Kingsland News February 2015

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Kingsland News February 2015 Marmalade I wonder whether you make marmalade, or whether you would like to this year? It is the year, don’t you think, with Paddington the movie on the screens. I wonder if we might make marmalade for the ebola crisis? Not to send, but to raise some money to send? Well now is the time, so if you fancy getting involved, get the marmalade making pans out. More details as time goes by…. Apologies to Roy Palmer whose name I got wrong in the last magazine. Thanks again Roy for inspiring us to sing and dance as we came down the church path on the way to the Christmas Fair – for the fairground organ you brought along. Thanks too, to Johnny Price for bringing the plough down to church in January for the annual plough blessing service – our thoughts and prayers are with all our farmers as they prepare the ground and sow the seeds this year. A couple of events in February to bring us together at the end of the dark months: firstly a coffee morning at the Rectory on Wednesday 11th February from 10.30am, with a

chance to catch up and sit down together and chew the cud!! Cost £3 for coffee and cake and a few more things to tempt you in the week before Lent begins. Talking of Lent: we are once again preparing small gifts for Mothering Sunday for the children at school to buy for their mums. If you have anything at home that might be a gift please bring it along to church or one of these events and we will gather them all together. The other event in February is a Curry Evening at the Coronation Hall on Saturday, February 28th. Last year’s was great fun and I even managed a dance or two with my husband –so that is a spectacle in itself. Hope to see some of you at these events. In all the chaos around us, what is most important? It is each other and our relationships. The wedding service begins God is Love and those who live in love, live in God and God lives in them. In the month of St Valentine, who has a rather dubious history if you look under the surface, may you treasure those close to you, and remember that God loves you too. Julie


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Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour  Bathing  Clipping  Nail Cutting Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 14, Boarsfield, Kingsland


2015 CALENDAR Sunday 22 February - “Sea Show” performed by the Squash Box Theatre Coronation Hall, 2pm A quirky and hilarious mix of puppet show, natural history and comedy cabaret celebrating the sea with tall tales, silly slapstick, fantastic facts, live music and songs. Suitable for children and adults of all ages. All tickets £5. Early bird offer: book 2 children now and I accompanying adult goes free! Saturday 25 April - “Too Cool - the life and Music of Chet Baker” performed by Sue Richardson quintet, Coronation Hall, 7.30pm A sell out at Ronnie Scott’s, this show featuring Chet Baker’s beautiful music and recalling smoky jazz clubs of the 1950’s West Coast, is both a homage to his music and journey through his colourful but tragic life. Tickets £15. TBC early May - “A Conversation with Sir Robert Rogers, former House of Commons Clerk”, Kingsland Church, 7.30pm A respected and popular figure at the Palace of Westminster, Sir Robert stepped down as Clerk last year. The job is to advise MPs on constitutional matters and Parliamentary procedure as well as overseeing around 2,000 staff and the services provided to MPs. Want to find out more? Saturday 18 July - Pop Up Opera performs Rossini’s ” L’Italiana in Algeri” (The Italian Girl in Algiers) , Kingsland Church, 7.30pm Pop Up Opera are back with their fantastic new production. Isabella, the ‘Italian girl’ is one of the wisest and most formidable women you’ll find in opera and by the time the story ends, no-one, including her captive lover, is willing to stand in her way. Tickets £25 12 – 20 September – hArt 2015, Kingsland Church Following its success in 2013 , hArt returns to Kingsland Church with a brilliant selection of art on show across a wide range of media. Free entry. October - Arcadia Music Festival, Kingsland Church, 7.30pm Directed by Thomas Bowes and Eleanor Alberga, the exhilarating Arcadia Music Festival makes a welcome comeback to Kingsland Church as part of its Herefordshire tour. Ticket price TBA.


Kingsland and Eardisland Hospice Friends

Soup & Pancake Lunch Luctonians Rugby Club Tuesday 17th February, (Shrove Tuesday) 2015

12 noon to 2.00pm (No soup after 1. 30pm!)

Raffle Lots of Parking

Admission ÂŁ5

Produce Come and Enjoy!!


Luctonians Sports Club Various sections are active. The guests from the Caldy Club on the Wirral at the President’s Lunch on Saturday, January 10th, contributed to a lot of banter! There is a growing friendship between the two clubs, both committees and players. The building of a store is well under way, with a view to tidying up the south car park. The younger players in the 1st XV are learning with each match, and a win against the fourth placed team in the league was a pleasing result. Morale remains good, even though Luctonians are three from the bottom. Lots happening in the Clubhouse as Gold-Cup day approaches and there is a big selection of events to come in 2015!

Kingsland Post Office Tel: 01568 708201

Open Monday-Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm, Saturday 9am to 12.30 pm, for all Post Office services including:

Vehicle Taxation Foreign Currency Travel Insurance Bank Deposits & Withdrawals Mobile phone top-ups Also available will be: ¤ ¤ ¤

Sales of Cards and Stationery Dry Cleaning and Laundry Shoe Repairs


SCRUMMY BITES made locally with you in mind

Delicious desserts, cakes & savouries made to order using locally grown produce. Pick up or local delivery. Food for celebrations & family events of 6 – 120 people. Call Sam Stoneleigh, Kingsland Tel: 01568 709142



Open House Fund Raisers. You are warmly invited to the home of Julie & Nick Read on Wednesday, 11th February, for a Coffee Morning in aid of Kingsland Church. £3 will buy Coffee & Cake! There will also be a raffle, cake stall and ‘Bring and Buy’ stall. Proceeds will be for Church Funds and the event will last from 10.30am to 12noon. On Thursday 5th March, ‘Westmead’ (home of Bryan & Jacquie Markham) is the venue for a ‘Soup Lunch’. This event is to raise funds to buy wooden crosses to mark graves which otherwise would remain unmarked. £5 is the admission charge between 12 noon and 2pm. Again there will be a raffle and a ‘Bring & Buy’ Stall!

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David Noon

Marches Planning Planning & Design Consultancy

Sarah Hanson MRTPI Chartered Town & Country Planner Advice on the development potential of property & land Submission of planning applications & appeals Advice & handling of planning enforcement issues Representations on planning applications and appeals T: 01568 708087 M: 07837 062 494 e-mail:





Kingsland &Eardisland Hospice Friends Shrove Tuesday, 17th February, 2015, is once again the date for the Soup & Pancake lunch in aid of St Michael’s Hospice. This will begin at 12 noon and go on until 2 o’clock, although no soup will be served after 1.30 pm. Do come and join us and bring as many of your friends as possible! Bridget Eastaugh Thanks. I wish to use this note in the Kingsland News to thank all my old friends who sent Christmas and New Year greetings last month. I am very pleased that you remembered me, even though the period leading up to Christmas is very hectic for everybody, Ruth Fisher


The Draft Kingsland Parish Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation Ends at 5pm on February 10th, 2015 The plan has been drafted based on extensive community input and this consultation is the next step towards finalising it. The final Plan will be our community’s official view of the type and extent of development we would like to see over the next 16 years ending 2031. This document, if ratified by Herefordshire Council and our community, will be a statutory reference document for all future planning decisions in our Parish. Community Objectives  Protect and enhance the rural nature of the parish so that all groups and ages can thrive and develop in a sustainable way  Allow for a range of housing size and style which suits their individual settings, location and purpose and the historic pattern of development  Strike a balance between satisfying the need for more housing and the needs of a parish and village which strive to remain a typical rural Herefordshire community.  Ensure infrastructure is developed in line with the needs of the future growth of the community  Ensure new and existing business is beneficial to the economic health of the parish, can grow and is in scale with and sensitive to the rural character of the parish What’s Next over the Coming Months?  The Plan will be amended if necessary, in response to this consultation  Formal submission of the Plan to Herefordshire Council for a further six week consultation  Independent Examiner appointed to review the Plan  Examiner’s Report published  Referendum of parish residents on the electoral roll by Herefordshire Council. We estimate this will take place mid-2015.  If the referendum is in favour, the Plan is adopted by Herefordshire Council


Please see the separate notice below on where to read our Neighbourhood Plan and how to send us your comments and views.


Nature Notes 14/1/15 Snowdrops are appearing in numbers and the triple bark of a dog Fox announcing its presence to any Vixen in the area, are typical of what will have happened for generations in early January. Reports of the trappings of many Grey Squirrels continue. They must have had an exceptionally good breeding season in 2014. Why do they clear apparently all nuts off Hazel, Cobb and Filbert trees long before they mature? Buds show on the Lilac, moles are active everywhere, and Rooks investigate old nests surviving from last season. Dippers must be the first birds to build their nest – the resident pair appear happy with last season’s site. As I write there is a light dusting of snow.

Soup Lunch At Westmead, (Home of Bryan & Jacquie Markham) Thursday 5th March, 12 noon to 2pm.

To raise funds to buy wooden crosses for graves otherwise unmarked. Admission £5 Raffle

Bring & Buy


Women’s World Day of Prayer In Kingsland the service marking this event will take place in the Methodist Chapel at 2pm on Friday March 6th. Those taking part will join others in over 5000 services in the British Isles alone, and countless more over the 24 hours worldwide. The service this year has been written by Christian Ladies in the Bahamas. Its theme is taken from a sentence in the Gospel of St. John. ‘Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you? Everyone is welcome to attend the service – men and women of all ages. Helen Webb

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers


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Cor Y Gyrlais Male Voice Choir On Saturday, April 18th, 2015, 7 pm At The Coronation Hall, Kingsland

Tickets ÂŁ10 each to include supper

Telephone 01568 613466


Attention Carers and disabled people in Herefordshire In April 2015 the new Care Act comes into force, and has national guidelines, which all local authorities must adhere to. This Act creates a single consistent route, establishing entitlement to public care and support for all adults who require care and support. It also creates the first ever entitlement to support for carers, on a similar basis. The Act outlines steps that must be followed to work out entitlement, and understand the process. Following a person’s ‘journey’ in the care and support system, an assessment will demonstrate eligibility (including a financial assessment). This will determine whether people need to pay for their own care, and in future will include the new capped costs payment system. Once complete a decision can then be made whether the adult is entitled to care and support arranged by the local authority. The Act sets out a new legal duty for an adult’s “eligible needs” (determined by assessment) to be met by the local authority, subject to their financial circumstances. The Act says that a person will be entitled to have their needs met when: The adult has “eligible” needs, is ordinarily resident in the local area and any of the five situations below apply to them. 1. The type of care and support they need is provided free of charge. 2. The person cannot afford to pay the full cost of their care and support. 3. The person asks the local authority to meet their needs. 4. The person does not have mental capacity, and has no one else to arrange care for them. 5. When the cap on care costs comes into force, their total care and support costs have exceeded the cap. On 18th March you can find out more from the Director of Adult Social Care at Hereford Council, Helen Coombes. She will be speaking at Hinton Community Centre, Hereford as part of the Herefordshire Disability United (HDU) Open Meeting. HDU is a local charity providing quarterly information sessions, on topics relevant to the disabled and their families, carers, and older people in this county. The meeting from 10.30- 2.30 pm is FREE, but you would need to book your place. Other speakers too, all relevant to social care, will be present. A buffet lunch is provided plus the opportunity to speak personally to other organisations present. Contact Sylvia Nicholls on 07817 473813 or email: for more details and to book your place. Check out their website too:





CHurch Services in the Benefice for February Sunday 1st February 9.30 am Family Service (Christingle) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Choral Mattins (BCP) Kingsland 11.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Aymestrey th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Eardisland Sunday 8 pm February 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland 11.00 am Benefice Service for the Commemoration of Aymestrey the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross th Sunday 15 February 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Family Communion (CW) Kingsland 3.30 pm Holy Communion (CW) Leinthall Earls 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Kingsland Wednesday 18thBenefice Feb 7.30 pm Benefice Sung Eucharist for Kingsland Ash Wednesday Sunday 22nd February 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingsland 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) Eardisland 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Kingsland 6.30 pm Choral Evensong (BCP) Kingsland and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, at 11 am unless otherwise stated: February:

1st 8th 15th 22nd

Rev. F. Biseker Mr James Smith Rev Sam Stone Mr Jennings

Kingsland Shobdon Kingsland Shobdon


The Parish Diary 2015 February 11th Rectory Coffee Morning 17th Soup & Pancake Lunch (St Michael’s Hospice) st 21 KMGT Open Meeting 22nd SMAAAK Event: Sea Show’ (Puppet Show etc.) 28th Curry Evening (Church Fund-Raiser) March 2nd RBL Quiz Night 5th Soup Lunch (in aid of Wooden Crosses) th 11 W. I. ‘Flowers for Easter’ Pam Bufton 25th Life and music of Chet Baker April 18th Bowls Club Cor Y Gyrlais Concert May 12th RBL Social Evening th 16 Progressive Supper (for Coronation Hall) July 18th L’Italiana in Algeri (Pop-up Opera) September 12th hArt 2015

Kingsland Rectory 10.30 am to 12 noon Luctonians 12 noon to 2.00pm Coronation Hall 10.00 am Coronation Hall 2.00 pm Coronation Hall from 7.00 pm Corners Westmead Coronation Hall Coronation Hall

8.00 pm 12noon to 2.00 pm 7.30 pm 7.30 pm

Coronation Hall

7.00 pm

Corners Various Venues

7.45 pm tba

Kingsland Church

7.30 pm

Kingsland Church


(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)

Luctonians 1st XV Home fixtures for the rest of the season. February March April

Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat

7 21 14 11 25

Stockport Sedgley Park Preston G’s Chester Leicester Lions

K.O. 2.15pm K.O.2.15 pm K.O. 3.00 pm K.O. 3.00 pm K.O. 3.00 pm

Parish Church of St Michael & All Angels, Kingsland

The Next Family Service on Sunday, February 1st at 9.30 am will be:

A Christingle Service. Leader: Mrs Karen Ball. A 40 minute service for you and your children – not to be missed!


Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549


Friends of Mortimer Medical Practice The Friends would like to wish all readers a very happy New Year and pass on an update about activities from last year. We held two very successful fund raising events towards the end of 2014 which were as follows:A lecture given by Dr Mark Baldwin on the Enigma Machine which raised £258.80 and a fashion show hosted by Edinburgh Woollen Mill which raised a total of £370.00. During the year The Friends purchased chairs for the Leintwardine surgery, a new ECG machine for Kingsland, a vaccine fridge for the Orleton surgery and Paediatric Oximeters for all three surgeries. We hope that as a result of these purchases we will have helped to benefit all users of the practice. Ann Greer (Chair of FMMP.)

Kingslandlife Website News I apologise that the website has been down over Christmas and the New Year which was due to technical problems beyond our control. Hopefully by the time you read this everything is working well again. There have been a lot of updates and in the Village Diary you will find lots of new events from SMAAK and others. Don’t forget to send us yours! You can also read Kingsland News online via a link on the Home Page and back copies are available as well. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has a new Community Consultation page where you can read the Plan and download a form on which to send them feedback. If you’re a village facility, organisation, club or business please check your listings and pages to make sure your information is up to date. You can send us updates via any of the ways listed on the Contact Us page. Meanwhile we hope you find the website useful and we’re always interested in any ideas you may have for information to put on it. Meanwhile, happy browsing! Sally Deakin ( ALAN JONES TREE SURGERY Specialist tree care & Estate Management ALL ASPECTS OF TREE WORK UNDERTAKEN Fully insured and NPTC qualified FIREWOOD FOR SALE For a professional service at competitive prices call Alan on: Tel: 01544 260448 Mob: 07817 066316



Wags and Wellies Dog Walking Events This Spring Your four-legged friends are invited to our series of sponsored dog walks. There will be routes through Herefordshire’s most picturesque fields, woodlands, riverbanks and country lanes. There is a real sense of community spirit at the heart of this ever-popular event. Wags & Wellies is perfect for getting out and about with friends and family, and a chance to meet new people. There will be many doggythemed stalls from local businesses for you to browse after the walk, so you will be supporting your local community as well as your Hospice. Collect three special St Michael’s Hospice dog tags - one from each event. There will be plenty of dogtastic entertainment for pets and their owners at every venue. Hereford, Sunday 8th March The 5km walk starts and finishes at Wyevale Garden Centre, Hereford with halfway refreshments at Breinton Village Hall. All dogs will receive a doggy treat and a blue St Michael’s Hospice dog tag. Leominster, Saturday 18th April The 4km walk starts and finishes at Brightwells in Easters Court and takes you along part of the beautiful Kenwater river. All dogs will receive a doggy treat and a red St Michael’s Hospice dog tag. Ledbury, (venue and date TBC: please contact the Events Team to receive priority booking) All dogs will receive a doggy treat and a green St Michael’s Hospice dog tag. For each event, there will be demonstrations from the Paws For Thought Display Team (you can even have a go yourselves in the Doggy Dash!) and a professionally-judged "Just for Fun" dog show. Entry fees Individual walks: Pre-entry £5 per adult -£3 per child under 16. On the day entry £7 per adult - £5 per child under 16. All three walks: Pre-entry for all three walks £12 per adult - £7 per child under 16. For more information and for terms and conditions, please contact the Events Team on 01432 851000 or visit our website on You'd be barking mad to miss it!

Firewood Ideal Kindling/Morning wood.


Possible Delivery Locally


Telephone John 07971495859

Telephone: 01568 780 912

Builder’s Dumpy Bag £10




Kingsland W I Ben Cooper of the Secondhand Warehouse and Antiques Centre in Leominster was our speaker on the 14th January. Members and several visitors brought in a varied selection of antique items for his opinion and evaluation. They ranged from a quirky elephant in 1930's silvac style finish and portrait miniatures from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to a rosewood writing slope. Ben Cooper explained that rosewood gets its name from the smell of the wood, not because it has anything to do with rose trees. Disappointingly a fine Chinese bowl from about 1730 was of comparatively little value because there are so many of them in existence. Porcelain that the Chinese did not value highly was made for the Western market and loaded as ballast in ships. Other items included silverware – a toast rack, a snuff box, a spoon and a filigree bracelet. We also saw ivory and a hippo tusk mirror (neither fetching high prices because of the necessity of getting a licence to ship them abroad) and two statuettes of a harvester and a woodcutter made of spelter patinated to resemble bronze dated around 1880-90. People brought in a pipe stand and smoker's cabinet, a shooting stick of bamboo finished in brass, a silicon ware jardinière from around 1883 and a 1695 print map of Herefordshire. We all enjoyed an informative and entertaining evening. The next meeting will be on 11th Feb and Miss Alice Oxenham will speak on her life teaching art. You are very welcome to attend. Pat Hughes


 Extensions  Renovations  Groundworks  Hard Landscaping

Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734


O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches ‌ Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email or visit ‌ The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland



R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 51 West Street, Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise


Royal British Legion Upcoming events. There will be no Branch meeting in February. Our next Quiz/Draw night will be on 2nd March. The County AGM was held on Saturday 17th January - I will report in detail next month. 2015 marks various historical anniversaries - Agincourt (1415), Waterloo (1815), Battle of Britain (1940). There will be various celebrations and I will report when details are known. Battlefield Tour of Ypres. Ross on Wye are organising a coach trip to Ypres on 14th to 17th September. Anyone interested should contact their Secretary on 01989 556301 as soon as possible. Full details are on the Branch notice board. Gordon Browne (Chairman)


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Call today: Rainbow International, Unit 21, Evans Business Centre, Brunel Road, Leominster, HR6 0LX Telephone: 01568 617710

(Note New Address!!) For Your Free, No Obligation Quote


Kingsland Millennium Green Trust There is an open meeting of the Trustees of KMGT in the Coronation Hall on Saturday, 21st February, at 10am. Please feel free to come along and if you would like coffee beforehand, that will be available from 9.30am. , Andrew Parsons (Hon Sec. Tel 01568 708592) Aga Servicing. I organise a group Aga servicing in Kingsland at a discounted rate. The Autumn list is full but two more could take part in the Spring. If you are interested please telephone me on 01568 709008 or email me at by the end of February. You can then request your position on the rota. The engineers are from Aga HQ (08456023015.) Jenny Thompson


Private Carers Do you need personal care or just someone to help you live life to the full? Maybe you need a companion to sit with you or take you on outings? We can help! We also do sleepovers – sleeping nights or waking nights. We are locally based, fully qualified with many years’ experience in care work. We give a person-centred approach. We are private carers. For more information please contact:

Sonia – 07402279931 or Kate - 07825233643

Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


Coffee Morning At Kingsland Rectory, Wednesday 11th February, 10.30am to 12 noon,

in aid of Kingsland Church. Admission ÂŁ3


Cake Stall Bring & Buy

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340


Weobley & District Local History Society

Museum and is called ‘Rifles and Spades’.

At the Weobley and District Local History Society's meeting on the 25th of February we will be joined by Joan Grundy who will give us a presentation on 19th Century Farm Buildings. Joan has published many books on this and other subjects and the talk promises to be very interesting. Farmsteads and their buildings are standing evidence of former farming activities. High value corn crops were stored in wellconstructed barns; livestock needed shelter and storage for winter feed; processes such as hop-drying and cider making required specialised buildings. The 19th century was a time of innovation and change for farmers. The increasing industrialisation of the country created new customers, but also increased foreign competition. Changing agricultural techniques resulted in the continual updating and adaptation of old buildings to meet new needs, such as new crops or new sources of motive power; some landlords invested in brand new up-todate farmsteads. Joan Grundy’s illustrated talk aims to extend our knowledge of 19th century farmsteads, to analyse changes in their evolution, and to understand their value as historical evidence. The meeting starts 7.30pm at Hopelands, Weobley's Village Hall. Visitors are always most welcome.

Do come and see the Exhibition. It is centred on Leominster and there is something to interest everyone. Especially interesting are the letters from the front, written by the head gardener at the big house to his boss and the details about local conscientious objectors. Weobley’s Parish Church is open every day.

Also during February, starting on the 14th and finishing on the 27th will be a very interesting and thought-provoking exhibition about WW1 at Weobley Parish Church. This Exhibition on its winter tour is produced by Leominster

Julie Peacock


Building work on the Church

I am pleased to report that Kingsland Village has seen this project through to completion! With loans repaid and VAT reclaimed the net cost of the work was about £170,000 of which over £112,000 was provided by various external grant-awarding bodies, leaving £58,000 to be found by the village from donations, from SMAAAK, and from the existing fabric fund. This is a remarkable achievement, and reflects great credit on a number of individuals – those who worked with builders and architects, those who applied for and dealt with grants, those who liaised with the SMAAAK committee and assisted its magnificent fund-raising, and those who successfully sought and received donations from many generous individuals. A building as old as Kingsland Church is expensive to repair but the completion of this roofing, drainage and window-frame work should ensure that the church will be drier, safer, and easier to heat than it was eighteen months ago. Further work will certainly be required so please continue to support church and SMAAAK fund-raising events. David Noon (PCC Treasurer)

Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford Leominster

01432 342166 01568 616755

Ledbury 01531 636001 Ross-on-Wye 01989 763388


Advertising News




This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at : 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS, Enquiries to Size \no. of







½ Page




¼ Page




insertions Full Page

⅛ Page £2 £10 £15 The deadline for the Kingsland News is always the 15th of the previous month. After this date it might not find its way into the magazine! Patient Survey The Mortimer Medical Practice Annual Patient Survey is in February, Questionnaires will be available at your surgery, some village shops or online at following the link to Patient Survey 2015. Your feedback is very important to your practice Sue Plant

Sea Show Squash Box Theatre Sunday 22nd February at 2 pm

Coronation Hall A quirky and hilarious mix of puppet show, natural history and comedy cabaret celebrating the sea with tall tales, silly slapstick, fantastic facts, live music and songs. Suitable for children and adults of all ages. All tickets £5. Early bird offer: book 2 children now and I accompanying adult goes free!


Love To Sing? Join us on Sunday 8th March at The Assembly Rooms in Presteigne for a Choral Day Workshop rehearsing and singing Welsh composer Karl Jenkins' wonderful and popular mass for peace 'The Armed Man' under the direction of Kington Choral's MD Roger Langford. Singers of all ages, ability and experience are welcome. Registration from 9.30am, workshop 10am to 4.30pm with tea/coffee and lunch breaks. Only £12 pp. See website for further details and to request a registration form, text 077 66 097 600, or email

The Tate Family How many members of the Tate family belong to your church? There is old man Dic-Tate who wants to run everything, while Uncle Ro-Tate tries to change everything. There's sister Agi-Tate who stirs up plenty of trouble, with help from her husband, Irri-Tate. Whenever new projects are suggested, Hesi-Tate and his wife, Vege-Tate, want to wait until next year. Then there is Aunt Imi-Tate, who wants our church to be like all the others. Devas-Tate provides the voice of doom, while Poten-Tate wants to be a big shot. But not all members of the family are bad. Brother Facili-Tate is quite helpful in church matters. And a delightful, happy member of the family is Miss Felici-Tate. Cousins Cogi-Tate and Medi-Tate always think things over and lend helpful, steady hands. And of course there is the black sheep of the family, Ampu-Tate, who has completely cut himself off from the church. Do you know anyone else in the "Tate" family?

Money Porks!! I heard about a farmer who called the office of the minister asking to see “The Head Hog at the trough.” The receptionist said, “Sir, if you’re talking about our beloved Minster, you may call him Reverend or Pastor, but I don’t think it would be proper to refer to him as the “head Hog at the trough.’” “Well, all right,” the farmer said. “I just sold a few sows and was going to donate ten thousand pounds to the building fund, so I was hoping to catch him.” “Oh, just a minute, sir”, the receptionist said, “I think I heard the little porker just come in!”

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.