Kingsland News January 2016

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Kingsland News


January 2016 Dear Parishioners, I’m writing this as the excitement of Christmas is building around and I’m acutely aware that many people have contributed to the festivities in the church. I am very thankful to you all – to Ann Roberts, Sally, Heather, the Pams and Jos who organised the Christmas Fayre at the end of November. The church looked stunning and you set us all off in the right frame of mind. To Charles McCarthy, Jim and Dee who filled the church with light and art to raise money for SMAAAK. What a marathon! To the flower arrangers, decorators, musicians and caterers who have made the church ready for Christmas. Well done one and all! January sees the decorations tidied away and the stark realities of life remain - a time of hope and fear as the dark days hang low and possibilities are found for a new year. I am looking for a team of volunteers to come and help me sort out some of the donations of clothes and goods given to the appeal for the refugees. Make yourself known and we’ll find a

suitable time. Also rehearsals for a miracle play start on Monday 4th January at 7.30pm in the church. A good core turned up in the week before Christmas but lots more men are needed (there is a large cast list as the play covers quite a lot of the Bible!), also there will need to be some stage art and costumes put together so if you can offer large or small amounts of help for any of these please make yourself known. The play will be performed in May so plenty of time!? There will be an Evensong Service on Tuesday 19th January at 6.30pm. This service will include a reflective view of Tom Spring who visited Kingsland Church in 1837. He was a bare knuckle fighter and his visit left a huge impression on him. Come and find out why! On Sunday 31st January the dean of the cathedral, Michael Tavinor, is coming to Kingsland to join in a special service for all the churches of our group at 11am to celebrate all that we are. There will be lunch afterwards in the Rectory and I’m hoping to fit in as

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