Kingsland News October 2014

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Kingsland News October 2014 Dear Parishioners, Having listened to the needs of the families of the church, the service that happens on the 3rd Sunday of the month (this time the harvest communion service on the 19th October) is designed for all ages! We will be all together in church and it will be a FAMILY COMMUNION service. As well, the church is putting on “Open the Book” on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 2pm in church. It is a dramatic presentation of a bible story, with a hymn and a prayer. Kingsland School will be coming along, and it is open to all the families. There will be coffee and tea served from 2pm so come along for a chat and then at 2.30pm the action will begin. Two new ventures for the families of the parish. Wednesday October 1st is ‘Open the Book.’ Thank you SMAAAK for hosting H Art in church in September! The church looked stunning and many passed through the doors. The SMAAAK Annual Meeting is coming up at the beginning of October with

a chance to be thankful for all SMAAAK has achieved this last year . I am thankful to those who responded to the July plea for Planned Giving and have been encouraged by the response of those who have changed their way of giving, thus enabling the financing of the general running costs of the church to be more stable. We are not there yet but certainly things are better. So thank you! Well the mists are beginning to mark the beginning of the days, and autumn is on its way, - a time to give thanks not just for the summer but for the harvest and those who work the land. The harvest is gathered in (well the potatoes and apples may well be being brought in as we go to print) but it is time to stop and give thanks, to look back and acknowledge all that has been, the miracle of growth and the frustrations of weeds, the wonderful summer, all the hard work and the results from which we all benefit. Harvest thanksgiving this year is on Thursday 16th October at 6.30pm


and afterwards there will be supper in church. Come and give thanks to God and those who have laboured. For harvest this year we will be supporting the local food bank. Those who run the community larder (food bank) in Leominster which serves Kingsland and surrounding area tell that their stocks are running low and ask if for our harvest giving we might support the larder and help replenish the shelves. Here is their plea: Our larder shelves are much depleted following high demand during the school holidays and we would be very grateful for Harvest donations. If you would like to help we need basic provisions such as:

rice, tins of potatoes, spaghetti, meat, tomatoes, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, baked beans, soup, fruit, rice and sponge puddings, coffee, sugar, long life milk, loo rolls and toothpaste. (Please note we cannot use 'out of date' donations. ) If you need to use the food bank and would like help in doing so, please contact me on 01568 708255. If you are able to help by giving stock as requested above, please bring to the church and after October 19th it will be taken to Leominster. As the cyclical pattern starts again and seeds are planted may I remind you of Jesus' parable of the mustard seed.... where a tiny seed planted grows into a large plant. It only takes a small act of kindness to make a real difference. Julie



Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE Chilling With Local Art We have survived the first week back to school. There were tears. There were hissy-fits and a lot of ‘I don’t want to’s. And that was just on my part! So to celebrate a job well done on trying to settle back to a routine we decided to take on the kind invitation of SMAAAK, (Friends of St Michael & All Angels Kingsland), and view the work of twenty Herefordshire artists who currently exhibit at the church as part of this year’s h.Art week. We have just got back from the viewing and whilst my two offspring are enjoying Friday Movie Night, I felt the need to write down my thoughts as I’m still buzzing with the excitement of seeing what a handful of our local talent can do. There is a wide variety of work ranging from ceramics, photographs, sculptures, stoneware, linocut, porcelain, mixed media and many more, all finished to exceptionally high standards, as one would expect from brilliant Herefordshire artists. The church that houses the exhibition provides an excellent atmosphere, space and additional beauty to help showcase

the pieces. Sure you have to squeeze between rows of pews to get to some of the work but it’s not the end of the world. Wine was flowing, snacks were disappearing, and discussions were enjoyed as many locals observed the art whilst snapping up their favourites before more people join the fun between 6th and 14th September. Andrew Eastwood’s stoneware ‘Shoes’, terracotta “Handbag”, bronze “Dress” and “Catwalk” are very fitting with Fashion Week that commenced in New York a couple of days ago. Shannon Donovan’s parian, sliver sheep skulls made me think of Tim Burton’s movies with their eerie but beautiful aura; always a good thing in my books! Sophie MacCarthy’s ceramics work is out of this world stunning. Her ability to not only produce beautifully shaped pieces but to use colours that keep you gazing at her collection with ohmy-gosh-I-want-everything-off-thistable-eyes is what I call talent. Ruth Cameron Swan’s “Hello Sailor” tattooed lady, inspired by her running away to become a ship’s photographer, is one of my personal favourites. The children loved the pot and vessel exhibit of Lottie O’Leary because they were actually encouraged to touch and feel the different textures of the stone. What a way to secure future art-lovers! Perhaps the exhibits are a little far from each other, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s a bad thing. At least you have time to think about one artist’s work before you reach


the next. This is an intelligent and well-structured group show of Herefordshire artists. A must on your h.Art trail whether you’re a keen collector or an appreciator of fine art.

Kingsland Post Office Tel: 01568 708201

Veronika Lavey Open Monday-Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, Saturday 9.00am to 12.30 pm, for all Post Office services including:

Vehicle Taxation Foreign Currency Travel Insurance Bank Deposits & Withdrawals Mobile phone top-ups Also available will be: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Sales of Cards and Stationery Photocopying Dry Cleaning and Laundry Shoe Repairs



Luctonians Sports Club The competitive situation in the league that our 1st XV plays in was well known, and the players prepared for this. As of now it is ‘played two, lost two’ –both good performances by our players, both away matches. The 2nd XV and Knights (3rd XV) are playing with a strong 2nd XV playing very good Rugby. A structure is in place to address all challenges, with a good, active committee to make decisions. Already, however, injury problems have arisen, and will continue to do so. Two funerals, those involving David (insurance) Price and John Wetherall, have brought the reality of life to us all, and a reason to enjoy today. Issue 225

of ‘Lucsline’ out, with much detail included. I report on three cycling events by members. The first cycled from Barcelona to Biarritz through the Pyrenees, another involving a group of six (one as a 60th birthday treat) partaking in the Le Mans 24 hour bike ride, and another individual pedalling from Lands End to John O’Groats for charity, doing 108 miles a day. What a selection! There is ongoing activity at the club, with the car park often full, and many people playing and training using all of the ground. New floodlights installed up to modern standards on the training pitch mean more money is required! R.W.H.


G. D. Lloyd TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY Exterior and Interior Carpentry Bespoke:     

Stables, Garages Workshops Roofing Timber Floors

    

Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing

For a free quotation ring Gary

on: 01568 708196 or: 07966 766963


Trampoline Bounce Teme Valley Young Farmers would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who supported, donated or sponsored us for our 24 hour trampoline bounce, which took place on Saturday 30th to 31st August 2014, on the Millennium Green. We raised an amazing total of just over ÂŁ3000 to be shared between The Midlands Air Ambulance and Freddie Saunders. The money donated to Freddie is going towards building him a sensory play room. Many thanks,

Teme Valley Young Farmers



Mortimer Medical Practice A plea from your Participation Group (PPG):


Help! The PPG has no representatives between the ages of 25-50. Your views are so important! We only meet once every two months to liaise between patients and the surgery, sharing information and ideas for the benefit of us all. Interested? Please contact your local representative: Val Ainsworth @ val’

The Fiends of Mortimer Medical Practice. Did you know that The Mortimer Medical Practice has Friends? It certainly does; and over the last three years the Friends have funded equipment for the surgeries to the value of around £30,000! Such equipment, ranging from chairs to blood pressure machines, to vaccine fridges, to operating equipment, benefits patients directly and helps all the surgeries provide an excellent service in times when NHS budgets suffer many constraints. The Friends is a group of interested people who meet to discuss the practice needs. It oversees the use of donations and runs fund raising events such as concerts, lectures and fashion shows. If you would like to play a part in such a group please contact your local surgery and they will pass your details on to a member of the committee. Alternatively ring Ann Greer on 01568 780965 for a chat about the group. Thank you very much. Val Davis

SCRUMMY BITES made locally with you in mind

Delicious desserts, cakes & savouries made to order using locally grown produce. Pick up or local delivery. Food for celebrations & family events of 6 – 120 people. Call Sam Stoneleigh, Kingsland Tel: 01568 709142


Marches Planning Planning & Design Consultancy

Sarah Hanson MRTPI Chartered Town & Country Planner Advice on the development potential of property & land Submission of planning applications & appeals Advice & handling of planning enforcement issues Representations on planning applications and appeals T: 01568 708087 M: 07837 062 494 e-mail:


Kingsland W.I. The President welcomed everyone and dealt with matters arising. The August outing had been much enjoyed. She then introduced Mrs. Janet Wall to tell us of her experiences, 'Cooking in Private Service'. As a child, though always fascinated by cooking, she was not allowed to help and received no encouragement from her mother. Her father bought her one or two cookery books, which she devoured. Denied the opportunity of Domestic Science training, she had to leave school and take a boring packing job. However, at 20, she married a gardener and together they applied for a job through 'The Lady' magazine, and were employed by titled people - her husband as gardener and she, unpaid, "just to cook two lunches as week". First requirement - two potatoes each, which had to meet precise measurements, checked at every meal by a gauge carried on the lady's chatelaine! First indication of unbelievable meanness. Mould would be cut off very stale cake and the 'good' part sent out for the gardeners or to a Nursery School, of which the lady was a Governor. Everything was counted - the coal by the bag, as it was delivered, every log, all garden produce - even the sweetpeas. The coal would be dusted with sieved flour, so that none could be taken unofficially. If the 13 hens failed to produce 13 eggs questions had to be answered. One felt the lady could have given Scrooge a few tips! Mrs. Wall's sense of humour must have helped her through the year they were

forced to stay, without a day's holiday. The lady's demands grew and grew and always the threat of the loss of her husband's job ‘and the roof over-your head’ was held out. The year did pass and various posts followed, with better employers, though with other kitchen challenges, for instance, wrestling with an AGA for the first time. She was always resourceful and somehow overcame threatened catastrophes with good humour. Dealing with Shooting Party weekends would involve working from 6.30a.m. until midnight. She obviously enjoyed the challenge and the tips were generous. One memorable dinner party for 16 VIP guests involved cooking a 10½ lb. salmon. All went well - first course served, desserts in fridge, vegetables ready. The salmon being lifted on to a serving dish slipped, landed on the floor, losing head and tail. With minutes to spare she retrieved, scraped and patched the broken fish, using cream cheese tinted with tomato puree to in fill and fix the head and tail. She then covered the whole salmon with sliced cucumber, parsley and dill and was complimented later 'for making it so easy for the master of the house to serve. She deserved a medal. Now happily retired, Mrs. Wall still enjoys cooking and trying out new recipes. Lucky Mr. Wall! She was thanked and warmly applauded for a very amusing and interesting talk. Dorothy Lewis

(Pat Hughes was poorly and missed the meeting)


The Animal Nanny House-sitter

Are you going away on Holiday or just for a few days? I am a reliable trustworthy lady available to look after your much-loved animals and home whilst you are away. Experienced with horses, dogs, cats etc. Daily visits or live in. Also dog-walking service. Contact: 07989215402

ALAN JONES TREE SURGERY Specialist tree care & Estate Management ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Fully insured and NPTC qualified FIREWOOD FOR SALE For a professional service at competitive prices call Alan on: Tel: 01568 770790

Mob: 07817 066316

Holistic Health Practitioner Acupuncture, Massage & Bodywork, Balanced Eating Plans, Relaxation Techniques

Individual treatments for chronic pain, backache, migraine, asthma, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, allergies, stress, fertility & general health conditions Free initial phone consultation Clinic appointments: Kingsland, Leominster HR6 9QS

phone: 01568 709142 email: or facebook Holistic Health Practitioner Joanna Bruce Established 1986 EFFECTIVE ҉ CARE ҉ EXPERIENCE


h.Art has helped SMAAAK raise over £8,000 for local artists and for the restoration and improvement of the church. This will also be incremented by those who kindly Gift Aided their purchases. A huge thank you to all – artists, carpenters, stewards and visitors - who helped make this such a successful event, and to Julie for allowing us the use of the beautiful Church space. Our next event, on 4th October, is the inaugural Friends AGM to which all are invited. This starts at 6pm and will be followed by a performance by the Arcadia Music Festival Tour starting at 7.30pm. The full programme (opposite) includes Messaien’s moving Quartet for the End of Time which premiered on January 15, 1941, at the Stalag VIIIA prisoner-of-war camp, in Görlitz, Germany, where the composer had been confined since his capture in May 1940. EVENTS CALENDAR Saturday 4th October in the Church 6pm SMAAAK AGM 7.30pm The Arcadia Festival Tour (full programme opposite). Tickets £14 adult/ £5 under 18. Thursday 4th December 7.30 pm Coronation Hall Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orchestra. A fabulous six piece playing a mix of western swing, blues, ragtime, jazz, Cajun and country roots are the ones to watch on the UK’s growing Americana scene. Licensed bar and dancing positively encouraged! Tickets at £12 adult/£5 under 18, available in October. Reserve your place now! Tickets from Kingsland Post Office or 01568 709579





Telephone: 01568 780 912

01981 251660 07903617303




Weobley Theatre Goers A new season of theatre trips! And just as Strictly Come Dancing hits our screens again, we shall be going to see our own dance - Riverdance. This is at the Bristol Hippodrome, 2.30pm performance, on Sunday 5th October. The coach will be leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 11.00am, so please be there ten minutes or so beforehand, so that we can leave on time. And if that’s not enough excitement in one month, we are then going to Malvern to see The Mousetrap! For this show, we shall be leaving Weobley at 12.30pm for the 2.30pm performance on Wed 15th October. I have also booked the seats for Top Hat on Wed 26th November, 2.30pm at the Bristol Hippodrome, leaving Weobley at 11.30am. If you haven’t booked, but would like to go to any of the above shows, let me know and I will put you on the cancellation list. For more information please ring me on 01544 318513 or email Kate Best Thanks Sue, Matthew, and Stephen wish to thank all our neighbours and friends in the village for the kind messages of sympathy and support they have received since David passed away. Thanks also to the large number who attended his funeral and for the generous donations received in David’s memory, which have been given to St Michael’s Hospice, Sue Price

Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755

Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388



Art & Craft Group - the 3R’s for grown ups! RELAX, REFRESH and RENEW Come and spend some time relaxing and being creative. Have a coffee and some fun with like-minded folks. Come and paint or draw, make models or cards, knit or sew, patchwork or scrapbook or come and try something new. No previous skills required! Materials for papercrafts will be available - otherwise bring along what you need. Do you have any unfinished, 'I’ll get around to it' type projects lurking under the bed, in the shed or stuck in a plastic bag? Bring them along. This is not a class so feel free to just come along for a coffee and natter. There is no charge for this group but donations are welcome. Starting 1st October in Kingsland Church on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 9am – 12noon

Kingsland Millennium Green Trust (KMGT) There is an open meeting of the Trustees of KMGT in the Coronation Hall on Sat 8 th Nov. at 10am. Please feel free to come along and, if you would like coffee beforehand, that will be available from 9.30am. Andrew Parsons (Hon. Sec. Tel:01568 708592)


Parish Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Kingsland

Special Services for Families and Young People in October Wednesday 1st: ‘Open the Book’ Coffee and tea served from 2pm so come along for a chat. At 2.30 there will be dramatic presentation of a bible story, with a hymn and a prayer. Children from Kingsland Primary School will be taking part in this event.

Sunday 5th: Family Service A 40-minute Service at 9.30am led this month by Mrs Wendy Maddocks. Theme: Load up your Tractors! Sunday 19th: Family Harvest Communion A simplified Communion Service at 11 am for families, this month with a Harvest Theme.

You and your families will be most welcome at any or all of these events! St Michael's Hospice 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service, Hereford Cathedral , 19th October 2014 at 5.30pm. Come to a service of thanksgiving for thirty years of caring by St. Michael’s Hospice, with performances by the Hospice Community Choir, and music, readings, poetry and drama. There will also be the opportunity to write your own message of support and thanks for the Hospice and add them to three large apple trees in the Cathedral. It will be a great opportunity to meet with old friends, to give thanks for the past and to hear a bit more about how the Hospice will be moving into the next thirty years. ‘Because of them… because of you’



Church Services in the Benefice for October Wednesday 1st October From 2pm ‘Open the Book’ Event for families Friday 3rd October 6.30 pm Harvest Festival Sunday 5th October 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Mattins 11.00 am Choral Mattins (BCP) 11.00 am Harvest Holy Communion (BCP) th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Sunday 12pm October 8.00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) 11.00 am Harvest Holy Communion (CW) Thursday 16th October 6.30 pm Harvest Festival followed by meal in church Sunday 19th October 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (CW) 11.00 am Harvest Family Communion (CW) 3.30 pm Holy Communion th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 26pm October

Kingsland Aymestrey Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Aymestrey Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls Kingsland

8.00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Eucharist (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) Kingsland 6.30 pm Choral Evensong (BCP) Kingsland and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am: October:

5th 12th 19th 26th

Mrs M. Evans Mr C. Jennings Rev S. Stone Mr A. Weston

Kingsland* Shobdon Kingsland Shobdon

*Garden Harvest Thanksgiving Service followed by ‘Bring & Share’ lunch. You will be welcomed at the lunch even if you can’t make the service. The Annual Sale of Third World Goods will be held on November 21st from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. There will be lots of lovely gifts, toys and Traidcraft Foods to buy and masses of Christmas cards. Proceeds will be shared by Christian Aid, the Tearfund and the Leprosy Mission


The Parish Diary 2014 October 1st First ‘Open the Book’ event Church from 2.00 pm 4th SMAAAK Event; Thomas Bowes and Arcadia Festival Tour Church 7.30 pm 5th Methodist Harvest Festival & lunch Meth Ch. 11.00 am 6th Neighbourhood Plan Meeting Corners 7.30 pm 6th RBL Annual General Meeting Corners 7.30 pm 8th W.I. ‘Showing for W. I. Competitions’ Mrs Pat Smith Coronation Hall 7.30 pm th 16 Church Harvest Festival and Meal Church 6.30 pm November 3rd RBL Social Evening Corners 7.30 pm 8th KMGT Open Meeting Coronation Hall 10.00am 9th Remembrance Sunday Church 10.30 for 10 50 am 11th Hospice pre-Christmas Coffee Morning Luctonians tba 12th W.I. ‘Dressing Table Items from the Past’ Mrs Colette Gray Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 21st Third World Goods Sale Meth. Ch. 10.30 am to 4.30 pm 29/30th Christmas Event Church Times next month 29/30th Christmas Tree Festival Meth. Ch. details next month December 3rd Bowling Club Bingo Coronation Hall 7.00 pm 4th SMAAAK Event: Rob Heron and the Tea Pad Orch. Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 10th W.I. ‘Canapés and Nibbles for Christmas’ Mrs Rosemary Evans Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 12th Hospice ‘Light up a Life’ Service Church 7.30 pm (Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)



 Extensions  Renovations  Groundworks  Hard Landscaping

Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734


Royal British Legion Branch Meetings. The meeting on 1st September at the Corners Inn raised ÂŁ93, a sum enlarged by good support from some of the Corners customers. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Corners Inn on Monday 6th October, starting at 7.30pm. The full agenda has been circulated to all members and supporters and I would encourage as many as possible to attend. Notice of apology for non-attendance should be sent to either the Secretary or myself. Likewise, any items for inclusion in the agenda should also be notified as soon as possible. Please note that we welcome the views of non-membership supporters but that you will not be able to vote.

KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA

01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.

Gordon Browne (Chairman)

Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549



The Battle of Mortimer’s Cross – Can you help? English Heritage is considering whether to designate the site of the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross as an official Battlefield site. They are working with the Battlefield’s Trust who would like to find answers to the following questions. a. Who owns the land that the battlefield covers? (if EH is going to register the battlefield it will need to undertake a public consultation, particularly with the landowners) b. Which local groups are interested in the battle? c. Who are the experts on the battle? d. Which documentary or other sources, other than some general ones EH has identified to the Trust, should EH consider? Local stories or knowledge will also be particularly useful for cross referencing with other sources, no matter how limited, anecdotal or tenuous, so please send them to the coordinating contact, details below. If the site can be designated, then it is hoped a group of interested people could be formed to raise interest and awareness of the site. If there is proven to be an interest in the battle the Battlefield’s Trust would consider leading a walk at Mortimer’s Cross next year and separately perhaps provide a presentation about the battle for

those who might struggle to walk. Investigations of the landscape and perhaps even some archeological surveys may follow if the right information comes forward. To register your interest or provide information please contact me on 01568708597 or e-mail

Patricia Pothecary

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers



Nick Bartholomew Building, Renovation & Joinery 07799832628


01544267727 EDWARDS TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken.  Chipper Hire  Garden Woodchip Mulch  Firewood.  Fully Insured. Email: edwardstreesurgery

Tel: 01568 610888 Mobile: 07855353306


Petanque in Kingsland


The Angel's petanque team have had a pretty successful second half to the season. At the time of writing (end of August), we have played 14 matches with 9 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses, putting us joint first in our league. With 2 more matches, both away, to go it could be a nail-biting end to the season, because two of our players are about to go on holiday and another works shifts meaning everyone else needs to be available to play . . .

Ideal Kindling/Morning wood. Builder’s Dumpy Bag £10 Possible Delivery Locally

Telephone John 07971405859 Kington Choral's Winter Concert

Petanque is a sociable and fun game. We have had a new member this season who lives in Kingsland, and welcome others. If you are interested in playing (no experience is necessary), please give our Captain Paul Blake a ring on 07870 391953. Once the winter season starts in October, we will be playing matches on Sunday mornings.

On Saturday 29th November, 2014, at 7.30pm St Mary's, Kington, the 60strong KCS choir, conducted by Roger Langford, will perform J. S. Bach's "A Christmas Oratorio" (cantatas 1, 2 and 3), featuring young professional soloists trained at the Birmingham Conservatoire, with organ and early music instrument ensemble led by David Hatcher. Early bird tickets £10 (under-18s FREE, £12 on the door) text 07968 044 853 or email

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour •

Bathing • Clipping Nail Cutting • Canine Massage Professional Service Grooming since 1998

Please call Keli Partridge on:

01568709190 or 07967005102 14, Boarsfield, Kingsland




Hereford Coeliac Group’s





11:00am - 2:00pm  Big OzDr ScharFish & Chips

 Greens Beers Juvela  Nairns  Perkier Food  Udi’s  Voakes Free From  Yippee Foods & many more…

Entry by Donation

Macmillan Coffee Morning A huge thank-you to everyone who attended and supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning at the Corners Inn on Tuesday 19th August! A special thanks to Sue and Richard for providing the venue and to friends and family who helped with baking cakes, selling draw tickets, serving coffee, tea & cakes, and clearing up at the end. We were also very grateful to those who donated draw prizes. We all had a most enjoyable morning and were delighted to find that we had raised £630, Paula Davies

O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches …

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ


Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340

Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email


Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan News As we move into Autumn the Steering Group is busy looking at the results of the recent consultations and starting to develop all the draft planning policies for the parish, on everything from housing and community facilities to tourism and economic development until 2031. All these policies will have to be taken into account when Herefordshire Council look at planning applications, once they adopt their Core Strategy for the county. You may also have seen us, and will be seeing us, walking around the village and parish with maps, notebooks and taking photographs of fields, open spaces, houses, historic buildings and areas, community facilities and the like. This is all to help us get a feel for what

sort of policies we need to be writing for our parish to ensure we have a thriving community in the future. If you see us out and about please come and say hello and join in! It’s another chance to give your views, ideas and opinions. Meanwhile we still need more help so if you can give us a little bit of time to help with publicity, administration or small projects we will be needing help with, then please contact us. You don’t need to know anything about planning – it’s time, energy and enthusiasm that’s more important! You can call our Secretary Patricia Pothecary on 01568 708597 who’ll be more than happy to hear from you, or you can email kingslandneighbourhoodplan@g


Professional Cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, Upholstery Using a new innovative system, we offer a fast, efficient, high quality carpet cleaning service, with no mess or fuss     

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Call today: Rainbow International, Unit 21, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster, HR6 0LX Telephone: 01568 617710

(Note New Address!!) For Your Free, No Obligation Quote


Fashion Show The Friends of Mortimer Medical Practice are holding a Fashion Show at the Edinburgh Wool Shop at Ludlow on Thursday 30th October at 7.30 pm. Tickets will be available from Kingsland Surgery, Val Davis and Sheila Abberley. Tickets will be ÂŁ5 to include a glass of wine. The Friends are fund-raising to purchase a new ECG machine for Kingsland Surgery. Val Davis


COUNTRY FIREWOOD OF LUCTON Seasoned Firewood: ASH OAK BEECH SYCAMORE CHERRY Low Moisture Content High Heat Output Bigger Discount for Bigger Load (also Kindling and Nets of Kindling) Please call Mike: 07964947272 01568 780904

Local Firewood for Local people


Nature Notes (17/9/14) The amazing spell of weather continues, temperatures up to 30ºC in early afternoons. Days shorten, and swallows disappear by stages as has happened for generations. One very unusual report, from an informant as he was ploughing, tells of a Seagull catching a Mole and, after a struggle, swallowing it. Moles also must have had a very good breeding season. They are very active in most damp ground and lawns. Grass is still growing, - a good year for lawn mowers, Cattle and Sheep. Lots of Hay and Silage, with baling and wrapping observed in the parish on September 16th. All combining is completed and potatoes are moving all ways with minimal soil

on roads. This must be a year of so few wasps. I have heard a suggestion that the late, wet Spring accounts for it. Bats are another issue. The views of the noisy minority involved with Bat protection are at odds with the lady who has to wipe the pews in her church before any services, and the man who, on hands and knees, had to clear up years of droppings in a low roof loft on a hot day! It’s lucky we don’t have Fruit Bats here! Mice and Rats are finding their way into old haunts. Underneath sinks seems to be a favourite. As for Badgers – a big subject! R.W.H.

Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 51 West Street, Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise


GABBS Solicitors For Probate & Trusts call Nansi Webb

For family and Litigation call Anne Vincent For Conveyancing call John Thacker

Broad Street Leominster E-mail: (not for service) Website:

tel: 01568 616333 fax: 01568 614013

Come Dine at Mine. Come Dine at Mine is a great new way of raising money for St Michael’s Hospice while enjoying the company of friends and family. Simply invite some friends to your dinner party and ask them to say thank you by making a donation to St Michael’s Hospice. You can be as creative or as formal as you like: hold a Sunday lunch, a Saturday brunch, a picnic in the park, or a midweek lunch with colleagues, - the choice is

yours. You can even hold a "Come Wine at Mine" party! All we ask is that guests make a donation and consider doing the same with their friends. We can provide you with a welcome pack and Gift Aid Donation envelopes for all your guests. Just give the Fundraising Team a call on 01432 851000 for more details. St Michael’s Hospice Fundraising Team


Weobley & District Local History Society The October meeting will be a little different from those we normally have. The meeting will take place in the Parish Church on Wednesday, 22nd. It will start at 7.30pm as normal and will be a commemoration of World War One with particular reference to the men and women of Weobley who were involved in the war. There will be speakers and a presentation either film and/or slide. If you have not had an opportunity to see the WW1 display in Church, this will be an ideal opportunity as after the

presentation refreshments will be served. Those who are not members of the Weobley & District Local History Society are also invited to this meeting, and it promises to be a memorable evening. The display will remain in Church until the middle of November and the Church is open every day. Why not go along and see if any member of your family feature in the display? For those who like to plan ahead, please note that the History Society lunch will be held on December 17th at Hopelands. Julie Peacock



Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the

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back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS, Enquiries to

1 £12 £6 £4 £2

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The last word! Jesus, Moses, and an old man go golfing. The first one to tee off is Moses. He smashes the ball and it is heading right for the water hazard before the green. Moses raises his club, the water parts, and the ball makes it to the green. Jesus gets up to swing, cranks it out, and it is headed for the water hazard. Jesus closes his eyes and prays. The ball skips across the water and lands on the green two feet from the hole. The old man's turn comes and he drives the ball. The ball looks like it is going to drop directly into the water. A fish jumps from the water hazard swallowing the ball, as an eagle drops from the sky, grabbing the fish. As the eagle flies over the green, a bolt of lightning strikes the eagle, making it drop the fish. As the fish hits the green, it spits out the ball and the ball falls into the hole, making a hole in one. Jesus looks at Moses and says, "I really think I'm leaving Dad at home next time!"

44 Details of Kingsland Organisations Organisation



Contact Numbers

Kingsland Coronation Hall

Mr R Frost Mrs L Juson

Chairman Secretary (also for Bookings)

01568 709103 01568 708002

Croft Ambrey Running Club Kingsland Bowling Club

Mr T Davies Mr B Markham Mr Donald Oke Mr Malcolm Morgan Ms Susanna Checketts Mrs Joan Brigden Mr Joe Scamp Rev Julie Read

Kingsland Church

Kingsland Bell-Ringers Kingsland Church Choir Kingsland Cubs Kingsland Guides & Brownies Kingsland Flower Show

Kingsland Pre-School Kingsland Methodist Church Kingsland Millennium Green Trust Kingsland under fives Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends

President Chairman Treasurer Secretary Captain Rector

01568 615962 01568 708255 07968 916783 01568 708201 01568 709071 01568 708857 01568 708672 01432 760591 01544 387992 01568 780250 01568 708681 01568 708681

Mrs J Barbour Mr D Davies Mr M Harrisson Mr D. Noon Ms Karen Jones Mrs M Jones Miss S Grant Mrs K. Ball Mrs V. Davis Mr F Morgan Mr C Southgate Mrs J. Vaughan Mrs C Southgate Mrs Becci White (Mobile Term-time only) Mrs J Lobb

Churchwarden Churchwarden Tower Captain Choir Master Leader Leader Assistant Leader Assistant Leader Leader President Chairman Treasurer Secretary

Cllr Sebastian Bowen Mrs Jackie Markham Mrs Sue Mitchell Mr Jim Davies Mrs S Thomas

Chairman Vice Chairman Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer

01584 831321 01568 708281 01568 708117 01568 709579 01568 708739

Mrs B Eastaugh Mrs L. Jones Mrs L. Noon Mrs E Karlsson Mrs R Evans Mr J Gore Mrs J Markham Sally Deakin

Chairman Treasurer Secretary President Secretary Sub Officer Contacts

01568 708173 01568 709119 01568 708672 01568 708387 01568 708257 01568 708701 01568 708281 01568 708839

Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec. Chief Executive Officer For enquiries:

01568 708077 01568 708681 01568 708483 01568 708483 01568 709080 07967 806678 01568 709579

Kingsland Women’s Institute Kingsland Fire Station Kingsland Community Web Site ( Royal British Legion Wg Cdr Browne (Kingsland Branch) Mrs V Davis Mrs Roberts Mrs Roberts Luctonians Sports Club Simon Green-Price Friends of Kingsland Church (SMAAAK)

01568 708474 01568 708281

Jim Davies or Dee Wurm

Chapel Steward

01568 708010 01568 709168 07871480680 01568 708223

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