Basic Conditions Statement for the 2nd Regulation 16 KNDP Consultation July 2016

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Kingsland Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement (July 2016) Section 1 - Introduction This Basic Condition Statement is prepared to accompany Kingsland Neighbourhood Development Plan. It is submitted by Kingsland Parish Council, which is the qualifying body under Localism Act 2011. Kingsland Neighbourhood Development Plan covers the parish of Kingsland only and no other Neighbourhood areas. The Local Plan for the parish is Herefordshire Core Strategy (HCS) which was adopted on 16th October 2015. Herefordshire Council has also indicated it will prepare a Travellers Development Plan and a Natural Resources/Minerals and Waste Development Plan. It is expected that, in combination, these will comprise the Development Plan Documents for the Parish of Kingsland. This Basic Condition Statement has been prepared to show that Kingsland Neighbourhood Development Plan complies with the provisions of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended. The basic conditions required by this provision are that such plans should: i)

ii) iii)

Pay appropriate regard to national planning policies and advise as is set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and, in particular, contribute to the achievement of sustainable development according to the principles set out in that NPPF; Be in general conformity with the strategic policies set out in Herefordshire Core Strategy; Meet relevant European obligations, in particular with regard to the environment and human rights.

The first matter is covered within the schedules in sections 2 and 3 of this document. The second matter is considered within section 3 in association with the requirements of the NPPF in order to show how the three levels of planning policies are integrated. The third matter is covered in section 4.

Kingsland Neighbourhood Development Plan - Basic Conditions Statement (July 2016)

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