Kingsland News
January 2016 Dear Parishioners, I’m writing this as the excitement of Christmas is building around and I’m acutely aware that many people have contributed to the festivities in the church. I am very thankful to you all – to Ann Roberts, Sally, Heather, the Pams and Jos who organised the Christmas Fayre at the end of November. The church looked stunning and you set us all off in the right frame of mind. To Charles McCarthy, Jim and Dee who filled the church with light and art to raise money for SMAAAK. What a marathon! To the flower arrangers, decorators, musicians and caterers who have made the church ready for Christmas. Well done one and all! January sees the decorations tidied away and the stark realities of life remain - a time of hope and fear as the dark days hang low and possibilities are found for a new year. I am looking for a team of volunteers to come and help me sort out some of the donations of clothes and goods given to the appeal for the refugees. Make yourself known and we’ll find a
suitable time. Also rehearsals for a miracle play start on Monday 4th January at 7.30pm in the church. A good core turned up in the week before Christmas but lots more men are needed (there is a large cast list as the play covers quite a lot of the Bible!), also there will need to be some stage art and costumes put together so if you can offer large or small amounts of help for any of these please make yourself known. The play will be performed in May so plenty of time!? There will be an Evensong Service on Tuesday 19th January at 6.30pm. This service will include a reflective view of Tom Spring who visited Kingsland Church in 1837. He was a bare knuckle fighter and his visit left a huge impression on him. Come and find out why! On Sunday 31st January the dean of the cathedral, Michael Tavinor, is coming to Kingsland to join in a special service for all the churches of our group at 11am to celebrate all that we are. There will be lunch afterwards in the Rectory and I’m hoping to fit in as
many as we can for that, so do come and join us!! We have been encouraged to reach for the stars as Tim Peake looks down on us from the space station. The psalmist wrote “When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained; what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou dost care for him?” Let us reach for the stars and the maker of the stars this 2016. God bless you and your kin this new year.
TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY
Exterior and Interior Carpentry Bespoke: Stables, Garages Workshops Roofing Timber Floors
Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing
For a free quotation ring Gary
Julie Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to Size/ No insertions
G. D. Lloyd
Full Page
1 £12
6 £60
12 £100
½ Page
¼ Page
⅛ Page £2 £10 £15 Size \no. of The deadline for the Kingsland News is insertions always the 15th of the previous month.
on: 01568 708196 or: 07966 766963
Weobley Theatre Goers There are still tickets available for Toast, which we are going to see in Malvern on Wed. 24th Feb, leaving Weobley at 12.30pm. Cost is £31, payable by 23rd January please. And the last trip of the season will be to Malvern to see of the The End of The Rainbow, starring Lisa Maxwell, on Wed 6th April 2016, leaving Weobley at 12.30. The play tells the story of Judy Garland as she makes her explosive London comeback at the height of the swinging sixties. This fiercely funny and emotionally charged play finds the once glittering star sparring with her new fiancé, her devoted accompanist, and her own demons. It is filled with Garland’s tenacity, razor-sharp wit and once-in-a-generation voice. Featuring Garland’s most memorable songs The Man that Got Away, Come Rain or Come Shine, The Trolley Song and, of course, Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
There are moments in the theatre when you lean forward in your seat with shivers racing down the spine, and realise there is nowhere else on God’s earth that you’d rather be. End of the Rainbow is one such occasion – Daily Telegraph Cost is £31.50 to be paid before 5th March please. I have nearly enough money to buy a seat for Malvern Theatre now – the seats cost £300 each! If you would still like to contribute, please send me a cheque. A plaque will be put up in the theatre to acknowledge our gift. And thank you to all those theatre goers who have already contributed. Kate Best (01544 318513)
Luctonians Sports Club On December 12th the team of in-house caterers provided a hot Turkey meal for 262 people at the club. This was before the 1st XV match against Otley, our visitors from Yorkshire. The meal took place in a marquee on the patio. A win for the 1st team and a good match made it a memorable day, easing the club from the bottom of the league. Again the asset of a gravel subsoil was demonstrated by the condition of the ground following a very wet spell. Action is taking place with the building of a changing room and showers behind the Cricket Pavilion – fundraising continues. Many members are involved, floodlights much in use – the club is now a big business. R.W.H.
Nature Notes 17/12/15 As often the weather is a telling item – warm air but damp and dreary. Nature seems to right itself, and as the Wild Primrose emerges and bulbs send up their spikes, one wonders what is to come! Birds enjoying it all and happy for free food on bird tables. (How did they survive before bird tables?) The Rooks are making a lot of noise as they congregate. It appears that a lot of visiting takes place with much discussion over last season’s nests. It is amazing how these nests have nearly all survived the high winds of recent weeks. I hear that ‘conkers (the nuts of Horse Chestnuts) give off a vapour that keeps spiders away – worth a try. The seasons come and go as always. We take a lot for granted! R.W.H.
Please see listed below all of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s events taking place throughout January, Anastasia Calder The Changes in Forestry Practice over three decades – Wed. 6th 7.30pm talk by Andy Shirley-Priest, Senior Partner, Abbey Forestry Venue: The Hopelands, Weobley Village Hall, Gadbridge Rd., Weobley, Herefs., HR4 8RZ Cost: £2.50 HWT members, £3 non members No booking required The Return of the Polecats – talk by Elizabeth Croose Thurs 7th 7.30pm The present status of this scarce and attractive mammal Venue: Christ Church Hall, Edde Cross Street. Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7BZ Cost: £1.50 members, £2.50 non members No booking required Series of 2 Day Hedge Laying Courses Sat 9th-Sun 10th, Sat 16th-Sun 17t Sat 30th-Sun 31st All 9am-4pm In these 2 day courses led by Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s staff Jim Light and Mike Davies, you will thin, lay, and bind a stretch of double-brushed hedge. The completed work contributes to the restoration of the valuable hedgerow habitats at this SSSI reserve as well as keeping traditional rural skills alive. Venue: Birches Farm, Kington, Herefordshire, HR5 3EY Cost: £60 HWT members, £70 non members Places are limited so booking is essential. Book online at or call 01432 356872 Cider Making Workshop Sat 9th 10am-4pm This one day workshop will walk you through the stages needed to make your own cider and discover how easy it actually is! Suitable for novice or intermediate brewers, you will need to learn about picking, fermentation, racking, storage and, perhaps most importantly, tasting. Venue: Houghton Court, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR1 3HZ Cost: £50 HWT members, £60 non members Places are limited so booking is essential. Book online at or call 01432 356872 Mountain Flowers – talk by Roger Smith Tues 26th 7.30pm Venue: Kington Primary School, Mill Street. Kington, Herefordshire HR5 3AL Cost: Free but donations welcome. No booking required Live simply so that others may simply live – talk by Jeff Glynn Jones. Thurs 28th 7.30pm Aymestrey branch of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Venue: Aymestrey Village Hall, A4110 Aymestrey, Herefordshire, HR6 9SX Cost: £1 HWT members, £1.50 non members No booking required
Kingsland Bowling Club (mid-Nov to mid-Dec) – our run-up to Christmas Our faithful supporters have rolled up despite rain and wind to enjoy questions and snacks on Friday Quiz Nights – forthcoming dates in the New Year include: Quiz Nights on 14th and 29th January, and a Soup and Pud Night on 12th February. We have already had a very popular Curry Night, courtesy of our Treasurer Martin and his wife Chris, and various assistants – there’s nothing quite like a good poppadum and a bit of hot stuff. Match catering, however, is an issue for a lot of clubs – we do it ourselves but, as well as the cost, we have to consider older members who may not be able to cope with heavy duties, and the time it takes to clear up and go home. Some clubs have switched to tea and biscuits after matches, but Kingsland has a welldeserved reputation for its match refreshments. Our members had the chance to come and give their opinions at our Catering Forum towards the end of November. We now have a substantial catering sub-committee (headed by our President Pat Edwards) who hope to continue the good work. The evening of 2nd December saw our Annual Bingo; this was very well attended, and there were numerous sumptuous hampers. We are very grateful to those generous members who provided these, the mince-pies, and the many raffle and line prizes; we also thank the Coronation Hall for once more allowing us to use such a convenient venue, and our Caller, who was as clear as a bell.
Our Christmas Lunch on Sunday 13th December was our next seasonal event; all the tickets went like hot cakes, and we sat down to an excellent turkey lunch with all the trimmings, a delicious fruit crumble, and biscuits and cheese to finish (us) off. As usual, we congratulate our captain Malcolm Morgan, his wife Pat, Ruth Scamp & all their helpers on their wonderful ability to conjure up forty tasty meals without batting an eyelid, and we say thank you to all who arrived with raffle prizes, as well as to our stalwart bar staff Kevin and Tess, and our MC Joe - there was such a comfortable buzz of conversation, it was most enjoyable, and we were able to forget the soggy day outside. None of these events throughout our year would be possible without the continuing efforts of so many people – thank you all. We wish you a Prosperous New Year, all the very best from Kingsland Bowling Club - if you want to know more about us, please feel free to contact me: Susanna Checketts (Secretary) 01568 770546
CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits
TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE
Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549
Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.
1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms
Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340
Extensions Renovations Groundworks Hard Landscaping
Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734
Mortimer Firewood Seasoned Hardwood Seasoned Softwood Kiln-dried Hardwood Lots of Load-sizes available Please phone Mike to discuss your requirements.
01568 720 588 07964947272
A Very Big Thank you, After 25 years of running the Candle Stall in the church Edna Pugh is retiring. I would like to thank her very much for her help, ideas, enthusiasm and artistic skills. I will try and live up to her legacy ably helped by Joc Whitbread who has very kindly offered her assistance. Edna and I have really appreciated all the support we receive from parishioners and visitors. Our Sales continue to increase and the income is vital to the work of our church. Thank you, Edna, for all you have done! Helen Webb
£246 has been sent in. Thank you to all who supported and contributed to these events. David Noon (Editor)
KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA
01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.
01981 251660 07903617303 Sapphire Dogs Trust Thank you to all who supported our coffee morning. We raised £400! Thank you to those who came and those who donated. Winter is coming and our work goes on. Vicky Sowerbutts Fund-raising for the Children’s Society. During half time at Luctonians Sports Club at the last Home 1st XV match before Christmas members of Kingsland Church Choir and friends sang Carols and collected for this charity. Collections at the Christingle Service held the previous Sunday were added to this and a total of
Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford 01432 342166 Leominster 01568 616755
Ledbury Ross-on-Wye
01531 636001 01989 763388
Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan News The 'Regulation 16', final public consultation being run by Herefordshire Council finishes on January 4th. Our Neighbourhood Plan will then carry some weight when planning applications within Kingsland parish are being decided. The Neighbourhood Plan is very important for our parish. Without it, we as a parish will have no influence on planning applications and where development takes place over the next 16 years. Effectively none of the views you have expressed at events, via the Parish Plan survey or other means will be taken into account when planning applications within Kingsland parish are being decided. Without it, Herefordshire Council will make all the decisions as to where and how much new housing is built and e.g. what type and style it is, under their new Rural Areas Plan. As mentioned last month, this final consultation has to be conducted in accordance with Government regulations, so please note it is being run solely by Herefordshire Council and all comments or representations must be made direct to them. Consequently the Parish Council, Parish Clerk, The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group or any of their members cannot accept or forward any comments or representations and any received will have to be returned. The Neighbourhood Plan approved by the Parish Council, all the other consultation documents and details of how to respond to Herefordshire Council are on the Neighbourhood Plan pages of where there is also a link to the Herefordshire Council consultation page. You can also go direct to Herefordshire Council's website and go to 'Planning'; 'Neighbourhood Planning'; 'Draft Plans (Regulation 14) and Submitted Plans (Regulation 16)'. We will keep you informed of the outcome of the consultation and progress towards the independent examination and parish referendum via the main Neighbourhood Plan page on and we will also post notices on the village noticeboard and in the Post office when Steering Group meetings are arranged (none arranged at the time of writing). Many thanks again for all your input which will help determine how our village and parish will develop and look over the next few years. Kingsland Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. ALAN JONES TREE SURGERY Specialist tree care & Estate Management ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Fully insured and NPTC qualified FIREWOOD FOR SALE For a professional service at competitive prices call Alan on: Tel: 01544 260448 Mob: 07817 066316
R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 2-4 New St., Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged
Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483
Quality without compromise
Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Kingsland
Family Service Sunday, Jan 3rd, 2016, 9.30 am.
A 40 minute service led by
Mrs Wendy Maddocks
Theme: ‘Star of Wonder’ Make sure you don’t miss this first family service of 2016
Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:
Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)
Church Services in the Benefice for January Sunday 3rd January Christmas 2 9.30 am Family Service Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Coffee, Croissants, Papers, & Prayers Kingsland 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Aymestrey 3.30 pm Choral Evensong (BCP) Kingsland th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Eardisland Sunday 10pmJanuary Epiphany 1 Plough Sunday 9.30 am Plough Sunday Holy Communion Aymestrey 9.30 am Morning Prayer Eardisland 11.00 am Holy Communion (CW) Kingsland th Sunday 17 January Epiphany 2 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland 11.00 am Family Communion Kingsland 3.30 pm Evensong Leinthall Earls Tuesday 19th January 6.30 pm Evensong Kingsland th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Kingsland Sunday 24pm January Epiphany 3 9.30 am Holy Communion Eardisland 11.00 am Mattins Kingsland 3.30 pm Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland st Sunday 31 January Epiphany 4 11.00 am Benefice Holy Communion Kingsland and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am unless otherwise stated: January:
3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st
tba At Presteigne Rev. R. Hall Mrs M. Evans tba
Kingsland Kingsland Shobdon Kingsland
Tree Festival We never cease to be amazed by the ideas people have for their trees! Winners this year: Junior Group Kingsland U fives Adult Group The Badger Vaccination Group Individual Adult
(narrow winners over Presteigne Knit & Natter) Heather Pickering Joan Lobb
The Parish Diary 2016 January 13th W.I. ‘Jaguar Spotting in Brazil’ 19th Special Evensong re Tom Spring 26th Kingsland Flower Show AGM February 10th W. I. Social Evening 27th Variety Show March 9th W.I ‘Remember the Sixties 12th ‘Bingo’ for Church and School May 14th Progressive Supper
Coronation Hall Kingsland Church Coronation Hall
7.30 pm 6.30 pm 7.00 pm
Coronation Hall Coronation Hall
7.30 pm tba
Coronation Hall Coronation Hall
7.30 pm from 6.30 pm
(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)
Luctonians Rugby Club 1st XV Home Fixtures for the rest of the season: January February March April
9th 23rd 6th 20th 19th 9th 23rd 30th
Leicester Lions Sedgley Park Sale Caldy Broadstreet Tynedale Stourbridge Sandal
Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off Kick-off
2.15pm 2.15pm 2.15pm 2.15pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm
MORTIMER MEDICAL PRACTICE News from your Patients Participation Group Vaccinations against Shingles Vaccinations are now available to those born between the following dates: 2nd September 1935 to 1st September 1936; and 2nd September 1942 to 1st September 1945. If you are eligible and wish to take advantage of this opportunity please contact the Surgery. Missed Appointments (MAs) After a small increase (20) in September, good news, there was a pleasing reduction in October with MAs down to only 142. At first sight this represented an even better result compared to the total number of appointments of over 3,200; but this was artificially high as it contained those receiving flu jabs. Total Appointments Month No. of MA %age of MA October 142 3234 4.39 September 187 2330 8.03 August 167 2162 7.72 Recent figures have shown that MAs cost the NHS and the Taxpayer £162M annually. Let’s play our part in reducing that figure and the biggest opportunity to do so is during these winter months. Healthwatch - Your local Healthwatch in Hereford gave a talk at the last PPG meeting. Healthwatch is a relatively new (2013) consumer champion for both health & social care. It has local centres throughout the country with both paid staff and volunteers. Healthwatch enables everyone to share their views and concerns about both local healthcare & social services i.e. hospitals, doctors, dentists, care homes including nursing and residential care. If you have any such views or concerns you can contact your local Healthwatch on 01432 364481. There are usually leaflets in the surgeries or libraries. If you wish, your concerns may be raised anonymously on your behalf. and there is a website Remember - Your PPG is happy to find out the answers to any queries via Val Ainsworth @ val’
O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches … Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit … The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland
Steven Rees Traditional Upholsterer Antique Furniture Modern Furniture Over 30 years’ experience Free Estimates and Advice Hawthorne Cottage Shirlheath, Kingsland Herefordshire HR6 9RJ Tel: 01568 709435 Mob: 07927845655 Email:
Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour
Bathing Clipping Nail Cutting Canine Massage
Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 14, Boarsfield, Kingsland
Betty Lister is organising a
Charity Bingo Coronation Hall Saturday, 12th March, 2016 Proceeds to Kingsland Church and Kingsland Primary School
Doors Open 6.30 pm Thanks for a Surprise Party Wow! What can I say? I really did not have a clue – hence my Christmas Jumper! Thank you so very much to everyone who celebrated my 40 years at the Corners Inn and for the lovely gifts, money and flowers. You are all so generous and kind. I must thank Terence and Emma for the wonderful food and for getting everyone to keep the party a secret – well done! Thanks to Richard for his speech and to Pearl, Sue, Annie, and all who gave out the invitations. A brilliant night! I am very touched by all the lovely people I know and who I’ve served at the Corners over these 40 years. Twenty years with Sonia and Percy, twenty years with Richard and Sue – can’t guarantee twenty years with Terence and
Eyes Down 7.30 pm Emma but who knows? Love to you all, and thanks again, Paula Davis
Kingsland W.I. There is no meeting report this month since the annual Christmas Dinner took place on the meeting evening. I have been informed that the topics for the meetings to March 2016 are as follows: Jan 13th Feb. 10th March 9th
Jaguar Spotting in Brazil Social Evening Remember the 60’s!
D. Noon (Editor)
Royal British Legion Branch Meetings The pre-Christmas draw and quiz night on 7th December was very well supported with an excellent range of prizes. A total of £97 was raised for Branch funds. We will now take a winter break and the next meeting will be on 1st March, 2016. Before the quiz and draw, the meeting discussed the election of a new County ViceChairman. Mrs Leeson was elected and the ballot paper returned to the County. A report on the Christmas lunch 2015 will appear next month. Poppy Appeal 2015
The results of this year’s appeal are as follows: Source House to house collection Static Points Donations Kingsland Church Orleton Church Sale of wreaths
Contribution (£) 1170.02 1011.63 1054.18 400.00 151.00 84.00
This shows a small reduction of £367.97 on the 2014 total. However, the totals had been progressively increasing since 2000 and, with so many calls on people’s generosity, it is hardly surprising that we have (perhaps) reached a maximum intake. Our thanks go to Mrs Jan Nicholls and her overworked team of collectors. Gordon Browne (Chairman)
Kingsland Post Office Tel: 01568 708201
Open Monday-Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, Saturday 9am to 12.30 pm, for all Post Office services including:
Vehicle Taxation Foreign Currency Travel Insurance Bank Deposits & Withdrawals Mobile phone top-ups Also available will be: ¤ ¤ ¤
Sales of Cards and Stationery Dry Cleaning and Laundry Shoe Repairs
Kingsland Flower Show Annual General Meeting
Coronation Hall th
Tuesday, 26 January, 2016
Letters from those responsible for the continued trading of Kingsland Post Office First of all I would like to thank Nan for purchasing the building and saving the day for the village Post Office. Then to Jean Barbour for keeping the business going when she just wanted to get to Australia for a well-deserved break, and finally to the Parish council for all their hard work trying to keep the momentum going throughout the referendum. It has been a long year but we are now settled in and ready to go. As many of you already know I am a fellow villager and wanted this business to continue for the village’s sake as well as it being a great opportunity for me. I have lots of ideas that I plan to implement into the Village Shop and eventually the Tea Rooms; your support and feedback will be extremely helpful! The shop will be there to provide you all with your daily essentials and as much local produce as possible. I look forward to getting to know you all better over one of the lovely coffees we will be providing, maybe even a piece of cake. Chelsea Thomas
Chelsea all the best in her new and exciting venture, and I would ask you to give her all the support you can, to make it a success for both her and the village. Nan Rowland-Jones
Telephone: 01568 780 912
I am pleased that I have had the opportunity to help save the village post office. Having been born and raised in the village I firmly believe that the post office is part of the heart of the village and is important to the local community. This is the start of a new chapter for the village and I would like to give my thanks to Jean for all her hard work in running the post office and stores these past years and I hope she enjoys a well-earned retirement. I also wish
Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers
Kingsland Church Christmas Fayre
Editor’s Note
This year’s Church Fayre, held on Saturday the 21st November, exceeded the amount raised last year and was able to donate £2037 to the Church with £250 donations to both Kingsland School and Kingsland Branch of the Royal British Legion.
Everyone should appreciate the tremendous amount of work which went into organising this event. Throughout the summer and autumn the ladies listed above were selling the ‘pitches’ for stalls in the church, finding sponsors for concert, liaising with the Male Voice Choir and planning the decorations.
(Special thanks go to the organisers, Anne Roberts, Heather Pickering, Sally Wall, Pam Morgan, Joss Whitbread and Pam Smith. They are very grateful to Jan Boydell and the ladies who created the wonderful window displays.) There was a steady flow of visitors to the church where more than 20 festive stalls exhibited their wares. The £100 cash Prize Draw was won by Mrs Hampson of Shirlheath. Thank you to Spencer of Kingspan for kindly donating this prize. Second prize was won by Jonathan Davis and third prize went to Val Davis. In the evening Ludlow Male Voice Choir (directed by Margaret Davies) performed a varied selection of Christmas Carols and other Festive renditions ending with an audience sing-a-long. Many thanks to R W Mann & Son and Gabbs Solicitors for sponsoring this evening event where mulled wine and mince pies were served. Sally Wall
The result was a magnificently decorated church, the opportunity to buy all sorts of things suitable for Christmas Presents, large and small, excellent refreshments, and a wellattended evening concert which proved most enjoyable because the programme on offer was well matched to the audience and the event. The members of the choir clearly got much pleasure from taking part and this communicated itself to the rest of us. I enjoyed it immensely. That all this activity resulted in the Royal British Legion, Kingsland Primary School and the church itself receiving very useful sums of money is the icing on the cake. As the church treasurer I cannot thank the organisers enough, and I am sure I speak for the PCC and the whole church community in congratulating them on the success of this event. Well done to you all! David Noon
Professional Cleaning of Carpets, Rugs, Upholstery Using a new innovative system, we offer a fast, efficient, high quality carpet cleaning service, with no mess or fuss
Cleans, disinfects and applies anti-static coating Guarantees not to stretch, shrink or split seams Leaves carpet pH neutral, no resoiling sticky residues Extremely quiet operation Environmentally Friendly too, using natural products Dry in 30 Minutes
Call today: Rainbow International, Unit 21, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster, HR6 0LX Telephone: 01568 617710
(Note New Address!!) For Your Free, No Obligation Quote
Jokes for January! 10 Facts About You: 1. You're reading this now. 2. You're realizing that this is a stupid fact. 4. You didn't notice I skipped number 3. 5. You're checking now. 6. You're smiling. 7. You're still reading this even though it is stupid. 9. You didn't realize I skipped number 8. 10.You're checking again and smiling because you fell for it again. 11. You're enjoying this. 12. You didn't realize I said 10 facts not 12.
A mother texts, "Hi! Son, what do IDK, LY, & TTYL mean?" He texts back, "I Don't Know, Love You, & Talk To You Later." The mum texts him, "It's ok, don't worry about it. I'll ask your sister, love you too."
One day Jimmy got home early from school and his mom asked, "Why are you home so early?" He answered, "Because I was the only one that answered a question in my class." She said, "Wow, my son is a genius. What was the question?" Jimmy replied, "The question was 'Who threw the trash can at the head teacher’s head?'"
There was an elderly couple who in their old age noticed that they were getting a lot more forgetful, so they decided to go to the doctor. The doctor told them that they should start writing things down so they don't forget. They went home and the old lady told her husband to get her a bowl of ice cream. "You might want to write it down," she said. The husband said, "No, I can remember that you want a bowl of ice cream." She then told her husband she wanted a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream. "Write it down," she told him, and again he said, "No, no, I can remember: you want a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream." Then the old lady said she wants a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry on top. "Write it down," she told her husband and again he said, "No, I got it. You want a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry on top." So he goes to get the ice cream and spends an unusually long time in the kitchen, over 30 minutes. He comes out to his wife and hands her a plate of eggs and bacon. The old wife stares at the plate for a moment, then looks at her husband and asks, "Where's the toast?"
40 Details of Kingsland Organisations Organisation Kingsland Coronation Hall
Official(s) Mr R Frost Mrs L Juson
Croft Ambrey Running Club Kingsland Bowling Club
Mr T Davies Mr B Markham Mr Pat Edwards Mr Robert Parker-Morgan Mr Martin Richmond Ms Susanna Checketts Mr Malcolm Morgan Rev Julie Read
Kingsland Church
Kingsland Bell-Ringers Kingsland Church Choir Kingsland Cubs Kingsland Guides & Brownies Kingsland Flower Show
Kingsland Pre-School Kingsland Methodist Church Kingsland Millennium Green Trust
Mrs J Barbour Mr D Davies Mr M Harrisson Mr D. Noon Ms Karen Jones Mrs M Jones Miss S Grant Mrs K. Ball Mrs V. Davis Mr F Morgan Mr C Southgate Mrs J. Vaughan Mrs C Southgate Mrs Becci White (Mobile Term-time only) Mrs J Lobb
Luctonians Sports Club
Cllr Sebastian Bowen Mrs Jackie Markham Mr Andrew Parsons Ms Sally Good Mrs S Thomas Mrs B Eastaugh Mrs L. Jones Mrs L. Noon Mrs Jenny Davies Mrs R Evans Mr J Gore Mrs J Markham Sally Deakin Wg Cdr Browne Mrs V Davis Mrs Roberts Mrs Roberts Alex Smith
Friends of Kingsland Church (SMAAAK)
Jim Davies or Dee Wurm
Kingsland under fives Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends Kingsland Women’s Institute Kingsland Fire Station K. Community Web Site ( Royal British Legion (Kingsland Branch)
Position Contact Numbers Chairman 01568 709103 Secretary 01568 708002 (also for Bookings) 01568 708474 01568 708281 President Chairman Treasurer Secretary 01568 770546 Captain Rector 01568 708255 07968 916783 Churchwarden 01568 708201 Churchwarden 01568 709071 Tower Captain 01568 708857 Choir Master 01568 708672 Leader 01432 760591 Leader 01544 387992 Assistant Leader 01568 780250 Assistant Leader 01568 708681 Leader 01568 708681 President Chairman Treasurer Secretary 01568 708010 01568 709168 07871480680 Chapel Steward 01568 708223 Chairman Vice Chairman Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Chairman Treasurer Secretary President Secretary Sub Officer Contacts Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec. Chief Executive Officer For enquiries:
01584 831321 01568 708281 01568 708592 07879343933 01568 708739 01568 708173 01568 709119 01568 708672 01568 708275 01568 708257 01568 708701 01568 708281 01568 708839 01568 708077 01568 708681 01568 708483 01568 708483 01568 709080 07814638084 01568 709579