Kingsland News April 2017

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Kingsland News


April 2017 Dear Parishioners, One of the most famous pieces of Choral Music is Handel’s Messiah. I’m sure we all know parts of it even if we don’t know it all – the shout of Hallelujah in the chorus of the same name being the most famous. I think Jenner who put together the sections of the Bible to tell the story of Jesus was exceedingly clever and the text he gave Handel to set to music tells of Jesus’ birth, his purpose, his death and resurrection and ultimately his recognition as the Messiah, the anointed one, the one that God was going to send to save the world. On Palm Sunday at 6.30pm there will be a performance of selected pieces from part 2 and 3. We are not singing any of Part 1 which covers the birth and intent of Jesus, but start from John the Baptist’s words Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. It was John saying to his disciples – Look – there he is, come and see/listen to what it is all about. And that is my invitation - Come and see/hear the story of Jesus’ mission and passion in the music of Handel. We have two soloists

joining us from away - Alan Fairs (of Glyndebourne fame) and Jon Weller (from Hereford who sang for us last year), - along with three locals, Annette Blyth, Linda Bayliss and Philippa Alexander, splendid soloists, all! The goodly choir is composed of those who normally sing in church, and those who want to join in on this occasion. Then on Easter Sunday the church will be decorated with flowers and the service at 11am will be filled with celebration as we join with the church across the world to say “HE IS RISEN!”. If you are a confirmed member of the Church this is one of the 3 days in the year to come and make your communion and that forms the foundation of the Christian Faith. (The other two are Christmas and Pentecost or Whit Sunday – although in this rural neck of the woods it is often Harvest that people make as their third large celebration). After Easter we look forward to Rogation Sunday – this year it is Sunday 21st May at 10.30am and we will be the guests of Oakfields Farm in Kingsland (thanks to the Vaughan Family for agreeing to host this ). Then the wedding season

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