Kingsland News July 2014

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Kingsland News July 2014 Dear Parishioners, I was musing with the children at school that we are the only faith that has the same name for the people of the faith (the church) and the building where worship takes place (the church). Jewish people worship in a synagogue, and Muslims worship in a mosque, and so on, but when we talk about the church we have to ask the question are we talking about the people or the building – or both? Grateful thanks go to all who made “All the Ps” such an occasion – to Jackie and Bryan Markham for all their preparation at Westmead, and when it rained for all those who helped us move into the church!! Perhaps it shouldn't have been all the Ps! There was a good spirit and thanks to all those who supported it. Just over £1000 was raised towards the running costs of the church. And now that is what I want to talk about. I've put it off for long enough, because whenever I look at it my blood pressure rises. Many of you have been very generous recently in support of the project to

make the church (building) watertight and to stop the windows from falling in. That work is almost complete and I hope we will have a party to celebrate that. (watch this space!) However, building projects come and go and the work of the church (the people and the ministry) is daily – 24/7 you might say – well certainly the bills are. PCC payments last year amounted to almost £57,000, for heating, lighting, insurance, candles and wine, keeping the services running, the bells chiming and the churchyard cut and cost of vicar, rural dean and bishop and the necessary input before fund-raising events become profitable. Last year a dedicated group of people worked tirelessly and £8000 of this was restored by fundraising, and the books just balanced! (the year before was not so good!) We have some exciting ideas for the coming year with regular school services in the church through “Open the book” and giving time to looking after the pastoral care in the parish – but these need money and time, and at


the moment we spend more time than is sensible chasing money!!! There are some very generous people who give of their time, their talents and their money. If you are one of these please receive my grateful thanks. At the moment £4000 of church income comes through regular “planned giving”. This is barely 7%. That means that 93% of the money we need has to be found from sources which are unpredictable. Times change and costs inevitably go up. More and more dealings with money are done with the bank setting up regular payments. I wonder whether you would get your bank to do that for us, so that we need not worry so much about having to raise the whole £50,000 from somewhere because a growing fraction is guaranteed from regular planned giving. To make it easy to arrange there are forms on page 3. If you feel that you can help, please cut the forms out and follow the instructions as appropriate. All gifts of whatever size will be gratefully received. I pay £26 a month to go swimming for the potential good of my body. How much can you give a month for the potential good of all our souls? If 100 people gave £26 per month that would raise £31,200 each year. That would mean 55% guaranteed not 7%. There are 1000 people living in Kingsland.....! Sorry to have to make money so important, but the alternative is that we join with more parishes to make

the books balance and that would inevitably lead to less on offer. Please consider doing something to help, so that I can begin to achieve the progress I was appointed to bring about. Julie


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Investing in the future at Kingsland CE School As I write this we are already welcoming new pupils for visits (those that will be in Class1 in September) and our Year 6’s have begun the marking of their transfer to secondary school with a Diocesan Year 6 Leavers’ Service in Hereford Cathedral. We can’t understand where the year has gone – time certainly does go quickly when you are enjoying yourselves! We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all again as a community of caring individuals for the love and support which surrounds us as a school; you know that time, talents and consideration invested in our children will reap huge rewards for the future. One example of this was the group of local parishioners who prepared and presented an ‘Easter Experience’ in church for all the classes. It was a great day when we all took time to reflect together on the greatest story of unconditional love and hope. The ‘Angels’ exhibition during Advent was another great opportunity to share in some amazing art work. Then there are those of you who, like Owen Shallcross and Ruth Fisher, tirelessly give time to listen to the children; we miss Mr Shallcross greatly and think of Mrs Fisher as she moves on to pastures new. We know that our school is so much the richer in things that really matter because of such help. Thank you!

On Thursday 17th July we are going to be having a ‘work party’ at school from 12 noon until 7pm when we aim to attack some practical ‘odd jobs’ – if you are able to spare any time on that day please let the school office know (708436) especially if you have particular trade skills that could help us, as a one-off, to maintain our beautiful, but ageing, building. In the last week of June we shall be welcoming Mrs Mkiramweni, a teacher from our global partner school, Moivaro Primary in Tanzania. She will be visiting Herefordshire with eight other teachers from Tanzania who are linked with schools in the Leominster area. Our main school project will be to build an African kitchen garden together in the school’s Wildlife Wonder Zone. All of this work stems from the commitment and lifelong investment of Geoffrey Wilkinson who was instrumental in setting up the Leominster- Tengeru link nearly twenty-five years ago. Geoffrey th died on Sunday 8 June but what a legacy he has left; opening the eyes of communities in both countries to a bigger world. We are immensely thankful to him – asante sana ! Two years ago it was ‘Oliver’, last year it was ‘Jonah’ and we are now preparing to present the wonderful Disney classic, based on the story by Rudyard Kipling…‘JUNGLE BOOK’. It would be great to fill the Coronation Hall for the two performances on Monday 7th July


and Tuesday 8th July at 7pm. Tickets will be available from the school office from Monday 23rd June £3 for adults and £2 for 18 years and under. As Baloo implores, may you prosper as you invest in ‘the bear necessities of life’ and we hope that you will ‘just try to relax’ a while this summer with those you love and those who love you, Angela Daniel, Headteacher

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour • •

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Replacement of Church Notice Board The church notice board is looking in urgent need of replacement! Please help us to raise funds to buy a new notice board by coming to a Coffee, Cake And Music Morning at 5, Highfield Close, home of David & Lorna Noon, on Thursday 10th July from 10.30am to 12.00 noon. You will be made very welcome! The cost will be £5 and there will also be a raffle. Thank you. David & Lorna Noon Aymestrey Film Club Aymestrey Film Club will be showing “Rush” on Sunday 6 July at 7.00pm. This film follows the personal lives and professional rivalry of racing car drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda in the runup to the famous 1976 Formula 1 motor-racing season. It is rated 15 and contains flashing lights. Doors open at 6.45pm. Entry is £5 per person. Home-made ice-cream and popcorn will be on sale before the screening. Letter from Long Itchington. Once again I write to thank all my friends in Kingsland, for their cards, good wishes and especially for the unexpected and generous gifts to me just before I left. I am slowly settling down here, but find I have a lot of time on my own, which I am not used to! I do hope I shall see some of you who might make the journey over here – you will be very welcome! With warm good wishes and thanks, Ruth Fisher (Tel: 01926 814595)


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Kingsland W I At our June meeting Mrs Anne Goodwin gave a talk on the history of the Radnor Valley. In Neolithic times from about 3800 to 2800 B C the area was an important hub of activity, being the ancient route between the plains of Herefordshire and the uplands of mid Wales. Little remains to be seen of this long occupation but aerial surveys, geophysical surveys to discern differences underground and some excavations have revealed that once there were vast constructions on the site. There were palisades and large enclosures resembling Stonehenge. One of the first finds was a palisade enclosing 74 acres made up of 1400 oaks. Also a Neolithic hut with pottery on which analysis showed residues of beef, mutton and pork and even whether it had been boiled or fried! There were also big finds of flints and arrowheads. There are four standing stones dating from the Bronze Age, and Iron Age forts high above the valley. The Iron Age people preferred to be on high ground but there is also evidence of Iron Age farms at the bottom of the valley. The Iron Age Celts were no match for the Romans who arrived with thousands of troops who built forts and had large marching camps. A Roman bake oven has recently been excavated at Walton on the farm where Mrs Goodwin lives. Little is known of the 600 years after the Romans left until the 11th century when Harold earl of Wessex owned most of the valley until he was defeated by William the Conqueror. The Normans built stone castles but little remains of them as scarce stone was valuable as building material. In 1188

Gerald of Wales walked with Archbishop Baldwin on a recruitment drive for the Crusades through Radnor. Only one in ten men volunteered as their women would not let them go. New Radnor Castle had 5 towers and a wall around the town which was largely demolished by Owain Glendower in Henry 4th's time. In the 17th century there were many Non-Conformists and in the 19th century particularly powerful and important were the Quaker families In 1818 a tram road brought coal up to the valley and lime down. In the past livestock was important in the valley but it is now largely arable. Mrs Goodwin ended her presentation with many old photos from her grandparents days. Our next meeting will be on the 9th July. The speaker will be Mrs Kathy Knill on the Art of Gift Wrapping. The talks start at 8.00 p.m. and all are welcome to attend. Pat Hughes

Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755

Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388



Kingsland Flower Show This is a reminder that the show will be held in the Coronation Hall on Saturday, 9th August, 2014. The Schedules were enclosed with the June edition of the Kingsland News. However, if for some reason you are not in receipt of a Schedule, copies are available at the Village Post Office or can be obtained from the Secretary, Caroline Southgate. Additional copies of the entry forms can be obtained similarly. Many of the regular items are retained in the vegetable, floral and produce classes so we hope you will be busying yourselves in the garden and kitchen in readiness! There is also an interesting range of items for the Junior age groups including prizes for A handmade Christmas Card, the best of which we hope to have printed and available for sale at a later date. The subject for the Open Junior Section this year is A Decorated Hat, so put your thinking caps on for a good design. A reminder for those successful winners of cups at last year's Show, we would ask you to please return them to either Carol Davies (9 Orchard Close) or Jean Barbour (Village Post Office) by early July. We look forward to seeing you at the Show. KFS Committee.

Coffee, Cake & Music Morning At 5, Highfield Close, HR6 9RS

With David & Lorna Noon. 10.30 am to 12.00 noon Thursday, July 10th Entry ÂŁ5 Income to be used to replace the Church Notice Board.



Kingsland Parish Neighbourhood Plan and Herefordshire Council's New Core Strategy

Why it is important to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for Kingsland Parish  All local planning decisions are based on policies contained within the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and guidance from Central Government in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  The current UDP has policies which have restricted development within the parish by retaining a settlement boundary around Kingsland; and categorising Shirlheath, Cobnash and Mortimer’s Cross as open countryside.  The UDP is in the process of being superseded by the Core Strategy which should be adopted by the Council next Spring and will remain in force until 2031.  The emerging Core Strategy no longer has a settlement boundary for Kingsland and has re-categorised Shirlheath as a main village (like Kingsland).  Cobnash and Mortimer’s Cross are identified as villages where new housing development will be limited to the provision of smaller market housing which meets the need of people with local connections or affordable housing.  Areas outside these “villages” will remain as open countryside where development will be resisted.  Without a Neighbourhood Plan, all planning decisions will be based mainly upon the new Core Strategy  A Neighbourhood Plan will enable decisions to be made about development, taking into account what we want as a community What is being proposed for Housing in Kingsland parish by Herefordshire Council?  The new plan requires around 5,300 new dwellings to be provided in Herefordshire’s rural areas between 2011 and 2031.  The share of this 5,300 amongst the villages within the Leominster Rural Housing Area will equate to 14% for each village which has been named a main village under this policy.  Consequently both Kingsland and Shirlheath must look to provide an increase of 14% on their current number of dwellings. KINGSLAND 312 44 7


No. of existing dwellings No. of new dwellings required (14%) No. of dwellings built since 2011 No. of additional dwellings currently 33 0 with planning permission Minimum No. of additional new 4 7 dwellings required between 2011 – 2031* * This figure could change as land with current planning permission may not be implemented or the numbers of houses proposed may be reduced, hence the figure is a minimum.


EDWARDS TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken.  Chipper Hire  Garden Woodchip Mulch  Firewood.  Fully Insured. Email: edwardstreesurgery

Tel: 01568 610888 Mobile: 07855353306

Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01568 760815 (Mob: 07711899062)


Mortimer Medical Practice More News from Your Patients’ Participation Group (PPG) In last month’s ‘news’, a question was raised concerning funding for equipment at the Leintwardine Surgery. Regarding ‘savings made from the drug budget’:- These savings were made by reducing waste and carefully reviewing patients’ medication and making sure they only ordered what was needed. Also these savings were made about 5yrs. ago and held in a savings account in readiness for the building of the surgery. The practice only got a part of the saving - the rest went back into the Herefordshire Medication Budget. Hubs: Out Of Hours Surgeries The new service will dovetail with existing in-hours GP and out-ofhours services, ensuring 8am-8pm, 7 days per week, access where patients from any practice can be seen. The first ‘hub’ will open in Hereford with two further hubs opening in Leominster and Ross-onWye by September. Patients will be able to book appointments via their usual surgery and the service is aimed at those who cannot visit their usual surgery during normal opening times due to work commitments etc. The doctors,

nurses and healthcare assistants in the hubs will be able to access medical records held in GP surgeries. This access will only occur with the patient’s consent and will be rigorously policed. Reports will be sent to the patient’s normal GP the following day. The hubs will not be for emergency patients. They will still have to contact the out-of-hours service. If you have any matters you would like discussed at your PPG’s next meeting please contact your local representatives:Val Ainsworth 01568 780807 Brenda Bashford 01568 780413

O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches … Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland




Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends

a day to and from the nest each parent bird makes – any suggestions?

Since I last wrote there have been two fund-raising events for the hospice, and the hot sunny weather made both very pleasant events. The street collection in Leominster on June 6th raised a splendid £324 and thanks go to all who took part in this.

R.W.H. 01544 388210

Open Gardens in Kingsland on Saturday June 14th allowed access to 12 beautiful gardens in glorious sunshine, and produced an income of £330. Many thanks to those who opened their gardens, to those who helped in any way, and to those who supported the event! The grand total of £654 is a boost to hospice funds! Bridget Eastaugh Nature Notes 12/6/14 Lots of young birds leaving their nests, all very vulnerable, but all with their various ways of avoiding danger, some more successful than others, survival being the name of the game. A couple of Hornets have been seen, not to be played with, and lots of Bumble Bees in different sizes. The first Spotted Flycatcher appeared on June 8th. A Cuckoo heard by a light sleeper at 2am. near Street. More rain during the past day and a seasonal thunderstorm – no hosepipe bans! Grass silaging is waiting for the weather. An unusual sight of 8-10 Seagulls, a pair of Mallards and a Heron on the blank area of a field of wheat subject to flooding. Two pairs of Swallows very active feeding young in the Mill – a big hatch of flies well-timed by nature to provide the menu. I ponder how many journeys

Petanque in Kingsland The Angel's pétanque team are continuing to enjoy success. Our tally in the six matches played stand at 4 wins , 1 draw and 1 loss, putting us well towards the top of our league. The latest win was by a resounding 5-1, with the two singles games being won in double-quick time by very handsome margins. We are playing at home on 9th and 30th July. If you would like to come and watch and meet the team, you would be very welcome. Pétanque is a sociable and fun game. If you are interested in playing (no experience is necessary), please give our Captain, Paul Blake, a ring on 07870 391953.


R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 51 West Street, Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

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St. Michael’s Hospice News from Headquarters Open Gardens Herefordshire gardeners have been using their creativity to support St Michael’s Hospice by opening their beautiful gardens to the public. This summer we have more people than ever ready to invite you to explore their delightful private grounds. For details visit: Redevelopment Appeal The St Michael’s Hospice Redevelopment Appeal is now within half a million pounds of finishing the new state-of-the-art In-Patient Unit. To mark the closure of the current In-Patient Unit there will be a special event on 14 th July at 5.00pm in the Orchard Room. This unique event will be an opportunity for people to remember all that has happened in St Michael’s Hospice over the last 30 years. Anyone wishing to attend can contact David Vonberg at St Michael’s Hospice on 01432 851000. The Wheelie Big Cycle Promising to be even bigger and better than last year's inaugural event, the Wheelie Big Cycle wheels its way back into town on Sunday 20th July 2014. Join us with your family, friends or colleagues for a great day of cycling. There are four different routes to choose from 16,32,60 and 93 miles, all taking in different aspects of the beautiful Herefordshire countryside and offering a challenge for novice and serious cyclists alike. For details: visit

Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Kingsland Make sure you and your children don’t miss our next

Family Service Sunday, July 6th, 9.30 am.

A 40 minute service led by

Mrs Wendy Maddocks Theme: Jesus

goes to the Seaside


Church Services in the Benefice for July Sunday 6th July 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (CW) 11.00 am Choral Mattins (BCP) 11.00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Sunday 13pm July 8.00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 9.30 am Mattins (BCP) 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) Sunday 20th July 9.30 am Holy Eucharist CW 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) 3.30 pm Evensong (BCP) th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 27pm July 8.00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (CW) 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) 6.30 pm Choral Evensong (BCP)

Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Kingsland

and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am unless otherwise stated: July: 6th 13th 20th 27th

Rev D. Longley Chapel Anniversary, Holy Communion, Rev. J. Waldegrave Mr. F. Hooley Rev. F. Biseker (United at C. of E)


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ALAN JONES TREE SURGERY Specialist tree care & Estate Management ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Fully insured and NPTC qualified FIREWOOD FOR SALE For a professional service at competitive prices call Alan on: Tel: 01568 770790

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The Parish Diary 2014 July 5th RBL and WI Open Day Coronation Hall 2.30 pm 7th RBL Social Evening Corners 7.45 pm th 9 W. I. ‘The Art of Gift Wrapping’ Mrs Kathy Knill Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 10th Coffee, Cake and Music Morning 5 Highfield Close 10.30 am to 12 noon 11th Kingsland Benefice Quiet Day Brecon (details from Rev Julie Read) 13th RBL Summer Lunch Gable Croft tba 19th SMAAAK Event: ‘Cosi Fan Tutti’ Church 7.30 pm 27th Salmon & Strawberry lunch after Service Church from 12.15 pm August 4th RBL Social Evening Corners 7.45 pm 9th Kingsland Flower Show Coronation Hall tba 12th Coffee Morning (bench for Jill Probyn) Park House 10am -12noon 25th SMAAAK Spud growing weigh in (Details tba) September 1st RBL Social Evening Corners 7.45 pm 6th to 14th SMAAAK event: hArt Exhibition Kingsland Church tba 10th W.I. ‘Cooking in Private Service’ Mrs Janet Wall Coronation Hall 7.30 pm October 4th SMAAAK Event; Thomas Bowes and Arcadia Festival Tour Church 7.30 pm 6th RBL Social Evening Corners 7.45 pm th 8 W.I. ‘Showing for W. I. Competitions’ Mrs Pat Smith Coronation Hall 7.30 pm November 3rd RBL Annual General Meeting Corners 7.30 pm 9th Remembrance Sunday Church 10.30 for 10 50 am 12th W.I. ‘Dressing Table Items from the Past’ Mrs Colette Gray Coronation Hall 7.30 pm December 10th W.I. ‘Canapés and Nibbles for Christmas’ Mrs Rosemary Evans Coronation Hall 7.30 pm (Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)

Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Kingsland

Salmon & Strawberry Lunch After morning service at about 12.15pm

Sunday 27th July, 2014 £8.50 per person (donations sought for drinks)


COFFEE MORNING At "PARK HOUSE" courtesy of Mr & Mrs Frost.

TUESDAY 12th AUGUST 10am - 12pm All proceeds will go towards a bench in memory of Jill Probyn For more information ring

Lisa on 01568708002 or Kay on 01568 709262

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Customers and Kingsland Villagers, A big welcome back to Bethanya after her extended leave to have her back operation! It is good to see her recovering so well. A massive thank you to Heather and Pippa for covering while she was away. Anya has also joined us on a Saturday and Luke has joined us on Tuesday and Fridays; both are learning quickly. As the summer gets going fully we want you all to know in good time that we have put the Tea Room and shop up for sale. This has not been an easy decision and we very much hope a buyer will come forward in the next few months to take it on as a going concern. However, if this doesn’t happen the tea room and shop will CLOSE for good on Saturday 13th September, and Stoneleigh will go on the market as a house in the autumn. It is hoped to find a more suitable premises in the area as a home, with a bigger external space suitable for the catering kitchen. We are looking forward to one last long summer season serving lots of tasty all day lunches, coffee, tea and delicious cakes hopefully enjoyed relaxing outside. So, please make the most of our final few months and come and join us for a special treat in the sunshine. Once we finish in September, Sam will be continuing with SCRUMMY BITES the ever growing outside catering side of the business. So if you need extra help for a party, Christmas or just to stock the freezer do let him know on 01568 709142. Joanna will be semi retiring though she will continue with her private patients, carer responsibilities and charity work. A special thank you from us all to our customers, volunteers and especially Jean Barbour, Sebastian Bowen, Penny Ovenden, Hillary & Ken Roberts, Roger Brookes, Richard & Sue at The Corners, Jackie Markham, Sheridan & Sarah Swinson, and Rick & Andrea Noordegraaf, for their generous help and extra moral support over the last few years. We hope to see you soon

Joanna & Sam and the team at the Garden


Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

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Royal British Legion Branch Meetings The meeting nd on 2 June was well attended, raising more than £90. Our next routine meeting will be on 7th July. 5th July Gathering As previously announced, we will be holding a joint fund-raiser with the W.I. at the Village Hall, starting at 2.30pm. There will be a range of stalls, games etc, and light refreshments. For the sporting persons, there will be 6-a-side soccer organised by Mr Gore and the fire brigade. There will also be a rounders competition – anyone wishing to raise a team should contact Val Davis. Summer Lunch 13th July. A flyer has been circulated to all members and supporters. Please return your bids for the lunch as soon as possible to either Mrs Roberts or myself. Quiz Night 4th August We hope to have an extra large turnout for this social evening. Sue and Richard have agreed that we will use the upper dining room at the Corners and that the menu will be the steak or fish choice usually offered on a Wednesday. The cost will be £7.00. Please invite your friends to swell the numbers! Afterwards, we may organise a “lites out” parade at the war memorial. National Conference I had hoped to have some interesting news but, apparently there was little debate worth reporting. Gordon Browne (Chairman)

Kingsland Post Office Tel: 01568 708201

Open Monday-Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, Saturday 9am to 12.30 pm, for all Post Office services including:

Vehicle Taxation Foreign Currency Travel Insurance Bank Deposits & Withdrawals Mobile phone top-ups Also available will be: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Sales of Cards and Stationery Photocopying Dry Cleaning and Laundry Shoe Repairs


GABBS Solicitors For Probate & Trusts call Nansi Webb

For family and Litigation call Anne Vincent For Conveyancing call John Thacker

Broad Street Leominster E-mail: (not for service) Website:

tel: 01568 616333 fax: 01568 614013


KINGSLAND PARISH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN NEWS Thank you to everyone who came along to our big event at the Coronation Hall. By the time you read this we will also have held our event at Luctonians for all the businesses, clubs and organisations in the parish, so thanks in advance to those who came along. All your views and comments are being read and all will contribute to the Vision for the parish and how we write the Neighbourhood Plan with regards to future development and building in the parish. You can write to our Secretary, Patricia Pothecary, Longford House, Kingsland HR6 9QU Tel: 01568 708597 or send your comments/views via e-mail to Many thanks for all your input so far! Kingsland Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


MARKHAMS GARAGE LTD Kingsland – Leominster – Herefordshire Established 1925 * Servicing & repairs to all makes of cars & light commercial vehicles * MOT Testing station * Six bay workshop * Batteries, tyres and exhausts * Electronic engine management diagnostics * Air conditioning service * Courtesy cars Telephone: 01568 708208 Fax: 01568 709059


G. D. Lloyd TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

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Exterior and Interior Carpentry Bespoke: Stables, Garages Workshops Roofing Timber Floors

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Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing

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Kingsland Parish Website: Attention businesses, clubs and organisations in Kingsland parish!!! The website for Kingsland parish offers free listings and information for businesses, services, amenities, clubs and organisations in the parish which is a great way to connect with people in the parish - and beyond. It's also a great resource for news and events so please send us details of your events for the Village Diary. Events are also put on Twitter (we are @kingslandlife) and with over 700 followers we reach beyond the parish as well. It's an excellent FREE way to advertise your events and fundraisers. Also on the website you can find a huge amount of information such as:  Kingsland News online (including back copies)  Kingsland History  Local Information including Clubs and Amenities info  Local Businesses and Services  Local government info - from the Parish Council minutes to links to planning applications, refuse collection info and lots more  Family History - we connect people together via Village Talk  And lots more - so please go and have a look! Our site is also useful for tourists and visitors to the area so please put a link to us on your website! You can send information to us via the Contact Us page on the website; by e-mailing, or by calling Sally Deakin on 01568 708839


Marches Planning Planning & Design Consultancy

Sarah Hanson MRTPI Chartered Town & Country Planner Advice on the development potential of property & land Submission of planning applications & appeals Advice & handling of planning enforcement issues Representations on planning applications and appeals T: 01568 708087 M: 07837 062 494 e-mail:



Progressive Supper 2014 Hurrah! A rip roaring success!! I am sure that you will all agree with me in saying that the Progressive Supper went with a swing and was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Many thanks to all those who took part either by hosting a course, or by traveling, and special thanks to those of you who helped behind the scenes. We managed to raise ÂŁ1186.60 for the Coronation Hall well done everyone! Trina.

The Animal Nanny House-sitter

Are you going away on Holiday or just for a few days? I am a reliable trustworthy lady available to look after your much-loved animals and home whilst you are away. Experienced with horses, dogs, cats etc. Daily visits or live in. Also dog-walking service. Contact: 07989215402


Holistic Health Practitioner Acupuncture, Massage & Bodywork, Balanced Eating Plans, Relaxation Techniques

Individual treatments for chronic pain, backache, migraine, asthma, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, allergies, stress, fertility & general health conditions Free initial phone consultation Clinic appointments: Kingsland, Leominster HR6 9QS

phone: 01568 709142 email: or facebook Holistic Health Practitioner Joanna Bruce Established 1986 EFFECTIVE ҉ CARE ҉ EXPERIENCE


Luctonians Sports Club The 66th Annual General Meeting took place on the evening of June 10th in the clubhouse. A good attendance, mainly comprising vice-presidents and officials, heard a detailed and full treasurer’s report. This contained facts and figures relating to all club activities. A new Chairman and President were elected. Future plans and ambitions were outlined by the various heads of sections. These now include Rugby, Cricket, Netball, Rounders, Cycling, Croquet, Ladies Touch Rugby and Running. Club House catering and social activities are now a vital part of the club. The Grandstand with underneath Fitness Room is near completion – a monument to those who planned and built it. It was stressed that

new members interested in the club’s activities would be made most welcome. Junior Rugby and Cricket provided and coached by a team of well-organised helpers. This was a somewhat different evening from my first AGM at The Angel in 1953. “-from little acorns…”! R.W.H.




Weobley & District Local History Society This is a last reminder that the next trip on Wednesday 30th July is to Ledbury under the guidance of Chris Johnson of the Ledbury Civic Society. We are not using a coach on this occasion so it is a self-drive visit. You can offer seats to non-drivers or I can arrange a lift for you. Ledbury is just an hour away and we meet in Bell Square at 9.20am to depart at 9.30. The cost is ÂŁ8.50 each which will include donations to The Painted Room, the Heritage Centre and the Butcher Row House Museum, all of which we will visit. On arrival in Ledbury we will meet Chris Johnson under Market House, have tea/coffee and biscuits and a slide show before going on our walk about. The tour includes some walking, but it is fairly flat. We will be finishing in time for lunch in one of the many places in Ledbury for you to choose from. Please contact me for a booking form or download one from You will find it under Clubs and Organisations, then Weobley & District History Society. Whichever you decide to do, I urge you to do it as soon as possible. Stella Hurdidge (01544 318819)


the garden


DELI Tasty treats await you at Stoneleigh, KINGSLAND HR6 9QS OPEN Tues - Sat 11.00 - 5pm plus B.Hols       

Morning coffee All day lunches Afternoon teas Freshly baked bread & cakes Baking items & edible gifts Takeaway & special orders Scrummy Bites catering for 6 – 120  Lovely garden for eating outside  Vintage setting  Home of Jenny Lee Teas Call Joanna or Sam 01568 709142

Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS, Enquiries to

Size \ no. of 1 insertions Full Page £12 ½ Page £6 ¼ Page £4 ⅛ Page £2



£60 £30 £20 £10

£100 £50 £30 £15


Snippets from Church publications that are not very well proof-read. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, "Break Forth Into Joy." A songfest was hell at the Methodist church Wednesday. The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours." Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a Terrible Experience." Due to the Rector's illness, Wednesday's healing services will be discontinued until further notice. Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary. Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa will be speaking tonight at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine. Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa. Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don't forget your husbands. The peace-making meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to a conflict.

And finally………

There is the story of a preacher who got up one Sunday and announced to his congregation: "I have

good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for all we need to do as a church. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers


Details of Kingsland Organisations Organisation



Contact Numbers

Kingsland Coronation Hall

Mr R Frost Mrs L Juson

Chairman Secretary (also for Bookings)

01568 709103 01568 708002

Croft Ambrey Running Club Kingsland Bowling Club

Mr T Davies Mr B Markham Mr Donald Oke Mr Malcolm Morgan Ms Susanna Checketts Mrs Joan Brigden Mr Joe Scamp Rev Julie Read

Kingsland Church

Kingsland Bell-Ringers Kingsland Church Choir Kingsland Cubs Kingsland Guides & Brownies Kingsland Flower Show

Kingsland Pre-School Kingsland Methodist Church Kingsland Millennium Green Trust Kingsland under fives Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends

President Chairman Treasurer Secretary Captain Rector

01568 615962 01568 708255 07968 916783 01568 708201 01568 709071 01568 708857 01568 708672 01432 760591 01544 387992 01568 780250 01568 708681 01568 708681

Mrs J Barbour Mr D Davies Mr M Harrisson Mr D. Noon Ms Karen Jones Mrs M Jones Miss S Grant Mrs K. Ball Mrs V. Davis Mr F Morgan Mr C Southgate Mrs J. Vaughan Mrs C Southgate Mrs Becci White (Mobile Term-time only) Mrs J Lobb

Churchwarden Churchwarden Tower Captain Choir Master Leader Leader Assistant Leader Assistant Leader Leader President Chairman Treasurer Secretary

Cllr Sebastian Bowen Mrs Jackie Markham Mrs Sue Mitchell Mr Jim Davies Mrs S Thomas

Chairman Vice Chairman Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer

01584 831321 01568 708281 01568 708117 01568 709579 01568 708739

Mrs B Eastaugh Mrs L. Jones Mrs E Bradley Mrs E Karlsson Mrs R Evans Mr J Gore Mrs J Markham Sally Deakin

Chairman Treasurer Secretary President Secretary Sub Officer Contacts

01568 708173 01568 709119 01568 708622 01568 708387 01568 708257 01568 708701 01568 708281 01568 708839

Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec. Chief Executive Officer For enquiries:

01568 708077 01568 708681 01568 708483 01568 708483 01568 709080 07967 806678 01568 709579

Kingsland Women’s Institute Kingsland Fire Station Kingsland Community Web Site ( Royal British Legion Wg Cdr Browne (Kingsland Branch) Mrs V Davis Mrs Roberts Mrs Roberts Luctonians Sports Club Simon Green-Price Friends of Kingsland Church (SMAAAK)

01568 708474 01568 708281

Jim Davies or Dee Wurm

Chapel Steward

01568 708010 01568 709168 07871480680 01568 708223

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