Kingsland News April 2014

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Kingsland News


April 2016 Dear Parishioners, Crowds and crowd behaviour are funny things. Look at Donald Trump. In the cool light of day why would anyone follow him, but in the heat of the moment and with frustrations that colour how we feel who knows what we might do. I hope not but you never know!! I think that is the crowd that followed Jesus through the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and to the crown of thorns and the cry of Crucify Him. The hope that follows all this despair is that God vindicated Jesus. What seemed like the end was not the end and a new day dawned that led to hope for us all. This is the message of Easter and during April we will be exploring all the accounts of resurrection and new life – so do come and join us. My thanks go to two people who helped the Church since I last wrote. The first is Richard Bayliss who organised the Variety Show (with help from his wife and a team from the church). It was such fun and everyone (I think) went home in good spirits and having had a really good night out. Around £600 was raised that night for church funds. And secondly to Betty Lister who put on one her Bingo nights for the church and the school, and raised almost £600 for each. Both these things will keep the church on the road and moving forward which is great. Thank you both. April sees a visit from a group on Pilgrimage from Bishop’s Castle to

Hereford who will be passing through Kingsland and staying overnight in Church on Friday 15th April. Pilgrimage is a good way of thinking and praying whilst walking and if you are interested in meeting those on Pilgrimage or joining them either before or after the Kingsland leg then do speak to me about that. Also the District Guiding service will be in church on Friday 22nd April. Their theme is Saints and I know there have been services like this in the past but it will be good to welcome them this year as it is Kingsland’s turn once more. The six month experiment with the new service plan ran its time and several things transpired. Afternoon services weren’t a great hit and the 11am morning slot on a Sunday is the time when most people head into church. And so for the time being there will be a pattern of services that has a service at 11am – Common Worship Communion on the 1st Sunday, BCP communion on the 2nd Sunday, Family Communion on the 3rd Sunday and Choral Mattins with Sunday Seekers in the Rectory 4th Sunday. (Sunday seekers being something for children and adults with a more informal nature). There will also be the usual 8am BCP communion on the 3rd Sunday and the 9.30am Family Service on the 1st Sunday. Let’s see how we go – a service pattern that builds our community of faith is what we need and so please engage and help us do that. Julie



Kingsland Amateur Theatrical Society It is now more than 10 years since KATS performed its last panto in the village. We have tried on a few occasions to resurrect a performing troupe, but without success. KATS was never disbanded, it just stopped performing as key 'officers' became involved in other things - or retired! I have recently been asked by the last Treasurer (as I was the last Chairman), if we could disperse the funds in the bank account and then close it as it seems a shame to sit on money that could be usefully spent within the village. I would therefore like to call a public meeting on Wednesday 20th April 7pm upstairs at the Angel Inn to discuss the options and agree the re-start of a new KATS performing life or a transfer of funds to a suitable venue. Option 1. Is there anyone in Kingsland who would like to stage a pantomime in 2016? A new committee is needed including Chair and Treasurer as well as actors - please contact Katie Cave-BrowneCave prior to the meeting to register an interest - no previous connection with KATS is necessary. 01568 708232. Option 2. Transfer the funds to the Coronation Hall to enable a more sophisticated sound system to be installed (subject to match funding), which will increase the range of entertainment options available through the Arts Alive programming. The system will also be available to Hall users when hiring the venue. Katie C-B-Cave Broadband Etc. I have been pleased with the response from readers to my article about my problems

with Broadband on the Kingsland Exchange, which are by no means unique. Several have also written to me about poor mobile phone coverage.. I shall now write to Openreach about Broadband and to EE about Mobiles, and will publish their replies in the May edition if I receive them in time. David Noon (Editor)

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers

Including Oil-fired and Central Heating Boilers



Betty’s Bingo for Church & School. I would like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the bingo, particularly the residents of Boarsfield who donated money for the special prize, and also everyone who came and supported us on the night. We made the fantastic sum of £1,170 which included the diary draw as well. Betty Lister (Editor’s Note: The Church and School would also wish publicly to thank Betty for the enthusiasm, time, energy and skill she finds to promote these events. Both benefitted greatly from the reputation she has acquired for running excellent ‘Bingos’.)


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Shopmobility We provide mobility scooters, wheelchairs and powered wheelchairs on a daily hire basis for anyone with permanent or temporary mobility difficulties wishing to visit Hereford, Leominster, Ledbury or Ross. Depending on the area, the service is either free, with a voluntary donation, or there is a small charge. Please contact: Hereford Leominster

01432 342166 01568 616755

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WISH – Signposting to a Happier, Healthier Life WISH, the county’s first ever wellbeing information and signposting service, opened in February at its hub in St Peter’s Street, Hereford, with the most comprehensive range of information about all sorts of things which can help you feel happier and healthier. Information held in the WISH directory, includes everything from Advocacy to Zumba as well as comprehensive information about how to access care and support from Children’s or Adult’s Services in the county. As well as the full-time service in the city there are regular WISH pop-ups across the county for those without the means of getting into Hereford and if you don’t want to speak to anyone the WISH directory is also available online at: The WISH directory includes information on living with a disability; how to access advice about financial and legal matters; and the range of care options available in the county. As well as this type of information the WISH Directory lists over 500 clubs, societies and organisations and is growing daily. WISH, is being delivered by Herefordshire charity Services for Independent Living (SIL) and if you’d like to find out more about WISH and how it can help signpost you and your family to a healthier, happier life come and speak to the team at our Hereford Hub, or call us on 01432 383880 for details of a pop-up near you

KINGTON OSTEOPATHS Richard Mann BSc. (Ost) Diana Mann B.Sc (Ost) 9, THE SQUARE, KINGTON, HR5 3BA

01544 239 210 Treatment for muscle-skeletal conditions/problems head to toe. For more information call us or visit our web site.


O. Mabbort Blacksmith TRADITIONAL BLACKSMITH Gates, railings, window casements, hand rails, hinges and latches ‌ Contact Owen: Call - 01568708134 or 07971979223 Email - or visit ‌ The Dales, Shirlheath, Kingsland



battered by more high winds and rain, and the ground is saturated yet again. Some friends are home having enjoyed a few days on the Norfolk coast viewing a wide selection of bird life. This included waders, sea birds, huge numbers of wild Geese and some rare Cranes. A number of Hares were also seen and enjoyed the more for having a comfortable hide from which to view them. Luctonians Sports Club LucsLine, the weekly news publication, is now world-wide on the internet and read in 900 homes. Sundays see huge numbers of young practising or playing. The new Cricket changing rooms are progressing towards completion. Bookings of club facilities coming in, and while finances are sound, expenses are substantial, so a fine balancing act. The Rugby 1st XV is obtaining some good results with a couple of games in hand. Much interest over survival in National League ll North, but the team and management are optimistic – long bus journeys!

Two cock pheasants fighting, or at least, a lot of staring and eye contact, until the loser moves away, conceding without any blood. Bird table busy! R.W.H.

R.W.H. Nature Notes 12/3/16 A first! A Rook was caught in a Larsen trap in the barn – attracted by a partly eaten hen’s egg. It was given a stern warning and, after taking details, released without charge. Great activity in the Alder Trees across the river – now termed a ‘Rookery’. Nests are being formed daily, but no high visibility coats, no hard hats, no inspections and no plans – just much noise and discussion. Birds now in pairs selecting nest sites. These include Mallard, Pied Wagtail, Robin, Wren, Blue and Great Tits, House and Hedge Sparrow, and Jackdaw, the latter back to a favoured house chimney. Flowers


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Concert at St Giles Church, Downton on the Rock, SY8 2HU Saturday April 16th at 7.30pm Tom Bowes, the distinguished violinist, will play JS Bach Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin, part of the programme of his recent nationwide concert tour. This will be a memorable musical experience in the idyllic setting of St Giles Church. All proceeds in aid of the church restoration fund. Interval refreshments will be available. Tickets £15 from Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 1 Mill St, Ludlow, SY8 1AZ. Tel 01584 878141. Royal British Legion Branch Meetings After the winter recess, our meeting on 7th March managed to raise £84 despite being a bit low on attendance because of illnesses. The next meeting will be on 4th April. New Members The Branch is pleased to welcome Richard and Debbie Brown as new members of the RBL. We hope to attract more members during the year. Upcoming events On 25th June. starting at 10am, Ledbury are staging this year’s RBL rally which will feature commemoration of the centenary of the Battles of Jutland and the Somme. Park and ride facilities will be available from the edge of town. More details to follow. At our meeting on 1st August, Ann Roberts is hoping to organize another major event, based on an evening meal and some form of entertainment. Watch this space! Gordon Browne (Chairman)

Charlie Dog’s Grooming Parlour    

Bathing Clipping Nail Cutting Canine Massage

Professional Service Grooming since 1998 Please call Keli Partridge on: 01568709190 or 07967005102. 14, Boarsfield, Kingsland





“Gravestones of Herefordshire” A book has just been published that is a product of the surveys of churchyards and cemeteries that Martin and Claire Nicholson began in 2008. It took them four years to visit every churchyard and cemetery in Herefordshire, and “Gravestones of Herefordshire” has 130 colour photographs taken at almost 100 of those locations. They look for gravestones and memorials that are out of the ordinary. The gravestone might give details of how the deceased died – by illness or in an accident, or list many children of a family who died in infancy or childhood. Some gravestones of soldiers give interesting details of their military careers, other gravestones name the deceased’s occupation or give other information about his or her life. There is a wide variety of

verses and epitaphs, (some of which include errors of spelling or punctuation!) and many different styles or designs of memorials. Martin and Claire have photographed all the gravestones of interest and placed the photographs on their website They visit churchyards wherever they are in the country, from Scotland to Cornwall, and note that gravestones in coastal areas or mining areas show how dangerous life at sea or in coal mines is. There are many books about church buildings and their history, but almost none about what is outside in the churchyards. Sadly, many old gravestones are no longer legible, and many churchyards have been cleared to ease management or for reasons such as health and safety. These processes continue,


leading to the loss of a valuable social history resource. “Gravestones of Herefordshire” and also “Gravestones of Shropshire” are available for £12 each from Amazon or via the authors, Martin and Claire Nicholson, at (Ticklerton Barn, Ticklerton, Church Stretton, SY6 7DQ, 01694 724215.

Wigmore School PTA Are holding a

Fund-raising Clothes Swap On Friday April 15th from 7 to 9 pm in

Wigmore Village Hall Adult £5 Child £3 Contact Jackie Jackson for Tickets and Information: 07964803962 Tickets:

Bar Kingsland Pre-School The staff and committee of Kingsland PreSchool would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to both Becci Young and Emma Strangwood who, after many years, have decided to step down from their positions of Chair and Treasurer respectively. Your time and commitment has been much appreciated. Stephanie Douglas



Going Batty for Biodiversity The sun is up, the birds are back in the trees and the daffodils are flowering in the fields, spring is well and truly here. At this time of year, it’s easy to appreciate the wide diversity of natural species we’re lucky enough to have right here on our doorsteps. To help keep track of wildlife across its site, and to identify ways of encouraging further biodiversity, Kingspan Insulation carries out detailed studies every couple of years. The professional survey looks at all natural life including plants, animals and insects. One of the most exciting finds during the latest study was that a colony of red-tailed bees had made their home in a collapsed rabbit burrow. With bee numbers continuing to fall across the world, the discovery of the nest was great news. The bird survey showed that the nesting boxes placed around the site support a number of breeding pairs including house sparrows, tit species and house martins. The report also uncovered an active nightlife around the facility, with static bat detectors revealing a local population of soprano and common pipistrelle. During the autumn, whiskered and brown long-eared bats also stopped by, probably on migration to a winter hibernation site. The final report contains a number of recommendations for future work which Kingspan Insulation are currently in the process of implementing. If you’re interested in finding out more about the sustainability work Kingspan has been carrying out you can download the full report from the company website: A brown long-eared bat was one of a number of visitors to Kingspan Insulation’s site last year




Church Services in the Benefice for April Sunday 3rd April Easter 2 9.30 am Family Service 9.30 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Holy Communion 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (CW) th 6.00 Evening Prayer (benefice) Sunday 10pm April Easter 3 9.30 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Morning Prayer 11.00 am Sung Eucharist (BCP) Sunday 17th April Easter 4 8.00 am Said Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 am Family Communion (CW) +PCC AGM 3.30 pm Evensong th 6.00 Benefice Evening Prayer Sunday 24pm April Easter 5 9.30 am Holy Communion (CW) 11.00 am Mattins (BCP) (with Sunday Seekers)

Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Kingsland Eardisland Aymestrey Eardisland Kingsland Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland Leinthall Earls Kingsland Eardisland Kingsland

and at 10.00 am each Thursday at Kingsland unless otherwise stated: Said Holy Eucharist BCP Services at the Methodist Churches this month, all at 11 am. April

3rd 10th 17th 24th

Rev D Bulloss Mrs M. Evans Dr P. Scott Rev D Bulloss



Kingsland Shobdon Kingsland Shobdon


The Parish Diary 2016 April 4th RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 7th Kingsland Pre-school Teddy Bears’ Picnic Coronation Hall 11.30 am to 2.30pm 10th Parish Litter Pick Coronation Hall 10.00 am 10th Lunch in Church Church around 12 15 pm 13th W.I Gingers Millinery Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 16th Church Coffee Morning The Bell House 10am – 12 noon 16th Battle of Mortimer’s Cross walk Mortimer’s Cross Inn from 9.30 am th 17 PCC AGM (After Morning Service) Church around 12 10 pm 20th Meeting about the future of KATS upstairs at The Angel Inn 7.00 pm rd 23 Bowling Club Fun Open Day Bowling Green from 10.00 am May 1st Rogation Sunday Leinthall Earls 6th SMAAAK event. Lord Lisvane Church 7.30 pm th 9 RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 11th W.I Flowers & Jam Coronation Hall 7.30 pm th 14 Progressive Supper Various tba June 6th RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm th 8 W.I. Trip to Leintwardine for Fish & Chips tba 11th School Summer Fair (Queen’s Birthday weekend) tba th 12 RSCM ‘Music Day’ Choral Evensong with tea Church tba 19th PET Service and Barbecue Church 11.00am July 4th RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm nd rd 2 &3 Open Gardens & Scarecrow competition various tba 9th SMAAAK Pop-up Opera Church tba th 13 W.I. Talk on Guiding Coronation Hall 7.30 pm August 1st RBL Social Evening/Quiz Corners Inn 7.45 pm 13 Kingsland Flower Show Coronation Hall 2.00 pm September 5th RBL AGM Corners Inn 7.30 pm 10th – 18th SMAAAK H-Art exhibition Church tba th 14 W.I. Talk on and Demonstration of Spinning Coronation Hall 7.30 pm October 1st SMAAAK Arcadia Concert Church tba 12th W.I.Talk on Community Police Coronation Hall 7.30 pm 13th Church Harvest Festival Church tba November 9th W.I. Cake Icing Coronation Hall 7.30 pm th 27 Advent Carol Service Church 6.30 pm December 18th Church Carol Service Church tba 24th Church Crib Service Chruch 4.00 pm

(Editor’s note: Events for this item need to be submitted by 15th of preceding month with clear instructions on the entry – place, time, date & title are essential information. Where more than one month’s notice is given, items will automatically be repeated unless contrary instructions are received.)


Luctonians Rugby Club 1st XV Home Fixtures for the rest of the season: April 9th Tynedale Kick-off 3.00pm rd 23 Stourbridge Kick-off 3.00pm th 30 Sandal Kick-off 3.00pm Kingsland Bowling Club (mid-Feb to mid-March 2016) – sunny side up! We do hope it will be sunny side up on the green as the Club Opening Day match between Captain’s and President’s teams on Saturday afternoon, 16th April, looms ahead – so bowlers, get your bowling shoes and your nice white fleece jackets ready. (Spectators may also need fleeces!) Before we can get onto the green, our Opening Club Night takes place on Tuesday 5th April and includes a light meal (suggested donation £1.50) and a raffle; we hope to see a goodly number of our members experienced and new at this occasion, to socialise, to chat and to find out what’s in store. By the time you read this, our Winter Social Nights will have come to an end with our Cottage Pie Night from Captain Malcolm (as everybody knows, cottages are still available at a price, but good shepherds are hard to come by these days.) So I want once again to thank our Charismatic Quizmaster Joe Scamp and our Respected Refreshments Lady Ruth Scamp – they have been delighting us with food and fun for 10 years and are finally stepping down – we shall miss all the jokes and banter (and the excellent bread and cheese suppers).

As April gets going, so do we! - we are always pleased to welcome new members and we hope to showcase our club and our events at B & Q in Leominster on Wednesday 6th April, and in Corn Square for Leominster Market Day on Friday 15th April (both dates to be confirmed). On Saturday morning, 23rd April, from 10 am until about 1 pm, we have an Fun Open Day for anyone interested to try their hand at bowling and to look at our lovely location – so do come and meet our friendly bowlers and have a go! Our first match, at home , will be with the Rankin Club on Thursday evening, 28th April – and then we can really get rolling. Meanwhile, our Spring Newsletter is available at the Club for all members, with Fixture Lists attached for all full members – let us know if you can’t manage to collect it from there and we’ll try to pigeon-post your copy. We currently have 60 full members and 18 social members in the club, and we would like to urge all players to tick your names in the blue match file for as many matches as possible - your Captain needs you! Susanna Checketts (Secretary) Further information from 01568 770546 or


Compilers Required This particular edition of the Kingsland News was compiled after printing by Mrs Susie Teece who, working alone, has also done those for January, February & March. Unfortunately she is unable to continue in May for personal reasons, so the Kingsland News is looking for volunteers to carry out this process. Piles of individual pages have to be assembled into books and folded. This would best be achieved by a small team working together. Access to a table or other flat surface is required. If you think you can help with this please ring me at 01568 708672 as soon as possible,

David Noon (Editor)



Buzzaround Clearing and One-off Cleaning Services

House Clearance Re-cycling Unwanted Goods Local Lady with Van PROFESSIONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE Moving house, Holiday LETS, End of TENANCY Cleans. Attics, CELLARS, SHEDS, BARNS, OUTBUILDINGS, GARAGES, GARDENS, COMMERCIAL, SHOPS, SCHOOLS.

WE AIM TO RE-CYCLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE Odd Jobs Undertaken – no vat 01544 340377 07508461523

R W MANN & SON Funeral Directors 2-4 New St., Leominster Private Chapel of Rest 24 hour service Pre-paid funeral plans arranged

Please contact 01568 612358 or Local Funeral Director, Tony Roberts: 01568 708483

Quality without compromise


Proposed Change to Constitution of Kingsland Millennium Green Trust (2/3/16) Kingsland Millennium Green Trust (KMGT) is currently defined as an “unincorporated charity� and is run by twelve trustees. It is registered with the Charity Commission under number 1070085. As with all similar entities, the trustees of KMGT are responsible for making all of the decisions in respect of running the charity. Having said that, they certainly take in to account the views of all interested parties, many of whom attend the open meetings, before making their final decisions. There is currently a proposal to change the constitution of KMGT. From a practical perspective it will make no difference to the concept of the Green and its use and maintenance. The reason for the proposed change is to replace the original trust deed (dated 22nd May 1998) with a Charity Commission approved model, which has been tailored to the needs of the Green. This will bring it up to date in terms of existing charity law, which has changed several times since 1998, provide a better legal basis for the trustees going forward, and provide a better level of protection for existing and future trustees who are personally liable for all matters at present. The situation now is that the Charity Commission, along with Natural England and The Big Lottery Fund, are preparing a new model constitution which is suitable for all Millennium Greens. All three entities were party to the original trust deed in 1998 and therefore must be involved in the change. There is no clear timescale on when the new model will be available but the Trustees wish to place a proposal regarding the principle of the change of constitution on the agenda for the KMGT

Annual General Meeting on 7th May at the Coronation Hall at 10 am. In accordance with the existing Trust Deed, decisions of this nature have to be done at the Annual General Meeting. In the event that it is formally decided to change the constitution then, when the new model is available, a new charity, with the same name as the current one, will be registered with the Charity Commission, new trustees will be appointed (although they can be the same as the current trustees), the land forming the Green transferred to the new entity, and the existing charity closed down. Again it should be emphasised that it will make no practical difference to the Green usage and maintenance. If you have any questions on this issue, please feel free to email e Andrew Parsons, on and I will liaise with the trustees in order to respond. Andrew Parsons (Honorary Secretary)


Oil Boiler, AGA and Rayburn For service and repair call:

Bill Moss Oil Boiler Services of Leominster, your local OFTEC registered oil engineer. Replacement Oil Storage tanks supplied and fitted. Tel: 01584 711372 (Mob: 07711899062)


Timberworld Products Manufacturers of quality timber buildings. Stables/Field Shelters Garages/Carports Sheds/Workshops Summerhouses etc. Also retailing timber and ironmongery at competitive prices. Broomy Hill Yard, Kingsland, HR6 9QZ 01568 708549 Crime Prevention Forum

G. D. Lloyd

If you live in the Leominster and surrounding areas, you are cordially invited to ‘The Herefordshire Rural & Business Communities Crime Prevention Forum’ at Bridge Street Sports Centre, Leominster ,on Monday 11th April, 2016, at 7.00pm This will give an opportunity for you:  To be briefed on Policing  To 'have your say'  To receive advice on Crime Prevention For more information or to book a place, please call Megan Sammans (NFU Office Ross on Wye) 01989 563086, or email Megan X or contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team at

TIMBER CONSTRUCTIONS The Workshop, Sodgley Farm Kingsland HR6 9PY

     

Exterior and Interior Carpentry Bespoke: Stables, Garages Workshops Roofing Timber Floors Painting

     

Doors Windows Glazing Tiling Fencing Decorating

For a free quotation ring Gary

on: 01568 708196 or: 07966 766963


WALK THE BATTLESITE OF MORTIMER’S CROSS (1461) KINGSLAND Nr LEOMINSTER, SAT 16 APRIL 2016 Famous for the sighting of Three Suns in the sky (a “parhelion”) this local Wars of the Roses battle in February 1461 changed history for ever. Every British monarch since Henry VIII is directly related to both the rival leaders: Edward Earl of March, (the victor who became King Edward IV), and Owen Tudor, (who was defeated, captured & executed, but founded the Royal House of Tudor). Why, how and where did this major historical event take place? Join published historian Martin Hackett, accredited Battlefield Guide Anthony Rich, and Chair of the Battlefields Trust’s Mortimer’s Cross Project Ian Maddox on Saturday 16 April 2016 to help search for the answers. 9.30 to 10.00: Mortimer’s Cross Inn: Registration, Division into Groups & Coffee 10:00 to 1020 Introduction: sets the scene for the day, and gives you the historical context of the battle. 10.30 to 12.30: Guided Battlefield Walk from Mortimer’s Cross to Kingsland Exploring the possible Northern & Southern Battlefield Sites & Evidence 12.30 to 13.40: Buffet Lunch at the Corners Inn, Kingsland Note: (Lunch included: drinks are extras to be bought by you) 13.45 to 16.15: Presentation on Arms & Armour & Medieval Kingsland Walk All participants can attend both a walk round battle related Medieval Kingsland and also a Presentation in the Village Hall on Armour, Weapons and Equipment. Groups will alternate between the two activities. 16.20 to 17.30: Walk via the Battle Monument to Mortimer’s Cross Inn. We walk back across the Northern Battlefield Site to our start point for tea and cakes, a presentation on the aftermath of the battle, and an open discussion of topics raised during the day. A suggested donation of £20.00 per adult (£15.00 for Battlefield Trust Members) is invited to cover everything provided on the day (including lunch but excluding lunchtime drinks) & fund further research.  Participation at own risk  Accompanied children & well controlled dogs are welcome  Walks suitable for anyone able to undertake a 3 mile cross-country walk at a gentle pace using paths, tracks & minor roads. Mud & stiles may be encountered en-route.


 Organisers reserve right to amend or cancel all or part of the programme without prior notice.  Lifts between Kingsland & Mortimer’s Cross available for those unable to walk the distance. Places are limited so pre-booking is essential & for updates/changes. To Book & For Further Details Contact: Anthony Rich on

Tel:0 121-249-9292 or 07711 086189

The Battlefields Trust (Registered Charity 1017387)

Bed and Breakfast With heated indoor pool available for guest use.

1 Family Room en-suite 2 Double Rooms

CAROLINE NEWTON, MCSP Chartered Physiotherapist Clinic Appointments and Home Visits

TEL: 01568 709005 Hollybank, Kingsland, Leominster, HR6 9SE

Mrs Heather Pickering Gable Croft, North Road Kingsland Leominster Herefordshire HR6 9RZ Telephone: 01568 708009 (Mobile) 07790770340


Appeal For Sponsors


The Kingsland parish community website has been operating since 2010 when it was set up with financial contributions from residents, organisations and businesses in the parish. The Parish Council also now contributes to the hosting costs. Beyond that the website relies solely on voluntary donations and we've made no appeals for further financial help since 2010. 6

Since then it has become an important resource of information for parishioners, residents of Herefordshire, visitors to the area and those who may have moved away but want to keep in touch. It is run and kept up to date by volunteers who give up their time for free to maintain and update the site. It also now has an associated Facebook page (KingslandLife) and Twitter account (@KingslandLife). It gives free listings and advertising to parish businesses, event holders, organisations and facilities in the parish and generates a lot of traffic for a village website. In the last 2 weeks of February we had 422 visitors and 67 looked at our Trades and Services page and 27 at our Clubs and Organisations page! We wish to maintain it as a free service if at all possible in the future. However, over the past 5 years it has grown in size and consequently in order to keep it going we need some paid professional help to look after the technical 'back room' side. We are therefore looking for sponsors willing to make a donation to help keep the website going. If we can get enough sponsors making voluntary contributions we will then have no need to charge, for example, businesses or others for their

listings and it will help us guarantee the long term future of KingslandLife. All contributions, however small would be welcomed! If you’d like to help us you can send cheques made out to 'Kingsland Life' to our Treasurer Jackie Markham, Westmead, Kingsland, Herefordshire HR6 9QJ. Alternatively contributions can be paid direct into our bank as follows: Bank - HSBC: Bank Account - Kingsland Life: Account Number - 01434047: Sort Code: 40-2813. Please put your business/ organisation or name on as a reference. If you would like any further information please do give either Jackie Markham (01568 708281) or Sally Deakin (01568 708839) a call or you can e-mail Hoping you can help us keep this valuable service for the parish going! KingslandLife Website Committee

KINGSLAND PARISH LITTER PICK Sunday 10th April 2016 10 a.m. onwards Meet at the Coronation Hall Bags, litter-picking sticks, and some high-vis clothing will be provided, but bring stout gloves.

The more volunteers the better! Contact Lisa : 01568 708002 or 01568 708281




Kingsland WI At our March meeting we were invited by Michael Watkins to ‘Remember the 60's’. He took us on journey through that decade with a kaleidoscope of memory-jogging slides. His three top memories of ‘The 60's’ were, the moon landing, England winning the World cup and the Beatles performing at the Bridge in Tenbury Wells! On April l3th the talk will be ‘Gingers Millinery’ by Marion Edwards at the Coronation Hall. We welcome new members and visitors.

Steven Rees Traditional Upholsterer  Antique Furniture  Modern Furniture  Over 30 years’ experience  Free Estimates and Advice

Teddy Trust AGM

Hawthorne Cottage Shirlheath, Kingsland Herefordshire HR6 9RJ

The Teddy Trust AGM is on Thursday, April 28th, at 7pm upstairs at The Angel. All welcome

Tel: 01568 709435 Mob: 07927845655

Mary Ford




Herefordshire Friends of Samaritans Events in April 1. Britten Singers Concert The annual concert of the Britten Singers will be held at 7.30pm on Saturday 23rd April, 2016, at Holy Trinity Church, Whitecross Road, Hereford. It will be held in aid of Herefordshire Samaritans. There is no charge for entry but a collection will be held at the end of the performance. The Britten Singers Choir is made up of 16 singers and the choir has been singing in the Hereford area, under its conductor, Pamela White, for 40 years. The performance will include The Durufle Requiem with Roy Massey playing the organ. 2. Charity Golf Day There will be a Charity Open Golf day on Saturday 30th April, 2016, in aid of the Herefordshire Samaritans, kindly hosted by Alexander Park Golf Club, Pixley, Ledbury, HR8 2RW. The Stableford competition will be held over 18 holes, Men's, Ladies and Mixed Teams of 4. Team prizes, Nearest the Pin, Longest Drive, 2's Sweep. The entry cost is £100 per team / £25 per person which includes coffee/tea and bacon bap on arrival and a one course meal. Entry forms are available from Alexander Park Golf Pro Shop on Telephone 01531 671943 (email: or Bridget Halpern: Telephone 07717132414 (email: )


 Extensions  Renovations  Groundworks  Hard Landscaping

Tel: 01432 611084 Mob: 07870355734



Mortimer Firewood Seasoned Hardwood Seasoned Softwood Kiln-dried Hardwood Lots of Load-sizes available Please phone Mike to discuss your requirements.

01568 720 588 07964947272


Services for Independent Living 1996 – 2016 Twenty Years of Supporting People Services for Independent Living is a Herefordshire charity passionate about supporting disabled and older people to live the life they choose in their own community. We understand that people want a consistent staff team providing a reliable service and SIL goes the extra mile to make it happen. Our Independent Living @ Home service is individually designed in partnership with you to meet your unique needs. You can choose to be involved in the selection of the support workers who best fit you and your lifestyle. We operate a thorough recruitment process, and support workers are selected for their enthusiasm and commitment to the rights and choices of individuals, receiving comprehensive training to ensure they have the skills to meet your needs. The service is for people with a physical disability and health care needs; those with learning difficulties and / or autistic disorders; dementia; mental health needs; and anyone needing support to live at home. We provide reliable and experienced staff who can deliver personal care; practical support with daily tasks, eg paying bills and maintaining a home; complex care and support; dementia care; hospital discharge and regaining independence; assistance to access education, training, employment and social activities; health care - e.g. medication, catheter care, oxygen facilitation; palliative care; and 24-hour back up. If you would like to find out more about how we can support you or a loved one we offer a FREE, no obligation, home visit to

discuss your needs. Our first meeting is about listening to you to ensure that we understand your requirements and we will talk to you about costs, sources of funding and how we will arrange your support. Once you decide to proceed we will assign a Team Leader who will create an individual care plan which includes your safety and wellbeing requirements; recruit and train a team of staff to meet your specific requirements (you can choose to be involved in their selection); and liaise with professionals e.g. Social worker, Occupational Therapist. Our latest CQC inspection was carried out in December 2015 and showed SIL to be compliant in every aspect of the criteria. The report is on SIL’s website as well as the CQC website. Services for Independent Living is a service user led organisation which in 2016 celebrates twenty years of supporting disabled and older people to live independent lives. We are a a not-forprofit organisation which also offers a direct payment support service, a payroll and bookkeeping service and a Pension Administration Service. Visit us at:, email us at:, drop into our office at 1, Owen Way, Leominster Enterprise Park, HR6 0LA or call us on 01568 616653



with dementia and their supporters, to come along and contribute to shaping the service to meet their needs, whilst also maintaining hobbies and interests. The Leominster Meeting Centre is the second of its kind in the country and follows on from a successful Dutch model enabling people with dementia to remain independent for longer. A person living with dementia who uses the centre has commented that “It’s nice to socialise with people who have dementia. I can have a few laughs with them, without worrying about my memory”. If you would like to find out more about the Meeting Centre or are interested in becoming a member, please e-mail or call 01432 371137,

Debbie Powney

Kingsland Flower Show This year's Show will be held at the Coronation Hall on Saturday, 13th August, 2016. We expect the Classes will be much the same as usual, but a more detailed list will appear in a later issue of the Kingsland News and the full Schedules available late May or early June. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the Show, please contact the General Secretary – Caroline Southgate (708010) OR the Treasurer – Janet Vaughan (708760). Kingsland (14.3.16)




Letter to the Editor May I take this opportunity to invite those with dementia or affected by the condition to explore Leominster’s new service, the Meeting Centre. This project opened its doors on 1st February 2016 and offers support, activities and stimulation for people with dementia. We invite people

Advertising in the Kingsland News This monthly publication is circulated to every household in Kingsland. Advertising is accepted on completion of a form. Advertisers should make copy as clear and concise as possible. Forms are available from the editor, (01568 708672), from the back of the church, or from the Post Office. Please return the completed form, together with the appropriate fee, to The Editor at: 5, Highfield Close, Kingsland, HR6 9RS. Enquiries to Size/ No of 1 6 12 insertions Full Page £12 £60 £100 ½ Page £6 £30 £50 ¼ Page £4 £20 £30 ⅛ Page £2 £10 £15 The deadline for the Kingsland News is always 15th of of the previous month Size the \no. insertions


Details of Kingsland Organisations Organisation



Contact Numbers

Kingsland Coronation Hall

Mr R Frost Mrs L Juson

Chairman Secretary (also for Bookings)

01568 709103 01568 708002

Croft Ambrey Running Club

Mr T Davies Mr B Markham Mrs Pat Edwards Mr Robert Parker-Morgan Mr Martin Richmond Ms Susanna Checketts Mr Malcolm Morgan Rev Julie Read

President Chairman Treasurer Secretary Captain Rector

Mrs J Barbour Mr D Davies Mr M Harrisson Mr D. Noon Ms Karen Jones Mrs M Jones Miss S Grant Mrs K. Ball Mrs V. Davis Mr F Morgan Mr C Southgate Mrs J. Vaughan Mrs C Southgate Ms Becky Morgan

Churchwarden Churchwarden Tower Captain Choir Master Leader Leader Assistant Leader Assistant Leader Leader President Chairman Treasurer Secretary Chairman

Ms Jessica De Mattia

Secretary Chapel Steward Chairman Vice Chairman Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer

Luctonians Sports Club

Mrs J Lobb Cllr Sebastian Bowen Mrs Jackie Markham Mr Andrew Parsons Ms Sally Good Mrs S Thomas Mrs B Eastaugh Mrs L. Jones Mrs L. Noon Mrs Jenny Davies Mrs R Evans Mr J Gore Mrs J Markham Sally Deakin Wg Cdr Browne Mrs V Davis Mrs Roberts Mrs Roberts Alex Smith

Friends of Kingsland Church (SMAAAK)

Jim Davies or Dee Wurm

Kingsland Bowling Club

Kingsland Church

Kingsland Bell-Ringers Kingsland Church Choir Kingsland Cubs Kingsland Guides & Brownies

Kingsland Flower Show

Kingsland Pre-School

Kingsland Methodist Church Kingsland Millennium Green Trust Kingsland under fives Kingsland & Eardisland Hospice Friends Kingsland Women’s Institute Kingsland Fire Station K. Community Web Site ( Royal British Legion (Kingsland Branch)

01568 708474 01568 708281

Chairman Treasurer Secretary President Secretary Sub Officer Contacts Chairman Secretary Treasurer Membership Sec. Chief Executive Officer For enquiries:

01568 770546 01568 708255 07968 916783 01568 708201 01568 709071 01568 708857 01568 708672 01432 760591 01544 387992 01568 780250 01568 708681 01568 708681

01568 708010 01568 610481 07860849751 01568 709468 07769772878 01568 708223 01584 831321 01568 708281 01568 708592 07879343933 01568 708739 01568 708173 01568 709119 01568 708672 01568 708275 01568 708257 01568 708701 01568 708281 01568 708839 01568 708077 01568 708681 01568 708483 01568 708483 01568 709080 07814638084 01568 709579

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