News March 2017 Dear Parishioners, What a range of weather we have had in February! The days seem to have alternated between bright clear days and a moderate freeze, dark cloudy days and rain, and almost warm days which are quite unseasonal, and then there was a flurry of snowflakes. This year Nick has been looking at the whole science and theology of Climate Change and what this means for us, for our children, the world, and whether it is all out of our hands, or whether we can do anything about it. And so one of the Lent Courses this year is Nick on Climate Change. (Wednesday nights from 7.30 – 9pm at the Rectory starting on the 8th March.) On Monday mornings from 11 – 12 at the Methodist Church is a Lent Group focussed on the events of the Passion and the Rich Inheritance that gives. It is an ecumenical group and an opportunity to meet up outside the confines of our separate church buildings and gatherings to be one. Or if you would rather study one of the gospels there is a group meeting on Tuesday mornings doing just that – there is a book to buy and read, and then meet together weekly to discuss.
If you would like to know more please ask me. On Thursday evenings we are learning to sing the latter parts of Handel’s Messiah. The words straight from the Bible, draw together the story of Jesus’ passion with powerful music. Participating in that is something special for Lent and if you sing you can come now, but it is a commitment for Lent and will need all the Thursdays if you are to join in the performance on April 9th at 6.30pm. Lent is a period to set some time aside outside the normal routines of life and to consider God, either through study, or prayer or almsgiving (action), a time to put down something in order to make time to take up something new. It lasts for 40 days. This year Lent is late and starts exactly on 1st March. There will be an Ash Wednesday Service on 1st March in Kingsland Church at 7.30pm as a mark of entering this special time and I hope you will come and join me. February has been a difficult month with the funerals of Anne-Marie, Nan Rowland Jones and Sandy Gibbs – three special people who are going to leave big holes in the life of this