Kingsland News
February 2017 Dear Parishioners, We started the year with a bang as we celebrated with William Tavernor not just his 100th birthday, or even 75 years a priest, but an entry in the Guinness Book of Records as being the oldest person to officiate at a wedding. There were 100 adults in church on 1st January and that was only one of the celebrations, along with various interviews and he was gracious and good humoured about it all. We all enjoyed his achievements and gained inspiration from him. I think I have a long way to go!! Thank you to Johnny Price for supplying the plough for our Plough Sunday service. We joined in prayers for our farming community and all those who work on the land at the beginning of a new year, on short, cold and dark days. May this be a good year for the land and the harvest. David Noon has finally been able to step down as church treasurer after holding the fort for over 10 years. I’m sure there is some award that you should have David to do that for so long. Thank you David! We are happy that Mr Colin Smith has taken the
reins on this job and we look forward to working with him. Easter is late this year and so February is a quiet month. Time to catch up with each other perhaps and so there is a Coffee morning at the Rectory on Thursday 16th Feb at 10.30am, and after the first successful “Tea and Hymns” at the home of the Noons, there will be another one on Thursday 9th Feb at 2.30pm. Bring a hymn choice and we can cheer each other with a good sing and one of Jean’s scones! Let me know if you want to come and would like a lift. We are singing some of Handel’s Messiah just before Easter and rehearsing now on Thursday evenings. If this is something you have always wanted to do, speak to one of us. And every Wednesday a group of novice bell ringers ring for 40 minutes from 6.30pm. Fancy joining us? Or there’s always the cleaning rota or graveyard tidying group. Lots of ways to get involved with the church – or you could come on a Sunday – we don’t bite! Honestly. Every blessing, Julie