Kingsland News June 2017 The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York have galvanised the Churches across England to pray “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”. We have prayed in Church for 24 hours for the earth and for all who inhabit it. We started with the situation of the global warming issues that our Lent Course had studied – the science, the politics and the theology. The group were faced with the reality that if we live normal, everyday lives we will be leaving a disastrous legacy for our children and our children’s children. And we need to do something about this. This time of prayer leads up to the celebration of Pentecost, or the old Whit Sunday, as many of us remember it. It was the time when the disciples were faced with being in the world and facing its issues without Jesus – for he had finally returned to his Father in heaven, and they huddled together in an upper room and prayed. On the day of Pentecost, they were visited by the Holy Spirit, sweeping through the room like a whirlwind and alighting on them with tongues of fire that didn’t harm them. They were pushed out onto the streets and found that they were talking to the crowds in other languages and the people that had gathered from across the known world for a festival,
could understand them talking about Jesus in their own native languages. The disciples were filled with confidence to tell the truth about their faith and the story they had shared with this most amazing man called Jesus. We have been privileged to know Mrs Daniel, whose Christian faith and leadership are an inspiration and who is an outstanding Headteacher. It is with sadness that we have learnt that she is to be leaving Kingsland Primary School at the end of the Summer Term to become the Headteacher of a primary school in Wolverhampton, to share her wonderful gifts with a new school. There will be more about this in the July Magazine, but we wish her well as she looks to a new adventure and to Mr Debenham who will be acting as Headteacher for the Autumn Term. There is a huge party in the Cathedral on the afternoon of Sunday June 4th which is Pentecost Sunday, and we are wearing red and all are welcome to join us. The month of June brings a whole host of celebrations – 4 baptisms and a wedding, a Church and School alliance for a Fete and the choir are singing again for Choral Evensong with cream tea beforehand. And we thank the Vaughan Family for their hospitality at Rogation. We are