News March 2016 Dear Parishioners, What a strange winter it has been – wet, wet, wet and apart from a few bright days rather dark. In the midst of all this there have been several things to give thanks for: firstly just before Christmas a group of intrepid campers from the church set up on the Millennium Green to raise awareness of those who sleep rough and the refugee crisis and funds for the Church Urban Fund and Medicins Sans Frontiere. More than £1000 was raised from that night so well done to both the campers and thanks to all those who contributed. Secondly 4 youngsters who have joined the church choir have reached the first white standard on the RSCM Voice for Life scheme and were presented with their certificates by the Dean of the Cathedral when he came to join us for worship on the last day in January. Well done to Aeowyn, Matthew, Sepphie and Cassie for their great start and we look forward to hearing about the next stage of this scheme in the near future! It
was good to have Michael Tavinor, the Dean of the Cathedral, who cheered us all and inspired us to live up to our names and those of our patron saints as he preached with dry humour and skill. Somehow, many of us shared lunch in the rectory after this service, and there was much laughter and fun. What will March hold? Friday 4th March from 2 – 3pm is the Women’s World Day of Prayer service at the Methodist Church. Women (and Men) all over the world will be praying the same words prepared this year by the church in Cuba! Do come and add your voice. Mothering Sunday is soon upon us on 6th March and a service at 9.30am in Church when we will remember all those who mother us, and give thanks for our Mother Church and there will be flowers for us to give for love received. All will be welcome. On Tuesday of the same week there will be a Taizé Service in Church at 7.30pm which is always a special service with music and candles and a time of silence for your prayers.