Kingsland News May 2015

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Kingsland News May, 2015 Dear Parishioners, The month of April was difficult as we paid our respects to Audrey Symonds, one of the faithful church family, who died and whom we will miss greatly. Then this last week the sad death of Andy Rowsell was mourned by many in our community, the rugby fraternity at Luctonians and the West Mercia Police Force. The abundance of cakes at the Coronation Hall saw Kingsland at its best as many baked and made sandwiches for the huge crowd that gathered. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families at this sad and difficult time. Times like this make me look at my own life and priorities and I expect they do the same for you, to look at the balance of our lives because life is too short, to look at the quality of our relationships and the time we give to our families, our work and play, our faith and love of neighbour and community. These are all held in a balance and I know that both Audrey and Andy’s lives had quality time for the important things. A good crowd gathered at Leinthall Earles for the walk with the cross on

Good Friday, and then the sun graced us with its presence as Easter Sunday dawned and it seems creation has been bursting into life all around ever since. Thank you to all who decorated the churches at Easter they were all stunning and showed the great possibilities of the resurrection life from the bleakness of winter, Lent, & death. Alleluia! Christ is risen and thanks be to God. May is time for Rogation and a trip to a farm to pray for all our farmers. This year we are journeying to Western Lye Farm in Aymestrey on the Northern end of the group of parishes. It is the home of John and Jane Black and the postcode is HR6 9SZ to help you find the way. 11am on Sunday 17th May come and enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of our local area as we pray for the land and those who farm it. At the end of the month on Sunday 31st May we are holding a special service for Christian Aid. It will be our focus on the work of this aid agency and our prayers for all those across the world who need assistance from one of the many aid agencies. The service will be in


Eardisland Church at 11am and will be followed by lunch provided by the churches of our group. The proceeds of both service and lunch will be sent to Christian Aid. Do come and support this work and hear some stories of those involved I have sent £320 from the sale of Marmalade to Médecins sans Frontières for their work in lands stricken by Ebola – so thank you to all who gave or who purchased. Also £70 was sent to the Bible Society for their work with Syrian Refugees, who have left everything behind, to provide Bibles in the refugee camps. The money was raised from the Mothering Sunday gifts bought by the children at school. Special thanks to all who gave gifts, and to Katie Smith who lovingly wrapped them. Have a look for any soft toys in good condition that can be sent by Ellie Targett of Aymestrey to Syria with love for the refugees. Collecting boxes are in the Post Office and Ellie is looking to find 10,000 teddies etc. by July. Lots of good things going on! Every blessing, Julie


Letter to the Editor about Ethel Saxon (1890-1917) Dear David, I am writing on the advice of Sally Deakin (Kingsland website) who suggests that you may be prepared to help me with some research in which I am involved here in Liverpool. Our current High Sheriff finishes her term of office in about 2 months’ time and she has asked if I can assist her with a project by which she could leave some tangible memory of her year as High Sheriff. She was keen that the project should relate to women in the Great War. I was aware of a memorial plaque in Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral, installed in about 1923, to the memory of some twenty nurses who died during WW1. The plaque shows only their names and I was asked initially to identify them but as usual I seemed to finish up offering to do the research for her! I have since found that the archivist in the Cathedral has also decided to do something about the plaque so I have agreed to pool our resources and produce a booklet of some sort to be made available for the guides and visitors to our Cathedral. One of the names is that of Ethel Saxon. I have established that Ethel was born in about 1890 in Abertillery and lived in Wales until moving to Kingsland with her parents, Dr Henry Saxon and his wife Adelaide where they lived in Brook Cottage and later The Rosery. They had two other daughters - Mary born about 1895 and Lucy born 1897. Ethel served

as a nurse with the Territorial Force Nursing Service during the Great War and died in Karachi, India on 3rd September 1917 of acute appendicitis. Her death was recorded as "died on active service". She was buried in Karachi Cemetery. Her parents had quite a struggle retrieving her effects and also securing payment to them of monies which were owing to their daughter and when some 12 months after her death a case of Ethel's belongings arrived they were charged 12s 11 d for it being transported from Paddington Station to Kingsland. As you can see, her service record is quite detailed. What it doesn't tell me is her family background and perhaps what happened to her parents and sisters. I wondered if any of your readers might be able to help perhaps there are descendants of the Saxon family still living in the area? Does either of the two cottages still survive? Is there a photograph available of Ethel and her family? Did the local newspaper report on her death? I am more than happy to come down to Kingsland or anywhere else where I can learn more about her. I should add that this project is non-profit making -1 just want to ensure that these brave ladies who sacrificed so much should be more than just names on a plaque. If anybody can help, I can be contacted on 0151 724 3171 or email Many thanks, Bill Sergeant (retired Merseyside Police Officer.)



SCRUMMY BITES made locally with you in mind Kingsland chef Sam Bruce cooks delicious food using the best ingredients from our great local suppliers. He has recently started as Head Chef at the beautifully refurbished Oak at Wigmore. A treat for any occasion. Bookings 01568 770424 Sam/Kitchen 07837 848923

Nature Notes (13/4/15) Rather sadly one of the best weeks of the year has come and gone – April 6th to 12th. Blessed with warm sunshine and little wind we saw masses of Daffodils & Primroses at their very best, with still a few Snowdrops about. Magnolia was a real show (no frost) but for a couple of days only around April 9th & 10th. Violets, both white and purple, in masses, and grass and grain fields show that wonderful fresh green colour. There is a report of a lone Swallow seen in Kings Pyon on April 6th and some high flying Martins above the river on the 8th. The first bright yellow Oil Seed Rape flowers were seen on March 29th. Our resident and very handsome Cock Pheasant, George, was joined by four hens passing by, one of whom chose to stay! Near neighbours counted 14 different species

of birds in their garden over the course of one half-hour. My reference to Rooks building without regulations or Health & Safety Risk Assessments was tested to the full in the recent near gales. Not one of the now 28 nests was dislodged, in spite of being built in some cases in the very top of Alder Trees. A Pembridge correspondent has witnessed an Otter carrying dried grass across a field to the river, plunging in, and coming up in a hollow tree to make its nest, as we have seen Beavers do in their dams. Another unusual sighting reported two Swans and several Canada Geese flying together near the Wye. Sadly not a single Plover, Curlew or Skylark has been seen around here, but there is still so much to see and enjoy!


6 Kingsland Church in conjunction with ‘Jazz’ present a:

Gala Evening th

Tuesday 30 June, 2015 At Westend Farm, Kingsland, 7.00pm Supper Fashion & Hair Show Auction of Promises Music by the Castle Street Quartet (Proceeds to Kingsland Church and St Michael’s Hospice)


Kingsland Plan News



Everything has been on hold whilst the changes to Herefordshire Council’s Core Strategy , following its examination, undergo a public consultation. You can read the proposed changes and take part in that consultation on the Council’s website. Meanwhile, by the time you read this we will have met with Herefordshire Council Neighbourhood Planning to discuss the implication of the proposed changes for our own Neighbourhood Plan. We will update the main Neighbourhood Plan page on as we get more information on the next steps that are needed so please do look there to see where we have got to. We will also post meetings in the Village Diary on the website and put up posters on the notice board by the school and in the Post Office as they are arranged. Information will also be posted on our Facebook page ‘Kingsland Parish Neighbourhood Plan’ so please do like our page to see the latest news. We also post info on Twitter at @KingslandNP so please follow us there as well. Many thanks, Kingsland Neighbourhood Steering Group



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Since its inception in June 2013, and with your brilliant support, SMAAAK has raised £15,000 to help pay for urgent maintenance work on Kingsland Church. The building is now weather- tight for another generation. So what next? SMAAAK is now looking to fund a specific project within the Church and would like to enlist your support in deciding which project to go for. For example, we could update and enhance the lighting within the Church to make it more user friendly. Or we could restore the magnificent East window. Or should we be more ambitious? You may have other ideas. In the coming months, through this Newsletter and the website, we will be asking you about such projects to gain your views. So watch this space!

Meanwhile, our events calendar continues with: Saturday 18 July - Pop Up Opera performs Rossini’s "The Italian Girl in Algiers" Kingsland Church, 7.30pm Not into opera? This bright, fizzing young company will change your mind.

Pop Up Opera are back with their fantastic new production. Isabella, the ‘Italian girl’ is one of the wisest and most formidable women you’ll find in opera and by the time the story ends, no-one, including her captive lover, is willing to stand in her way. Tickets £25.

12 – 20 September - hArt 2015, Kingsland Church Following its success in 2013, h.Art returns to Kingsland Church with a brilliant selection of art on show across a wide range of media. Free entry.

Saturday 3 October - Arcadia Music Festival, Kingsland Church, 7.30pm Directed by Thomas Bowes and Eleanor Alberga, the exhilarating Arcadia Music Festival makes a welcome comeback to Kingsland Church as part of its Herefordshire tour. All tickets from Kingsland Post Office or T: 01568 709 579



ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Branch Meetings The meeting on 13th April raised £83, thanks to a well-supported draw and quiz set by Tony Roberts. The next meeting will be on 11th May (again delayed to avoid the May Day Bank Holiday). Upcoming Events 1. The Branch Summer Lunch will be held at Gable Croft on Sunday 19th July at 12.00 for 12.30. The price this year will be £14 a head - a slight increase on last year but it covers a drink, a three course meal and coffee. We will also have a prize draw and (possibly) a quiz. Bidding slips will be attached to the next Branch Newsletter. 2. The “Special Event” for 2015 will be an evening of entertainment at the Corners Inn featuring “The Publican and the Parson”. Tickets will cost £10 which will include either a steak with trimmings or fish and chips. The date will be either 3rd or 10th August – this and timing yet to be confirmed. Tickets will be available later. V.E. Remembrance The weekend of 8th – 10th May marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day 1945. A beacon will be lit at Hereford Shirehall on 8th at 9.0pm. The Branch will not be laying on any special event (there was no response to my note in last month’s Newsletter). Gordon Browne (Chairman)



The Emma Bridgewater Trip

G. D. Lloyd

Wow! A fantastic day was had by all who shopped, painted and enjoyed the super lunch in the studio with the ‘spotty Aga’. We intend to do another trip soon to somewhere equally scrummy – details to follow! We also raised £191 for Kingsland Church.

TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

Thank you to all who came, Kingsland Fun Committee (Vicky, June, Jos & Pam) Schools Concert Unfortunately the concert planned for May 1st in Kingsland Church has been postponed until later in the year. Please watch out for advance notice when the final date has been decided, Ed. Kingsland Millennium Green Trust (KMGT) The Annual General Meeting of the Trustees of KMGT will take place on Sat 30th May, 2015 at 10am in the Coronation Hall. All are welcome to attend and it will be followed by the usual open meeting of the Trustees immediately afterwards. If you would like coffee beforehand, that will be available from 9.30am. Andrew Parsons – Hon Sec. (708592) ALAN JONES TREE SURGERY Specialist tree care & Estate Management ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Fully insured and NPTC qualified FIREWOOD FOR SALE For a professional service at competitive prices call Alan on: Tel: 01544 260448 Mob: 07817 066316

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Luctonians Sports Club Another first – the staging of a circus on the Club’s ground. The Soirée de Cirque gave a week of performances, two each day. We saw a full programme of jugglers and disappearing tricks, combined with some spectacular acrobatics performed by some very fit young ladies climbing high on chiffon drapes. 300 members and friends attended a Saturday night performance in formal dress, and also enjoyed a top-class meal, followed by dancing to a live band in the clubhouse. Lots of Rugby, played by many, has taken place in near perfect conditions. The 1st XV hangs on to its low position in National League 11 North. The bottom three teams will go down so a nerve-wracking end to the season is to come. The untimely death of a young father of three boys and a wonderful club man is very sad. Committee and Administrators highly involved. Issue no 255 of ‘Lucsline’ out to destinations far and wide. Much activity continues. R.W.H.


Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

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Weobley Theatre Goers We shall be going to the wonderfully uplifting show, Anything Goes, at the Bristol Hippodrome on Thursday 8th October. This is sheer joyous, escapist fun! It is a brand new production of Cole Porter’s classic, multi-award winning musical comedy. “When Bill Crocker discovers that his heart’s desire, debutante heiress Hope Harcourt is engaged to an English aristocrat, he stows away aboard the SS American to win her back. Aided by a string of eccentric passengers on board the luxurious transatlantic liner, can this web of love to untangled before they reach Southampton? Hop aboard for sassy heroines, mischievous mob bosses, comedy capers and tap dancing sailors in this hilarious tale of romance and hi-jinks on the high seas.” Songs include I Get a Kick out of You, You’re The Top, It’s De-lovely and Anything Goes. Tickets are £46 each and we will leave Weobley, Bell Square, at 10.30am for the 2.30pm performance. Please pay within two weeks or reserving tickets (as usual) before 6th August. Seats are in the Circle in rows B, C and D. And then we have Les Ballets Trockaderos on Wednesday 11th November. As this is now booked, cancellations only are available here. And on Thursday 3rd December we shall be going the Cardiff Millennium Theatre to see Michael Ball in Mack and Mabel. This is the poignant love story based on the real-life romance between Hollywood legends Mack Sennett and Mabel Normand, and tells the story of a group of pioneering film-

makers in the exciting and glamourous era of silent movies of the 1910s and 1920s. The dazzling musical comedy is both a poignant love story and a riveting tribute to the grit and glamour of the silent movie era. We shall leave Weobley at 11.15am for the 2.30 performance. Price is £58 to include the coach, payable within 2 weeks of reserving your seat, and latest payment by 26th August. Cheques made out to Kate Best please. For further information contact me on 01544 318513 or email: Kate Best

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O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches ‌ Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit ‌ The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland



Church Services in the Benefice for May Sunday 3rd May Easter 5 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 am Choral Mattins (BCP) 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Easter 6 Sunday 10pm May 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 9.30 am Baptism Service 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Sunday 17th May Rogation 11.00 am Rogation Service at the home of John & Jane Black

Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Kingsland

Western Lye Farm, Aymestrey, LEOM. HR6 9SZ th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 24pmMay Pentecost Kingsland 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) Kingsland 6.30 pm Choral Evensong (BCP) Kingsland st Sunday 31 May Trinity 11.00am Benefice Christian Aid Service Eardisland followed by lunch and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am unless otherwise stated: May:

4th 10th 17th 24th 31st

Rev. F. Biseker Songs of Praise Rev. S. Stone Rev. J. Waldegrave tba

Kingsland Shobdon Parish Church Kingsland Shobdon

Charity Cycle Ride Simon Powney of Croft Lane Bicton and his cousin Chris Moore are in training before they cycle over 900 miles from Lands End to John O Groats in May. They are taking on the challenge in memory of their cousin Ed Moore who died aged 34 from Bowel Cancer in December, 2013. Simon & Chris hope to raise ÂŁ2,000.00 for the Bobby Moore foundation which funds vital research into the causes and treatment of bowel cancer.


If you would like to sponsor Simon and Chris, then please call at Markhams garage in Kingsland and see Simon or visit the Just Giving page: All money raised will go directly to the charity. Simon & Chris are funding the ride themselves. Many thanks, Simon Powney The Parish Diary 2015 May 9th Fun Open Day th 11 RBL Social Evening 13th W. I. ‘Life before and after Broadfield Court’ Mrs A. James 16th Progressive Supper (for Coronation Hall) 20th W.I. Birthday Dinner (details tba) 30th KMGT AGM and Open Meeting June 1st RBL Social Evening 6th & 7th Hospice Open Gardens 7th Confirmation Service 10th W. I. Members meeting 19th Armed Forces Day (RBL) details tba 30th Gala Evening July 6th RBL Social Evening 8th W. I. ‘History of Hops’ Raymond Morris 18th L’Italiana in Algeri (Pop-up Opera) 19th RBL Summer Lunch August 1st Kingsland Flower Show 3rd RBL Social Evening September 7th RBL AGM 9th W. I. ‘Running a farm B & B’ Mrs R. Prosser 12th hArt 2015 October 3rd Arcadia Music Festival 14th W. I. ‘Feel Good’ David Barrie November 11th W. I. ‘History of Ice Cream’ Just Rachel Desserts

Bowls Club Corners Coronation Hall Various Venues

from 10 am 8.00 pm 7.30 pm tba

Coronation Hall

10.00 am

Corners 8.00 pm Various Kingsland properties Kingsland Church 10 30 am Coronation Hall 7.30 pm Westend Farm Corners Coronation Hall Kingsland Church Gable Croft

7.00 pm 8.00 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm from 12noon

Coronation Hall Corners

2.00 pm 7.30 pm

Corners Coronation Hall Kingsland Church

8.00 pm 7.30 pm tba

Kingsland Church Coronation Hall

7.30 pm 7.30 pm

Coronation Hall

7.30 pm

(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)

Gift Aid Report April 2015. As we reach the end of another Tax year I am finalising the donations and contributions made to Kingsland Church. I would like to thank everyone who has given so generously to the church during the last year. The tax reclaimed from

HMRC has risen considerably. There has been a concerted effort by everyone to gift aid donations wherever possible. I am very grateful to everyone who has gift aided their donations and this has included numerous visitors to the church for our various fund raising events. I will


not be sending individual letters and I would like to thank all donors again for their generosity.

the Tax year summarising their donations and tax reclaimed please let me know and I am happy to print one for them.

However if anyone would like a statement for tax purposes at the end of

Helen Webb

(Gift Aid Officer)



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Volunteers sought for international football tournament With five months to go until the first match in the IBSA Blind Football European Championships, hosts The Royal National College for the Blind are seeking volunteers to support the day to day running of the tournament. Tournament Director Chris Combe explained 'Volunteers were a crucial part of the Blind World Cup, which we hosted in 2010, and of course the 2012 Paralympics. Now the Euros gives people another opportunity to get involved in an international sporting fixture right here in Hereford. 'We are looking for people to help out in a range of ways, including supporting spectators and players,

helping with practical and administrative tasks around the venue and taking part in promotional activities. In exchange you will receive an exclusive Euros t-shirt, refreshments during your shift and opportunities to watch some world class sport.' The tournament will take place at thePoint4, the RNC's state of the art public leisure centre and a key training centre for the England Blind Football Squad and other Paralympians. It will feature ten European teams, including England and ruling champions Spain, with the winning team guaranteed a place at the 2016 Paralympics in Rio. Chris added 'England are unbeaten under their Head Coach, Hereford's own Jon Pugh, and they are going


to be in great form going in to the Euros. Joining us as a volunteer is a great way to get behind them and show your support for their Paralympic campaign.' Volunteers need to be able to offer time between 20 and 30 August 2015 and must be over the age of 16. More information on volunteering is available through, by emailing or by calling 01432 376 376. Local History Museum Weobley The Museum has re-opened for the season with new displays about the Verdin family at Garnstone and Weobley during the Second World War. If you would like to know what a 1940 evacuee from London thought about the village, where our own Dad’s Army were based or where the bombs dropped, call in during opening hours Monday 10am to 1pm and Thursday 2pm to 5pm. Did you know that apart from enemy bombs dropping in the area, many bombs were jettisoned nearby, at Hyatt Sarnesfield and along the hill from Wormsley to Yarsop. One unexploded bomb was found in the field behind Weobley Church many years later. You may have memories of your own about Herefordshire during the 2nd World War or local memorabilia or letters that we might photocopy, so please let us know. It all helps us build a picture of the part Herefordshire played at this time. Contact the curators – Sue Hubbard or Gina Harley.

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

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Kingsland W I Our speaker in April was Mr Kenneth Reeve on his experiences as an evacuee in WW2. The history of air raids goes back to October, 1914, with the Zeppelin raids and also when towns on the North Sea coast were shelled by German ships. In the Spanish Civil War Guernica was bombed by the Luftwaffe. So when the second world war was impending the British Government prepared to protect the population by building air raid shelters and making arrangements for the evacuation of children. Ken was evacuated along with the rest of the children in the children's home where he had been living since he was three years old. He found himself in Oakley in Bedfordshire where he met his brother Sidney, but they were soon parted and did not meet again for many years. A little girl called Pansy was billeted in the same house with him. Rural life was quite a shock – no running water and a primitive outside toilet. On the upside food was quite plentiful. He was given two jobs to do. He had to fetch the water every evening and he had to saw, and then chop up, railway sleepers for firewood. Hard work for a small boy! The lady he was staying with was a railwayman's widow and so was allowed so many sleepers a year. Schooling was almost non-existent. Their school was housed in the Methodist Church with one teacher and no pens or paper. One day instead of lessons the teacher took them down to the river to swim, although none of them knew how to swim. Ken was quite naughty. He emptied a matchbox full of grasshoppers at Sunday School, helped himself to spring onions from an allotment and was persuaded to light a fire in the brickyard by a friend. Italian P.O.W.'s were brought in to help dredge the river and on one occasion when they did not appear Ken and his friends commandeered their

dinghy, took it down river and then just abandoned it. After the war Ken could not return to the old home which had been destroyed and was sent to a large unpleasant home from which he made several attempts to run away. He was later transferred to a better home and then he was adopted. When he was older he tracked down Sidney who told him that Pansy was his sister. Sadly when they tried to find her they found she had died from TB when she was 21. A very interesting talk which brought back memories for many of us who had experience of being evacuated or of receiving evacuees! At our next meeting on May 13th Mrs Alexandra James will speak on Life before and after Broadfield Court. At this meeting we will be celebrating our 95th birthday and all ex-members are invited to join us for refreshments and birthday cake. Pat Hughes

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour  Bathing  Clipping  Nail Cutting Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 14, Boarsfield, Kingsland



The Highwood Bircher, Leominster HR6 0BN

Open Garden Day Come and explore ‘a garden restoration in progress’ th

Sunday 17 May, 2015

11.30am to 5.00pm (last entrance 4.00pm) Entrance £5 (under12 free) Refreshments including cream teas available Well-behaved Dogs on leads welcome Parking and Drop-off. Some wheelchair/disabled access

Directions: Take the same lane from the B4362 as to Croft Castle All proceeds in aid of the repair of the Cupola Roof of St Michaels Church, Croft Castle

KINGSLAND MILLENNIUM GREEN TRUST Congratulations to the winners of our Grand National Sweep Stake: First no 126 Glenys Lister with Many Clouds £ 72.00 Second no 274 Mr & Mrs Veal with Saint Are £43.20 Third no 290 Andrew Read with Monbeg Dude £ 28.80 Fourth no 14 Mike Lister with Alvarado £18.00 The sweep stake raised £117.60 for the Easter Rabbit’s eggs and £80.40 for the maintenance fund. Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and to all our ticket sellers. The Easter Rabbit made his appearance at 12.20 p.m.on Easter Sunday and was chased round the Green by a great number of children who collected a great number of chocolate eggs - a lot of fun was had by all! Congratulations too to the three winners of our Quarterly Draw which also took place on April 11th.M.Ward, K.Cave-Browne-Cave and J.A.Guest each won £50.00. Jill Probyn’s bench has been installed round the oak tree near the pavilion. This elegant metal bench, beautifully made by Owen Mabbort of Shirlheath, has been paid for by funds raised at a coffee morning held in 2014 and a 106 grant. Jill was a driving force from the outset of the Millennium Green project and continued to be involved with its management, as well as giving her time generously to many other village groups and projects, until she died just a year ago. We are sure she would have appreciated sitting here with her friends and watching others enjoy the Green. Jacquie Markham



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Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)



Weobley History Society The Weobley and District Local History Society’s Meeting on March 25th combined the AGM, drinks and nibbles and a most interesting talk on Dragon Legends of the Marches by Liz Holley. As promised, the AGM lasted less than 30 minutes and the officers were unanimously re-elected. . Liz started her talk by explaining that every culture on the planet has mythology involving dragons and that there are many similarities between the beliefs that people have. For example, all dragons can fly and all either spit poison or fire. Liz told us that her understanding of where this image of a creature that does not and never did exist came from, after reading Professor David Jones book “An Instinct for Dragons”. He believes the concept derives from the experience of ancestral humans and prehumans with three kinds of predator: “the raptor, big cat, and serpent began to form as a single construct-the dragon–in the brain/mind of our ancient primate ancestors.” Jones got his idea from the behaviour of vervet monkeys in Africa. They have three different alarm calls: one for the leopard, one for the martial eagle and one for the python. The illustrations in the book portray dragons as different societies envisioned them. The common theme is that they look scary. Don’t forget the summer outing on Wednesday 24th of June by coach to Upton Cressett Hall near Bridgnorth, Shropshire, the home of Mr William

and Lady Laura Cash. The 2.30pm tour of the house and gardens will be followed by tea and cake. We intend to leave Weobley by coach in midmorning and stop for a light lunch en route. If you would like to join us and are not a member of the History Society, please request a booking form from: Elizabeth Holley (01544 318789), or Stella Hurdidge (01544 318819)., The programme of monthly meetings at Weobley Village Hall will start again in September. Julie Peacock

Memorial Service Kingsland Church will host a Memorial Service for Judy Rooke on Saturday May 2nd at 2pm. All are welcome. Judy’s friends and relatives would be delighted to see you there



Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549


Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at :5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to Size \no. of







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The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month. After this date your copy might not find its way into the magazine!


This Month’s Jokes 1. Stanley decided to lookup his friend Alf, who was a tightfisted Yorkshireman. He found Alf at his bungalow in Huddersfield stripping the wallpaper from the dining room. Rather obviously, he remarked, "You're decorating, I see." To which Alf replied, "Nay Stanley lad, I'm moving 'ouse to Bradford." 2. At an antiques auction in Leeds, a wealthy American announced that he had lost his wallet containing £5,000, and he would give a reward of £50 to the person who found it. From the back of the hall a Yorkshire voice shouted, "I'll give £100!"

Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford Leominster

01432 342166 01568 616755

Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388


Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels, Kingsland

Special Services over the next few weeks

Family Service

For you and your children Sunday, May 3rd at 9.30 am:

Leader: Mrs Wendy Maddocks.

Theme: ‘Jigsaw Pieces’ A 40 minute service– not to be missed!

Service for Rogation

Sunday 17th May at 11 am At Western Lye Farm, Aymestrey

Service for ‘Christian Aid’

Sunday 31st May, 11am, at St Mary’s Church, Eardisland (followed by lunch)

Service of Confirmation with the Bishop of Ludlow Sunday 7th June at 10.30 am in Kingsland Church

Note: There will be no 9.30am family Service in June!

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