicans ever to change a light bulb. There is always a woman who will say "My mother donated that bulb, and you touch it over my dead body." An Anglican offered to paint the outside walls of the village church. Half way along the paint was running out and he filled up with paint thinner. Again the paint ran out and he did the same. Overnight there was a rain storm. On Sunday morning the people complained he had done a poor job. .He was very upset and looked up to heaven. "What shall I do, they are all mad with me?" A voice came from heaven. "Repaint, and thin no more."

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