Kingsland News August 2016

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Kingsland News


August 2016 Dear Parishioners, Thank you to those who showed me kindness last month as family matters took a priority in my life for a while. What a wonderful month July has been – Open Gardens at the beginning for the Hospice and Church saw the glories of what is possible with tender care and artistic skill in eleven gardens in Kingsland and I am most grateful to those who prepared and opened their gardens to inspire us in our own! Thanks too to the organisers: Jean wearing both church and hospice hat, the ladies of the church for providing lunches and teas and the hospice team for providing publicity. £1400 was raised that weekend to be split between both charities. Thank you to all who came. My son Jonathan sends his thanks to all who supported the Impromptu concert in Kingsland Church that same weekend in aid of the Gurkha Welfare Trust and Oxfam. It was lovely to see him (I don’t see him so much now!!) and his friends enjoy music making and the sounds of instruments we wouldn’t normally hear play solos – that tuba certainly filled the church and those low notes must have challenged those with hearing aids. The oboe was my favourite! £730 was raised from the concert and will go to their fundraising for a 100km walk on 23rd July across the South Downs.

We made a start in thinking about the wonderful building that we all know, love and treasure, in a Vision Day open to everyone but only as yet touching the surface of exploring what needs to happen over the next few years to our building. There is conservation and development work to be done and in time you will all be drawn into thinking about this. There are questionnaires in the church that you can pick up and write your ideas on and a box to return them to. Try and make time over August to do this so that we move forward together as a community and church for the good of all. Pop up Opera is stunning. We are privileged to have them come to Kingsland and if you haven’t been yet then when they come next year do make the effort. Thanks to Jim and Dee for hosting the evening with SMAAAK and £900 was profit for the funds towards the fabric work of the church. Along with a wedding, a funeral, the school end of year service, and the weekly worship of the church it has been a busy month. In August it is holiday time for the schools and families and things look a little different! We are planning a series of Summer Services that go on Safari around the parishes – something old


and something new and I hope you will engage with the adventure when you are in town. We will be putting up posters in pubs and parks so visitors know and I hope you will encourage others to make the effort to travel, there will be an opportunity for anyone from any of the parishes to sing in a makeshift choir for each service – so if you would like to be part of one or all watch out. All the services are at 10.30am with refreshments after each so we can enjoy each other’s company for a while. On 7th August we go to Aymestrey for a BCP Communion Service entitled “You must be joking!” with Julie at the helm. On 14th August the service is back at Kingsland “What do you want me to do and be?” Preacher Rev Dr Neil Richardson. The service is In Eardisland on the 21st August. It will be a Taizé Service with space to think and pray, and on the 28th August it will be “Feeding the 5000”, at Leinthall Earles. Come and find out about Lammas and bring a picnic to share in the lovely grounds. Joking apart and despite the political upheavals at this time, there are still a whole host of refugees camped out in Calais and needing support. It was reported recently that the food parcels that had been taken round were ceasing because gifts had dried up and that was causing great hardship. We will have a session gathering the specific items that are needed during August, and there is a request that if anyone is either going or coming back from their holidays and passing through Calais and wanted to spend a few hours helping pack bags they will always be welcome and if you contact me I can put you in touch with Kathy Bland at the Priory who has done this and knows the ropes.

In the last week in August I will be running a steel band workshop in the church and if you would like to come and take part in that (child or adult) you should have a word with me and we can slot you in. We are delighted to welcome Timothy Noon to lead us in the Last Night of the Proms on Friday 2nd September. As you may know, since January, Timothy has been Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral and a group from our choir were able to take part in a day he organised for choirs back in May. He is not only a superb organist but entertaining in his engagement with audiences and will combine these talents to present this special event.. Tell your friends and bring them along you will not be disappointed. Finally, save the date of Friday 30th September for a meal and auction of promises at the Lucs which will be our major fundraising venture for this year and vital for the smooth running of the vicar. We will be raising money with one of the cancer charities but not all details are decided yet but save the date and get ready to party! Lots of fun for the holiday month and I hope to catch up with you as I am around all of August. Julie



Podium Performance After four long years, it’s almost time for the world’s top athletes to go for gold at the Olympics. To reach this stage, these amazing competitors have had to show commitment, dedication and a constant desire to improve further. Kingspan Insulation has been applying these same principals to its own practice for many years. It was recently rewarded for this at the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber Awards, taking the awards for both Excellence in Innovation and Business of the Year. The construction industry never stands still, and one of the challenges Kingspan Insulation’s R&D department constantly face is how to make existing product ranges even better. The answer for the most recent, award winning innovation was to lower the lambda value of the products. Without getting into all the technical details, this simply means contractors can now achieve the insulation performance they want with a slimmer product thickness. This is great news for building owners as it means walls can be kept as thin as possible, giving them as much living or working space as possible. When awarding the Business of the Year award, the judges said it was Kingspan Insulation’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, responsibility and good business practice which set it apart from the competition. The win is a big reward for the hard work, invention and dedication of the entire team at Kingspan Insulation and the trophies are displayed for all to see in the main foyer of the site. Kingspan Insulation were delighted to take home both the Excellence in Innovation and Business of the Year Awards at the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber Awards 2016.


Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549


Kingsland W I At our July meeting Brenda Drake gave a talk not about guiding as we expected but on a charity, the Associated Country Women of the World. This organisation funds projects particularly focussing on women in need in rural locations. They are often small scale projects but make a big difference to these women's lives. The men often go off to the towns to find work and send very little money home so the wives have to scrape a living from small plots of land. Any surpluses they produce are sold to a middle man who takes his profit and the women make very little. One way the ACWW help is to provide a bicycle with a trailer so that one of the women can take the produce to market and sell it on behalf of the other village women. One woman had a grant to buy a small stove and cooking pots and set up cooking in the market for office workers. Brenda Drake is the official delegate to ACWW for Hereford, a position she has held for many years but is now hoping to find someone new to take on the role. In August our outing will be to Hampton Court and we are all hoping the sun will shine. At our meeting on the 14th Sept there will be a talk and demonstration of spinning. You are all welcome to attend. Pat Hughes


Telephone: 01568 780 912

Steven Rees Traditional Upholsterer  Antique Furniture  Modern Furniture  Over 30 years’ experience  Free Estimates and Advice Hawthorne Cottage Shirlheath, Kingsland Herefordshire HR6 9RJ Tel: 01568 709435 Mob: 07927845655 Email:



KINGSLAND NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN NEWS FINAL PUBLIC CONSULTATION JULY 11th to AUGUST 22nd 2016 After further work, the submission draft of our Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Herefordshire Council. By the time you read this the second 'Regulation 16', final public consultation, will be underway and you may have seen the official site notices in the village and on the KingslandLife website. The draft plan will now carry some weight when planning applications within Kingsland parish are being decided by Herefordshire Council. This consultation is conducted in accordance with Government regulations, so please note it is being run solely by Herefordshire Council and all comments or representations must be made direct to them. Consequently, the Parish Council, Parish Clerk and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group cannot accept or forward any comments or representations and any received will have to be returned. You can find the draft Neighbourhood Plan, approved by the Parish Council, and all the other consultation documents and details of how to respond to Herefordshire Council on the Parish Council/Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Documents page on You can also go direct to Herefordshire Council's website at and then to the Neighbourhood Plans and Areas page, where you will find ‘Kingsland’ listed under the current consultations section. A paper copy can also be viewed at Leominster Library, 8 Buttercross, Leominster; Hereford Centre, Franklyn House, 4 Commercial Road, Hereford HR1 2BB and at Blueschool House, Blueschool Street, Hereford. Once the consultation has finished, the plan will undergo an independent examination and finally there will be a referendum, giving everyone in the parish, who is on the electoral roll, the opportunity to vote on whether to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan. THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR OUR PARISH Without it, we as residents of the parish will have no influence on planning applications and where development takes place over the next 16 years. Effectively, none of the views you have expressed via the Parish Plan survey, Neighbourhood Plan consultation events or by other means will be taken into account when planning applications within Kingsland parish are being decided. Herefordshire Council will make ALL the decisions as to where and what type of housing is built in our parish. So, many thanks for all your input. Hopefully we are coming to the end of an extremely long road! Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.




Kingsland Flower Show This is to remind you all that the show will be held in the Coronation Hall on Saturday 13th August 2016. A copy of the Schedule was enclosed with June edition of the Kingsland News. However, if for some reason you are not in receipt of a Schedule, copies are available at the Village Post Office, Markhams Garage or can be obtained from the Secretary, Caroline Southgate from whom additional copies of the entry forms can also be obtained. The Forms for the junior Treasure Trail are available from the Post Office, Markhams Garage or from the KFS Secretary, Caroline Southgate. The Treasure Trail clues will only be available between 1st to 8th August. Completed forms should be returned, as noted, by 10th August. A reminder for those successful winners of cups at last year's Show, we ask you to return them immediately to either Chelsea at the Village Post Office or Caroline Southgate at Stone Mill, The Wardens please. We look forward to seeing you at the Show on 13th August. KFS Committee.


Professional Cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, Upholstery Using a new innovative system, we offer a fast, efficient, high quality carpet cleaning service, with no mess or fuss     

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Call today: Rainbow International, Unit 21, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster, HR6 0LX Telephone: 01568 617710

(Note New Address!!) For Your Free, No Obligation Quote


Report back….. and future events

“Just to say how much I enjoyed the Barber at Kingsland this evening. Huge fun, thank you very much”. Just one of the comments received from an almost capacity audience at PopUp Opera’s performance of Barber of Seville which raised £900. Our thanks go to Rev Julie, Dan Fordham for the generous loan of the superb All Star portable toilet facilities. and to our marvellous helpers: Sally Deakin, Sebastian Bowen and Mick Pothecary at the bar, Steph Scott at the door and Bronte Woodruff and Laura Rowlatt for organising a wonderful preview of h.Art 2016… of which more below. From 10th – 18th September our lovely Church will host one of Herefordshire Art Week’s largest Group Shows showcasing 21 talented artists across a wide range of media. The show is free and runs from 10am to 4pm daily with a special late night Opening on Friday 16th September featuring Hereford College of Art’s talented Aerial Dance Troupe. On Saturday 1st October we are delighted to co-host the 7th Arcadia Music Festival featuring violinist Thomas Bowes, pianist/composer Eleanor Alberga and other exceptional instrumentalists. The evening starts at 7.30pm at the Church. Ticket price tba. Finally, on Friday 18th November a real coup for Kingsland. The peerless C&W Hank Wangford Trio play their wonderful gig “No Hall 2 Small” at The Luctonians from 7.30pm. Tickets at £15. And don’t forget the Grand Kingsland Growing Potato Competition Weigh In at the Angel Inn. Please bring your bulging bags of spuds intact with soil. (or call us to arrange delivery) from 12 noon on Sunday 29th August. All event tickets are available from Kingsland Post Office or T: 01568 709579, or on the door (but please check availability). Remember SMAAAK members receive a 10% discount!



MacMillan Coffee Morning Tuesday, August 16th 10am – 12 noon

Corners Inn, Kingsland

KMGT Prize Draw The same lucky individual (Edmond Jones) won both first and second prize in the July, 2016 Millennium Green quarterly prize draw. A cheque for £65.00, (first prize £40, second prize £25) with a congratulatory letter, has been sent to Mr Jones. Sally Good (KMGT Hon Treasurer) Village Progressive Supper The next Village Progressive Supper will take place in May 2017, in its usual place of around the 2nd/3rd Saturday. If anyone knows of it potentially clashing with any other village event taking place, weddings etc, please let myself or Jackie know. We will confirm the date as soon as possible. Thanks, Trina.

O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches … Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland


KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA

01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.


R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 2-4 New St., Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise



Flowers & Brass-cleaning in Church I am working out the new rota for the flowers and the brass-cleaning. If you are able to offer your time and are willing to do either or both (men would be especially welcome for the brasses) please contact me, Mrs P. Smith, 01568 708479. The more names I have, the fewer times each individual would take a turn, Pam Smith Coronation Hall job vacancy for a floor cleaner. This vacancy would suit anyone 13 or over and who has got quite strong upper arm strength. We require a person to buff the hall floor once a week at the weekend. This requires you to use our buffing machine and full training will be given. We will pay ÂŁ6.50 per hour and it would take two hours to complete the full buff. Please contact me by email on or ring 07970952088 to arrange a time to come and see me. Lisa Juson Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge.

Please contact: Hereford Leominster Ledbury Ross-on-Wye

01432 342166 01568 616755 01531 636001 01989 763388



Church Services in the Benefice for August Sunday 7th August NO FAMILY SERVICE IN AUGUST 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) ‘You must be joking’ th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Sunday 14pm August 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (CW) ‘What do you want me to do and be’ Sunday 21stAugust 10.30 am Taizé Service th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 28pm August 10.30 am Lammas Service with Picnic.

Kingsland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland

Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls

and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, all at 11 am. August:

7th 14th 21st 28th

Rev D Bulloss Rev. N. Richardson Mrs M. Wright Miss A. Sheppick

Kingsland Shobdon Kingsland Shobdon


Murder on the Terrace By David Kerby-Kendall

At Burton Court, Eardisland, Leominster. Sunday, 7th August at 5pm Tickets: Adults £13, child £7 from: Leominster TIC 01568 616460 or from Burton Court 01544 388222


The Parish Diary 2016 August 7th RBL Summer Lunch 13th Kingsland Flower Show 30th Introduction to steel pan playing September 2nd Organ Recital (Last Night of the Proms) Tim Noon 5th RBL AGM 10th – 18th SMAAAK H-Art exhibition 14th W.I. Talk on and Demonstration of Spinning 15th Hospice Friends Soup and Pudding Lunch October 1st SMAAAK Arcadia Concert th 12 W .I. Talk on Community Police 13th Church Harvest Festival November 9th W.I. Cake Icing th 18 SMAAAK event: Hank Wankford Trio 27th Advent Carol Service December 18th Church Carol Service 24th Church Crib Service

Gable Croft Coronation Hall Church

from 12.00 noon 2.00 pm

Church Corners Inn Church Coronation Hall Westmead

7.30 pm 7.30 pm tba 7.30 pm from 12 noon

Church Coronation Hall Church

tba 7.30 pm tba

Coronation Hall Luctonians Church

7.30 pm 7.30 pm 6.30 pm

Church Church

tba 4.00 pm

(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)



Kingsland Bowling Club (mid-June-mid July 2016) – singing in the rain? Well, we’ve certainly played in the rain, even if we haven’t sung! Our visits to Bulmers and to Leominster included several downpours; but we carried on regardless, and had good company – I even enjoyed the squelch, squelch of the bowls along the green. We were lucky with the weather for our Summer Party on 15th July; we had a very bright evening. Special thanks to our Social Secretary Stuart, who has worked so hard and been so cheerful throughout, and to his helpers both before and during the event. As always we had a sumptuous spread - pork rolls (including crunchy crackling), pasta salads, pavlova, trifle and more; thanks to Treasurer Martin and President Pat for sourcing meat and cooking it, and to the many people who put up gazebos, sorted out furniture and dealt with refreshments. Kevin and Tess did sterling work on the busy bar. Very few of us Played Our Cards Right, but we had fun trying. We had a superb set of prizes donated by generous members for our Raffle and Tombola. Last year I won a can of baked beans, but this year was a feast – two boxes of chocolates! - they’re trying to fatten me up, it must be because I am a small bowler with large-sized bowls. More seriously, we were delighted to welcome a group from Kingsland Cub Scouts on 11th of July for a Taster Session (bowls, not chocolates). It was great to see local youngsters trying out the game and enjoying the green – and once again we

want to thank Bill Wheatley the County Coach for giving his time and energy to show them how to play - we are also grateful to our very busy Chairman Rob and our energetic Vice-Captain Gary who were there to assist. Other events have included ongoing County and in-club competitions many congratulations to Joe on his County Flash. We welcomed the Bowls Herefordshire President’s Team - an opportunity to wear classic white kit and to meet County players - there’s never a dull moment at the Kingsland Bowls Club. - if you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact me. Susanna Checketts 01568 770546


Markhams Garage Ltd Saturday administration job available. Hours are 9-1 and pay will be dependant on experience. You must be 14 or over, be confident on the phone and know how to use a computer. We are a busy garage so you must be able to work under a certain amount of pressure. To apply please email Lisa on and she will send you an application form or pop in to the garage to pick one up

.The final date for applications will be 8th August, 2016

Buzzaround Clearing and One-off Cleaning Services

House Clearance Re-cycling Unwanted Goods Local Lady with Van PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE Moving house, Holiday LETS, End of TENANCY Cleans. Attics, CELLARS, SHEDS, BARNS, OUTBUILDINGS, GARAGES, GARDENS, COMMERCIAL, SHOPS, SCHOOLS.

WE AIM TO RE-CYCLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Odd Jobs Undertaken – no vat 01544 340377 07508461523


Nature Notes (11/7/16) Some concern about the lack of fish in the river – an Otter seen and photographed by visiting fishermen – a good sign. A pair of Spotted Flycatchers appeared, to nest in a creeper on the south-facing wall of the house, as last year. They cause no problem – after Wrens, my favourite bird. Vegetable gardens productive, at a cost! Weeds are also enjoying the damp weather – no disease on them! There are repeated complaints about Rabbits. They appear to be everywhere! One has to admire their breeding ability and powers of survival. They certainly enjoy flowers put on graves, and vegetable gardens. The summer is slipping by. Roses are at their best! R.W.H.

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour    

Bathing Clipping Nail Cutting Canine Massage

Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 7, Boarsfield, Kingsland


01981 251660 07903617303

CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE


 Extensions  Renovations  Groundworks  Hard Landscaping

Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734




Luctonians Sports Club (11/7/16) The first Committee Meeting of the new season took place with some new faces and a positive attitude in all sections. Rugby Training is under way. The Cricket is going well with three senior sides playing. A host of youngsters is learning the game. Some older hands required to blend in with the young ones in the third eleven. The Ground looks good, including the flower beds, hanging baskets and tubs. R.W.H.

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers



Royal British Legion Branch Meetings Our meeting on 4th July was better supported and raised ÂŁ93, a marked increase on previous months. The meeting on 1st August has been cancelled, and replaced by our Summer Lunch on Sunday 7th. Letters have been sent so please get your replies in by 31st July. AGM The AGM will be held at the Corners Inn at 7.30 pm on 5th September. An Agenda will be issued to all before the meeting and displayed on our noticeboard: anyone with a matter to raise outside this agenda should inform the Secretary or myself as soon as possible. Other events The quarterly County Committee meeting will be held on 9th September. If anyone has a matter for me to raise, please let me know soonest. A memorial to those who flew from Shobdon airfield during WW II will be unveiled at 11am on 11th September at the old WW ll hangar. Gordon Browne (Chairman)



Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


News from Your Patients Participation Group, Mortimer Medical Practice. The Annual Patients’ Questionnaire The closing date was the end of December and replies are currently being analysed and the results will be available shortly. Staff Changes Dr M Davies will retire at the end of this month. In her place a Lead Practice Nurse will join the Practice at the beginning of April. Help for Dementia sufferers A new Leominster Meeting Centre will open shortly at the Multi Agency Building, Coningsby Road, Leominster (opposite the Leisure Centre). It’s intended for those people living in Leominster and surrounding areas with mild and moderate dementia and is designed to provide support for sufferers and their families/ carers and offer an enjoyable, flexible and adaptive programme. It will be open three days a week (days to be confirmed) from 10.00 am to 4.00pm. Those of us who have experience of friends or relatives with the condition will appreciate how valuable this service will be. Debbie Powney at the Alzheimer’s Society on 01432 371137 will be pleased to supply details and answer questions; alternatively they can be referred to your GP or Dementia Adviser. A tip when ordering repeat prescriptions Why not make it easier for yourself by ordering the one after when collecting your next prescription? All you need do is to hand in at the pharmacy the reorder form (enclosed with each prescription) completed to show the date you wish to

collect your next routine prescription. As well as saving you a request to Pharmacy it will also make it easier for them to spread the load in dealing with the Practice’s 8,000 registered patients. And, ho, without sounding too much like the Nanny State, please make a note of the collection date Remember Any concerns or suggestions you would like raised at the next PPG meeting please contact your local representative: Brian Taylor - 01568-612201 and (Eyton and Luston) Suzanne Bey-El-Araby (Leominster) Kingsland Fire Station Bingo Thank you to everyone who supported the Kingsland Fire Station Bingo on Saturday 16th July. Thank you to Betty and her team for organising and running the event and to Jos, Pam & Heather for the catering. A fantastic total of £1500 was raised.



G. D. Lloyd TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

     

Exterior and Interior Carpentry Bespoke: Stables, Garages Workshops Roofing Timber Floors Painting

     

Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing Decorating

For a free quotation ring Gary

on: 01568 708196 or: 07966 766963


Weobley Theatre Group A new venture for the theatre group is to go to our local theatre, the Courtyard in Hereford, which I always like to support. This is not so easily done for a group, as we are only given a few days to advertise the event and make the payment. However, for those who prefer a shorter journey, the Courtyard is perfect. We are going to see Pam Ayres, who is here for the one night – Wednesday 19th October.. The coach will leave Bell Square, Weobley at 6.30 for the 7.30pm performance, returning to Weobley around 10.30pm. By the time this edition of your magazine is out, I will already have booked some seats for the show, but if you would like to join us, I may be able to get a few more seats, but you will need to be quick and let me know by 8th August. Cost will be £36 to include the coach. Then there is The Glenn Miller Story, starring Tommy Steele at Malvern on Wednesday 21st September for which I have just a few seats left. This show really doesn’t need any comment, as we are all so familiar with the music: In the Mood; Tuxedo Junction; Moonlight Serenade. We shall be leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 12.30 and returning around 6.30pm. The cost for this trip is £42 with all seats in the Circle. Please pay before 11th August. Or you may like to see Kiss Me, Kate. We shall be going to Cardiff Millennium Theatre on Thurs 8th Dec, leaving Bell Square, Weobley at 10.00 for the 2.30 performance, and returning around 7.30pm. Cost will be £53 to include the coach, payable before 8th August. Please state whether you would prefer to sit in the circle (rows A, B and C) or the raised stalls (row R central). For more information, contact me, Kate Best 01544 318513

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340


Mortimer Firewood Seasoned Hardwood Seasoned Softwood Kiln-dried Hardwood Lots of Load-sizes available Please phone Mike to discuss your requirements.

01568 720 588 07964947272



The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month

Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends

Soup & Pudding Lunch 12 noon to 2 pm Thursday September 15th Westmead, Kingsland Courtesy of Jackie & Bryan Markham Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible and note that photographs do not reproduce well. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to Size/ No insertions Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page ⅛ Page


Size \no. of insertions



£12 £6 £4 £2

£60 £30 £20 £10

12 £100 £50 £30 £15

You look different dear! Had your hair done?


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